

#       Copyright (c) 2010 Ars Aperta, Itaapy, Pierlis, Talend.
#       Copyright (c) 2014 Jean-Marie Gouarné.
#       Author: Jean-Marie Gouarné <>
use     5.010_001;
use     strict;
use     experimental    'smartmatch';
#       Common lpOD/Perl parameters and utility functions
package ODF::lpOD::Common;
our	$VERSION	        	= '1.013';
use constant PACKAGE_DATE   => '2014-04-30T08:32:52';
use Scalar::Util;
use Encode;
use base 'Exporter';
our @EXPORT     = qw
    lpod_common lpod

    odf_get_document odf_new_document odf_create_document
    odf_new_document_from_template odf_new_document_from_type

    odf_get_container odf_new_container
    odf_new_container_from_template odf_new_container_from_type


    odf_create_element odf_create_paragraph odf_create_heading
    odf_create_section odf_create_draw_page
    odf_create_area odf_create_rectangle odf_create_ellipse
    odf_create_vector odf_create_line odf_create_connector
    odf_create_frame odf_create_text_frame odf_create_image_frame
    odf_create_table odf_create_column odf_create_row odf_create_cell
    odf_create_column_group odf_create_row_group
    odf_create_field odf_create_simple_variable odf_create_user_variable
    odf_create_note odf_create_annotation
    odf_create_style odf_create_font_declaration

    odf_document odf_container
    odf_xmlpart odf_content odf_styles odf_meta odf_settings odf_manifest

    odf_element odf_text_node
    odf_text_element odf_text_hyperlink
    odf_bibliography_mark odf_note odf_annotation odf_changed_region
    odf_paragraph odf_heading odf_draw_page odf_image odf_shape odf_frame
    odf_area odf_rectangle odf_ellipse odf_vector odf_line odf_connector
    odf_field odf_variable odf_simple_variable odf_user_variable
    odf_text_field odf_classify_text_field
    odf_list odf_table odf_column odf_row odf_cell
    odf_matrix odf_column_group odf_row_group odf_table_element
    odf_section odf_toc odf_named_range

    odf_text_style odf_paragraph_style
    odf_list_style odf_list_level_style odf_outline_style
    odf_table_style odf_column_style odf_row_style odf_cell_style
    odf_master_page odf_page_end_style odf_drawing_page_style
    odf_page_layout odf_presentation_page_layout
    odf_graphic_style odf_gradient

    is_true is_false defined_false
    is_odf_datatype odf_boolean process_options
    alpha_to_num translate_coordinates translate_range

    xelt xtwig


    text_segment TEXT_SEGMENT

    input_conversion output_conversion search_string count_substrings
    color_code color_name load_color_map unload_color_map
    is_numeric iso_date numeric_date check_odf_value odf_value
    file_parse file_type load_file image_size input_2d_value
    alert not_implemented



#=== package name aliases ====================================================
#--- ODF package & parts -----------------------------------------------------

use constant
    odf_document                => 'ODF::lpOD::Document',
    odf_container               => 'ODF::lpOD::Container',
    odf_xmlpart                 => 'ODF::lpOD::XMLPart',
    odf_content                 => 'ODF::lpOD::Content',
    odf_styles                  => 'ODF::lpOD::Styles',
    odf_meta                    => 'ODF::lpOD::Meta',
    odf_settings                => 'ODF::lpOD::Settings',
    odf_manifest                => 'ODF::lpOD::Manifest'

