package Mail::TempAddress;
use strict;
my $pod = do { local $/; <DATA> };
use base 'Mail::Action';
use Carp 'croak';
use Mail::Mailer;
use Email::Address;
use Mail::TempAddress::Addresses;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '0.62';
sub storage_class
sub process
my $self = shift;
return if $self->request()->message()->header( 'X-MTA-Seen' );
my $command = $self->find_command();
return $self->$command() if $command;
my ($address, $key) = $self->fetch_address();
my $result = eval
die "No address found\n" unless $address;
return $self->respond( $address, $key ) if $key;
return $self->deliver( $address ) if $address;
return $result unless $@;
$self->reject( $@ );
sub command_help
my $self = shift;
$self->SUPER::command_help( $pod, 'USING ADDRESSES', 'DIRECTIVES' );
sub deliver
my ($self, $address) = @_;
my $expires = $address->expires();
$self->reject() if $expires and $expires < time();
my $request = $self->request();
my $from = $request->header( 'From' )->address();
my $key = $address->add_sender( $from );
my $desc = $address->description();
my $to = $request->recipient();
my $user = $to->user();
my $host = $to->host();
my @all_to =
map { $self->build_address( $_, $address, $user, $host ) }
grep { $_->address() ne $to->address() }
$request->header( 'To' );
my @all_cc =
map { $self->build_address( $_, $address, $user, $host ) }
grep { $_->address() ne $to->address() }
$request->header( 'Cc' );
my $headers = $request->copy_headers();
$headers->{From} = $from;
$headers->{To} = [ $address->owner(), @all_to ];
$headers->{Cc} = \@all_cc if @all_cc;
$headers->{'Reply-To'} = "$user+$key\@$host";
$headers->{'X-MTA-Description'} = $desc if $desc;
$self->storage->save( $address, $address->name() );
$self->reply( $headers, $request->message->body_raw() );
sub build_address
my ($self, $addy, $address, $user, $host) = @_;
my $real_addy = $addy->address();
my $comment = '(' . $real_addy . ')';
my $key = $address->add_sender( $real_addy );
my $keyed = '<' . $user . '+' . $key . '@' . $host . '>';
return $comment . ' ' . $keyed;
sub respond
my ($self, $address, $key) = @_;
my $request = $self->request();
my $to = $address->get_sender( $key )
or die "No sender for '$key'\n";
my $message = $self->message();
my $addy = $request->recipient();
my $host = $addy->host();
my $from = $address->name() . "\@$host";
my $headers = $request->copy_headers();
$headers->{To} = $to;
$headers->{From} = $from;
delete $headers->{Cc};
$self->reply( $headers, join("\n", @{ $request->remove_sig() } ));
sub fetch_address
my $self = shift;
my ($alias, $key) = $self->parse_alias( $self->request()->recipient() );
my $addresses = $self->storage();
return unless $addresses->exists( $alias );
my $addy = $addresses->fetch( $alias );
return wantarray ? ( $addy, $key ) : $addy;
sub parse_alias
my ($self, $address) = @_;
my ($add) = Email::Address->parse( $address );
my $user = $add->user();
my $expansion_pattern = $self->expansion_pattern();
my $key = ( $user =~ s/$expansion_pattern// ? $1 : undef );
return wantarray ? ( $user, $key ) : $user;
sub expansion_pattern
return qr/\+([^+]+)$/;
sub command_new
my $self = shift;
my $request = $self->request();
my $from = $request->header( 'From' )->address();
my $to = $request->recipient();
my $domain = $to->host();
my $addresses = $self->storage();
my $address = $addresses->create( $from );
my $tempaddy = $addresses->generate_address();
$self->process_body( $address );
$addresses->save( $address, $tempaddy );
To => $from,
From => $to->address(),
Subject => 'Temporary address created' },
"A new temporary address has been created for $from: $tempaddy\@$domain" );
sub reject
my ($self, $error) = @_;
$error ||= "Invalid address";
$! = 100;
die "$error\n";
=head1 NAME
Mail::TempAddress - module for managing simple, temporary mailing addresses
use Mail::TempAddress;
my $mta = Mail::TempAddress->new( 'addresses' );
Sometimes, you just need a really simple mailing address to last for a few
days. You want it to be easy to create and easy to use, and you want it to be
sufficiently anonymous that your real address isn't ever exposed.
