#!perl -w
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Imager qw(:all);
use Imager::Test qw(is_image is_image_similar test_image test_image_16 test_image_double test_image_raw);
BEGIN { use_ok("Imager::File::TIFF"); }
-d "testout"
or mkdir "testout";
$|=1; # give us some progress in the test harness
my $green=i_color_new(0,255,0,255);
my $blue=i_color_new(0,0,255,255);
my $red=i_color_new(255,0,0,255);
my $img=test_image_raw();
my $ver_string = Imager::File::TIFF->libversion();
ok(my ($full, $major, $minor, $point) =
$ver_string =~ /Version +((\d+)\.(\d+).(\d+))/,
"extract library version")
or diag("Could not extract from:\n$ver_string");
diag("libtiff binary release $full") if $full;
diag("build version date " . Imager::File::TIFF->builddate);
# only from 4.5.0 or later
my $buildversion = Imager::File::TIFF->buildversion;
diag("build version $buildversion") if $buildversion;
Imager::i_tags_add($img, "i_xres", 0, "300", 0);
Imager::i_tags_add($img, "i_yres", 0, undef, 250);
# resolutionunit is centimeters
Imager::i_tags_add($img, "tiff_resolutionunit", 0, undef, 3);
Imager::i_tags_add($img, "tiff_software", 0, "t106tiff.t", 0);
open(FH,">testout/t106.tiff") || die "cannot open testout/t106.tiff for writing\n";
my $IO = Imager::io_new_fd(fileno(FH));
ok(Imager::File::TIFF::i_writetiff_wiol($img, $IO), "write low level")
or print "# ", Imager->_error_as_msg, "\n";
open(FH,"testout/t106.tiff") or die "cannot open testout/t106.tiff\n";
$IO = Imager::io_new_fd(fileno(FH));
my $cmpimg = Imager::File::TIFF::i_readtiff_wiol($IO);
ok($cmpimg, "read low-level");
print "# tiff average mean square pixel difference: ",sqrt(i_img_diff($img,$cmpimg))/150*150,"\n";
ok(!i_img_diff($img, $cmpimg), "compare written and read image");
# check the tags are ok
my %tags = map { Imager::i_tags_get($cmpimg, $_) }
0 .. Imager::i_tags_count($cmpimg) - 1;
ok(abs($tags{i_xres} - 300) < 0.5, "i_xres in range");
ok(abs($tags{i_yres} - 250) < 0.5, "i_yres in range");
is($tags{tiff_resolutionunit}, 3, "tiff_resolutionunit");
is($tags{tiff_software}, 't106tiff.t', "tiff_software");
is($tags{tiff_photometric}, 2, "tiff_photometric"); # PHOTOMETRIC_RGB is 2
is($tags{tiff_bitspersample}, 8, "tiff_bitspersample");
$IO = Imager::io_new_bufchain();
ok(Imager::File::TIFF::i_writetiff_wiol($img, $IO), "write to buffer chain");
my $tiffdata = Imager::io_slurp($IO);
binmode FH;
my $odata;
{ local $/;
$odata = <FH>;
is($odata, $tiffdata, "same data in file as in memory");
# test Micksa's tiff writer
# a shortish fax page
my $faximg = Imager::ImgRaw::new(1728, 2000, 1);
my $black = i_color_new(0,0,0,255);
my $white = i_color_new(255,255,255,255);
# vaguely test-patterny
i_box_filled($faximg, 0, 0, 1728, 2000, $white);
i_box_filled($faximg, 100,100,1628, 200, $black);
my $width = 1;
my $pos = 100;
while ($width+$pos < 1628) {
i_box_filled($faximg, $pos, 300, $pos+$width-1, 400, $black);
$pos += $width + 20;
$width += 2;
open FH, "> testout/t106tiff_fax.tiff"
or die "Cannot create testout/t106tiff_fax.tiff: $!";
binmode FH;
$IO = Imager::io_new_fd(fileno(FH));
ok(Imager::File::TIFF::i_writetiff_wiol_faxable($faximg, $IO, 1), "write faxable, low level");
close FH;
# test the OO interface
my $ooim = Imager->new;
ok($ooim->read(file=>'testout/t106.tiff'), "read OO");
ok($ooim->write(file=>'testout/t106_oo.tiff'), "write OO");
# OO with the fax image
my $oofim = Imager->new;
"read fax OO");
# this should have tags set for the resolution
%tags = map @$_, $oofim->tags;
is($tags{i_xres}, 204, "fax i_xres");
is($tags{i_yres}, 196, "fax i_yres");
ok(!$tags{i_aspect_only}, "i_aspect_only");
# resunit_inches
is($tags{tiff_resolutionunit}, 2, "tiff_resolutionunit");
is($tags{tiff_bitspersample}, 1, "tiff_bitspersample");