#--- ODF element -------------------------------------------------------------

use constant
    odf_element                     => 'ODF::lpOD::Element',
    odf_text_node                   => 'ODF::lpOD::TextNode',
    odf_text_element                => 'ODF::lpOD::TextElement',
    odf_text_hyperlink              => 'ODF::lpOD::TextHyperlink',
    odf_paragraph                   => 'ODF::lpOD::Paragraph',
    odf_heading                     => 'ODF::lpOD::Heading',
    odf_list                        => 'ODF::lpOD::List',
    odf_field                       => 'ODF::lpOD::Field',
    odf_variable                    => 'ODF::lpOD::Variable',
    odf_simple_variable             => 'ODF::lpOD::SimpleVariable',
    odf_user_variable               => 'ODF::lpOD::UserVariable',
    odf_text_field                  => 'ODF::lpOD::TextField',
    odf_table                       => 'ODF::lpOD::Table',
    odf_table_element               => 'ODF::lpOD::TableElement',
    odf_matrix                      => 'ODF::lpOD::Matrix',
    odf_column_group                => 'ODF::lpOD::ColumnGroup',
    odf_row_group                   => 'ODF::lpOD::RowGroup',
    odf_column                      => 'ODF::lpOD::Column',
    odf_row                         => 'ODF::lpOD::Row',
    odf_cell                        => 'ODF::lpOD::Cell',
    odf_draw_page                   => 'ODF::lpOD::DrawPage',
    odf_shape                       => 'ODF::lpOD::Shape',
    odf_area                        => 'ODF::lpOD::Area',
    odf_rectangle                   => 'ODF::lpOD::Rectangle',
    odf_ellipse                     => 'ODF::lpOD::Ellipse',
    odf_vector                      => 'ODF::lpOD::Vector',
    odf_line                        => 'ODF::lpOD::Line',
    odf_connector                   => 'ODF::lpOD::Connector',
    odf_frame                       => 'ODF::lpOD::Frame',
    odf_image                       => 'ODF::lpOD::Image',
    odf_section                     => 'ODF::lpOD::Section',
    odf_bibliography_mark           => 'ODF::lpOD::BibliographyMark',
    odf_note                        => 'ODF::lpOD::Note',
    odf_annotation                  => 'ODF::lpOD::Annotation',
    odf_changed_region              => 'ODF::lpOD::ChangedRegion',
    odf_font_declaration            => 'ODF::lpOD::FontDeclaration',
    odf_style                       => 'ODF::lpOD::Style',
    odf_text_style                  => 'ODF::lpOD::TextStyle',
    odf_paragraph_style             => 'ODF::lpOD::ParagraphStyle',
    odf_list_style                  => 'ODF::lpOD::ListStyle',
    odf_list_level_style            => 'ODF::lpOD::ListLevelStyle',
    odf_outline_style               => 'ODF::lpOD::OutlineStyle',
    odf_table_style                 => 'ODF::lpOD::TableStyle',
    odf_column_style                => 'ODF::lpOD::ColumnStyle',
    odf_row_style                   => 'ODF::lpOD::RowStyle',
    odf_cell_style                  => 'ODF::lpOD::CellStyle',
    odf_data_style                  => 'ODF::lpOD::DataStyle',
    odf_master_page                 => 'ODF::lpOD::MasterPage',
    odf_page_layout                 => 'ODF::lpOD::PageLayout',
    odf_presentation_page_layout    => 'ODF::lpOD::PresentationPageLayout',
    odf_graphic_style               => 'ODF::lpOD::GraphicStyle',
    odf_gradient                    => 'ODF::lpOD::Gradient',
    odf_page_end_style              => 'ODF::lpOD::PageEndStyle',
    odf_drawing_page_style          => 'ODF::lpOD::DrawingPageStyle',
    odf_file_entry                  => 'ODF::lpOD::FileEntry',
    odf_toc                         => 'ODF::lpOD::TOC',
    odf_named_range                 => 'ODF::lpOD::NamedRange',
    odf_structured_container        => 'ODF::lpOD::StructuredContainer'

#--- basic API shortcuts -----------------------------------------------------

use constant
    xelt                            => 'XML::Twig::Elt',
    xtwig                           => 'XML::Twig'

#--- lpOD common tools and parameters ----------------------------------------

use constant
    lpod_common                     => 'ODF::lpOD::Common',
    lpod                            => 'ODF::lpOD::Common'

#--- ODF data types ----------------------------------------------------------

our @DATA_TYPES = qw(string float currency percentage date time boolean);

#--- default string comparison function --------------------------------------

our $COMPARE = sub { shift cmp shift };

