

use Mojo::Base -strict;

use Test::More;
use Cwd                   qw(getcwd realpath);
use Fcntl                 qw(O_RDONLY);
use File::Basename        qw(basename dirname);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(abs2rel canonpath catfile rel2abs splitdir);
use File::Temp;
use Mojo::File qw(curfile path tempdir tempfile);
use Mojo::Util qw(decode encode);

subtest 'Constructor' => sub {
  is(Mojo::File->new, canonpath(getcwd), 'same path');
  is path(),                    canonpath(getcwd),            'same path';
  is path()->to_string,         canonpath(getcwd),            'same path';
  is path('/foo/bar'),          '/foo/bar',                   'same path';
  is path('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), catfile('foo', 'bar', 'baz'), 'same path';

subtest 'Tap into method chain' => sub {
  is path('/home')->tap(sub { $$_ .= '/sri' })->to_string, '/home/sri', 'same path';

subtest 'Children' => sub {
  is path('foo', 'bar')->child('baz', 'yada'), catfile(catfile('foo', 'bar'), 'baz', 'yada'), 'same path';

subtest 'Siblings' => sub {
  is path('foo', 'bar')->sibling('baz', 'yada'), catfile(scalar dirname(catfile('foo', 'bar')), 'baz', 'yada'),
    'same path';

subtest 'Array' => sub {
  is_deeply path('foo', 'bar')->to_array, [splitdir catfile('foo', 'bar')], 'same structure';
  is_deeply [@{path('foo', 'bar')}],      [splitdir catfile('foo', 'bar')], 'same structure';

subtest 'Absolute' => sub {
  is path('file.t')->to_abs, rel2abs('file.t'), 'same path';

subtest 'Relative' => sub {
  is path('test.txt')->to_abs->to_rel(getcwd), abs2rel(rel2abs('test.txt'), getcwd), 'same path';

subtest 'Resolved' => sub {
  is path('.')->realpath, realpath('.'), 'same path';

subtest 'basename' => sub {
  is path('file.t')->to_abs->basename,       basename(rel2abs 'file.t'), 'same path';
  is path('file.t')->to_abs->basename('.t'), basename(rel2abs('file.t'), '.t'), 'same path';
  is path('file.t')->basename('.t'),         basename('file.t',          '.t'), 'same path';

subtest 'dirname' => sub {
  is path('file.t')->to_abs->dirname, scalar dirname(rel2abs 'file.t'), 'same path';

subtest 'extname' => sub {
  is path('.file.txt')->extname,                   'txt', 'right extension';
  is path('file.txt')->extname,                    'txt', 'right extension';
  is path('file')->extname,                        '',    'no extension';
  is path('.file')->extname,                       '',    'no extension';
  is path('home', 'foo', 'file.txt')->extname,     'txt', 'right extension';
  is path('home', 'foo', 'file.txt.gz')->extname,  'gz',  'right extension';
  is path('home', 'foo', '.file.txt.gz')->extname, 'gz',  'right extension';
  is path('home', 'foo', 'file')->extname,         '',    'no extension';
  is path('home', 'foo', '.file')->extname,        '',    'no extension';

subtest 'Current file' => sub {
  ok curfile->is_abs, 'path is absolute';
  is curfile, realpath(__FILE__), 'same path';

subtest 'Checks' => sub {
  ok path(__FILE__)->to_abs->is_abs, 'path is absolute';
  ok !path('file.t')->is_abs,        'path is not absolute';

subtest 'Temporary directory' => sub {
  my $dir  = tempdir;
  my $path = "$dir";
  ok -d $path, 'directory exists';
  undef $dir;
  ok !-d $path, 'directory does not exist anymore';
  $dir = tempdir 'mytestXXXXX';
  ok -d $dir, 'directory exists';
  like $dir->basename, qr/mytest.{5}$/, 'right format';

subtest 'Temporary directory (separate object)' => sub {
  my $dir  = Mojo::File->new(File::Temp->newdir);
  my $path = "$dir";
  ok -d $path, 'directory exists';
  undef $dir;
  ok !-d $path, 'directory does not exist anymore';

