

package MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986;
use Moo;
use MooX::ClassAttribute;
use Types::Standard -all;
use strict;
use diagnostics;
use Marpa::R2;

# ABSTRACT: Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax - Marpa Parser

# References: RFC 3986       URI                           
#             RFC 6874       IPv6 Zone Identifiers         
#             RFC 7320       URI Design and Ownership       (does not affect the grammar)


our $VERSION = '0.002'; # VERSION

our $DATA = do { local $/; <DATA>; };

has value         => (is => 'ro', isa => Str, required => 1 );

class_has grammar => (is => 'ro', isa => InstanceOf['Marpa::R2::Scanless:G'], default => sub { return Marpa::R2::Scanless::G->new({ source => \$DATA }) } );

class_has bnf     => (is => 'ro', isa => Str,                                 default => $DATA );

has scheme        => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_scheme');
has authority     => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_authority');
has path          => (is => 'ro', isa => Str,           default => '',         writer => '_set_path');        # There is always a path in an URI
has query         => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_query');
has fragment      => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_fragment');

has hier_part     => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_hier_part');
has userinfo      => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_userinfo');
has host          => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_host');
has port          => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_port');
has relative_part => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_relative_part');
has ip_literal    => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_ip_literal');
has zoneid        => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_zoneid' );
has ipv4address   => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_ipv4address');
has reg_name      => (is => 'ro', isa => Str|Undef,     default => undef,      writer => '_set_reg_name');

  my ($class, @args) = @_;

  unshift(@args, 'value') if (@args % 2 == 1);

  return { @args };

sub BUILD {
  my ($self) = @_;
  # This hack just to avoid recursivity: we do not want Marpa to
  # call another new() but operate on our instance immediately
  local $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF = $self;
  $self->grammar->parse(\$self->value, { ranking_method => 'high_rule_only' });


sub is_absolute {
  my ($self) = @_;
  ## No need to reparse. An absolute URI is when scheme and hier_part are defined
  return Str->check($self->scheme) && Str->check($self->hier_part);

# Grammar rules
sub _marpa_concat        { shift;                                         return join('', @_); }
sub _marpa_scheme        { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_scheme        ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_authority     { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_authority     ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_path          { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_path          ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_query         { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_query         ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_fragment      { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_fragment      ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }

sub _marpa_hier_part     { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_hier_part     ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_userinfo      { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_userinfo      ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_host          { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_host          ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_port          { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_port          ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_relative_part { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_relative_part ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_ip_literal    { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_ip_literal    ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_zoneid        { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_zoneid        ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_ipv4address   { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_ipv4address   ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }
sub _marpa_reg_name      { shift; my $self = $MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::SELF; return $self->_set_reg_name      ($self->_marpa_concat(@_)); }



=encoding UTF-8

=head1 NAME

MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986 - Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax - Marpa Parser

=head1 VERSION

version 0.002


    use MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986;
    use Try::Tiny;
    use Data::Dumper;

    print Dumper(MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986->new(''));

    try {
      print STDERR "\nThe following is an expected failure:\n";
    } catch {
      print STDERR "$_\n";


This module parses an URI reference as per RFC3986 STD 66, with RFC6874 update about IPv6 Zone Identifiers. It is not intended as a replacement of the URI module, but more for data validation using a strict grammar with good error reporting.


Quoted from the RFC here is the overall structure of an URI that will help understand the meaning of the methods thereafter:

         \_/   \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
          |           |            |            |        |
       scheme     authority       path        query   fragment
          |   _____________________|__
         / \ /                        \

The grammar is parsing both absolute URI and relative URI, the corresponding start rule being named a URI reference.

An absolute URI has the following structure:

         URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]

while a relative URI is split into:

         relative-ref  = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]

Back to the overall structure, the authority is:

         authority   = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]

where the host can be an IP-literal with Zone information, and IPV4 address or a registered name:

         host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name

The Zone Identifier is an extension to original RFC3986, and is defined in RFC6874:

         IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPv6addrz / IPvFuture  ) "]"

         ZoneID = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded )

         IPv6addrz = IPv6address "%25" ZoneID


=head2 MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986->new(@options --> InstanceOf['MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986'])

Instantiate a new object. Usage is either C<MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986-E<gt>new(value =E<gt> $url)> or C<MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986-E<gt>new($url)>. This method will croak if the the C<$url> parameter cannot coerce to a string nor is a valid URI. The variable C<$self> is used below to refer to this object instance.

=head2 MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986->grammar( --> InstanceOf['Marpa::R2::Scanless::G'])

A Marpa::R2::Scanless::G instance, hosting the computed grammar. This is a class variable, i.e. works also with C<$self>.

=head2 MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986->bnf( --> Str)

The BNF grammar used to parse an URI. This is a class variable, i.e. works also with C<$self>.