Mail::TempAddress, Mail::TempAddress::Addresses, and Mail::TempAddress::Address
make it easy to create a temporary mailing address system.
Please see the README file in this distribution for installation and
configuration instructions. You'll need to configure your mail server and your
DNS, but you only need to do it once. The rest of these instructions assume
you've installed Mail::TempAddress to handle all mail coming to addresses in
the subdomain C<>.
To create a new temporary address, send an e-mail to the address
C<>. In the subject of the message, include the phrase
C<*new*>. You will receive a response informing you that the address has been
created. The message will include the new address. In this case, it might be
Simply provide this address when required to register at a web site (for
You can specify additional directives when creating an address. Please see
L<Directives> for more information.
Every message sent to your temporary address will be resent to the address you
used to create the address. The sender will not see your actual address.
Every message relayed to your actual address will contain a special C<Reply-To>
header keyed to the sender. Thus, a message from C<> may have
a C<Reply-To> header of C<>. Be sure to
send any replies to this address so that the message may be relayed from your
temporary address.
Temporary addresses have two attributes. You can specify these attributes by
including directives when you create a new address.
Directives go in the body of the creation message. They take the form:
Directive: option
=head2 Expires
This directive governs how long the address will last. After its expiration
date has passed, no one may send a message to the address. Everyone will then
receive an error message indicating that the address does not exist.
This attribute is not set by default; addresses do not expire. To enable it,
use the directive form:
Expires: 7d2h
This directive will cause the address to expire in seven days and two hours.
Valid time units are:
=over 4
=item * C<m>, for minute. This is sixty (60) seconds.
=item * C<h>, for hour. This is sixty (60) minutes.
=item * C<d>, for day. This is twenty-four (24) hours.
=item * C<w>, for week. This is seven (7) days.
=item * C<M>, for month. This is thirty (30) days.
This should suffice for most purposes.
=head2 Description
This is a single line that describes the purpose of the address. If provided,
it will be sent in the C<X-MTA-Description> header in all messages sent to the
address. By default, it is blank. To set a description, use the form:
Description: This address was generated to enter a contest.
=head1 METHODS
=over 4
=item * new( $address_directory,
[ Filehandle => $fh, Storage => $addys, Message => $mess ] )
C<new()> takes one mandatory argument and three optional arguments.
C<$address_directory> is the path to the directory where address data is
stored. You can usually get by with just the mandatory argument.
C<$fh> is a filehandle (or a reference to a glob) from which to read an
incoming message. If not provided, M::TA will read from C<STDIN>, as that is
how mail filters work.
C<$addys> should be an Storage object (which manages the storage of temporary
addresses). If not provided, M::TA will use L<Mail::TempAddress::Addresses> by
C<$mess> should be a Mail::Message object (representing an incoming e-mail
message) to the constructor. If not provided, M::TA will use L<Mail::Message>
by default.
=item * process()
Processes one incoming message.
=item * expansion_pattern()
Returns a compiled regex to find expanded e-mail addresses (of the form
C<>). If you've set your mail server to use a
delimiter other than C<+>, override this method. For example, Andy Lester uses
addresses of the form C<>. What a nut.
=head1 AUTHOR
chromatic, C<>.
=head1 BUGS
No known bugs.
=head1 TODO
=over 4
=item * allow nicer name generation
=item * allow new message creation to send an initial message
=item * allow address creation to be restricted to a set of users
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 chromatic. Some rights reserved. You may use,
modify, and distribute this module under the same terms as Perl 5.10 itself.