

use strict; use warnings;
use Test::More;

use Graph;
use Graph::AdjacencyMap qw(:flags :fields);
use Graph::AdjacencyMap::Light;

use Math::Complex;
use List::Util qw(uniq);

my $t = [1, 2];
my $u = bless { 3, 4 }, "Ubu";
my $v = cplx(3, 4);
my $z = cplx(4, 5);
my @MAP_TESTS = (
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap::Light', [0, 1], ['a'] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap::Light', [0, 2], [[qw(2 7)]] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap::Light', [_UNORD, 2], [[qw(2 7)]] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_REF, 1], [$t] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_REF, 1], [$v] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [0, 0], [[[qw(2 7 9)], [qw(12 13)]]] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_UNORD, 0], [[qw()]] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_UNORD, 0], [[qw(2 7 9 12)]] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [0, 2], [[qw(2 7)]] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_MULTI, 1], ['a', 'b'] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_MULTI, 2], [[qw(2 7)], 'c'] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_COUNT, 1], [qw(a)] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_COUNT, 2], [[qw(2 7)]] ],
    [ 'Graph::AdjacencyMap', [_UNORD, 2], [[qw(2 7)]] ],
my @METHOD_MAP = (
    { has => 'has_path', del => 'del_path', set => 'set_paths' },
    { has => 'has_path_by_multi_id', del => 'del_path_by_multi_id', set => 'set_path_by_multi_id' },

