package Mail::SimpleList;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $pod = do { local $/; <DATA> };
use parent 'Mail::Action';
use Carp 'croak';
use Mail::Mailer;
use Email::Address;
use Email::MIME;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '0.95';
use Mail::SimpleList::Aliases;
sub storage_class
sub parse_alias
my ($self, $address) = @_;
my ($add) = Email::Address->parse( $address );
my $user = $add->user();
my $expansion_pattern = $self->expansion_pattern();
return ( $user =~ $expansion_pattern ) ? $1 : '';
sub expansion_pattern
return qr/\+([^+]+)$/;
sub command_help
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::command_help( $pod, 'USING LISTS', 'DIRECTIVES' );
sub command_new
my $self = shift;
my $from = $self->address_field( 'From' );
my $addresses = $self->storage();
my $alias = $addresses->create( $from );
my $users = $self->process_body( $alias );
my $id = $self->generate_alias( $alias->name() );
my $post = $self->post_address( $id );
$self->add_to_alias( $alias, $post, @$users );
$addresses->save( $alias, $id );
$self->reply({ To => $from, Subject => "Created list $id" },
"Mailing list created. Post to $post." );
return $alias;
sub command_clone
my $self = shift;
my $from = $self->address_field( 'From' );
my $request = $self->request();
(my $subject = $request->header( 'Subject' )) =~ s/^\*clone\*\s+//;
my ($alias_id) = $self->parse_alias( $subject );
my $addresses = $self->storage();
my $parent = $addresses->fetch( $alias_id );
my $alias = $addresses->create( $from );
my $users = $self->process_body( $alias );
my $wanted_id = $alias->name() || $alias_id;
my $id = $self->generate_alias( $wanted_id );
my $post = $self->post_address( $id );
$self->add_to_alias( $alias, $post, @{ $parent->members() }, @$users );
$addresses->save( $alias, $id );
$self->reply({ To => $from, Subject => "Cloned alias $alias_id => $id" },
"Mailing list created. Post to $post." );
return $alias;
sub address_field
my ($self, $field) = @_;
my @values = $self->request->header( $field );
return wantarray ? @values : $values[0]->address();
sub generate_alias
my ($self, $id) = @_;
my $addresses = $self->storage();
$id ||= sprintf '%x', reverse scalar time;
while ($addresses->exists( $id ))
$id = sprintf '%x', ( reverse ( time() + rand($$) ));
return $id;
sub post_address
my ($self, $id) = @_;
my ($address) = $self->address_field( 'To' );
# if this is a *new* request, there's no To field anymore
$address ||= $self->request->recipient();
my $host = $address->host();
(my $base = $address->user()) =~ s/\+([^+]+)$//;
return "$base+$id\@$host";
sub reply
my ($self, $headers) = splice( @_, 0, 2 );
$headers->{'X-MSL-Seen'} = '1';
$self->SUPER::reply( $headers, @_ );
sub command_unsubscribe
my $self = shift;
my ($alias, $id) = $self->fetch_address();
my $from = $self->request->header( 'From' )->address();
$self->reply({ To => $from, Subject => "Remove from $alias" },
($alias->remove_address( $from ) and
$self->storage->save( $alias, $id )) ?
"Unsubscribed $from successfully." :
"Unsubscribe unsuccessful for $from. Check the address."
sub process
my $self = shift;
return if $self->request->header('X-MSL-Seen');
my $command = $self->find_command();
return $self->$command() if $command;
my $alias = $self->fetch_address();
return $self->deliver( $alias ) if $alias;
sub deliver
my ($self, $alias) = @_;
my $name = $alias->name();
my $request = $self->request();
my $recipient = $request->recipient();
my $sent_to = $recipient->address();
my $host = $recipient->host();
my $message = $request->copy_headers();
$message->{To} = $sent_to;
unless ($self->can_deliver( $alias, $message ))
my $body = delete $message->{Body};
$message->{To} = delete $message->{From};
$self->reply( $message, $body );
my $desc = $alias->description() || '';
if ( $alias->auto_add() )
my @to_friends = map { $_->address() } $request->header( 'To' );
my @cc_friends = map { $_->address() } $request->header( 'Cc' );
$self->add_to_alias( $alias, @to_friends, @cc_friends );
$self->storage->save( $alias, $name );
$message->{Bcc} = $alias->members();
$message->{'List-Id'} = ( $desc ? qq|"$desc" | : '') .
