

use Mojo::Base -strict;

  $ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll';

use File::Temp;
use Test::More;
use Time::HiRes;
use IO::Compress::Gzip 'gzip';
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::Message::Request;
use Mojo::UserAgent::Cached;
use Mojo::UserAgent::Server;
use Mojolicious;

# Mojo::UserAgent::Cached specific tests
$ENV{SUA_CACHE_ROOT_DIR} = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );

# Setup mock server
my $app = Mojolicious->new();
my $controller = sub { shift->render(text => Time::HiRes::time(), status => 200); };
$app->routes->get('/' => { text => 'works' });
$app->routes->get('/maybe_not_found' => sub { $controller->(@_); } );
$app->routes->get('/content' => { text => 'content' });

use FindBin qw($Bin);

my $ua1 = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new( local_dir => "$Bin/../t/data" );
ok $ua1->get('newsfeed.xml')->res->is_success, 'Can fetch local file and success is set';
is $ua1->get('newsfeed.xml')->res->code, 200, 'Can fetch local file and get correct status';
like $ua1->get('newsfeed.xml')->res->body, qr/^<\?xml/, 'Can fetch local file and get its body';

my $ua2 = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();
is $ua2->get('t/data/newsfeed.xml')->res->code, 200, 'Can fetch local file and get correct status';
like $ua2->get('t/data/newsfeed.xml')->res->body, qr/^<\?xml/, 'Can fetch local file and get its body';

my $ua3 = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new( local_dir => "$Bin/../t/data", always_return_file => 'newsfeed.xml' );
is $ua3->get('NOT_newsfeed.xml')->res->code, 200, 'Always return file provided and get correct status';
like $ua3->get('NOT_newsfeed.xml')->res->body, qr/^<\?xml/, 'Always return file provided and get its body';

my $ua4 = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();
is $ua4->get('NOT_newsfeed.xml')->res->code, 404, 'Return 404 when file is not found';
is $ua4->get('NOT_newsfeed.xml')->res->body, '',  'Return empty body when file not found';

subtest 'Test against real URL on Mock server' => sub {
    my $ua5 = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();

    local *Mojo::UserAgent::Cached::is_cacheable = sub { return 1; };


    my $tx1 = $ua5->get('/content');
    my $first_age = $tx1->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age');
    ok !$first_age, 'Not cached first time';

    my $tx2 = $ua5->get('/content');
    my $second_ts = $tx2->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Cached');
    my $second_age = $tx2->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age');
    ok $second_age > 0, 'Response is cached';

    my $tx3 = $ua5->get('/content');
    my $third_ts = $tx3->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Cached');
    is $second_ts, $third_ts, 'Response is still the same one cached';

    # Requests with headers
    my $rand = time;
    my $tx4 = $ua5->get('/content' => { 'X-Some-Header' => $rand });
    my $fourth_age = $tx4->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age');
    ok !$fourth_age, 'Not cached first time';
    ok $tx4->res->content, 'Contains something';

    my $tx5 = $ua5->get('/content' => { 'X-Some-Header' => $rand });
    my $fifth_ts = $tx5->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age');
    ok $fifth_ts > 0, 'Response is cached';
    ok $tx5->res->content, 'Contains something';

# Set cache directly to avoid redundant call to Vipr
my $ua_with_mock_server = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();
my $tx = $ua_with_mock_server->get("/");

my $cache_key = "http://some_server/this_is_modified_cache_key";
$ua4->set($cache_key, $tx);
is $ua4->get($cache_key)->res->code, 200, 'Can fetch from modified cache key';

# validate cache key
is $ua4->is_valid($cache_key), 1, "Cache key is valid";
$ua4->invalidate($cache_key); # expire
is $ua4->is_valid($cache_key), undef, "Cache key is expired";

is $ua4->is_valid('INVALID_KEY'), undef, 'Invalid key';

# HUH? What is this testing?
is $ua4->is_valid(Mojo::UserAgent->new()), undef, 'Invalid key (object) survives';

subtest 'ABCN-3702' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();
    my $tx = $ua->get('t/data/body+headers.txt');
    is $tx->res->code, 200, 'Can fetch local file and get correct status';
    is $tx->res->headers->header('X-Test'), 'Works', 'Can fetch local file and get correct header';
    is $tx->res->body, "test\n\nbody\n", 'Can fetch local file and get its body';

subtest 'ABCN-3572' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();

