package Mail::Send::Loop;
# h2xs -O -AX -n Mail::Send::Loop -v 0.1
use strict;
use warnings;
use IO::Socket;
use MIME::Lite;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
# Items to export into callers namespace by default. Note: do not export
# names by default without a very good reason. Use EXPORT_OK instead.
# Do not simply export all your public functions/methods/constants.
# This allows declaration use Mail::Send::Loop ':all';
# If you do not need this, moving things directly into @EXPORT or @EXPORT_OK
# will save memory.
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [ qw(
) ] );
our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );
our @EXPORT = qw(
our $VERSION = '0.3';
# -----
my $EOF = "\x0d\x0a";
my $SMTP_DATA = "DATA" . $EOF;
my $SMTP_QUIT = "QUIT" . $EOF;
my $debug = 1;
my $recv_data;
my %gMediaTypes;
my $gCOUNT;
sub new {
my ($unknown, %usr_parms)= @_;
my $class = ref($unknown) ? ref($unknown) : $unknown;
my %obj_parms ;
while(my($k, $v) = each %usr_parms){
$obj_parms{lc($k)} = $v;
my $self = {};
$self->{mail_host} = $obj_parms{mail_host};
$self->{mail_port} = $obj_parms{mail_port} || 25;
$self->{greeting} = $obj_parms{greeting} || '';
$self->{debug} = $obj_parms{debug};
$self->{senders} = $obj_parms{senders};
$self->{recipients} = $obj_parms{recipients};
$self->{mail_mode} = $obj_parms{mail_mode} || '1tom'; # in 1 TCP session, how many emails sent
$self->{mail_count} = $obj_parms{mail_count}|| '0'; # 0 run once, # > 0, only send # of emails, -1 endless loop
if( defined $self->{debug}){
$debug = 1;
undef $debug;
bless $self, $class;
sub setDebug(){
my $self = shift;
my $status = shift;
if( $status =~ /(off|0|disable)/i ){
undef $debug;
$debug = 1;
sub emailMode(){
my $self = shift;
my $mode = shift || '';
if( $mode =~ /(1tom|1to1)/i ){
$self->{mail_mode} = $mode;
return $self->{mail_mode};
sub sendMail_EML(){
my $self = shift;
my $emlf = shift;
my $mailSender = shift;
my $recepient = shift;
if( ! -e $emlf ){
print " Error: Cannot find $emlf\n";
return 0;
open(INPUT, $emlf);
my $content = do { local $/; <INPUT> };
close INPUT;
#$content =~ s/\x0a\./\x0a\.\./sg; # . at beginning of the line need be 2
my $mail_socket = &createMailSocket($self->{mail_host}, $self->{mail_port}, $self->{greeting});
&sendMail_OneTcpSession(\$mail_socket, $mailSender, $recepient, $content);
return 1;
sub sendMail_AllFilesInFolder(){
my $self = shift;
my %usr_parms = @_;
my $mail_folder = $usr_parms{mail_folder};
my $mail_mode = $usr_parms{mail_mode} || $self->{mail_mode};
my $mail_subject= $usr_parms{mail_subject} || "send the file as attachment";
my $mail_text_bd= $usr_parms{mail_txt_body}|| "this is a test email with MIME attachment";
my $greeting = $usr_parms{greeting} || $self->{greeting};
my $sender_list = $usr_parms{senders} || $self->{senders};
my $rpient_list = $usr_parms{recipients} || $self->{recipients};
my $mail_count = $usr_parms{mail_count} || $self->{mail_count};
if(! $sender_list || ! $rpient_list){
print " Error: please define sender and recipient lists!\n";
$gCOUNT =0;
my $mail_host = $self->{mail_host};
my $mail_port = $self->{mail_port};
my @files = glob("$mail_folder/*.*");
my $socketClosed; # TRUE or FALSE
# when 0, send all files only once
$self->{mail_count} = $mail_count if( $mail_count =~ /^\d+$/ );
$self->{mail_count} = scalar @files if( $mail_count == 0);
my $mail_socket;
$mail_socket = &createMailSocket($mail_host, $mail_port, $greeting) if($mail_mode =~ /1tom/i);
my @mailSender = ( @{$sender_list} ) x (int(scalar @files / scalar @{$sender_list}) + 1 ) ;
my @recepients = ( @{$rpient_list} ) x (int(scalar @files / scalar @{$rpient_list}) + 1 ) ;
my $org = $_;
$mail_socket = &createMailSocket($mail_host, $mail_port, $greeting) if($mail_mode =~ /1to1/i);
if($org =~ /\.eml$/i){
open(INPUT, $org) or die "Could not open file: org\n";
my $content = do { local $/; <INPUT> };
close INPUT;
&sendMail_OneTcpSession(\$mail_socket, shift @mailSender, shift @recepients, $content);
my $mSender = shift @mailSender;
my $mRecepient = shift @recepients;
### Create the multipart container
my $msg = MIME::Lite->new (
From => $mSender,
To => $mRecepient,
Subject => "$mail_subject: $mail_mode " . $gCOUNT,
Type =>'multipart/mixed'
) or die "Error creating multipart container: $!\n";
$org =~ /(.*)\.(.*)$/i;
my $ext = lc($2);
#print "$ext $gMediaTypes{$ext} \n";
### Add the text message part
$msg->attach (