$message->{'Reply-To'} = $sent_to;
delete $message->{'Delivered-to'};
my $body = $self->add_signature( "\n-- \nTo unsubscribe:" .
qq| reply to this sender alone with "*UNSUBSCRIBE*" in the subject.\n|
$self->reply( $message, $body );
sub add_signature
my ($self, $sig) = @_;
my $request = $self->request();
my @parts = $request->message->parts();
if (@parts == 1)
$request->message->body_set( $request->message->body() . $sig );
my $sig_part = Email::MIME->create(
attributes => {
encoding => '7bit',
disposition => 'attachment',
content_type => 'text/plain',
body => $sig,
push @parts, $sig_part;
$request->message->parts_set( \@parts );
return $request->message->body_raw();
sub reject
my $reason = $_[1] || "Invalid alias\n";
$! = 100;
die $reason;
sub notify
my ($self, $alias, $id) = splice( @_, 0, 3 );
my $owner = $alias->owner();
my $desc = $alias->description();
for my $address ( @_ )
From => $owner,
To => $address,
'Reply-To' => $id,
Subject => "Added to alias $id",
}, "You have been subscribed to alias $id by $owner.\n\n", $desc );
sub can_deliver
my ($self, $alias, $message) = @_;
if ( $alias->closed() and not
grep { $_ eq $message->{From} } @{ $alias->members() })
$message->{To} = $message->{From};
$message->{Subject} = 'Alias closed';
$message->{Body} = 'This alias is closed to non-members.';
return 1 unless my $expires = $alias->expires();
if ($expires < time())
$message->{To} = $message->{From};
$message->{Subject} = 'Alias expired';
$message->{Body} = 'This alias has expired.';
return 1;
sub add_to_alias
my ($self, $alias, $id, @addresses) = @_;
my @added = $alias->add( @addresses ) or return;
$self->notify( $alias, $id, @added );
=head1 NAME
Mail::SimpleList - module for managing simple, temporary, easy mailing lists
use Mail::SimpleList;
my $list = Mail::SimpleList->new( 'alias' );
Sometimes, you just need a really simple mailing list to last for a few days.
You want it to be easy to create and easy to use, and you want it to be easy to
unsubscribe. It's not worth setting up a complex system with one of the
existing mailing list managers, but it's nice not to worry about who does and
doesn't want to participate.
Mail::SimpleList, Mail::SimpleList::Aliases, and Mail::SimpleList::Alias make
it easy to create a temporary mailing list system.
Please see the README file in this distribution for installation and
configuration instructions. You'll need to configure your mail server just a
little bit, but you only need to do it once. The rest of these instructions
assume you've installed Mail::SimpleList to use the address
To create a list, send an e-mail to the address C<>. In the
subject of the message, include the phrase C<*new*>. In the body of the
message, include a list of e-mail addresses to be subscribed to the list. For
example, you may create a list including Alice, Bob, and Charlie with an e-mail resembling:
Subject: *new*
You will receive a response informing you that the list has been created.
Alice, Bob, and Charlie will each receive a response indicating that you have
subscribed them to the alias. Each message will include the alias-specific
posting address. In this case, it might be C<>.
You can specify additional directives when creating a list. Please see
L</DIRECTIVES> for more information.
To post to a list, simply send an e-mail to the address provided in the
subscription or creation message. It will be sent to everyone currently
subscribed to the list. You do not need to use the Reply-All feature on your
mailer; Mail::SimpleList sets the C<Reply-To> header automatically.
If you do include other e-mail addresses in the C<CC> header, Mail::SimpleList
will, by default, automatically subscribe them to the list, informing them of
this action and sending them the current message. No one should receive
duplicate messages, even if he is already subscribed.
To unsubscribe from a list, send an e-mail to the address provided with a
subject line of C<*unsubscribe*>. In Bob's case, this message might be:
Subject: *unsubscribe*
no body here; it doesn't matter
Bob will receive an e-mail confirming that he has been unsubscribed. He will
not receive any more messages directed to this list unless he resubscribes.
To clone a list, duplicating its subscribers but setting yourself as the owner
and changing other attributes, send a message to the main address (in this
case, C<>) with a subject containing the command C<*clone*>
and the address of the list to clone. Alice could clone the list above by
sending the message:
Subject: *clone*
Alice will receive a list creation message and the members of the cloned list
will each receive a message informing them that they have been added to the
clone. Doug will also be added to this new list.
Lists have seven attributes. Creating a list will set two attributes, the list
owner and the list members. You can specify the other attributes by including
directives when you create or clone a list.
Directives go in the body of the creation or clone message, B<before> the list
of e-mail addresses to add. They take the form:
Directive: option
=head2 Closed
This directive governs whether or not the list is closed to non-subscribers.
If so, only members of the list may send a message to the list. Everyone else
will receive an error message indicating that the list is closed.