subtest 'Temporary file' => sub {
  my $dir  = tempdir;
  my $file = tempfile(DIR => $dir);
  my $path = "$file";
  ok -f $path, 'file exists';
  is $file->dirname,             $dir,   'same directory';
  is $file->spew('test')->slurp, 'test', 'right result';
  undef $file;
  ok !-f $path, 'file does not exist anymore';

subtest 'Persistent temporary file' => sub {
  plan skip_all => 'cannot move open file' if $^O eq 'MSWin32';
  my $dir  = tempdir;
  my $file = tempfile(DIR => $dir);
  is $file->slurp, 'works', 'right content';
  my $file2 = tempfile(DIR => $dir);
  ok -e $file2, 'file exists';
  ok !-e $file, 'file does not exist anymore';
  undef $file;
  is $file2->slurp, 'works', 'right content';
  ok -e $file2, 'file still exists';

subtest 'open' => sub {
  my $file = tempfile;
  my $handle = $file->open('<');
  is_deeply [<$handle>], ["test\n", "123\n"], 'right structure';
  $handle = $file->open('r');
  is_deeply [<$handle>], ["test\n", "123\n"], 'right structure';
  $handle = $file->open(O_RDONLY);
  is_deeply [<$handle>], ["test\n", "123\n"], 'right structure';
  $file->spew(encode('UTF-8', '♥'));
  $handle = $file->open('<:encoding(UTF-8)');
  is_deeply [<$handle>], ['♥'], 'right structure';
  my $dir = tempdir;
  eval { $dir->child('does_not_exist')->open('<') };
  like $@, qr/^Can't open file/, 'right error';
  eval { $dir->child('does_not_exist')->slurp };
  like $@, qr/^Can't open file/, 'right error';
  eval { $dir->child('foo')->make_path->spew('fail') };
  like $@, qr/^Can't open file/, 'right error';

subtest 'make_path' => sub {
  my $dir    = tempdir;
  my $subdir = $dir->child('foo', 'bar');
  ok !-d $subdir, 'directory does not exist anymore';
  ok -d $subdir, 'directory exists';
  my $nextdir = $dir->child('foo', 'foobar')->make_path({error => \my $error});
  ok -d $nextdir, 'directory exists';
  ok $error,      'directory already existed';

subtest 'remove' => sub {
  my $dir = tempdir;
  ok -e $dir->child('test.txt'), 'file exists';
  is $dir->child('test.txt')->slurp, 'test!', 'right content';
  ok !-e $dir->child('test.txt')->remove->touch->remove->remove, 'file no longer exists';
  eval { $dir->child('foo')->make_path->remove };
  like $@, qr/^Can't remove file/, 'right error';

subtest 'remove_tree' => sub {
  my $dir = tempdir;
  $dir->child('foo', 'bar')->make_path->child('test.txt')->spew('test!');
  is $dir->child('foo', 'bar', 'test.txt')->slurp, 'test!', 'right content';
  my $subdir = $dir->child('foo', 'foobar')->make_path;
  ok -e $subdir->child('bar')->make_path->child('test.txt')->spew('test'), 'file created';
  ok -d $subdir->remove_tree({keep_root => 1}),                            'directory still exists';
  ok !-e $subdir->child('bar'),                                            'children have been removed';
  ok !-e $dir->child('foo')->remove_tree->to_string,                       'directory has been removed';

subtest 'move_to' => sub {
  my $dir         = tempdir;
  my $destination = $dir->child('dest.txt');
  my $source      = $dir->child('src.txt')->spew('works!');
  ok -f $source,       'file exists';
  ok !-f $destination, 'file does not exists';
  is $source->move_to($destination)->to_string, $destination, 'same path';
  ok !-f $source,     'file no longer exists';
  ok -f $destination, 'file exists';
  is $destination->slurp, 'works!', 'right content';
  my $subdir       = $dir->child('test')->make_path;
  my $destination2 = $destination->move_to($subdir);
  is $destination2, $subdir->child($destination->basename), 'same path';
  ok !-f $destination, 'file no longer exists';
  ok -f $destination2, 'file exists';
  is $destination2->slurp, 'works!', 'right content';