is($tags{tiff_photometric}, 0, "tiff_photometric");
ok($oofim->write(file=>'testout/t106_oo_fax.tiff', class=>'fax'),
"write OO, faxable");
# the following should fail since there's no type and no filename
my $oodata;
ok(!$ooim->write(data=>\$oodata), "write with no type and no filename to guess with");
# OO to data
ok($ooim->write(data=>\$oodata, type=>'tiff'), "write to data")
or print "# ",$ooim->errstr, "\n";
is($oodata, $tiffdata, "check data matches between memory and file");
# make sure we can write non-fine mode
ok($oofim->write(file=>'testout/t106_oo_faxlo.tiff', class=>'fax', fax_fine=>0), "write OO, fax standard mode");
# paletted reads
my $img4 = Imager->new;
ok($img4->read(file=>'testimg/comp4.tif'), "reading 4-bit paletted")
or print "# ", $img4->errstr, "\n";
is($img4->type, 'paletted', "image isn't paletted");
print "# colors: ", $img4->colorcount,"\n";
cmp_ok($img4->colorcount, '<=', 16, "more than 16 colors!");
# "Cannot write img4");
# I know I'm using BMP before it's test, but comp4.tif started life
# as comp4.bmp
my $bmp4 = Imager->new;
ok($bmp4->read(file=>'testimg/comp4.bmp'), "reading 4-bit bmp!");
my $diff = i_img_diff($img4->{IMG}, $bmp4->{IMG});
print "# diff $diff\n";
ok($diff == 0, "image mismatch");
my $img4t = Imager->new;
ok($img4t->read(file => 'testimg/comp4t.tif'), "read 4-bit paletted, tiled")
or print "# ", $img4t->errstr, "\n";
is_image($bmp4, $img4t, "check tiled version matches");
my $img8 = Imager->new;
ok($img8->read(file=>'testimg/comp8.tif'), "reading 8-bit paletted");
is($img8->type, 'paletted', "image isn't paletted");
print "# colors: ", $img8->colorcount,"\n";
# "Cannot write img8");
ok($img8->colorcount == 256, "more colors than expected");
my $bmp8 = Imager->new;
ok($bmp8->read(file=>'testimg/comp8.bmp'), "reading 8-bit bmp!");
$diff = i_img_diff($img8->{IMG}, $bmp8->{IMG});
print "# diff $diff\n";
ok($diff == 0, "image mismatch");
my $bad = Imager->new;
allow_incomplete=>1), "bad image not returned");
ok(scalar $bad->tags(name=>'i_incomplete'), "incomplete tag not set");
ok($img8->write(file=>'testout/t106_pal8.tif'), "writing 8-bit paletted");
my $cmp8 = Imager->new;
"reading 8-bit paletted");
#print "# ",$cmp8->errstr,"\n";
is($cmp8->type, 'paletted', "pal8 isn't paletted");
is($cmp8->colorcount, 256, "pal8 bad colorcount");
$diff = i_img_diff($img8->{IMG}, $cmp8->{IMG});
print "# diff $diff\n";
ok($diff == 0, "written image doesn't match read");
ok($img4->write(file=>'testout/t106_pal4.tif'), "writing 4-bit paletted");
ok(my $cmp4 = Imager->new->read(file=>'testout/t106_pal4.tif'),
"reading 4-bit paletted");
is($cmp4->type, 'paletted', "pal4 isn't paletted");
is($cmp4->colorcount, 16, "pal4 bad colorcount");
$diff = i_img_diff($img4->{IMG}, $cmp4->{IMG});
print "# diff $diff\n";
ok($diff == 0, "written image doesn't match read");
my $work;
my $seekpos;
sub io_writer {
my ($what) = @_;
if ($seekpos > length $work) {
$work .= "\0" x ($seekpos - length $work);
substr($work, $seekpos, length $what) = $what;
$seekpos += length $what;
sub io_reader {
my ($size, $maxread) = @_;
print "# io_reader($size, $maxread) pos $seekpos\n";
if ($seekpos + $maxread > length $work) {
$maxread = length($work) - $seekpos;
my $out = substr($work, $seekpos, $maxread);
$seekpos += length $out;
sub io_reader2 {
my ($size, $maxread) = @_;
print "# io_reader2($size, $maxread) pos $seekpos\n";
my $out = substr($work, $seekpos, $size);
$seekpos += length $out;
use IO::Seekable;
sub io_seeker {
my ($offset, $whence) = @_;
print "# io_seeker($offset, $whence)\n";
if ($whence == SEEK_SET) {
$seekpos = $offset;
elsif ($whence == SEEK_CUR) {
$seekpos += $offset;
else { # SEEK_END
$seekpos = length($work) + $offset;
