# to do's:
# 1) matrix correction for singular matrixes
# 2) tidy up yml files search - done
# 3) header generation - done (kindof)
# 4) bounding box calculation - not needed as povray does it
# 5) metallic colors
# 6) special color handling
# 7) perl macro comments
package Lego::Ldraw::POV;
use strict;
use warnings; no warnings qw/void uninitialized/;
use Carp;
use Lego::Ldraw::Line;
use Lego::Ldraw;
use YAML;
use Template;
my $self = {};
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
my $ldraw = shift;
$self->{ldraw} = \$ldraw
if $ldraw;
$self->{primitives_file} = "primitives.yml";
$self->{colors_file} = "colors.yml";
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
sub model {
return $self->{model}
sub pov_color {
my $color = shift;
$color = 0 if (($color == 16) || ($color == 24));
my $primitives;
unless ($self->{colordefs}) {
open DATA, $self->ymlfile('colors');
$primitives = do { local $/; <DATA> };
$self->{colordefs} = Load($primitives);
my $def = $self->{colordefs}->{rgb}->{$color} || 'pigment { rgb <0.5,0.5,0.5> }';
return unless $def;
$self->{template} = Template->new
unless $self->{template};
my $type = $def =~ /filter/ ? 'normal' : 'transparent';
my $template = $self->{colordefs}->{colordecl}->{$type};
my $vars = {
color_name => "Color$color",
color_def => $def
my $output;
$self->{template}->process(\$template, $vars, \$output);
return $output;
sub _pov_name {
my $name = shift;
for ($name) {
s/^(\d)/_$1/; # initial digit
s/\./_dot_/; # dot in name
s/\-/_dash_/; # dash in name
return $name
sub toPOV {
my $part = shift;
my $ldraw;
my $ref = ref $part;
for ($ref) {
# just a part name
/^$/ && do {
$part = Lego::Ldraw::Line->new_from_part_name($part);
$ldraw = $part->explode;
# a part line
/Line$/ && do {
$ldraw = $part->explode;
# a model
$ldraw = $part;
my $pov_name = $part->pov_name;
unless ($self->{primitives}) {
my $primitives;
open DATA, $self->ymlfile('primitives');
$primitives = do { local $/; <DATA> };
$self->{primitives} = Load($primitives);
if (my $primitive = $self->{primitives}->{$pov_name}) {
$self->{model} .= "$primitive\n\n";
} else {
$self->{model} .= '#declare ' . $pov_name . " = union {\n";
$self->{model} .= join '', '// ' , ($part->description || 'no description available'), "\n";
my @mesh = grep { $_->type == 3 or $_->type == 4 } $ldraw->lines;
if (@mesh) {
$self->{model} .= "\tmesh {\n";
for (@mesh) {
$self->{model} .= "\t\t" . $_->toPOV . "\n";
$self->{model} .= "\t}\n";
for (grep { $_->type == 1 } $ldraw->lines) {
$self->{model} .= (join '', "\t", $_->toPOV, "\n");
$self->{model} .= "}\n\n";
sub colors {
return keys %{$self->{colors}}
sub colordef {
for ($self->colors) {
$self->{colordef} .= ($self->pov_color($_) . "\n\n");
return $self->{colordef};
sub ymlfile {
my $type = shift;
carp "File type unknow" unless ($type =~ /^primitives$/ || $type =~ /^colou*rs$/);
local $_ = __PACKAGE__;
# get the directory the package resides in
my $pkgdir = $_;
my $file;
for ('.', $ENV{'HOME'}, Lego::Ldraw->basedir, map { join '/', $_, $pkgdir } @INC) {
if (-e join '/', $_, "$type.yml") {
$file = join '/', $_, "$type.yml";