subtest 'copy_to' => sub {
  my $dir         = tempdir;
  my $destination = $dir->child('dest.txt');
  my $source      = $dir->child('src.txt')->spew('works!');
  ok -f $source,       'file exists';
  ok !-f $destination, 'file does not exists';
  is $source->copy_to($destination)->to_string, $destination, 'same path';
  ok -f $source,      'file still exists';
  ok -f $destination, 'file also exists now';
  is $source->slurp,      'works!', 'right content';
  is $destination->slurp, 'works!', 'right content';
  my $subdir       = $dir->child('test')->make_path;
  my $destination2 = $destination->copy_to($subdir);
  is $destination2, $subdir->child($destination->basename), 'same path';
  ok -f $destination,  'file still exists';
  ok -f $destination2, 'file also exists now';
  is $destination->slurp,  'works!', 'right content';
  is $destination2->slurp, 'works!', 'right content';

subtest 'Change permissions' => sub {
  my $dir = tempdir;
  eval { $dir->child('does_not_exist')->chmod(644) };
  like $@, qr/^Can't chmod file/, 'right error';

subtest 'stat' => sub {
  my $dir = tempdir;
  is $dir->child('test.txt')->spew('1234')->stat->size, 4, 'right size';

subtest 'lstat' => sub {
  my $dir  = tempdir;
  my $orig = $dir->child('test.txt')->spew('');
  my $link = $orig->sibling('');
  plan skip_all => 'symlink unimplemented' unless eval { symlink $orig, $link };
  is $link->stat->size,    0, 'target file is empty';
  isnt $link->lstat->size, 0, 'link is not empty';

subtest 'list/list_tree' => sub {
  is_deeply path('does_not_exist')->list->to_array, [], 'no files';
  is_deeply curfile->list->to_array,                [], 'no files';
  my $lib   = curfile->sibling('lib', 'Mojo');
  my @files = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) }
    ('', '', '', '');
  is_deeply path($lib)->list->map('to_string')->to_array, \@files, 'right files';
  unshift @files, $lib->child('.hidden.txt')->to_string;
  is_deeply path($lib)->list({hidden => 1})->map('to_string')->to_array, \@files, 'right files';
  @files = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } (
    'BaseTest',   '',  '', '',
    'LoaderTest', 'LoaderTestException', 'Server',             ''
  is_deeply path($lib)->list({dir => 1})->map('to_string')->to_array, \@files, 'right files';
  my @hidden = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } '.hidden.txt', '.test';
  is_deeply path($lib)->list({dir => 1, hidden => 1})->map('to_string')->to_array, [@hidden, @files], 'right files';