#=== common parameters =======================================================

use constant                            # common constants
    TRUE                => 1,
    FALSE               => 0,

use constant                            # ODF package parts
    META                => 'meta.xml',
    CONTENT             => 'content.xml',
    STYLES              => 'styles.xml',
    SETTINGS            => 'settings.xml',
    MANIFEST            => 'META-INF/manifest.xml',
    MIMETYPE            => 'mimetype'

use constant
    TEXT_SEGMENT        => '#PCDATA',
    text_segment        => '#PCDATA'

use constant                            # XML::Twig specific
    EMPTY_TAGS          => 'normal'

use constant                            # element insert positions
    FIRST_CHILD         => 'FIRST_CHILD',
    LAST_CHILD          => 'LAST_CHILD',
    WITHIN              => 'WITHIN',
    PARENT              => 'PARENT'

our %ODF_TEMPLATE           =
    'text'              => 'text.odt',
    'spreadsheet'       => 'spreadsheet.ods',
    'presentation'      => 'presentation.odp',
    'drawing'           => 'drawing.odg'

our $LINE_BREAK         = "\n";
our $TAB_STOP           = "\t";

our $INSTALLATION_PATH  = undef;        # lpOD library installation path

our $LPOD_MARK          = '#lpod:mark'; # lpOD session bookmark tag
our $LPOD_ID            = '#lpod:id';   # lpOD XML ID attribute
our $LPOD_PART          = '#lpod:part'; # lpOD link from element to xmlpart

#=== common function aliases =================================================

    *odf_get_document       = *ODF::lpOD::Document::get_from_uri;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::Document::create_from_template;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::Document::_create;
    *odf_new_document       = *ODF::lpOD::Document::_create;
    *odf_create_document    = *ODF::lpOD::Document::_create;
    *odf_get_container      = *ODF::lpOD::Container::get_from_uri;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::Container::create_from_template;
    *odf_new_container      = *ODF::lpOD::Container::create;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::Container::create;
    *odf_get_xmlpart        = *ODF::lpOD::XMLPart::get;

    *odf_create_element     = *ODF::lpOD::Element::_create;
    *odf_create_paragraph   = *ODF::lpOD::Paragraph::_create;
    *odf_create_heading     = *ODF::lpOD::Heading::_create;
    *odf_create_field       = *ODF::lpOD::Field::_create;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::SimpleVariable::_create;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::UserVariable::_create;
    *odf_create_table       = *ODF::lpOD::Table::_create;
    *odf_create_row_group   = *ODF::lpOD::RowGroup::_create;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::ColumnGroup::_create;
    *odf_create_column      = *ODF::lpOD::Column::_create;
    *odf_create_row         = *ODF::lpOD::Row::_create;
    *odf_create_cell        = *ODF::lpOD::Cell::_create;
    *odf_create_section     = *ODF::lpOD::Section::_create;
    *odf_create_list        = *ODF::lpOD::List::_create;
    *odf_create_draw_page   = *ODF::lpOD::DrawPage::_create;
    *odf_create_shape       = *ODF::lpOD::Shape::_create;
    *odf_create_area        = *ODF::lpOD::Area::_create;
    *odf_create_rectangle   = *ODF::lpOD::Rectangle::_create;
    *odf_create_ellipse     = *ODF::lpOD::Ellipse::_create;
    *odf_create_vector      = *ODF::lpOD::Vector::_create;
    *odf_create_line        = *ODF::lpOD::Line::_create;
    *odf_create_connector   = *ODF::lpOD::Connector::_create;
    *odf_create_frame       = *ODF::lpOD::Frame::_create;
    *odf_create_image       = *ODF::lpOD::Image::_create;
    *odf_create_text_frame  = *ODF::lpOD::Frame::_create_text;
    *odf_create_image_frame = *ODF::lpOD::Frame::_create_image;
    *odf_create_note        = *ODF::lpOD::Note::_create;
    *odf_create_annotation  = *ODF::lpOD::Annotation::_create;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::FontDeclaration::_create;
    *odf_create_style       = *ODF::lpOD::Style::_create;
                            = *ODF::lpOD::TextField::classify;
    *odf_create_toc         = *ODF::lpOD::TOC::_create;