#print "-> $seekpos\n";
my $did_close;
sub io_closer {
# read via cb
$work = $tiffdata;
$seekpos = 0;
my $IO2 = Imager::io_new_cb(undef, \&io_reader, \&io_seeker, undef);
ok($IO2, "new readcb obj");
my $img5 = Imager::File::TIFF::i_readtiff_wiol($IO2);
ok($img5, "read via cb");
ok(i_img_diff($img5, $img) == 0, "read from cb diff");
# read via cb2
$work = $tiffdata;
$seekpos = 0;
my $IO3 = Imager::io_new_cb(undef, \&io_reader2, \&io_seeker, undef);
ok($IO3, "new readcb2 obj");
my $img6 = Imager::File::TIFF::i_readtiff_wiol($IO3);
ok($img6, "read via cb2");
ok(i_img_diff($img6, $img) == 0, "read from cb2 diff");
# write via cb
$work = '';
$seekpos = 0;
my $IO4 = Imager::io_new_cb(\&io_writer, \&io_reader, \&io_seeker,
ok($IO4, "new writecb obj");
ok(Imager::File::TIFF::i_writetiff_wiol($img, $IO4), "write to cb");
is($work, $odata, "write cb match");
ok($did_close, "write cb did close");
open D1, ">testout/d1.tiff" or die;
print D1 $work;
close D1;
open D2, ">testout/d2.tiff" or die;
print D2 $tiffdata;
close D2;
# write via cb2
$work = '';
$seekpos = 0;
$did_close = 0;
my $IO5 = Imager::io_new_cb(\&io_writer, \&io_reader, \&io_seeker,
\&io_closer, 1);
ok($IO5, "new writecb obj 2");
ok(Imager::File::TIFF::i_writetiff_wiol($img, $IO5), "write to cb2");
is($work, $odata, "write cb2 match");
ok($did_close, "write cb2 did close");
open D3, ">testout/d3.tiff" or die;
print D3 $work;
close D3;
{ # check close failures are handled correctly
{ # single image
my $im = test_image();
my $fail_close = sub {
Imager::i_push_error(0, "synthetic close failure");
return 0;
$work = '';
$seekpos = 0;
ok(!$im->write(type => "tiff",
readcb => \&io_reader,
writecb => \&io_writer,
seekcb => \&io_seeker,
closecb => $fail_close),
"check failing close fails");
like($im->errstr, qr/synthetic close failure/,
"check error message");
{ # multiple images
my $im = test_image();
my $fail_close = sub {
Imager::i_push_error(0, "synthetic close failure");
return 0;
$work = '';
$seekpos = 0;
ok(!Imager->write_multi({type => "tiff",
readcb => \&io_reader,
writecb => \&io_writer,
seekcb => \&io_seeker,
closecb => $fail_close}, $im, $im),
"check failing close fails");
like(Imager->errstr, qr/synthetic close failure/,
"check error message");
# multi-image write/read
my @imgs;
push(@imgs, map $ooim->copy(), 1..3);
for my $i (0..$#imgs) {
$imgs[$i]->addtag(name=>"tiff_pagename", value=>"Page ".($i+1));
my $rc = Imager->write_multi({file=>'testout/t106_multi.tif'}, @imgs);
ok($rc, "writing multiple images to tiff");
my @out = Imager->read_multi(file=>'testout/t106_multi.tif');
ok(@out == @imgs, "reading multiple images from tiff");
@out == @imgs or print "# ",scalar @out, " ",Imager->errstr,"\n";
for my $i (0..$#imgs) {
ok(i_img_diff($imgs[$i]{IMG}, $out[$i]{IMG}) == 0,
"comparing image $i");
my ($tag) = $out[$i]->tags(name=>'tiff_pagename');
is($tag, "Page ".($i+1),
"tag doesn't match original image");
# writing even more images to tiff - we weren't handling more than five
# correctly on read
@imgs = map $ooim->copy(), 1..40;
$rc = Imager->write_multi({file=>'testout/t106_multi2.tif'}, @imgs);
ok($rc, "writing 40 images to tiff")
or diag("writing 40 images: " . Imager->errstr);
@out = Imager->read_multi(file=>'testout/t106_multi2.tif');
ok(@imgs == @out, "reading 40 images from tiff")
or diag("reading 40 images:" . Imager->errstr);
# force some allocation activity - helps crash here if it's the problem
@out = @imgs = ();
# multi-image fax files
ok(Imager->write_multi({file=>'testout/t106_faxmulti.tiff', class=>'fax'},
$oofim, $oofim), "write multi fax image")
or diag("writing 40 fax pages: " . Imager->errstr);
@imgs = Imager->read_multi(file=>'testout/t106_faxmulti.tiff');
ok(@imgs == 2, "reading multipage fax")
