

use Mojo::Base -strict;

BEGIN { $ENV{MOJO_REACTOR} = 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll' }

use Test::More;
use Mojo::ByteStream 'b';
use Mojo::JSON 'encode_json';
use Mojolicious::Lite; plugin plack_middleware => [];
use Test::Mojo;

websocket '/echo' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->on(binary => sub { shift->send({binary => shift}) });
    text => sub {
      my ($c, $bytes) = @_;
      $c->send("echo: $bytes");

get '/echo' => {text => 'plain echo!'};

websocket '/no_compression' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  $c->on(binary => sub { shift->send({binary => shift}) });

websocket '/json' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
    json => sub {
      my ($c, $json) = @_;
      return $c->send({json => $json}) unless ref $json;
      return $c->send({json => [@$json, 4]}) if ref $json eq 'ARRAY';
      $json->{test} += 1;
      $c->send({json => $json});

get '/plain' => {text => 'Nothing to see here!'};

websocket '/push' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
  my $id = Mojo::IOLoop->recurring(0.1 => sub { $c->send('push') });
  $c->on(finish => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->remove($id) });

websocket '/unicode' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
    message => sub {
      my ($c, $msg) = @_;
      $c->send("♥: $msg");

websocket '/bytes' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
    frame => sub {
      my ($ws, $frame) = @_;
      $ws->send({$frame->[4] == 2 ? 'binary' : 'text', $frame->[5]});

websocket '/once' => sub {
  my $c = shift;
    message => sub {
      my ($c, $msg) = @_;
      $c->send("ONE: $msg");
    message => sub {
      my ($tx, $msg) = @_;
      $c->send("TWO: $msg");

websocket '/close' => sub { shift->finish(1001) };

websocket '/one_sided' => sub {
  shift->send('I ♥ Mojolicious!' => sub { shift->finish });

under '/nested';

websocket sub {
  my $c = shift;
  my $echo = $c->cookie('echo') // '';
  $c->cookie(echo => 'again');
    message => sub {
      my ($c, $msg) = @_;
      $c->send("nested echo: $msg$echo")->finish(1000);

get {text => 'plain nested!'};

post {data => 'plain nested too!'};

my $t = Test::Mojo->new;

# Simple roundtrip
  ->message_ok->message_is('echo: hello')->finish_ok;

# Multiple roundtrips
$t->websocket_ok('/echo')->send_ok('hello again')
  ->message_ok->message_is('echo: hello again')->send_ok('and one more time')
  ->message_ok->message_is('echo: and one more time')->finish_ok;

# Custom headers and protocols
my $headers = {DNT => 1, 'Sec-WebSocket-Key' => 'NTA2MDAyMDU1NjMzNjkwMg=='};
$t->websocket_ok('/echo' => $headers => ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'])
  ->header_is('Sec-WebSocket-Accept'   => 'I+x5C3/LJxrmDrWw42nMP4pCSes=')
  ->header_is('Sec-WebSocket-Protocol' => 'foo')->send_ok('hello')
  ->message_ok->message_is('echo: hello')->finish_ok;
is $t->tx->req->headers->dnt, 1, 'right "DNT" value';
is $t->tx->req->headers->sec_websocket_protocol, 'foo, bar, baz',
  'right "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol" value';

# Bytes
$t->websocket_ok('/echo')->send_ok({binary => 'bytes!'})
  ->message_ok->message_is({binary => 'bytes!'})
  ->send_ok({binary => 'bytes!'})
  ->message_ok->message_isnt({text => 'bytes!'})->finish_ok;

# Bytes in multiple frames
$t->websocket_ok('/echo')->send_ok([0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 'a'])
  ->send_ok([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'b'])->send_ok([1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'c'])
  ->message_ok->message_is({binary => 'abc'})->finish_ok;

# Zero
$t->websocket_ok('/echo')->send_ok(0)->message_ok->message_is('echo: 0')
  ->send_ok(0)->message_ok->message_like({text => qr/0/})->finish_ok(1000)

# 64-bit binary message
is $t->tx->max_websocket_size, 262144, 'right size';
$t->send_ok({binary => 'a' x 65538})
  ->message_ok->message_is({binary => 'a' x 65538})

# 64-bit binary message (too large for server)
$t->websocket_ok('/echo')->send_ok({binary => 'b' x 65539})->finished_ok(1009);

# 64-bit binary message (too large for client)
$t->send_ok({binary => 'c' x 65537})->finished_ok(1009);

# Binary message in two frames without FIN bit (too large for server)
$t->websocket_ok('/echo')->send_ok([0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 'd' x 30000])
  ->send_ok([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'd' x 35539])->finished_ok(1009);

# Plain alternative
$t->get_ok('/echo')->status_is(200)->content_is('plain echo!');

# Compression denied by the server
  '/no_compression' => {'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' => 'permessage-deflate'});
is $t->tx->req->headers->sec_websocket_extensions, 'permessage-deflate',
  'right "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" value';
ok !$t->tx->compressed, 'WebSocket has no compression';
$t->send_ok({binary => 'a' x 500})
  ->message_ok->message_is({binary => 'a' x 500})->finish_ok;

# Compressed message ("permessage-deflate")
  '/echo' => {'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' => 'permessage-deflate'});
ok $t->tx->compressed, 'WebSocket has compression';
$t->send_ok({binary => 'a' x 10000})
  ->header_is('Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' => 'permessage-deflate');
is $t->tx->req->headers->sec_websocket_extensions, 'permessage-deflate',
  'right "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions" value';
my $payload;
  frame => sub {
    my ($tx, $frame) = @_;
    $payload = $frame->[5];
$t->message_ok->message_is({binary => 'a' x 10000});
ok length $payload < 10000, 'message has been compressed';