    *is_numeric             = *Scalar::Util::looks_like_number;
    *odf_value              = *check_odf_value;



#=== exported utilities ======================================================

our     $DEBUG          = FALSE;

sub     alert
        if ($DEBUG)
                require Carp;
                return Carp::cluck(@_);
        warn "$_\n" for @_;

sub     info
        return wantarray ?
                name    => "ODF::lpOD",
                version => $ODF::lpOD::VERSION,
                date    => ODF::lpOD->PACKAGE_DATE,
                path    => lpod->installation_path
                "ODF::lpOD $ODF::lpOD::VERSION" .
                " " . ODF::lpOD->PACKAGE_DATE   .
                " " . lpod->installation_path;

sub     signature   { scalar lpod->info }

sub     debug
        my $param       = shift // "";
        $param          = shift if $param eq lpod;
        given ($param)
                when (undef)            {}
                when (TRUE || FALSE)    { $DEBUG = $_; }
                default                 { alert "Wrong argument"; }
        return $DEBUG;

sub     is_true
        my $arg = shift;
        return FALSE unless $arg;
        my $v = lc $arg;
        return $v ~~ ["false", "off", "no"] ? FALSE : TRUE;

sub     is_false
        return is_true(shift) ? FALSE : TRUE;

sub     defined_false
        my $arg	= shift;
        return FALSE unless defined $arg;
                return is_false($arg) ? TRUE : FALSE;

sub     odf_boolean
        my $value       = shift;
        return undef unless defined $value;
        return is_true($value) ? 'true' : 'false';

sub     is_odf_datatype
        my $type        = shift         or return undef;
        return $type ~~ @DATA_TYPES ? TRUE : FALSE;

sub     check_odf_value
        my $value       = shift;
        return undef unless defined $value;
        my $type        = shift;
        given ($type)
                when (['float', 'currency', 'percentage'])
                        $value = undef unless is_numeric($value);
                when ('boolean')
                        if (is_true($value))
                                $value = 'true';
                                $value = 'false';
                when ('date')
                        if (is_numeric($value))
                                $value = iso_date($value);
                                my $num = numeric_date($value);
                                $value = defined $num ?
                                                iso_date($num) : undef;
        return $value;

sub     process_options
        my %in  = (@_);
        my %out = ();
        foreach my $ink (keys %in)
                my $outk = $ink;
                $outk =~ s/[ -]/_/g;
                $out{$outk} = $in{$ink};
        return %out;

sub     alpha_to_num
        my $arg = shift         or return 0;
        $arg = shift if ref($arg) || $arg eq __PACKAGE__;
        my $alpha = uc $arg;
        unless ($alpha =~ /^[A-Z]*$/)
                return $arg if $alpha =~ /^[0-9\-]*$/;
                alert "Wrong alpha value $arg";
                return undef;
        my @asplit = split('', $alpha);
        my $num = 0;
        foreach my $p (@asplit)
		$num *= 26;
		$num += ((ord($p) - ord('A')) + 1);
        return $num;

sub     translate_coordinates   # adapted from OpenOffice::OODoc (Genicorp)
        my $arg	= shift // return undef;
        my $ra = ref $arg;
        if ($ra)
                if ($ra eq 'ARRAY')     { return @$arg }
                else                    { shift }
        elsif ($arg eq __PACKAGE__)
        return ($arg, @_) unless defined $arg;
        my $coord = uc $arg;
        return ($arg, @_) unless $coord =~ /[A-Z]/;

        $coord	=~ s/\s*//g;
        $coord	=~ /(^[A-Z]*)(\d*)/;
        my $c	= $1;
        my $r	= $2;
        return ($arg, @_) unless $c;
        my $colnum = alpha_to_num($c);
        if (defined $r and $r gt "")
                return ($r, $colnum, @_);
                return ($colnum, @_);

sub     translate_range
        my $arg = shift // return undef;
        $arg = shift if ref($arg) || $arg eq __PACKAGE__;
        return ($arg, @_) unless (defined $arg && $arg =~ /:/);
        my $range = uc $arg;
        $range =~ s/\s*//g;
        my ($start, $end) = split(':', $range);
        my @r = ();
	push @r, translate_coordinates($_) for ($start, $end);
        return @r;