or diag("reading 40 fax pages: " . Imager->errstr);
ok(Imager::i_img_diff($imgs[0]{IMG}, $oofim->{IMG}) == 0,
"compare first fax image");
ok(Imager::i_img_diff($imgs[1]{IMG}, $oofim->{IMG}) == 0,
"compare second fax image");
my ($format) = $imgs[0]->tags(name=>'i_format');
is($format, 'tiff', "check i_format tag");
my $unit = $imgs[0]->tags(name=>'tiff_resolutionunit');
ok(defined $unit && $unit == 2, "check tiff_resolutionunit tag");
my $unitname = $imgs[0]->tags(name=>'tiff_resolutionunit_name');
is($unitname, 'inch', "check tiff_resolutionunit_name tag");
my $warned = Imager->new;
ok($warned->read(file=>"testimg/tiffwarn.tif"), "read tiffwarn.tif");
my ($warning) = $warned->tags(name=>'i_warning');
ok(defined $warning, "check warning is set");
like($warning, qr/TIFFReadDirectory: Unknown field with tag 28712/,
"check that warning tag correct");
{ # support for reading a given page
# first build a simple test image
my $im1 = Imager->new(xsize=>50, ysize=>50);
$im1->box(filled=>1, color=>$blue);
$im1->addtag(name=>'tiff_pagename', value => "Page One");
my $im2 = Imager->new(xsize=>60, ysize=>60);
$im2->box(filled=>1, color=>$green);
$im2->addtag(name=>'tiff_pagename', value=>"Page Two");
# read second page
my $page_file = 'testout/t106_pages.tif';
ok(Imager->write_multi({ file=> $page_file}, $im1, $im2),
"build simple multiimage for page tests");
my $imwork = Imager->new;
ok($imwork->read(file=>$page_file, page=>1),
"read second page");
is($im2->getwidth, $imwork->getwidth, "check width");
is($im2->getwidth, $imwork->getheight, "check height");
is(i_img_diff($imwork->{IMG}, $im2->{IMG}), 0,
"check image content");
my ($page_name) = $imwork->tags(name=>'tiff_pagename');
is($page_name, 'Page Two', "check tag we set");
# try an out of range page
ok(!$imwork->read(file=>$page_file, page=>2),
"check out of range page");
is($imwork->errstr, "could not switch to page 2", "check message");
{ # test writing returns an error message correctly
# open a file read only and try to write to it
open TIFF, "> testout/t106_empty.tif" or die;
close TIFF;
open TIFF, "< testout/t106_empty.tif"
or skip "Cannot open testout/t106_empty.tif for reading", 8;
binmode TIFF;
my $im = Imager->new(xsize=>100, ysize=>100);
ok(!$im->write(fh => \*TIFF, type=>'tiff', buffered => 0),
"fail to write to read only handle");
cmp_ok($im->errstr, '=~', 'Could not create TIFF object: Error writing TIFF header: write\(\)',
"check error message");
ok(!Imager->write_multi({ type => 'tiff', fh => \*TIFF, buffered => 0 }, $im),
"fail to write multi to read only handle");
cmp_ok(Imager->errstr, '=~', 'Could not create TIFF object: Error writing TIFF header: write\(\)',
"check error message");
ok(!$im->write(fh => \*TIFF, type=>'tiff', class=>'fax', buffered => 0),
"fail to write to read only handle (fax)");
cmp_ok($im->errstr, '=~', 'Could not create TIFF object: Error writing TIFF header: write\(\)',
"check error message");
ok(!Imager->write_multi({ type => 'tiff', fh => \*TIFF, class=>'fax', buffered => 0 }, $im),
"fail to write multi to read only handle (fax)");
cmp_ok(Imager->errstr, '=~', 'Could not create TIFF object: Error writing TIFF header: write\(\)',
"check error message");
{ # test reading returns an error correctly - use test script as an
# invalid TIFF file
my $im = Imager->new;
ok(!$im->read(file=>'t/10tiff.t', type=>'tiff'),
"fail to read script as image");
# we get different magic number values depending on the platform
# byte ordering
cmp_ok($im->errstr, '=~',
"Error opening file: Not a TIFF (?:or MDI )?file, bad magic number (8483 \\(0x2123\\)|8993 \\(0x2321\\))",
"check error message");
my @ims = Imager->read_multi(file =>'t/t106tiff.t', type=>'tiff');