sub test_adjmap {
    my ($class, $args, $path_maybe_id) = @_;
    my ($path, $maybe_id) = @$path_maybe_id;
    my ($m, $flags, $arity) = ($class->_new(@$args), @$args);
    my ($is_multi, $is_unord) = ($m->_is_MULTI ? 1 : 0, $m->_is_UNORD);
    my $maybe_count = $m->_is_COUNT ? 2 : 1;
    my $map = $METHOD_MAP[ $is_multi ];
    my @paths_to_create = map $arity == 1 ? $_ : [ ($_) x ($arity || 1) ], qw(22 23);
    my @paths_to_create_maybe_id = map [ $_, $is_multi ? 0 : () ], @paths_to_create;
    my $label = "$class(@{[Graph::AdjacencyMap::_stringify_fields($flags)]}, $arity) @{[$m->_dumper($path)]}";
    my $got = [ $m->get_ids_by_paths([ $path ], 0) ];
    is_deeply $got, [], $label or diag explain $got;
    $got = [ $m->get_ids_by_paths([ [$path] ], 0, 1) ];
    is_deeply $got, [], $label or diag explain $got;
    ok( !$m->has_any_paths, $label );
    is( $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$path_maybe_id), undef, $label );
    $got = [ $m->${ \$map->{set} }(@$path_maybe_id) ];
    is_deeply( $got, [ 0, $is_multi ? $maybe_id : () ], $label ) or diag explain $got;
    if ($args->[0] == _REF) {
	my $m2 = Graph::_deep_copy_best($m);
	isnt( $m2->${ \$map->{has} }($m2->[ _i ][0]), undef, $label );
    is $m->_set_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say', 'hi'), 'hi', $label;
    ok $m->_has_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id), $label;
    ok $m->_del_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id), $label;
    ok( $m->has_any_paths, $label );
    isnt( $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$path_maybe_id), undef, $label );
    $m->${ \$map->{set} }(@$path_maybe_id); # second time
    is( $m->_get_path_count($path), $maybe_count, $label );
    my @ids = $m->ids;
    isnt 0+@ids, 0, $label;
    ok( $m->${ \$map->{del} }(@$path_maybe_id), $label ) for 1..$maybe_count;
    ok( !$m->has_any_paths, $label ) or diag explain $m;
    is( $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$path_maybe_id), undef, $label );
    is( $m->_get_path_count($path), 0, $label );
    $got = [ $m->${ \$map->{set} }(@$path_maybe_id) ];
    is_deeply( $got, [ 1, $is_multi ? $maybe_id : () ], $label ) or diag explain $got;
    is( $m->_get_path_count($path), 1, $label );
    $got = [ $m->paths ];
    is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
    isnt( $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$path_maybe_id), undef, $label );
    if ($arity == 1) {
	$got = [ $m->get_ids_by_paths([ $path ], 0) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ 1 ], $label or diag explain $got;
	$got = [ $m->get_paths_by_ids([ [ 1 ] ]) ];
	is_deeply( $got, [ [$path] ], $label ) or diag explain $got;
	$got = [ $m->get_ids_by_paths([ [$path, $path] ], 0, 1) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ [1, 1] ], $label or diag explain $got;
	$got = [ $m->get_paths_by_ids([ [[1,1]] ], 1) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ [[$path, $path]] ], $label or diag explain $got;
    eval { $m->stringify };
    is $@, '', $label;
    if ($arity == 1) {
	ok $m->rename_path($path, 'newname'), $label;
	is( $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$path_maybe_id), undef, $label );
	isnt( $m->${ \$map->{has} }('newname', $is_multi ? $maybe_id : ()), undef, $label );
	ok $m->rename_path('newname', $path), $label;
	isnt( $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$path_maybe_id), undef, $label );
	is( $m->${ \$map->{has} }('newname', $is_multi ? $maybe_id : ()), undef, $label );
    } elsif ($arity == 2) {
	$got = [ $m->successors($path->[0]) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ $path->[1] ], $label or diag explain $got;
	ok $m->has_successor(@$path), $label;
	ok !$m->has_successor($path->[0], 99), $label;
	$got = [ $m->paths_from($path->[0]) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
	if ($is_unord) {
	    $got = [ $m->successors($path->[1]) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ $path->[0] ], $label or diag explain $got;
	    $got = [ $m->paths_from($path->[1]) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
	} else {
	    $got = [ $m->predecessors($path->[1]) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ $path->[0] ], $label or diag explain $got;
	    $got = [ $m->paths_to($path->[1]) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
    } elsif ($arity == 0 and @$path) {
	my ($froms, $tos) = $is_unord ? ($path, $path) : @$path;
	for my $f (@$froms) {
	    for my $t ($is_unord ? grep $_ ne $f, @$tos : @$tos) {
		ok $m->has_successor($f, $t), $label;
		ok !$m->has_successor($f, 99), $label;
		ok !$m->has_successor(99, $t), $label;
		next if $is_unord;
		$got = [ $m->paths_to($t) ];
		is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
	    $got = [ sort $m->successors($f) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ sort $is_unord ? grep $_ ne $f, @$tos : @$tos ], $label or diag explain $got;
	    $got = [ $m->paths_from($f) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
	$got = [ sort $m->successors(@$froms) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ sort @$tos ], $label or diag explain $got;
	$got = [ $m->paths_from(@$froms) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
	if (!$is_unord) {
	    $got = [ sort $m->predecessors(@$tos) ];
	    is_deeply $got, $froms, $label or diag explain $got;
	    $got = [ sort $m->predecessors($tos->[0]) ];
	    is_deeply $got, $froms, $label or diag explain $got;
	    $got = [ $m->paths_to(@$tos) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ $path ], $label or diag explain $got;
    ok( !$m->_has_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id), $label );
    is( $m->_set_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say', 'hi'), 'hi', $label );
    ok( $m->_has_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say'), $label );
    ok( $m->_has_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id), $label );
    is_deeply [ $m->_get_path_attr_names(@$path_maybe_id) ], [ 'say' ], $label;
    is_deeply [ $m->_get_path_attr_values(@$path_maybe_id) ], [ 'hi' ], $label;
    if ($arity == 1) {
	my @new_path_full = @$path_maybe_id;
	$new_path_full[0] = 'newname';
	ok $m->rename_path($path, 'newname'), $label;
	is_deeply [ $m->_get_path_attr_names(@new_path_full) ], [ 'say' ], $label;
	ok $m->rename_path('newname', $path), $label;
	is_deeply [ $m->_get_path_attr_names(@$path_maybe_id) ], [ 'say' ], $label;
    $got = $m->_get_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id);
    is_deeply $got, { say => 'hi' }, $label or diag explain $got;
    $got = { %{ $got || {} }, extra => 'hello' };
    $got = $m->_set_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id, $got);
    is_deeply [ sort $m->_get_path_attr_names(@$path_maybe_id) ], [ qw(extra say) ], $label;
    is_deeply [ $m->_get_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'extra') ], [ qw(hello) ], $label;
    $m->_del_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'extra');
    is_deeply [ $m->_get_path_attr_names(@$path_maybe_id) ], [ qw(say) ], $label;
    $got = [ $m->_get_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id) ];
    is_deeply $got, [ { say => 'hi' } ], $label or diag explain $got;
    $m->_del_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say');
    is_deeply [ $m->_get_path_attr_names(@$path_maybe_id) ], [ ], $label;
    is( $m->_get_path_count($path), 1, $label );
    $m->_set_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say', 'hi');
    ok $m->_del_path_attrs(@$path_maybe_id), $label;
    ok( !$m->_has_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say'), $label );
    is( $m->_get_path_count($path), 1, $label );
    if ($is_multi) {
	is $m->${ \$map->{set} }($path, _GEN_ID), 0, $label;
	ok( $m->set_path_by_multi_id($path, 'hello'), $label );
	$got = [ sort $m->get_multi_ids($path) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ sort $path_maybe_id->[-1], qw(0 hello) ], $label or diag explain $got;
    if ($arity == 1) {
	$got = [ $m->get_ids_by_paths([ $path, @paths_to_create ], 1) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ 1..3 ], $label or diag explain $got;
	ok $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$_), $label for @paths_to_create_maybe_id;
	my @paths_to_create_deep = map [ $_, "1$_" ], @paths_to_create;
	my @paths_deep_maybe_id = map [ "1$_", $is_multi ? 0 : () ], @paths_to_create;
	$got = [ $m->get_ids_by_paths(\@paths_to_create_deep, 1, 1) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ [2, 4], [3, 5] ], $label or diag explain $got;
	$got = [ $m->get_ids_by_paths([ \@paths_to_create_deep ], 1, 2) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ [ [2, 4], [3, 5] ] ], $label or diag explain $got;
	ok $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$_), $label for @paths_deep_maybe_id;
	ok( $m->has_any_paths, $label ) or diag explain $m;
	$m->${ \$map->{del} }(@$_) for @paths_deep_maybe_id, @paths_to_create_maybe_id;
    $m->_set_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say', 'hi');
    $m->${ \$map->{del} }(@$path_maybe_id);
    ok( !$m->_has_path_attr(@$path_maybe_id, 'say'), $label );
    if ($is_multi) {
        $m->${ \$map->{del} }($path, $_) for $m->get_multi_ids($path);
        is( $m->${ \$map->{has} }(@$path_maybe_id), undef, $label );
    ok( !$m->has_any_paths, $label ) or diag explain $m;
    if ($arity == 2) {
	$got = [ $m->successors($path->[0]) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ ], $label or diag explain $got;
	$got = [ $m->paths_from($path->[0]) ];
	is_deeply $got, [ ], $label or diag explain $got;
	if (!($is_unord)) {
	    $got = [ $m->predecessors($path->[1]) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ ], $label or diag explain $got;
	    $got = [ $m->paths_to($path->[1]) ];
	    is_deeply $got, [ ], $label or diag explain $got;

