

#!perl -T
use warnings; use strict;
use Test::More tests => 22;
use Test::Fatal;
use version;
use Try::Tiny;

use Elive;

use lib '.';
use t::Elive;

my $class = 'Elive::Entity::User' ;
our $t = Test::More->builder;

use Carp;

# restrict our user tests to the mock connections. Live updates
# are just to dangerous. There is also the possibility that the
# live site is running LDAP, in which case user access becomes
# read only.
my %opt;
$opt{only} = 'mock'

my %result = t::Elive->test_connection(%opt);
my $auth = $result{auth};

my $connection_class = $result{class};
my $connection = $connection_class->connect(@$auth);

note "user test url: ".$connection->url;

my $user_login_name = 'soap-user.t-' . t::Elive::generate_id();

my %insert_data = (
    loginName => $user_login_name,
    loginPassword => t::Elive::generate_id(),
    email => '',
    role => 3,
    firstName => 'test',
    lastName => 'user'

my $pleb_user = ($class->insert(\%insert_data));
isa_ok($pleb_user, $class);

foreach (keys %insert_data) {
    my $expected_value = $_ eq 'loginPassword'
	? ''	# passwords are not echoed
	: $insert_data{$_};

    is(Elive::Util::string($pleb_user->$_), $expected_value, "$_ property as expected");

my %update_data = (
    firstName => $insert_data{firstName}.'x',
    loginPassword => $insert_data{loginPassword}.'x',


# try out the changePassword. The password is never returned. The best we
# can do is check that it lives.
is( exception {$pleb_user->change_password( t::Elive::generate_id() )} => undef,
	 'change_password - lives');

foreach (keys %update_data) {
    my $expected_value = $_ eq 'loginPassword'
	? ''	# passwords are not echoed
	: $update_data{$_};

    is(Elive::Util::string($pleb_user->$_), $expected_value, "$_ property as expected");

my $admin_login_name = 'soap-user.t-admin-' . t::Elive::generate_id();

my $admin_user = $class->insert({loginName => $admin_login_name, # alias for loginName
				 role => 0,
				 loginPassword => t::Elive::generate_id(),
				 email => ''},);

my $admin_id = $admin_user->userId;

$admin_user = undef;
$admin_user = $class->retrieve($admin_id);
isa_ok($admin_user, $class, 'admin user - retrieve by id');

our $elm_3_3_4_or_better =  (version->declare( $connection->server_details->version )->numify
			     > version->declare( '10.0.1' )->numify);
my $is_mock_connection = $connection_class->isa('t::Elive::MockConnection');

if ($elm_3_3_4_or_better || $is_mock_connection) {

    $admin_user = undef;
    $admin_user = $class->retrieve($admin_login_name);
    isa_ok($admin_user, $class, 'admin user - retrieve by loginName');
    is($admin_user->userId, $admin_id, 'admin user - userId');

else {
    $t->skip('skipping retrieve by loginName for Elive < 10.0.1')
	for (1 .. 2);

    exception {
	$admin_user->set('email' => '',
			 role => 3,);
    } => undef,
    "setter on live entity - lives"

isnt( sub{$admin_user->update} => undef, "update of admin user without -force - dies");
is( exception {$admin_user->update(undef, force => 1)} => undef, "update of admin user with -force - lives");
# restore the user's admin status
$admin_user->update({role => 0}, force => 1);

isnt( exception {$admin_user->delete} => undef,"delete admin user without -force - dies");
is( exception {$admin_user->delete(force => 1)} => undef,"delete admin user with -force - lives");

    exception {$admin_user->set('email' => '')} => undef,
    "setter on deleted entity - dies"

$admin_user = undef;
# ELM 9.0 dies if user has been deleted
$admin_user = try { $class->retrieve($admin_id) };
# The user should either have been immediately deleted or marked as
# deleted for later gardbage collection.
ok(!$admin_user || $admin_user->deleted, 'admin user deleted');

is( exception {$pleb_user->delete} => undef,"delete regular user - lives");

my $login_user = $connection->login;
isnt( exception {$login_user->delete} => undef,"delete login user - dies");


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