ok(!@ims, "fail to read_multi script as image");
cmp_ok($im->errstr, '=~',
"Error opening file: Not a TIFF (?:or MDI )?file, bad magic number (8483 \\(0x2123\\)|8993 \\(0x2321\\))",
"check error message");
{ # write_multi to data
my $data;
my $im = Imager->new(xsize => 50, ysize => 50);
ok(Imager->write_multi({ data => \$data, type=>'tiff' }, $im, $im),
"write multi to in memory");
ok(length $data, "make sure something written");
my @im = Imager->read_multi(data => $data);
is(@im, 2, "make sure we can read it back");
is(Imager::i_img_diff($im[0]{IMG}, $im->{IMG}), 0,
"check first image");
is(Imager::i_img_diff($im[1]{IMG}, $im->{IMG}), 0,
"check second image");
{ # handling of an alpha channel for various images
my $photo_rgb = 2;
my $photo_cmyk = 5;
my $photo_cielab = 8;
my @alpha_images =
[ 'srgb.tif', 3, $photo_rgb ],
[ 'srgba.tif', 4, $photo_rgb ],
[ 'srgbaa.tif', 4, $photo_rgb ],
[ 'scmyk.tif', 3, $photo_cmyk ],
[ 'scmyka.tif', 4, $photo_cmyk ],
[ 'scmykaa.tif', 4, $photo_cmyk ],
[ 'slab.tif', 3, $photo_cielab ],
for my $test (@alpha_images) {
my ($input, $channels, $photo) = @$test;
my $skipped = $channels == 4 ? 4 : 3;
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(file => "testimg/$input"),
"read alpha test $input")
or print "# ", $im->errstr, "\n";
is($im->getchannels, $channels, "channels for $input match");
is($im->tags(name=>'tiff_photometric'), $photo,
"photometric for $input match");
$channels == 4
or next;
my $c = $im->getpixel(x => 0, 'y' => 7);
is(($c->rgba)[3], 0, "bottom row should have 0 alpha");
ok(grep($_ eq 'tiff', Imager->read_types), "check tiff in read types");
ok(grep($_ eq 'tiff', Imager->write_types), "check tiff in write types");
{ # reading tile based images
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(file => 'testimg/pengtile.tif'), "read tiled image")
or print "# ", $im->errstr, "\n";
# compare it
my $comp = Imager->new;
ok($comp->read(file => 'testimg/penguin-base.ppm'), 'read comparison image');
is_image($im, $comp, 'compare them');
{ # failing to read tile based images
# we grab our tiled image and patch a tile offset to nowhere
ok(open(TIFF, '< testimg/pengtile.tif'), 'open pengtile.tif')
or skip 'cannot open testimg/pengtile.tif', 4;
binmode TIFF;
my $data = do { local $/; <TIFF>; };
# patch a tile offset
substr($data, 0x1AFA0, 4) = pack("H*", "00000200");
#open PIPE, "| bytedump -a | less" or die;
#print PIPE $data;
#close PIPE;
my $allow = Imager->new;
ok($allow->read(data => $data, allow_incomplete => 1),
"read incomplete tiled");
ok($allow->tags(name => 'i_incomplete'), 'i_incomplete set');
is($allow->tags(name => 'i_lines_read'), 173,
'check i_lines_read set appropriately');
my $fail = Imager->new;
ok(!$fail->read(data => $data), "read fail tiled");
{ # read 16-bit/sample
my $im16 = Imager->new;
ok($im16->read(file => 'testimg/rgb16.tif'), "read 16-bit rgb");
is($im16->bits, 16, 'got a 16-bit image');
my $im16t = Imager->new;
ok($im16t->read(file => 'testimg/rgb16t.tif'), "read 16-bit rgb tiled");
is($im16t->bits, 16, 'got a 16-bit image');
is_image($im16, $im16t, 'check they match');
my $grey16 = Imager->new;
ok($grey16->read(file => 'testimg/grey16.tif'), "read 16-bit grey")
or print "# ", $grey16->errstr, "\n";
is($grey16->bits, 16, 'got a 16-bit image');
is($grey16->getchannels, 1, 'and its grey');
my $comp16 = $im16->convert(matrix => [ [ 0.299, 0.587, 0.114 ] ]);
is_image($grey16, $comp16, 'compare grey to converted');
my $grey32 = Imager->new;
ok($grey32->read(file => 'testimg/grey32.tif'), "read 32-bit grey")
or print "# ", $grey32->errstr, "\n";
is($grey32->bits, 'double', 'got a double image');
is($grey32->getchannels, 2, 'and its grey + alpha');
is($grey32->tags(name => 'tiff_bitspersample'), 32,
