

# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl Net::Analysis-Utils.t'

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;

use Test::More;
use t::TestFileIntoPackets;
use t::TestEtherealGlue;

use Net::Analysis::TCPSession qw(:const); # Get the constants
use Net::Analysis::Constants  qw(:tcpseshstates :packetclasses);
use Net::Analysis::Packet     qw(:all);


Half of this st of tests steps very carefully through a simple TCP session.
The other half attempt to extract the monologues from various TCP capture
files, comparing results with some reference monologues generated by

If you want to add a new TCP capture test case, this is what you need to do ...

First get a tcp capture file that contains the session you want. It shouldn't
contain any other packets or sessions, so use etheral/wireshark or tcpdump
filters to reduce it down.

Then load it into ethereal/wireshark, and use the 'view session' option to
display the TCP session as a series of red/blue monologues.

Now save this in hex-mode from ethereal/wireshark. This is considered the
'reference' version of the monologues derived from the TCP session, which should match.

Add the capture & hex-dumped files as


using the next value of N, and a short descrip of what characteristics this
trace contains.



    plan tests => 5 + scalar(@{list_testfiles()});

#### Check the constructor constructs ...
my $sesh = Net::Analysis::TCPSession->new();
isnt ($sesh, undef, "TCPSession->new()");

#### Validate our helper function reads in packets OK (redundant, really)
my (@pkts) = @{tcpfile_into_packets ("t/t1_google.tcp")};
is (scalar(@pkts), 11, 'read in 11 packets from t1_google');

#### Test that the session moves between states correctly.
my (@found);
my (@expected) = (# sesh->status(),  ret of process_packet()
                  [SESH_CONNECTING,  PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_CONNECTING,  PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_ESTABLISHED, PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_ESTABLISHED, PKT_FLIPPED_DIR], #pkt 4
                  [SESH_ESTABLISHED, PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_ESTABLISHED, PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_ESTABLISHED, PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_ESTABLISHED, PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_HALF_CLOSED, PKT_OK],
                  [SESH_CLOSED,      PKT_TERMINATED_SESSION]

foreach my $pkt (@pkts) {
    my $ret = $sesh->process_packet (packet => $pkt);
    #printf "%-90.90s [%-2.2s] %s\n", "$pkt", $ret, "$sesh";
    push (@found, [$sesh->status(), $ret]);
is_deeply (\@found, \@expected, "session status is correct");

#### Test that our session sets packet states correctly.
# This mess done by inspection of packet trace.
# Really need some data dups too :/
($sesh, @found) = ( $sesh = Net::Analysis::TCPSession->new(), () );

@expected = (PKT_NONDATA) x 65;
@expected[4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,36, # *Not 38 !
          40,42,44,46,48,50,52,54,56,58,60,62] = (PKT_DATA) x 29;
$expected[38] = (PKT_FUTURE_DATA);
foreach my $pkt ( @{tcpfile_into_packets ("t/t3_data_resend.tcp")} ) {
    $sesh->process_packet (packet => $pkt);
    #printf "%-90.90s %s\n", "$pkt", '';#"$sesh";
    push (@found, pkt_class($pkt));
is_deeply (\@found, \@expected, "packet classes are correct");

#### Now run over all our testfiles, building monologues
test_monologues($_) for (list_testfiles());

######## Support Functions #########

sub test_monologues {
    my ($t) = @_;
    # Load in the monologues as generated by ethereal
    my $actual_mono = hexdump_to_monologues ("t/$t.hex");
    # And now use our code to do the same
    my $mono = get_monologues ($t);

    if (1) {
        is_deeply ($mono, $actual_mono, "test '$t': (".
                   scalar(@$mono)." monologues) reassembled OK");

    } else {
        # More useful debugging ...
        for my $i (0..$#$mono) {
            printf "actual: % 6.6d, found: % 6.6d\n", length($actual_mono->[$i]),
            if (open (OUT1, ">$t.$")) { print OUT1 $actual_mono->[$i] }
            if (open (OUT2, ">$t.$i.out")) { print OUT2 $mono->[$i] }

sub get_monologues {
    my ($test_name) = @_;
    my ($D) = 0;

    my (@pkts) = @{tcpfile_into_packets ("t/$test_name.tcp")};

    my $sesh = Net::Analysis::TCPSession->new ();

    my (@mono);
    foreach my $pkt (@pkts) {
        my $ret = $sesh->process_packet (packet => $pkt);
        ($ret == PKT_REJECTED) && die "logical failure: ".$sesh->errstr();
        if ($ret == PKT_FLIPPED_DIR) {
            push (@mono, $sesh->previous_monologue()->data());
        printf "%-100.100s %s\n", "$pkt", "$sesh" if ($D);

    if ($sesh->has_current_monologue()) {
        push (@mono, $sesh->current_monologue()->data());

    return \@mono;


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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.