test_adjmap(@$_) for @MAP_TESTS;

my $g = Graph->new(refvertexed => 1);

$g->add_edge($v, $z);

my @V = sort { $a->sqrt <=> $b->sqrt } $g->vertices;

is($V[0]->Re, 3);
is($V[0]->Im, 4);
is($V[1]->Re, 4);
is($V[1]->Im, 5);

ok($g->has_edge($v, $z));



@V = sort { $a->sqrt <=> $b->sqrt } $g->vertices;

is($V[0]->Re, 4);
is($V[0]->Im, 8);
is($V[1]->Re, 7);
is($V[1]->Im, 4);

my $x = cplx(1,2);
my $y = cplx(3,4);
$g = Graph->new(refvertexed => 1);
my @e = $g->edges;
is("@{$e[0] || []}", "1+2i 3+4i");
is("@{$e[0] || []}", "1+5i 3+4i");
skip 'no object to invoke', 1 unless @e and ref $e[0]->[1];
is("$y", "3+6i");

use vars qw($foo $bar);

my $o0;
my $o1;

my $o1a = bless \$o0, 'S';
my $o1b = bless \$o1, 'S';
{ package S; use overload '""' => sub { "s" } }

my $o2a = bless [], 'A';
my $o2b = bless [], 'A';
{ package A; use overload '""' => sub { "a" } }

my $o3a = bless {}, 'H';
my $o3b = bless {}, 'H';
{ package H; use overload '""' => sub { "h" } }

my $o4a = bless sub {}, 'C';
my $o4b = bless sub {}, 'C';
{ package C; use overload '""' => sub { "c" } }

my $o5a = bless \*STDIN{IO}, 'I';
my $o5b = bless \*STDOUT{IO}, 'I';
{ package I; use overload '""' => sub { "i" } }

my $o6a = bless \*foo, 'G';
my $o6b = bless \*bar, 'G';
{ package G; use overload '""' => sub { "g" } }

for my $d (1, 0) {
  for my $i ($o1a, $o2a, $o3a, $o4a, $o5a, $o6a) {
    for my $j ($o1b, $o2b, $o3b, $o4b, $o5b, $o6b) {
      note "d = $d, i = $i, j = $j";
      my $g = Graph->new(refvertexed => 1, directed => $d);
      ok( $g->add_edge($i, $j));
      note "g = $g";
      ok( $g->has_vertex($i));
      ok( $g->has_vertex($j));
      ok( $g->has_edge($i, $j));
      if (!$d) { # bridges only for undirected
        eval {ok $g->has_vertex($_) for map @$_, $g->bridges}; is $@, '';
      ok( $g->delete_vertex($i));
      note "g = $g";
      ok( $g->has_vertex($j));
      ok(!$g->has_edge($i, $j));
      ok(!$g->has_edge($i, $j));

my $g_ref = Graph->new(refvertexed => 1);
$g_ref->add_edge( my $A = {}, {} );
bless $A;
is $g_ref->neighbours( $_ ), 1, 'each known vertex has 1 neighbour'
  for $g_ref->vertices;


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