  is_deeply path('does_not_exist')->list_tree->to_array, [], 'no files';
  is_deeply curfile->list_tree->to_array,                [], 'no files';
  @files = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } (
    'BaseTest/',        'BaseTest/',
    'BaseTest/',        '',
    '',       '',
    'LoaderTest/',          'LoaderTest/',
    'LoaderTest/',          'LoaderTest/D.txt',
    'LoaderTest/E/',        'LoaderTest/E/G.txt',
    'LoaderTestException/', 'Server/Morbo/Backend/',
  is_deeply path($lib)->list_tree->map('to_string')->to_array, \@files, 'right files';
  @hidden = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } '.hidden.txt', '.test/hidden.txt';
  is_deeply path($lib)->list_tree({hidden => 1})->map('to_string')->to_array, [@hidden, @files], 'right files';
  my @all = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } (
    '.hidden.txt',          '.test',
    '.test/hidden.txt',     'BaseTest',
    'BaseTest/',    'BaseTest/',
    'BaseTest/',    '',
    '',   '',
    'LoaderTest',           'LoaderTest/',
    'LoaderTest/',      'LoaderTest/',
    'LoaderTest/D.txt',     'LoaderTest/E',
    'LoaderTest/E/',    'LoaderTest/E/G.txt',
    'LoaderTestException',  'LoaderTestException/',
    'Server',               'Server/Morbo',
    'Server/Morbo/Backend', 'Server/Morbo/Backend/',
  is_deeply path($lib)->list_tree({dir => 1, hidden => 1})->map('to_string')->to_array, [@all], 'right files';
  my @one = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) }
    ('', '', '', '');
  is_deeply path($lib)->list_tree({max_depth => 1})->map('to_string')->to_array, [@one], 'right files';
  my @one_dir = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } (
    'BaseTest',   '',  '', '',
    'LoaderTest', 'LoaderTestException', 'Server',             ''
  is_deeply path($lib)->list_tree({dir => 1, max_depth => 1})->map('to_string')->to_array, [@one_dir], 'right files';
  my @two = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } (
    'BaseTest/',  'BaseTest/',   'BaseTest/',        '',
    '', '', 'LoaderTest/',          'LoaderTest/',
    'LoaderTest/',    'LoaderTest/D.txt',    'LoaderTestException/', ''
  is_deeply path($lib)->list_tree({max_depth => 2})->map('to_string')->to_array, [@two], 'right files';
  my @three = map { path($lib)->child(split /\//) } (
    '.hidden.txt',        '.test',               '.test/hidden.txt',     'BaseTest',
    'BaseTest/',  'BaseTest/',   'BaseTest/',    '',
    '', '', 'LoaderTest',           'LoaderTest/',
    'LoaderTest/',    'LoaderTest/',     'LoaderTest/D.txt',     'LoaderTest/E',
    'LoaderTest/E/',  'LoaderTest/E/G.txt',  'LoaderTestException',  'LoaderTestException/',
    'Server',             'Server/Morbo',        'Server/Morbo/Backend', ''
  is_deeply path($lib)->list_tree({dir => 1, hidden => 1, max_depth => 3})->map('to_string')->to_array, [@three],
    'right files';

subtest 'touch' => sub {
  my $dir  = tempdir;
  my $file = $dir->child('test.txt');
  ok !-e $file,       'file does not exist';
  ok -e $file->touch, 'file exists';
  is $file->spew('test!')->slurp, 'test!', 'right content';
  is $file->touch->slurp,         'test!', 'right content';
  my $future = time + 1000;
  utime $future, $future, $file->to_string;
  is $file->stat->mtime,          $future, 'right mtime';
  isnt $file->touch->stat->mtime, $future, 'different mtime';

subtest 'Dangerous paths' => sub {
  eval { path('foo', undef, 'bar') };
  like $@, qr/Invalid path/, 'right error';
  eval { path(undef) };
  like $@, qr/Invalid path/, 'right error';

subtest 'I/O' => sub {
  my $dir  = tempdir;
  my $file = $dir->child('test.txt')->spew('just works!');
  is $file->slurp, 'just works!', 'right content';
    no warnings 'redefine';
    local *IO::Handle::syswrite = sub { $! = 0; 5 };
    eval { $file->spew("just\nworks!") };
    like $@, qr/Can't write to file ".*/, 'right error';

subtest 'I/O with encoding' => sub {
  my $dir  = tempdir;
  my $file = $dir->child('test.txt')->spew('♥1', 'UTF-8');
  is $file->slurp('UTF-8'),            '♥1',         'right content';
  is decode('UTF-8', $file->slurp()),  '♥1',         'right content';
  is $file->spew('works too!')->slurp, 'works too!', 'right content';

  subtest 'I/O with manual encoding' => sub {
    $file->spew(encode('UTF-8', '♥1'));
    is $file->slurp('UTF-8'),           '♥1', 'right content';
    is decode('UTF-8', $file->slurp()), '♥1', 'right content';

    local $@;
    eval { $file->spew('♥1') };
    like $@, qr/Wide character/, 'right error';


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