

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

use Scalar::Util 'isweak';

    package Foo;
    use Moose;

    eval {
        has 'foo' => (
            reader => 'get_foo',
            writer => 'set_foo',
    ::ok(!$@, '... created the writer method okay');

    eval {
        has 'foo_required' => (
            reader   => 'get_foo_required',
            writer   => 'set_foo_required',
            required => 1,
    ::ok(!$@, '... created the required writer method okay');

    eval {
        has 'foo_int' => (
            reader => 'get_foo_int',
            writer => 'set_foo_int',
            isa    => 'Int',
    ::ok(!$@, '... created the writer method with type constraint okay');

    eval {
        has 'foo_weak' => (
            reader   => 'get_foo_weak',
            writer   => 'set_foo_weak',
            weak_ref => 1
    ::ok(!$@, '... created the writer method with weak_ref okay');

    my $foo = Foo->new(foo_required => 'required');
    isa_ok($foo, 'Foo');

    # regular writer

    can_ok($foo, 'set_foo');
    is($foo->get_foo(), undef, '... got an unset value');
    is( exception {
    }, undef, '... set_foo wrote successfully' );
    is($foo->get_foo(), 100, '... got the correct set value');

    ok(!isweak($foo->{foo}), '... it is not a weak reference');

    # required writer

    isnt( exception {
    }, undef, '... cannot create without the required attribute' );

    can_ok($foo, 'set_foo_required');
    is($foo->get_foo_required(), 'required', '... got an unset value');
    is( exception {
    }, undef, '... set_foo_required wrote successfully' );
    is($foo->get_foo_required(), 100, '... got the correct set value');

    isnt( exception {
    }, undef, '... set_foo_required died successfully with no value' );

    is( exception {
    }, undef, '... set_foo_required did accept undef' );

    ok(!isweak($foo->{foo_required}), '... it is not a weak reference');

    # with type constraint

    can_ok($foo, 'set_foo_int');
    is($foo->get_foo_int(), undef, '... got an unset value');
    is( exception {
    }, undef, '... set_foo_int wrote successfully' );
    is($foo->get_foo_int(), 100, '... got the correct set value');

    isnt( exception {
    }, undef, '... set_foo_int died successfully' );

    ok(!isweak($foo->{foo_int}), '... it is not a weak reference');

    # with weak_ref

    my $test = [];

    can_ok($foo, 'set_foo_weak');
    is($foo->get_foo_weak(), undef, '... got an unset value');
    is( exception {
    }, undef, '... set_foo_weak wrote successfully' );
    is($foo->get_foo_weak(), $test, '... got the correct set value');

    ok(isweak($foo->{foo_weak}), '... it is a weak reference');


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