    # Allow caching /foo requests too 
    no warnings 'redefine';
    local *Mojo::UserAgent::Cached::is_cacheable = sub { return 1; };

    my $url = "/content/?non-blocking-cache-test";
    my $tx = $ua->get($url);
    is $tx->res->code, 200, 'right status';
    ok !$tx->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age'), 'First request should not be cached';

    my $first_code = $tx->res->code;
    my $first_body = $tx->res->body;
    my $first_headers = $tx->res->headers;

    my ($headers, $success, $code, $body);
        $url => sub {
            my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
            $headers = $tx->res->headers;
            $success = $tx->res->is_success;
            $code    = $tx->res->code;
            $body    = $tx->res->body;
    ok $success, 'successful';
    ok $headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached'), 'Non-blocking request should be cached';
    ok $headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age') > 0, 'Non-blocking request should be cached';

    is $code,    $first_code, 'cached status is the same as original';
    is $body,    $first_body, 'cached body is the same as original';

    is_deeply $headers->to_hash, $first_headers->to_hash, 'cached headers are the same as original';

subtest 'Cache with request headers' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();

    my $keys = {
        '' => [''],
        '' => [''],
        ',{"X-Test":"Test"}' => ['', { 'X-Test' => 'Test' } ],
        ',[{},"form",{"a":"b"}]' => ['', {}, form => { 'a' => 'b' } ],
        ',[{"X-Test":"Test"},"form",{"a":"b"}]' => ['', { 'X-Test' => 'Test' }, form => { 'a' => 'b' } ],
        ',[{"X-Test":"Test"},"json",{"a":"b"}]' => ['', { 'X-Test' => 'Test' }, json => { 'a' => 'b' } ],
    while (my ($k, $v) = each %{$keys}) {
        is $ua->generate_key(@{$v}), $k, "generate_key " . (join " ", @{$v}) . " => $k";

    # Allow caching /foo requests too
    local *Mojo::UserAgent::Cached::is_cacheable = sub { return 1; };

    my @params = ('/content' => { 'X-Test' => [ 'Test' ] });

    my $cache_key = $ua->generate_key(@params);
    is($cache_key, '/content,{"X-Test":["Test"]}', 'cache key is correct');

    my $tx1 = $ua->get(@params);
    ok !$tx1->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age'), 'first response is not cached';

    my $tx2 = $ua->get(@params);
    ok $tx2->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age') > 0, 'response is cached';


subtest 'Test overridable key generator' => sub {
  my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new;

  my $url = '';
  my @opts = ( 'X-Test' => 'Test' );

  $ua->key_generator(sub {
    my ($self, $url, @opts) = @_;
    $url = Mojo::URL->new($url) unless ref $url eq 'Mojo::URL';
    return $self->key_generator_cb($url, @opts);

  is $ua->generate_key($url, @opts), ',["X-Test","Test"]', 'Correct key generated';

subtest 'Should run callbacks even if content is local' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();

    my $tx = $ua->get('t/data/body+headers.txt' => sub {
      my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
      is $tx->res->code, 200, 'Can fetch local file and get correct status';
      is $tx->res->headers->header('X-Test'), 'Works', 'Can fetch local file and get correct header';
      is $tx->res->body, "test\n\nbody\n", 'Can fetch local file and get its body';


subtest 'Should run callbacks even if content is cached' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();

    # Allow caching /foo requests too
    local *Mojo::UserAgent::Cached::is_cacheable = sub { return 1; };

    my $url = '/content';
    my $tx = $ua->get($url);

    $tx = $ua->get($url => sub {
      my ($ua, $tx) = @_;
      is $tx->res->code, 200, 'Can fetch cached file and get correct status';


subtest 'Should emit events even if content is cached' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();