return $file;
sub header {
my $header = <<EOF;
#declare QUAL = 2; // Quality level, 0=BBox, 1=no refr, 2=normal, 3=studlogo
#declare SW = 0.5; // Width of seam between two bricks
#declare STUDS = 1; // 1=on 0=off
#declare BUMPS = 0; // 1=on 0=off
#declare BUMPNORMAL = normal { bumps 0.01 scale 20 }
#declare AMB = 0.4;
#declare DIF = 0.4;
#declare O7071 = sqrt(0.5);
#declare L3Logo = union {
sphere {<-59,0,-96>,6}
cylinder {<-59,0,-96>,<59,0,-122>,6 open}
sphere {<59,0,-122>,6}
cylinder {<59,0,-122>,<59,0,-84>,6 open}
sphere {<59,0,-84>,6}
sphere {<-59,0,-36>,6}
cylinder {<-59,0,-36>,<-59,0,1>,6 open}
sphere {<-59,0,1>,6}
cylinder {<0,0,-49>,<0,0,-25>,6 open}
sphere {<0,0,-25>,6}
sphere {<59,0,-62>,6}
cylinder {<59,0,-62>,<59,0,-24>,6 open}
sphere {<59,0,-24>,6}
cylinder {<-59,0,-36>,<59,0,-62>,6 open}
sphere {<-35.95,0,57>,6}
torus {18.45,6 clipped_by{plane{<40,0,-9>,0}} translate<-40,0,39>}
cylinder {<-44.05,0,21>,<35.95,0,3>,6 open}
torus {18.45,6 clipped_by{plane{<-40,0,9>,0}} translate<40,0,21>}
cylinder {<44.05,0,39>,<0,0,49>,6 open}
sphere {<0,0,49>,6}
cylinder {<0,0,49>,<0,0,34>,6 open}
sphere {<0,0,34>,6}
torus {18.45,6 clipped_by{plane{<40,0,-9>,0}} translate<-40,0,99>}
cylinder {<-44.05,0,81>,<35.95,0,63>,6 open}
torus {18.45,6 clipped_by{plane{<-40,0,9>,0}} translate<40,0,81>}
cylinder {<44.05,0,99>,<-35.95,0,117>,6 open}
scale 4.5/128
return $header;
# Lego::Ldraw subs
sub Lego::Ldraw::POVdesc {
my $self = shift;
my $ldraw = $self->copy;
my $callback = sub { Lego::Ldraw::POV->toPOV( shift ) };
return (join "\n\n",
sub Lego::Ldraw::pov_name {
return _pov_name(shift->name);
# Lego::Ldraw::Line subs
sub Lego::Ldraw::Line::pov_name {
return _pov_name(shift->name);
sub Lego::Ldraw::Line::pov_coords {
my @i = shift->coords;
my @p;
while (@i) {
my @d = splice @i, 0, 3;
push @p, (join ', ', @d);
return '<' . (join '>, <', @p) . '>';
sub Lego::Ldraw::Line::pov_matrix {
my @m = shift->transform_matrix;
my $m = join ', ', @m[3, 6, 9, 4, 7, 10, 5, 8, 11, 0, 1, 2];
return "matrix <$m>";
sub Lego::Ldraw::Line::pov_material {
my $self = shift;
return if (($self->color == 16) || ($self->color == 24));
my $col = $self->color;
return "material { Color$col }";
sub Lego::Ldraw::Line::quad_to_triangs {
my $self = shift;
return unless $self->type == 4;
my $a = $self->new;
$a->{type} = 3;
my @f = qw/colour x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 x3 y3 z3/;
for (@f) {
$a->{$_} = $self->{$_};
my $b = $self->new;
$b->{type} = 3;
for (qw/colour x1 y1 z1 x3 y3 z3 x4 y4 z4/) {
$b->{shift @f} = $self->{$_};
return ($a, $b);
sub Lego::Ldraw::Line::det {
return shift->_transform_matrix->det()
sub Lego::Ldraw::Line::toPOV {
my $self = shift;
for ($self->type) {
/1/ && do {
if ($self->det) {
return join ' ', ('object {', $self->pov_name, $self->pov_matrix, $self->pov_material, '}');
} else {
return join ' ', ('// object {', $self->pov_name, $self->pov_matrix, '}');
/3/ && do {
return ('triangle {' . $self->pov_coords . '}');
/4/ && do {
my ($a, $b) = $self->quad_to_triangs;
return ('triangle {' . $a->pov_coords . "}\n\t\t\ttriangle {" . $b->pov_coords . "}");