=head2 $self->value( --> Str)

The variable given in input to C<new()>.

=head2 $self->scheme( --> Str|Undef)

The URI scheme. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->authority( --> Str|Undef)

The URI authority. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->path( --> Str)

The URI path. Note that an URI always have a path, although it can be empty.

=head2 $self->query( --> Str|Undef)

The URI query. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->fragment( --> Str|Undef)

The URI fragment. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->hier_part( --> Str|Undef)

The URI hier part. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->userinfo( --> Str|Undef)

The URI userinfo. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->host( --> Str|Undef)

The URI host. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->port( --> Str|Undef)

The URI port. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->relative_part( --> Str|Undef)

The URI relative part. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->ip_literal( --> Str|Undef)

The URI IP literal. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->zoneid( --> Str|Undef)

The URI IP's zone id. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->ipv4address( --> Str|Undef)

The URI IP Version 4 address. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->reg_name( --> Str|Undef)

The URI registered name. Can be undefined.

=head2 $self->is_absolute( --> Bool)

Returns a true value if the URI is absolute, false otherwise.

=head1 SEE ALSO




L<Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax|>

L<Representing IPv6 Zone Identifiers in Address Literals and Uniform Resource Identifiers|>

L<URI Design and Ownership|>

=for :stopwords cpan testmatrix url annocpan anno bugtracker rt cpants kwalitee diff irc mailto metadata placeholders metacpan

=head1 SUPPORT

=head2 Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report any bugs or feature requests through the issue tracker
at L<>.
You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue.

=head2 Source Code

This is open source software.  The code repository is available for
public review and contribution under the terms of the license.


  git clone git://

=head1 AUTHOR

Jean-Damien Durand <>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by Jean-Damien Durand.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.


inaccessible is ok by default
:default ::= action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_concat
:start ::= <URI reference>

<URI>         ::= <scheme> ':' <hier part> '?' <query> '#' <fragment>
                | <scheme> ':' <hier part> '?' <query>
                | <scheme> ':' <hier part>             '#' <fragment>
                | <scheme> ':' <hier part>

<hier part>     ::= '//' <authority> <path abempty>                     action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_hier_part
                  | <path absolute>                                     action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_hier_part
                  | <path rootless>                                     action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_hier_part
                  | <path empty>                                        action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_hier_part

<URI reference> ::= <URI>
                  | <relative ref>

<absolute URI>  ::= <scheme> ':' <hier part> '?' <query>
                  | <scheme> ':' <hier part>

<relative ref>  ::= <relative part> '?' <query> '#' <fragment>
                  | <relative part> '?' <query>
                  | <relative part>             '#' <fragment>
                  | <relative part>

<relative part> ::= '//' <authority> <path abempty>                    action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_relative_part
                  | <path absolute>                                    action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_relative_part
                  | <path noscheme>                                    action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_relative_part
                  | <path empty>                                       action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_relative_part

<scheme trailer unit> ::= ALPHA | DIGIT | [+-.]
<scheme header>       ::= ALPHA
<scheme trailer>      ::= <scheme trailer unit>*
<scheme>              ::= <scheme header> <scheme trailer>              action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_scheme

<authority>     ::= <userinfo> '@' <host> ':' <port>                    action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_authority
                  | <userinfo> '@' <host>                               action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_authority
                  |                <host> ':' <port>                    action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_authority
                  |                <host>                               action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_authority

<userinfo unit> ::= <unreserved> | <pct encoded> | <sub delims> | ':'
<userinfo>      ::= <userinfo unit>*                                    action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_userinfo

  # As per the RFC:
  # he syntax rule for host is ambiguous because it does not completely
  # distinguish between an IPv4address and a reg-name.  In order to
  # disambiguate the syntax, we apply the "first-match-wins" algorithm:
  # If host matches the rule for IPv4address, then it should be
  # considered an IPv4 address literal and not a reg-name.

<host>          ::= <IP literal>                                        action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_host
                  | <IPv4address>                            rank => 1  action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_host
                  | <reg name>                                          action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_host

<port>          ::= DIGIT*                                              action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_port

<IP literal>    ::= '[' IPv6address ']'                                 action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_ip_literal
                  | '[' IPv6addrz   ']'                                 action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_ip_literal
                  | '[' IPvFuture   ']'                                 action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_ip_literal

<ZoneID unit>   ::= <unreserved> | <pct encoded>
<ZoneID>        ::= <ZoneID unit>+                                      action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_zoneid

<IPv6addrz>     ::= <IPv6address> '%25' <ZoneID>

<hexdigit many>          ::= HEXDIG+
<IPvFuture trailer unit> ::= <unreserved> | <sub delims> | ':'
<IPvFuture trailer>      ::= <IPvFuture trailer unit>+
<IPvFuture>              ::= 'v' <hexdigit many> '.' <IPvFuture trailer>