    # Allow caching /foo requests too
    local *Mojo::UserAgent::Cached::is_cacheable = sub { return 1; };

    my $url = '/content';
    my $tx = $ua->get($url);

    my ($finished_req, $finished_tx, $finished_res);
    $tx = $ua->build_tx('GET' => $url);
    ok !$tx->is_finished, 'transaction is not finished';
    $tx->req->on(finish => sub { $finished_req++ });
    $tx->on(finish => sub { $finished_tx++ });
    $tx->res->on(finish => sub { $finished_res++ });
    my $cached_tx = $ua->start($tx);
    is $finished_tx,  1, 'finish event on transaction has been emitted once';
    is $finished_req, 1, 'finish event on request has been emitted once';
    is $finished_res, 1, 'finish event on response has been emitted once';
    ok $cached_tx->is_finished, 'transaction is finished';
    ok $cached_tx->req->is_finished, 'request is finished';
    ok $cached_tx->res->is_finished, 'response is finished';

subtest 'expired+cached functionality' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();
    # Allow caching /foo requests too
    local *Mojo::UserAgent::Cached::is_cacheable = sub { return 1; };
    # make sure we have no cache around

    ok $ua->is_cacheable("/maybe_not_found"), 'Local URL is cacheable';

    # First normal request
    my $tx = $ua->get("/maybe_not_found");
    is $tx->res->code, '200', 'Get 200 correctly first time';
    my $body = $tx->res->body;
    like $body, qr/\d+\.\d+/, 'Body has timestamp only';

    # ...switch to serving 404
    $controller = sub { shift->render(text => Time::HiRes::time(), status => 404); };

    # ...Second request now gets cached version
    $tx = $ua->get("/maybe_not_found");
    is $tx->res->code, '200', 'Get 200 correctly first cached version';
    is $body, $tx->res->body, 'Result is cached';

    # ...expire our cache (time has passed...)

    # ...get a a expired+cached result now that it returns 404 and we expired the cache
    $tx = $ua->get("/maybe_not_found");
    is $tx->res->code, '200', 'Get 200 correctly cached and expired';
    is $body, $tx->res->body, 'Result is cached';

    # ...start accepting 404 as non-error content

    # ...we now accept 404s so we should get a fresh 404 request
    $tx = $ua->get("/maybe_not_found");
    my $new_body = $tx->res->body;
    is $tx->res->code, '404', 'Get 404 correctly - Not in cache anymore';
    isnt $body, $new_body, 'Result is fresh';

    # ...this result should now be cached
    $tx = $ua->get("/maybe_not_found");
    is $tx->res->code, '404', 'Get 404 correctly - cached again';
    is $new_body, $tx->res->body, 'Result is the same as last one';

    # ...expire our cache (time has passed...)

    # ...get fresh result as we expired the cache and 404 is still not considered an error
    $tx = $ua->get("/maybe_not_found");
    is $tx->res->code, '404', 'Get 404 correctly - fresh';
    isnt $new_body, $tx->res->body, 'Result is fresh';

# TODO: Replace tests with local server

subtest 'normalize URLs' => sub {
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new();

    my $urls = {
       '/foo?c=1&a=1' => '/foo?a=1&c=1',
       '' => '',
       '' => '',
       '/foo?c&a=1' => '/foo?a=1&c',
       '' => '',
       '' => '',
    while (my ($in, $exp) = each %{$urls}) {
        is $ua->sort_query($in), $exp, "$in => $exp";

subtest 'url by url caching' => sub {
   my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new( cache_opts => { expires_in => '1 seconds' }, cache_url_opts => { 'http://.*?/content' => { expires_in => '5 seconds' } } );

   # Allow caching /foo requests too
   no warnings 'redefine';
   local *Mojo::UserAgent::Cached::is_cacheable = sub { return 1; };

   my $tx = $ua->get('/content');
   my $first_cached_at = $tx->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Cached');

   sleep 1;

   my $tx2 = $ua->get('/content');

   is $tx2->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Cached'), $first_cached_at, 'Same cached at time';
   ok $tx2->res->headers->header('X-Mojo-UserAgent-Cached-Age') > 0, 'Has been in cached more than the default 1 seconds';

subtest 'Support file:// URLs' => sub {
   my $tx = Mojo::UserAgent::Cached->new->get("file://$Bin/data/newsfeed.xml");
   is $tx->res->dom->at('channel title')->text, 'TITLE', 'Found content in local file';


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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.