Type => 'TEXT',
Data => $mail_text_bd
) or die "Error adding the text message part: $!\n";
$msg->attach (
Type => $gMediaTypes{$ext},
Path => $org,
Filename => $org,
Disposition => 'attachment'
) or die "Error adding $org: $!\n";
&sendMail_OneTcpSession(\$mail_socket, $mSender, $mRecepient, $msg->as_string);
if($self->{mail_count} == $gCOUNT){
$socketClosed = 1;
&closeMailSocket(\$mail_socket) if($mail_mode =~ /1to1/i);
&closeMailSocket(\$mail_socket) if($mail_mode =~ /1tom/i && $socketClosed != 1);
$self->{mail_count} = 0;
return $gCOUNT;
sub sendMail_LoopAllUsers(){
my $self = shift;
my %usr_parms = @_;
my $mail_body = $usr_parms{mail_body};
my $mail_mode = $usr_parms{mail_mode} || $self->{mail_mode};
my $greeting = $usr_parms{greeting} || $self->{greeting};
my $sender_list = $usr_parms{senders} || $self->{senders};
my $rpient_list = $usr_parms{recipients} || $self->{recipients};
my $mail_count = $usr_parms{mail_count} || $self->{mail_count};
my $mail_host = $self->{mail_host};
my $mail_port = $self->{mail_port};
if(! $sender_list || ! $rpient_list || ! $mail_body){
print " Error: please define sender, recipient lists and email body!\n";
$gCOUNT =0;
my $socketClosed;
# when 0, send all files only once
$self->{mail_count} = $mail_count if( $mail_count =~ /^\d+$/ );
$self->{mail_count} = ( scalar @{$sender_list} ) * ( scalar @{$rpient_list} ) if( $mail_count == 0);
my $mail_socket;
$mail_socket = &createMailSocket($mail_host, $mail_port, $greeting) if($mail_mode =~ /1tom/i);
my $sender = $_;
$mail_socket = &createMailSocket($mail_host, $mail_port, $greeting) if($mail_mode =~ /1to1/i);
&sendMail_OneTcpSession(\$mail_socket, $sender, $_, $mail_body);
if($self->{mail_count} == $gCOUNT){
$socketClosed = 1;
&closeMailSocket(\$mail_socket) if($mail_mode =~ /1to1/i);
&closeMailSocket(\$mail_socket) if($mail_mode =~ /1tom/i && $socketClosed != 1);
$self->{mail_count} = 0;
return $gCOUNT;
sub sendMail_OneTcpSession(){
my $SOCKET = shift;
my $mailf_addr = shift;
my $rcptT_addr = shift;
my $mail_body = shift;
my $mail_socket = ${$SOCKET};
my $mail_from = "MAIL FROM: " . $mailf_addr . $EOF;
my $rcpt_to = "RCPT TO: " . $rcptT_addr . $EOF;
$mail_socket->recv($recv_data, 1024);
if( $recv_data !~ /^250/){
print " Error: $mail_from->$recv_data";
close $mail_socket;
$mail_socket->recv($recv_data, 1024);
if( $recv_data !~ /^250/){
print " Error: $rcpt_to\t\t->$recv_data";
close $mail_socket;
$mail_socket->recv($recv_data, 1024);
if( $recv_data !~ /^354/){
print " Error: $SMTP_DATA->$recv_data";
close $mail_socket;
$mail_socket->send( $mail_body . "$EOF\.$EOF");
$mail_socket->recv($recv_data, 1024);
if( $recv_data !~ /^250/){
print " Error: Mail Body->$recv_data";
close $mail_socket;
&dbg_print("Mail Body->$recv_data " . ' email length: ' . length($mail_body) . "\t $gCOUNT sent");
sub createMailSocket(){
my $mail_host = shift || "";
my $mail_port = shift || "25";
my $greeting = shift || "";
my $smtp_EHLO = "HELO $greeting" . $EOF;
my $mail_socket = new IO::Socket::INET (
PeerAddr => $mail_host,
PeerPort => $mail_port,
Proto => 'tcp',
or die "Couldn't connect to Server\n";
$mail_socket->recv($recv_data, 1024);
print "Greeting->$recv_data" if($debug);
$mail_socket->recv($recv_data, 1024);
if( $recv_data !~ /^250/){
print " Error: $smtp_EHLO->$recv_data";
close $mail_socket;
return $mail_socket;
sub closeMailSocket(){
my $SOCKET = shift;
my $mail_socket = ${$SOCKET};
$mail_socket->send( $SMTP_QUIT );
$mail_socket->recv($recv_data, 1024);
if( $recv_data !~ /^221/){
print " Error: QUIT->$recv_data";
close $mail_socket;
print "\n";
close $mail_socket;
sub dbg_print(){
my $str = shift;
$str =~ s/\x0d//g;
$str =~ s/\x0a//g;
print " INFO : $str\n" if($debug);
sub readMediaTypes(){
my $mediaType = shift; # reference to hash
my $mediaFile;
if(-e "$_/LWP/media.types") {
$mediaFile = "$_/LWP/media.types";
open(MIME, $mediaFile);
chomp $_;
next if($_ =~ /^#/);
my $line = $_;
my @part = split /\s+/, $line;
next if(scalar @part < 2);
#print "$line\n";
my $last = scalar @part - 1;
foreach( @part[1..$last] ){
${$mediaType}{lc($_)} = $part[0];
close MIME;
#print sort values %{$mediaType};
${$mediaType}{xlsx} = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet';
${$mediaType}{docx} = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document';
${$mediaType}{pptx} = 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation';