This attribute is false by default; anyone can post to a list. To enable it,
use either directive form:
Closed: yes
Closed: 1
=head2 Expires
This directive governs how long the list will be available. After its
expiration date has passed, no one may send a message to the list. Everyone
will then receive an error message indicating that the list has expired.
This attribute is not set by default; lists do not expire. To enable it, use
the directive form:
Expires: 7d2h
This directive will cause the list to expire in seven days and two hours.
Valid time units are:
=over 4
=item * C<m>, for minute. This is sixty (60) seconds.
=item * C<h>, for hour. This is sixty (60) minutes.
=item * C<d>, for day. This is twenty-four (24) hours.
=item * C<w>, for week. This is seven (7) days.
=item * C<M>, for month. This is thirty (30) days.
This should suffice for most purposes.
=head2 Auto_add
This directive governs whether addresses found in the C<CC> header will be
added automatically to the list. By default, it is enabled. To disable it,
use either directive form:
Auto_add: no
Auto_add: 0
=head2 Description
This is a single line that describes the purpose of the list. It is sent to
everyone when they are added to the list. By default, it is blank. To set a
description, use the form:
Description: A list for discussing fluoridation.
=head2 Name
This isn't a directive in the sense that it's an intrinsic part of a list.
It's just a way to give a list a nicer name when it's being created. Instead
of having to rename a list to a nicer name, you can specify it with:
Name: meat-eaters
Only letters, numbers, dashes, and the underscore characters are allowed in
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item * new( $alias_directory, [ $filehandle ] )
C<new()> takes one mandatory argument and one optional argument.
C<$alias_directory> is the path to the directory where alias data is stored.
C<$filehandle> is a filehandle (or a reference to a glob) from which to read an
incoming message. By default, it will read from C<STDIN>, as that is how mail
filters work.
=item * C<process()>
Processes one incoming message.
=item * C<expansion_pattern()>
Returns a compiled regex to find expanded e-mail addresses (of the form
C<>). If you've set your mail server to use a
delimiter other than C<+>, override this method. For example, Andy Lester uses
addresses of the form C<>. What a nut.
=item * C<add_signature( $signature )>
Adds the given string signature to the message, using the standard marker for
signatures. If this message is a multi-part message, creates a new plain text
attachment. Right now it only respects ASCII signatures.
=item * C<add_to_alias( $alias, $post_address, @addresses )>
Adds each of the given C<@addresses> to the C<$alias>, notifying them of the
addition and giving them the C<$post_address> of the list (so they can post to
it). This will only notify those addresses actually added to the list.
=item * C<can_deliver( $alias, $message_headers )>
Given an Alias object for the list and the C<$message_headers>, returns true if
the sender can actually send a message to the list. Currently, all users can
post to any list unless the list is closed to non-member postings or has
=item * C<deliver( $alias)>
Delivers the message, first checking C<can_deliver()>, then adding all new
addresses if auto-add is in effect, then setting the appropriate headers (such
as list headers and the list description), and finally adding a signature and
delivering the message.
This is currently a lot of responsibility. Don't rely on everything all
happening in this magic method.
=item * C<generate_alias( [ $suggested_list_id ] )>
Generates a new alias for a list, given an optional list id. The current
algorithm uses the current time plus a random number to avoid collisions with
another list alias. It's mostly race-condition free.
=item * C<notify( $alias, $list_address, @addresses )>
Sends a message from the list owner to each address in C<@addresses>, notifying
them that the system has added them to the C<$alias> with the posting address
of C<$list_address>.
=item * C<parse_alias( $address )>
Tries to discern the id of the alias from the given string containing an
e-mail address. This will return the empty string if it could not find one.
=item * C<post_address( $list_id )>
Given the id of the list, returns the e-mail address to use to post to the list
in string form. This depends on your MTA setting the proper delivery headers.
=item * C<reject( [ $reason ] )>
Rejects processing this message by dying with the error code 100. If there is
no C<$reason>, this reports an invalid alias.
This method tends to end C<procmail> processing, making the MDA report back to
the sender, if so configured.
=head1 AUTHOR
chromatic, C<chromatic at wgz dot org>, with suggestions from various friends
and family as well as the subset of the Portland Perl Mongers who do not appear
in a previous category.
=head1 BUGS
No known bugs, though something odd happens when you send a message with an
invalid command to the base address (in our example, C<>).
=head1 TODO
=over 4
=item * look for addable addresses in C<To> header as well
=item * allow the list owner to add people even if C<Auto_add> is off
=item * explore appropriate mailing-list and references headers
=item * explicitly forbid loops (strip out all other alias addresses when
=item * allow list creation to be restricted to a set of users
=item * show lists of which I am a member
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2016 chromatic. All rights reserved. This module is
distributed under the same terms as Perl 5.30, in the hope that it is useful
but under no warranty.