<1 h16 colon>   ::= <h16> ':'
<2 h16 colon>   ::= <1 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>
<3 h16 colon>   ::= <2 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>
<4 h16 colon>   ::= <3 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>
<5 h16 colon>   ::= <4 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>
<6 h16 colon>   ::= <5 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>

<at most 1 h16 colon>  ::=                                              rank => 0
<at most 1 h16 colon>  ::=         <1 h16 colon>                        rank => 1
<at most 2 h16 colon>  ::= <at most 1 h16 colon>                        rank => 0
                         | <at most 1 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>          rank => 1
<at most 3 h16 colon>  ::= <at most 2 h16 colon>                        rank => 0
                         | <at most 2 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>          rank => 1
<at most 4 h16 colon>  ::= <at most 3 h16 colon>                        rank => 0
                         | <at most 3 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>          rank => 1
<at most 5 h16 colon>  ::= <at most 4 h16 colon>                        rank => 0
                         | <at most 4 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>          rank => 1
<at most 6 h16 colon>  ::= <at most 5 h16 colon>                        rank => 0
                         | <at most 5 h16 colon> <1 h16 colon>          rank => 1

<IPv6address>   ::=                                  <6 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  |                             '::' <5 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  |                       <h16> '::' <4 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  |                             '::' <4 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  | <at most 1 h16 colon> <h16> '::' <3 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  |                             '::' <3 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  | <at most 2 h16 colon> <h16> '::' <2 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  |                             '::' <2 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  | <at most 3 h16 colon> <h16> '::' <1 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  |                             '::' <1 h16 colon> <ls32>
                  | <at most 4 h16 colon> <h16> '::'               <ls32>
                  |                             '::'               <ls32>
                  | <at most 5 h16 colon> <h16> '::'               <h16>
                  |                             '::'               <h16>
                  | <at most 6 h16 colon> <h16> '::'
                  |                             '::'

<h16>            ::= HEXDIG
                   | HEXDIG HEXDIG
                   | HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG
                   | HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG

<ls32>          ::= <h16> ':' <h16>
                  | <IPv4address>

IPv4address     ::= <dec octet> '.' <dec octet> '.' <dec octet> '.' <dec octet> action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_ipv4address

<dec octet>     ::=                      DIGIT # 0-9
                  |      [\x{31}-\x{39}] DIGIT # 10-99
                  | '1'            DIGIT DIGIT # 100-199
                  | '2'  [\x{30}-\x{34}] DIGIT # 200-249
                  | '25' [\x{30}-\x{35}]       # 250-255

<reg name unit> ::= <unreserved> | <pct encoded> | <sub delims>
<reg name>      ::= <reg name unit>*                                 action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_reg_name

<path>          ::= <path abempty>    # begins with "/" or is empty
                  | <path absolute>   # begins with "/" but not "//"
                  | <path noscheme>   # begins with a non-colon segment
                  | <path rootless>   # begins with a segment
                  | <path empty>      # zero character

<segment unit> ::= '/' <segment>
<segments>     ::= <segment unit>*
<path abempty>  ::= <segments>                                       action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_path

<path absolute> ::= '/' <segment nz> <segments>                      action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_path
                  | '/'                                              action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_path
<path noscheme> ::= <segment nz nc> <segments>                       action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_path
<path rootless> ::= <segment nz> <segments>                          action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_path
<path empty>    ::=                                                  action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_path

# All possible segments are here
<segment>       ::= <pchar>*
<segment nz>    ::= <pchar>+
<segment nz nc unit> ::= <unreserved> | <pct encoded> | <sub delims> | '@'
<segment nz nc> ::= <segment nz nc unit>+                            # non-zero-length segment without any colon ":"

<pchar>         ::= <unreserved> | <pct encoded> | <sub delims> | [:@]

<query unit>    ::= <pchar> | [/?]
<query>         ::= <query unit>*                                    action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_query

<fragment unit> ::= <pchar> | [/?]
<fragment>      ::= <fragment unit>*                                 action => MarpaX::RFC::RFC3986::_marpa_fragment

<pct encoded>   ::= '%' HEXDIG HEXDIG

<unreserved>    ::= ALPHA | DIGIT | [-._~]

<sub delims>    ::= [!$&'()*+,;=]

# These rules are informative: they are not productive
<reserved>      ::= <gen delims> | <sub delims>
<gen delims>    ::= [:/?#\[\]@]
# No perl meta-character, just to be sure
ALPHA         ::= [A-Za-z]
DIGIT         ::= [0-9]
HEXDIG        ::= [0-9A-Fa-f]

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.