#--- external character set conversion utilities -----------------------------

our $INPUT_CHARSET      = 'utf8';
our $OUTPUT_CHARSET     = 'utf8';
our $INPUT_ENCODER      = Encode::find_encoding($INPUT_CHARSET);
our $OUTPUT_ENCODER     = Encode::find_encoding($OUTPUT_CHARSET);

sub     get_input_charset       { $INPUT_CHARSET  }

sub     get_output_charset      { $OUTPUT_CHARSET }

sub     set_input_charset
        my $charset = shift // "";
        $charset = shift if ($charset eq lpod);
        my $enc = Encode::find_encoding($charset);
        unless ($enc)
                alert("Unsupported $charset input character set");
                return FALSE;
        $INPUT_ENCODER = $enc;
        $INPUT_CHARSET = $charset;
        return $INPUT_CHARSET;

sub     set_output_charset
        my $charset = shift // "";
        $charset = shift if ($charset eq lpod);
        my $enc = Encode::find_encoding($charset);
        unless ($enc)
                alert("Unsupported output character set");
                return FALSE;
        $OUTPUT_ENCODER = $enc;
        $OUTPUT_CHARSET = $charset;
        return $OUTPUT_CHARSET;

sub     input_conversion
        my $text        = shift;
        return $text unless $INPUT_CHARSET;

        unless ($INPUT_ENCODER)
                alert "Unsupported input character conversion";
                return $text;
        return (defined $text) ? $INPUT_ENCODER->decode($text)  : undef;

sub     output_conversion
        my $text        = shift;
        return $text unless $OUTPUT_CHARSET;

        unless ($OUTPUT_ENCODER)
                alert "Unsupported output character conversion";
                return $text;

        return (defined $text) ? $OUTPUT_ENCODER->encode($text) : undef;

#--- ISO-9601 / internal date conversion -------------------------------------

sub     iso_date
        my $time = shift // time();
        my @t = localtime($time);
        return sprintf
                $t[5] + 1900, $t[4] + 1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]

sub     numeric_date                            # in progress
        require Time::Local;

        my $iso_date = shift    or return undef;
        $iso_date .= 'T00:00:00'unless ($iso_date =~ /T/);
        $iso_date =~ /(\d*)-(\d*)-(\d*)T(\d*):(\d*):(\d*)/;
        my $sec = $6 || 0; my $min = $5 || 0; my $hrs = $4 || 0;
        my $day = $3 || 1; my $mon = $2 || 1; my $year = $1 || 0;
        return Time::Local::timelocal($sec,$min,$hrs,$day,$mon-1,$year);


sub     count_substrings
        my $content     = shift;
        my $expr        = shift;
        return undef unless defined $expr;
        my @matches = ($content =~ /$expr/g);
        return scalar @matches;

sub     search_string
        my $content     = shift;
        my $expr        = shift;
        return undef unless defined $expr;
        my %opt         =
                replace         => undef,
                offset          => undef,
                range           => undef,
        my $start       = $opt{offset};
        my $ln = length($content);
        if ((defined $start) and (abs($start) >= $ln))
                alert "[$start $ln] out of range";
                return undef;
        my $range       = $opt{range};
        if (defined $start)
                $start = $start + $ln if $start < 0;
                $content = defined $range ?
                                substr($content, $start, $range)        :
                                substr($content, $start);
        unless (defined $opt{replace})
                if ($content =~ /$expr/)
                        my $start_pos = length($`);
                        $start_pos += $start if defined $start;
                        my $end_pos = $start_pos + length($&);
                        my $match = $&;
                        return wantarray ?
                                ($start_pos, $end_pos, $match)  :
                        return wantarray ? (undef) : undef;
                my $rep = $opt{replace};
                my $count = ($content =~ s/$expr/$rep/g);
                if (wantarray)
                        return ($content, $count);
                        return $count ? $content : undef;


sub     file_type
        require File::Type;
        my $f   = shift;
        return undef    unless (-r $f && -f $f);
        return File::Type->new->mime_type($f);