"check bits per sample");
my $base = test_image_double->convert(preset =>'grey')
->convert(preset => 'addalpha');
is_image($grey32, $base, 'compare to original');
{ # read 16, 32-bit/sample and compare to the original
my $rgba = Imager->new;
ok($rgba->read(file => 'testimg/srgba.tif'),
"read base rgba image");
my $rgba16 = Imager->new;
ok($rgba16->read(file => 'testimg/srgba16.tif'),
"read 16-bit/sample rgba image");
is_image($rgba, $rgba16, "check they match");
is($rgba16->bits, 16, 'check we got the right type');
my $rgba32 = Imager->new;
ok($rgba32->read(file => 'testimg/srgba32.tif'),
"read 32-bit/sample rgba image");
is_image($rgba, $rgba32, "check they match");
is($rgba32->bits, 'double', 'check we got the right type');
my $cmyka16 = Imager->new;
ok($cmyka16->read(file => 'testimg/scmyka16.tif'),
"read cmyk 16-bit")
or print "# ", $cmyka16->errstr, "\n";
is($cmyka16->bits, 16, "check we got the right type");
is_image_similar($rgba, $cmyka16, 10, "check image data");
# tiled, non-contig, should fallback to RGBA code
my $rgbatsep = Imager->new;
ok($rgbatsep->read(file => 'testimg/rgbatsep.tif'),
"read tiled, separated rgba image")
or diag($rgbatsep->errstr);
is_image($rgba, $rgbatsep, "check they match");
{ # read bi-level
my $pbm = Imager->new;
ok($pbm->read(file => 'testimg/imager.pbm'), "read original pbm");
my $tif = Imager->new;
ok($tif->read(file => 'testimg/imager.tif'), "read mono tif");
is_image($pbm, $tif, "compare them");
is($tif->type, 'paletted', 'check image type');
is($tif->colorcount, 2, 'check we got a "mono" image');
{ # check alpha channels scaled correctly for fallback handler
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(file=>'testimg/alpha.tif'), 'read alpha check image');
my @colors =
[ 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 255, 255, 255 ],
[ 127, 0, 127 ],
[ 127, 127, 0 ],
my @alphas = ( 255, 191, 127, 63 );
my $ok = 1;
my $msg = 'alpha check ok';
for my $y (0 .. 3) {
for my $x (0 .. 3) {
my $c = $im->getpixel(x => $x, 'y' => $y);
my @c = $c->rgba;
my $alpha = pop @c;
if ($alpha != $alphas[$y]) {
$ok = 0;
$msg = "($x,$y) alpha mismatch $alpha vs $alphas[$y]";
my $expect = $colors[$x];
for my $ch (0 .. 2) {
if (abs($expect->[$ch]-$c[$ch]) > 3) {
$ok = 0;
$msg = "($x,$y)[$ch] color mismatch got $c[$ch] vs expected $expect->[$ch]";
ok($ok, $msg);
{ # check alpha channels scaled correctly for greyscale
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(file=>'testimg/gralpha.tif'), 'read alpha check grey image');
my @greys = ( 0, 255, 52, 112 );
my @alphas = ( 255, 191, 127, 63 );
my $ok = 1;
my $msg = 'alpha check ok';
for my $y (0 .. 3) {
for my $x (0 .. 3) {
my $c = $im->getpixel(x => $x, 'y' => $y);
my ($grey, $alpha) = $c->rgba;
if ($alpha != $alphas[$y]) {
$ok = 0;
$msg = "($x,$y) alpha mismatch $alpha vs $alphas[$y]";
if (abs($greys[$x] - $grey) > 3) {
$ok = 0;
$msg = "($x,$y) grey mismatch $grey vs $greys[$x]";
ok($ok, $msg);
{ # 16-bit writes
my $orig = test_image_16();
my $data;
ok($orig->write(data => \$data, type => 'tiff',
tiff_compression => 'none'), "write 16-bit/sample");
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(data => $data), "read it back");
is_image($im, $orig, "check read data matches");
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_bitspersample'), 16, "correct bits");
is($im->bits, 16, 'check image bits');
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_photometric'), 2, "correct photometric");
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_compression'), 'none', "no compression");
is($im->getchannels, 3, 'correct channels');
{ # 8-bit writes
# and check compression
my $compress = Imager::File::TIFF::i_tiff_has_compression('lzw') ? 'lzw' : 'packbits';
