

use strict;
use warnings;
use lib 'inc';
use Test::More;
use Test::HTTP::Server;
	eval 'use Coro';
	plan skip_all => "Coro is required for this test" if $@;
use Net::Curl::Simple;
use Net::Curl::Simple::Async qw(AnyEvent);

my $server = Test::HTTP::Server->new;
plan skip_all => "Could not run http server\n" unless $server;
plan tests => 20;

alarm 5;

my $pos = 1;

my $ca = async {
	is( $pos, 1, 'started correctly' ); $pos = 2;

	my $curl = Net::Curl::Simple->new;
	$curl->get( $server->uri . 'repeat/2000/a', undef );

	is( $pos, 3, 'first returned after second start' ); $pos = 3;

	ok( defined $curl->code, 'finish callback called' );
	cmp_ok( $curl->code, '==', 0, 'downloaded successfully' );
	ok( ! $curl->{in_use}, 'handle released' );
	is( ref $curl->{headers}, 'ARRAY', 'got array of headers' );
	is( ref $curl->{body}, '', 'got body scalar' );
	cmp_ok( scalar $curl->headers, '>', 3, 'got at least 3 headers' );
	cmp_ok( length $curl->content, '==', 2000, 'got some body' );
	isnt( $curl->{referer}, '', 'referer updarted' );

my $cb = async {
	is( $pos, 2, 'did not block' ); $pos = 3;

	my $curl = Net::Curl::Simple->new;
	$curl->get( $server->uri . 'repeat/2000/b', undef );

	is( $pos, 3, 'second returned' ); $pos = 3;

	ok( defined $curl->code, 'finish callback called' );
	cmp_ok( $curl->code, '==', 0, 'downloaded successfully' );
	ok( ! $curl->{in_use}, 'handle released' );
	is( ref $curl->{headers}, 'ARRAY', 'got array of headers' );
	is( ref $curl->{body}, '', 'got body scalar' );
	cmp_ok( scalar $curl->headers, '>', 3, 'got at least 3 headers' );
	cmp_ok( length $curl->content, '==', 2000, 'got some body' );
	isnt( $curl->{referer}, '', 'referer updarted' );


diag( 'loaded implementation: ' . (join ", ", grep m#/Async/#, keys %INC ) );

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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.