# Compressed message exceeding the limit when decompressed
  '/echo' => {'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' => 'permessage-deflate'})
  ->header_is('Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' => 'permessage-deflate')
  ->send_ok({binary => 'a' x 1000000})->finished_ok(1009);

# Huge message that doesn't compress very well
my $huge = join '', map { int rand(9) } 1 .. 65538;
  '/echo' => {'Sec-WebSocket-Extensions' => 'permessage-deflate'})
  ->send_ok({binary => $huge})->message_ok->message_is({binary => $huge})

# JSON roundtrips (with a lot of different tests)
$t->websocket_ok('/json')->send_ok({json => {test => 23, snowman => '☃'}})
  ->message_ok->json_message_is('' => {test => 24, snowman => '☃'})
  ->json_message_is('' => {test => 24, snowman => '☃'})
  ->send_ok({binary => encode_json([1, 2, 3])}, 'with description')
  ->message_ok('with description')->message_is('[1,2,3,4]')
  ->message_is('[1,2,3,4]', 'with description')->message_isnt('[1,2,3]')
  ->message_isnt('[1,2,3]', 'with description')->message_like(qr/3/)
  ->message_like(qr/3/, 'with description')->message_unlike(qr/5/)
  ->message_unlike(qr/5/, 'with description')->json_message_is([1, 2, 3, 4])
  ->json_message_is([1, 2, 3, 4])->send_ok({binary => encode_json([1, 2, 3])})
  ->json_message_has('/2', 'with description')->json_message_hasnt('/5')
  ->json_message_hasnt('/5', 'with description')->json_message_is('/2' => 3)
  ->json_message_is('/2' => 3, 'with description')
  ->send_ok({json => {'☃' => [1, 2, 3]}})
  ->message_ok->json_message_is('/☃', [1, 2, 3])
  ->json_message_like('/☃/1' => qr/\d/)
  ->json_message_like('/☃/2' => qr/3/, 'with description')
  ->json_message_unlike('/☃/1' => qr/[a-z]/)
  ->json_message_unlike('/☃/2' => qr/2/, 'with description')
  ->send_ok({json => 'works'})->message_ok->json_message_is('works')
  ->send_ok({json => undef})->message_ok->json_message_is(undef)->finish_ok;

# Plain request
$t->get_ok('/plain')->status_is(200)->content_is('Nothing to see here!');

# Server push
  ->message_ok->message_unlike({binary => qr/push/})->finish_ok;

# Another plain request
$t->get_ok('/plain')->status_is(200)->content_is('Nothing to see here!');

# Multiple roundtrips
  ->message_ok->message_is('echo: hello')->finish_ok;
  ->message_ok->message_is('echo: this')->message_ok->message_is('echo: just')
  ->message_ok->message_is('echo: works')->message_like(qr/orks/)->finish_ok;

# Another plain request
$t->get_ok('/plain')->status_is(200)->content_is('Nothing to see here!');

# Unicode roundtrips
  ->message_ok->message_is('♥: hello')->finish_ok;
$t->websocket_ok('/unicode')->send_ok('hello again')
  ->message_ok->message_is('♥: hello again')
  ->send_ok('and one ☃ more time')
  ->message_ok->message_is('♥: and one ☃ more time')->finish_ok;

# Binary frame and events
my $bytes = b("I ♥ Mojolicious")->encode('UTF-16LE')->to_string;
my $binary;
  frame => sub {
    my ($ws, $frame) = @_;
    $binary++ if $frame->[4] == 2;
my $close;
$t->tx->on(finish => sub { shift; $close = [@_] });
$t->send_ok({binary => $bytes})->message_ok->message_is($bytes);
ok $binary, 'received binary frame';
$binary = undef;
$t->send_ok({text => $bytes})->message_ok->message_is($bytes);
ok !$binary, 'received text frame';
$t->finish_ok(1000 => 'Have a nice day!');
is_deeply $close, [1000, 'Have a nice day!'], 'right status and message';

# Binary roundtrips
  ->send_ok({binary => $bytes})->message_ok->message_is($bytes)
  ->send_ok({binary => $bytes})->message_ok->message_is($bytes)->finish_ok;

# Two responses
  ->message_ok->message_is('ONE: hello')->message_ok->message_is('TWO: hello')
  ->send_ok('hello')->message_ok->message_is('ONE: hello')->send_ok('hello')
  ->message_ok->message_is('ONE: hello')->finish_ok;

# WebSocket connection gets closed right away

# WebSocket connection gets closed after one message
$t->websocket_ok('/one_sided')->message_ok->message_is('I ♥ Mojolicious!')

# Nested WebSocket
  ->message_ok->message_is('nested echo: hello')->finished_ok(1000);

# Test custom message
$t->message([binary => 'foobarbaz'])->message_like(qr/bar/)
  ->message_is({binary => 'foobarbaz'});

# Nested WebSocket with cookie
  ->message_ok->message_is('nested echo: helloagain')->finished_ok(1000);

# Nested plain request
$t->get_ok('/nested')->status_is(200)->content_is('plain nested!');

# Another nested plain request
$t->post_ok('/nested')->status_is(200)->content_is('plain nested too!');


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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.