my $orig = test_image()->convert(preset=>'grey')
->convert(preset => 'addalpha');
my $data;
ok($orig->write(data => \$data, type => 'tiff',
tiff_compression=> $compress),
"write 8 bit")
or print "# ", $orig->errstr, "\n";
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(data => $data), "read it back");
is_image($im, $orig, "check read data matches");
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_bitspersample'), 8, 'correct bits');
is($im->bits, 8, 'check image bits');
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_photometric'), 1, 'correct photometric');
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_compression'), $compress,
"$compress compression");
is($im->getchannels, 2, 'correct channels');
{ # double writes
my $orig = test_image_double()->convert(preset=>'addalpha');
my $data;
ok($orig->write(data => \$data, type => 'tiff',
tiff_compression => 'none'),
"write 32-bit/sample from double")
or diag $orig->errstr;
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(data => $data), "read it back");
is_image($im, $orig, "check read data matches");
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_bitspersample'), 32, "correct bits");
is($im->bits, 'double', 'check image bits');
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_photometric'), 2, "correct photometric");
is($im->tags(name => 'tiff_compression'), 'none', "no compression");
is($im->getchannels, 4, 'correct channels');
{ # bilevel
my $im = test_image()->convert(preset => 'grey')
->to_paletted(make_colors => 'mono',
translate => 'errdiff');
my $faxdata;
# fax compression is written as miniswhite
ok($im->write(data => \$faxdata, type => 'tiff',
tiff_compression => 'fax3'),
"write bilevel fax compressed");
my $fax = Imager->new;
ok($fax->read(data => $faxdata), "read it back");
ok($fax->is_bilevel, "got a bi-level image back");
is($fax->tags(name => 'tiff_compression'), 'fax3',
"check fax compression used");
is_image($fax, $im, "compare to original");
# other compresion written as minisblack
my $packdata;
ok($im->write(data => \$packdata, type => 'tiff',
tiff_compression => 'jpeg'),
"write bilevel packbits compressed");
my $packim = Imager->new;
ok($packim->read(data => $packdata), "read it back");
ok($packim->is_bilevel, "got a bi-level image back");
is($packim->tags(name => 'tiff_compression'), 'packbits',
"check fallback compression used");
is_image($packim, $im, "compare to original");
{ # fallback handling of tiff
is(Imager::File::TIFF::i_tiff_has_compression('none'), 1, "can always do uncompresed");
is(Imager::File::TIFF::i_tiff_has_compression('xxx'), '', "can't do xxx compression");
{ # check file limits are checked
my $limit_file = "testout/t106.tiff";
ok(Imager->set_file_limits(reset=>1, width=>149), "set width limit 149");
my $im = Imager->new;
"should fail read due to size limits");
print "# ",$im->errstr,"\n";
like($im->errstr, qr/image width/, "check message");
ok(Imager->set_file_limits(reset=>1, height=>149), "set height limit 149");
"should fail read due to size limits");
print "# ",$im->errstr,"\n";
like($im->errstr, qr/image height/, "check message");
ok(Imager->set_file_limits(reset=>1, width=>150), "set width limit 150");
"should succeed - just inside width limit");
ok(Imager->set_file_limits(reset=>1, height=>150), "set height limit 150");
"should succeed - just inside height limit");
# 150 x 150 x 3 channel image uses 67500 bytes
ok(Imager->set_file_limits(reset=>1, bytes=>67499),
"set bytes limit 67499");
"should fail - too many bytes");
print "# ",$im->errstr,"\n";
like($im->errstr, qr/storage size/, "check error message");
ok(Imager->set_file_limits(reset=>1, bytes=>67500),
"set bytes limit 67500");
"should succeed - just inside bytes limit");