${$mediaType}{db} = 'application/binary'; # Thumbs.db
# Below is stub documentation for your module. You'd better edit it!
=head1 NAME
Mail::Send::Loop - Perl extension for sending emails that attach each file in a specified folder and loop a set of users
use strict;
use Mail::Send::Loop;
my @sender = ('', '', '');
my @rpient = ('', '');
my $mailer = Mail::Send::Loop->new(
mail_host => '',
mail_port => 25,
mail_mode => '1tom',
greeting => '',
senders => \@sender,
recipients => \@rpient,
mail_count => 8,
my $email_body = &getMIME();
my $ret = $mailer->sendMail_LoopAllUsers(
mail_body => $email_body,
mail_mode => '1to1',
mail_count => 3,
print " $ret mails sent\n";
$ret = $mailer->sendMail_AllFilesInFolder(
mail_folder => 'test_emails',
mail_mode => '1to1',
mail_subject => "blabla...",
mail_txt_body=> "7777",
greetings => "",
mail_count => 2,
print $mailer->emailMode() . "\n";
$mailer->sendMail_EML('test_emails/mail.eml', $sender[0], $rpient[0]);
sub getMIME(){
return qq(MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="_----------=_128097394742080"
X-Mailer: MIME::Lite 3.027 (F2.76; T1.30; A2.06; B3.08; Q3.08)
Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 19:05:47 -0700
From: jkang\
To: bill\
Subject: A message with 2 parts ...
This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Type: text/plain
Here's the attachment file(s) you wanted
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="head.gif"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Type: image/gif; name="head.gif"
The Module is designed to stress any MTA with different files, senders and recipients.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
my $mailer = Mail::Send::Loop->new(option => 'value', ...);
Create an Email Client. Other functions can override some parameters.
=over 4
=item * debug
Print all SMTP conversation
=item * mail_host
=item * mail_port
MTA's Port. The default port is 25 if not given.
=item * greeting
HELO greeting. The default domain is '' if not given.
=item * senders
Users set for 'MAIL FROM'. It takes an ARRAY reference.
=item * recipients
Users set for 'RCPT TO'. It takes an ARRAY reference.
=item * mail_mode
1tom: One TCP connection to MTA is used to send MANY emails.
1to1: One TCP connection to MTA is used to send ONE email.
=item * mail_count
Stop sending email after specified number of emails sent
-1: Keep sending emails endlessly
=head2 setDebug
1/0: Enable/Disable SMTP conversation information
=head2 emailMode
Print current email Mode or Set it to 1to1/1tom.
=head2 sendMail_AllFilesInFolder
$mailer->sendMail_AllFilesInFolder(option => 'value', ...);
=over 4
=item * mail_folder
All files in this specified folder will be sent one by one as an attachment. EML file is sent as-it. Other files will be
MIME-encrypted first based on LWP/media.types, and then sent out. Each email has only One attachment.
=item * mail_mode
1tom: One TCP connection to MTA is used to send MANY emails.
1to1: One TCP connection to MTA is used to send ONE email.
=item * mail_subject
Static subject for each email
=item * mail_txt_body
Static email text body
=item * greeting
HELO greeting
=item * senders
Users set for 'MAIL FROM'. It takes an ARRAY reference.
=item * recipients
Users set for 'RCPT TO'. It takes an ARRAY reference.
=item * mail_count
Stop sending email after specified number of emails sent
=head2 sendMail_LoopAllUsers
$mailer->sendMail_LoopAllUsers(option => 'value', ...);
Send SAME email to all users.
=over 4
=item * mail_body
It takes text string that can be prepared MIME-encrypted email content.
=item * mail_mode
1tom: One TCP connection to MTA is used to send MANY emails.
1to1: One TCP connection to MTA is used to send ONE email.
=item * greeting
HELO greeting
=item * senders
Users set for 'MAIL FROM'. It takes an ARRAY reference.
=item * recipients
Users set for 'RCPT TO'. It takes an ARRAY reference.
=item * mail_count
Stop sending email after specified number of emails sent
=head2 sendMail_EML
$mailer->sendMail_EML($eml, $mailfrom, $mailto);
Send one specified EML email file
=over 4
=item * $eml
EML file's path
=item * $mailfrom
MAIL FROM email address
=item * $mailto
RCPT TO email address
=head1 SEE ALSO
Please, see L<MIME::Lite>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Jing Kang E<lt>kxj@hotmail.comE<gt>
Copyright (C) 2010 by jkang
This library is free software.