

use Mojo::Base -strict;

BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll' }

use Test::More;

plan skip_all => 'set TEST_ONLINE to enable this test' unless $ENV{TEST_ONLINE};

use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::JSON qw(true);
use Mojo::Pg;

subtest 'Notifications with event loop' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my ($db, @all, @test);
  $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { $db = pop });
    pstest => sub {
      my ($pubsub, $payload) = @_;
      push @test, $payload;
      Mojo::IOLoop->next_tick(sub { $pubsub->pg->db->notify(pstest => 'stop') });
      Mojo::IOLoop->stop if $payload eq 'stop';
  $db->on(notification => sub { push @all, [@_[1, 3]] });
  $pg->db->notify(pstest => '♥test♥');
  is_deeply \@test, ['♥test♥', 'stop'], 'right messages';
  is_deeply \@all, [['pstest', '♥test♥'], ['pstest', 'stop']], 'right notifications';

subtest 'JSON' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my (@json, @raw);
    pstest => sub {
      my ($pubsub, $payload) = @_;
      push @json, $payload;
      Mojo::IOLoop->stop if ref $payload eq 'HASH' && $payload->{msg} eq 'stop';
    pstest2 => sub {
      my ($pubsub, $payload) = @_;
      push @raw, $payload;
  Mojo::IOLoop->next_tick(sub {
    $pg->db->notify(pstest => 'fail');
    $pg->pubsub->notify('pstest')->notify(pstest => {msg => '♥works♥'})->notify(pstest => [1, 2, 3])
      ->notify(pstest => true)->notify(pstest2 => '♥works♥')->notify(pstest => {msg => 'stop'});
  is_deeply \@json, [undef, undef, {msg => '♥works♥'}, [1, 2, 3], true, {msg => 'stop'}], 'right data structures';
  is_deeply \@raw,  ['♥works♥'],                                                          'right messages';

subtest 'Unsubscribe' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my $db;
  $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { $db = pop });
  my (@all, @test);
  my $first  = $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
  my $second = $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
  $db->on(notification => sub { push @all, [@_[1, 3]] });
  $pg->pubsub->notify('pstest')->notify(pstest => 'first');
  is_deeply \@test, ['', '', 'first', 'first'], 'right messages';
  is_deeply \@all, [['pstest', ''], ['pstest', 'first']], 'right notifications';
  $pg->pubsub->unlisten(pstest => $first)->notify(pstest => 'second');
  is_deeply \@test, ['', '', 'first', 'first', 'second'], 'right messages';
  is_deeply \@all, [['pstest', ''], ['pstest', 'first'], ['pstest', 'second']], 'right notifications';
  $pg->pubsub->unlisten(pstest => $second)->notify(pstest => 'third');
  is_deeply \@test, ['', '', 'first', 'first', 'second'], 'right messages';
  is_deeply \@all, [['pstest', ''], ['pstest', 'first'], ['pstest', 'second']], 'right notifications';
  @all = @test = ();
  my $third  = $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
  my $fourth = $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
  $pg->pubsub->notify(pstest => 'first');
  is_deeply \@test, ['first', 'first'], 'right messages';
  $pg->pubsub->notify(pstest => 'second');
  is_deeply \@test, ['first', 'first', 'second', 'second'], 'right messages';
  $pg->pubsub->unlisten('pstest')->notify(pstest => 'third');
  is_deeply \@test, ['first', 'first', 'second', 'second'], 'right messages';

subtest 'Reconnect while listening' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my (@dbhs, @test);
  $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { push @dbhs, pop->dbh });
  $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
  ok $dbhs[0], 'database handle';
  is_deeply \@test, [], 'no messages';
    local $dbhs[0]{Warn} = 0;
    $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { shift->notify(pstest => 'works'); Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
    $pg->db->query('select pg_terminate_backend(?)', $dbhs[0]{pg_pid});
    ok $dbhs[1], 'database handle';
    isnt $dbhs[0], $dbhs[1], 'different database handles';
    is_deeply \@test, ['works'], 'right messages';

subtest 'Reconnect while listening multiple retries' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my (@dbhs, @test, @test3, @test4);
  $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { push @dbhs, pop->dbh });
  $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest  => sub { push @test,  pop });
  $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest4 => sub { push @test4, pop });
  ok $dbhs[0], 'database handle';
  is_deeply \@test, [], 'no messages';
    local $dbhs[0]{Warn} = 0;
      reconnect => sub {
        shift->notify(pstest => 'works')->notify(pstest3 => 'works too')->notify(pstest4 => 'failed');
    my $dsn = $pg->dsn;
      disconnect => sub {
        my $pubsub = shift;
        Mojo::IOLoop->timer(0.2 => sub { $pg->dsn($dsn) });
        $pubsub->listen(pstest3 => sub { push @test3, pop });
    $pg->db->query('SELECT PG_TERMINATE_BACKEND(?)', $dbhs[0]{pg_pid});
    ok $dbhs[1], 'database handle';
    isnt $dbhs[0], $dbhs[1], 'different database handles';
    is_deeply \@test,  ['works'],     'right messages';
    is_deeply \@test3, ['works too'], 'right messages';
    is_deeply \@test4, [],            'no messages';

subtest 'Reconnect while not listening' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my (@dbhs, @test);
  $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { push @dbhs, pop->dbh });
  $pg->pubsub->notify(pstest => 'fail');
  ok $dbhs[0], 'database handle';
  is_deeply \@test, [], 'no messages';
    local $dbhs[0]{Warn} = 0;
    $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->stop });
    $pg->db->query('SELECT PG_TERMINATE_BACKEND(?)', $dbhs[0]{pg_pid});
    ok $dbhs[1], 'database handle';
    isnt $dbhs[0], $dbhs[1], 'different database handles';
    $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
    $pg->pubsub->notify(pstest => 'works too');
    is_deeply \@test, ['works too'], 'right messages';

subtest 'Reset' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my (@dbhs, @test);
  $pg->pubsub->on(reconnect => sub { push @dbhs, pop->dbh });
  $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
  ok $dbhs[0], 'database handle';
  $pg->pubsub->notify(pstest => 'first');
  is_deeply \@test, ['first'], 'right messages';
    $pg->pubsub->notify(pstest => 'second');
    ok $dbhs[1], 'database handle';
    isnt $dbhs[0], $dbhs[1], 'different database handles';
    is_deeply \@test, ['first'], 'right messages';
    $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
    $pg->pubsub->notify(pstest => 'third');
    ok !$dbhs[2], 'no database handle';
    is_deeply \@test, ['first', 'third'], 'right messages';

subtest 'Call listen/unlisten immediately after notify' => sub {
  my $pg = Mojo::Pg->new($ENV{TEST_ONLINE});
  my @test;
  $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest => sub { push @test, pop });
  $pg->db->notify(pstest => 'works');
  $pg->pubsub->listen(pstest2 => sub { });
  is_deeply \@test, ['works'], 'right messages';
  $pg->db->notify(pstest => 'works too');
  $pg->pubsub->unlisten(pstest3 => sub { });
  is_deeply \@test, ['works', 'works too'], 'right messages';


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