# this image has an IFD loop, which sends some TIFF readers into a
# loop, including Corel PhotoPaint and the GIMP's tiff reader.
my $ifdloop_hex = <<HEX;
49 49 2A 00 0A 00 00 00 FE 00 0A 00 00 01 03 00
01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 01 03 00 01 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 02 01 03 00 03 00 00 00 88 00 00 00
03 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 05 80 00 00 06 01 03 00
01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 11 01 04 00 01 00 00 00
08 00 00 00 12 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
15 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 17 01 04 00
01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 1C 01 03 00 01 00 00 00
01 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 08 00 08 00 08 00 FE 00
0A 00 00 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 01
03 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 01 03 00 03 00
00 00 0E 01 00 00 03 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 05 80
00 00 06 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 11 01
04 00 01 00 00 00 8E 00 00 00 12 01 03 00 01 00
00 00 01 00 00 00 15 01 03 00 01 00 00 00 03 00
00 00 17 01 04 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 1C 01
03 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 08 00
08 00 08 00
$ifdloop_hex =~ tr/0-9A-F//cd;
my $ifdloop = pack("H*", $ifdloop_hex);
my $im = Imager->new;
ok($im->read(data => $ifdloop, type => "tiff", page => 1),
"read what should be valid");
ok(!$im->read(data => $ifdloop, type => "tiff", page => 2),
"third page is after looping back to the start, if this fails, upgrade tifflib")
or skip("tifflib is broken", 1);
print "# ", $im->errstr, "\n";
my @im = Imager->read_multi(type => "tiff", data => $ifdloop);
is(@im, 2, "should be only 2 images");
{ # sample format
or skip "No LZW support", 8;
or skip "No IEEE FP type", 8;
{ # signed
my $cmp = Imager->new(file => "testimg/grey16.tif", filetype => "tiff")
or skip "Cannot read grey16.tif: ". Imager->errstr, 4;
my $im = Imager->new(file => "testimg/grey16sg.tif", filetype => "tiff");
ok($im, "read image with SampleFormat = signed int")
or skip "Couldn't read the file", 3;
is_image($im, $cmp, "check the images match");
my %tags = map @$_, $im->tags;
is($tags{tiff_sample_format}, 2, "check sample format");
is($tags{tiff_sample_format_name}, "int", "check sample format name");
{ # float
my $cmp = Imager->new(file => "testimg/srgba32.tif", filetype => "tiff")
or skip "Cannot read srgaba32f.tif: ". Imager->errstr, 4;
my $im = Imager->new(file => "testimg/srgba32f.tif", filetype => "tiff");
ok($im, "read image with SampleFormat = float")
or skip "Couldn't read the file", 3;
is_image($im, $cmp, "check the images match");
my %tags = map @$_, $im->tags;
is($tags{tiff_sample_format}, 3, "check sample format");
is($tags{tiff_sample_format_name}, "ieeefp", "check sample format name");
my @codecs = Imager::File::TIFF->codecs;
my %codecs = map {; $_->{code} => $_ } @codecs;
is($codecs{1}{description}, "None", "no compression description");
is($codecs{1}{name}, "none", "no compression name");
is($codecs{5}{description}, "LZW", "LZW description");
is($codecs{5}{name}, "lzw", "LZW name");
is($codecs{32773}{description}, "PackBits", "PackBits description");
is($codecs{32773}{name}, "packbits", "PackBits name");
is($codecs{32771}{description}, "CCITT RLE/W", "CCITT RLE/W description");
is($codecs{32771}{name}, "ccittrlew", "CCITT RLE/W name");
# check compression selection by name works
my @codecs = Imager::File::TIFF->codecs;
grep { $_->{description} eq "AdobeDeflate" } @codecs
or skip "No AdobeDeflate available", 1;
my $im = test_image;
my $data;
ok($im->write(type => "tiff", data => \$data, tiff_compression => "AdobeDeflate"),
"write with AdobeDeflate");
my $im2 = Imager->new(data => \$data);
is_image($im, $im2, "check read image matches");
is($im2->tags(name => "tiff_compression"), "deflate",
"got expected compression");