

use Mojo::Base -strict;
use JSON::Validator;
use JSON::Validator::Schema::Draft7;
use Mojo::File 'path';
use Test::More;

my $workdir = path(__FILE__)->to_abs->dirname;
my $jv      = JSON::Validator->new;

subtest 'Run multiple times to make sure _reset() works' => sub {
  for my $n (1 .. 3) {
    my $bundled = $jv->schema({
      id          => '',
      surname     => {'$ref' => '#/definitions/name'},
      age         => {'$ref' => 'b.json#/definitions/years'},
      definitions => {name   => {type => 'string'}},
      B           => {id     => 'b.json', definitions => {years => {type => 'integer'}}},
    ok $bundled->{definitions}{name}, "[$n] definitions/name still in definitions";
    is $bundled->{definitions}{name}{type}, 'string', "[$n] definitions/name/type still in definitions";
    is $bundled->{definitions}{'b_json-definitions_years'}{type}, 'integer', "[$n] added to definitions";
    isnt $bundled->{age}, $jv->schema->get('/age'), "[$n] new age ref";
    is $bundled->{age}{'$ref'},     '#/definitions/b_json-definitions_years', "[$n] age \$ref";
    is $bundled->{surname}{'$ref'}, '#/definitions/name',                     "[$n] surname \$ref";

subtest 'check bundled structure' => sub {
  is $jv->get([qw(surname type)]), 'string', 'get /surname/$ref';
  is $jv->get('/surname/type'), 'string',             'get /surname/type';
  is $jv->get('/surname/$ref'), '#/definitions/name', 'get /surname/$ref';
  is $jv->schema->get('/surname/type'), 'string', 'schema get /surname/type';
  is $jv->schema->data->{surname}{'$ref'}, '#/definitions/name', 'schema get /surname/$ref';

  my $bundled = $jv->schema('data://main/bundled.json')->bundle;
  is_deeply [sort keys %{$bundled->{definitions}}], ['objtype'], 'no dup definitions';

subtest 'definitions in disk spec' => sub {
  for my $path (
    [File::Spec->updir, 'spec', 'with-deep-mixed-ref.json'],
    my $file     = path $workdir, 'spec', @$path;
    my @expected = qw(age_json height unit_json weight_json);
    my $bundled  = $jv->schema($file)->bundle;
    is_deeply [sort keys %{$bundled->{definitions}}], \@expected, "right definitions in disk spec @$path"
      or diag join ', ', sort keys %{$bundled->{definitions}};

subtest 'ensure filenames with funny characters not mangled by Mojo::URL' => sub {
  my $file3   = path $workdir, 'spec', 'space bundle.json';
  my $bundled = eval { $jv->schema($file3)->bundle };
  is $@, '', 'loaded absolute filename with space';
  is $bundled->{definitions}{space_age_json}{description}, 'Age in years',                 'space_age_json def';
  is $bundled->{properties}{age}{'$ref'},                  '#/definitions/space_age_json', 'space_age_json ref';

subtest 'extract subset of schema' => sub {
  my $bundled = $jv->schema('data://main/bundled.json')->bundle({schema => $jv->get([qw(paths /withdots get)])});
      definitions => {objtype => {properties => {propname => {type => 'string'}}, type => 'object'}},
      responses   => {200     => {schema     => {'$ref'   => '#/definitions/objtype'}}}
    'subset of schema was bundled'
  ) or diag explain $bundled;

subtest 'no leaking path' => sub {
  my $bundled = $jv->schema('data://main/bundled.json')->bundle({schema => $jv->get([qw(paths /withdots get)])});
  my $ref_name_prefix = $workdir;
  $ref_name_prefix =~ s![^\w-]!_!g;
  $jv->schema(path $workdir, 'spec', 'bundle-no-leaking-filename.json');
  my @definitions = keys %{$bundled->{definitions}};
  ok @definitions, 'definitions are present';
  is_deeply [grep { 0 == index $_, $ref_name_prefix } @definitions], [], 'no leaking of path';


@@ bundled.json
  "definitions": {
    "objtype": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {"propname": {"type": "string"}}
  "paths": {
    "/withdots": {
      "get": {
        "responses": {
          "200": {"schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/objtype"}}

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