sub     file_parse
        require File::Basename;
        my $source  = shift;
        if (wantarray)
                my ($name,$path,$suffix) =
                    File::Basename::fileparse($source, qr/\.[^.]*/);
                if (defined $suffix)
                        $name   .= $suffix;
                        $suffix =~ s/^\.//;
                return ($name, $path, $suffix);
        return File::Basename::fileparse($source);

sub     load_file
        my $url         = shift         or return undef;
        my $mode        = shift         // ':utf8';

        if (! ref $url and $url =~ /:/ and uc($url) !~ /^[A-Z]:/)
                require LWP::Simple;
                $url =~ s{\\}{/};
                return LWP::Simple::get($url);
                return undef unless ref $url or -r -f -e $url;
                require File::Slurp;
                return scalar File::Slurp::read_file
                        ($url, binmode => $mode);

sub     image_size
        my $url         = shift       or return undef;
        my %opt         = @_;
        my $source;

        if (ref $url eq 'SCALAR')
                $source = $url;
        elsif ($opt{document})
                $source = \($opt{document}->get_part($url));
                $source = \(load_file($url, ':raw'));

        if ($source)
                require Image::Size;
                my ($w, $h) = Image::Size::imgsize($source);
                return undef    unless defined $w;
                if (wantarray)
                        return ($w, $h);
                        $w .= 'pt'; $h .= 'pt';
                        return [$w, $h];
                return undef;

sub     input_2d_value
        my $arg         = shift or return undef;
        my $u           = shift // 'cm';
        my ($x, $y);
        if (ref $arg)
                $x = $arg->[0]; $y = $arg->[1];
        elsif ($arg)
                if ($arg =~ /,/)
		        $arg =~ s/\s*//g;
		        ($x, $y) = split(',', $arg);
		        $x = $arg; $y = shift;
        $x ||= ('0' . $u); $y ||= ('0' . $u);
        $x .= $u unless $x =~ /[a-zA-Z]$/;
        $y .= $u unless $y =~ /[a-zA-Z]$/;
            return wantarray ? ($x, $y) : [$x, $y];

#--- symbolic color names handling -------------------------------------------

our     %COLORCODE      = ();
our     %COLORNAME      = ();

sub	color_code
        my $name        = shift         or return undef;
        if ($name && ($name =~ /^#/))   { return $name }
        return $COLORCODE{$name};

sub     color_name
        my $code        = shift         or return undef;
        return $COLORNAME{lc $code};

sub     load_color_map
        my $filename = shift || (installation_path() . '/data/rgb.txt');
        unless ( -e $filename && -r $filename )
                warn "Color map file non existent or unreadable"
                                        if $DEBUG;
                return FALSE;
        my $r = open COLORS, "<", $filename;
        unless ($r)
                alert "Error opening $filename"; return FALSE;
        while (my $line = <COLORS>)
                $line =~ s/^\s*//; $line =~ s/\s*$//;
                next unless $line =~ /^[0-9]/;
                $line =~ /(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(\d*)\s*(.*)/;
                my $name = $4;
                $COLORCODE{$name} = sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", $1, $2, $3)
                                                        if $name;
        close COLORS;
        %COLORNAME = reverse %COLORCODE;
        return TRUE;

sub     unload_color_map
        my $self	= shift;
        %COLORCODE      = ();
        %COLORNAME      = ();
        return TRUE;


sub     installation_path       { $INSTALLATION_PATH }

sub     template
        my $type        = shift // "";
        $type = shift if $type eq lpod;

        my $filename = $ODF_TEMPLATE{$type};
        unless ($filename)
                alert("Unsupported type");
                return FALSE;
        my $fullpath = installation_path() . '/templates/' . $filename;
        unless (-r -f -e $fullpath)
                alert("Template not available");
                return FALSE;
        return $fullpath;

#--- session ID generator ----------------------------------------------------

our     $LPOD_ID_PATTERN = 'lpOD_%09x';
sub     new_id
        state $count    = 0;
        return sprintf($LPOD_ID_PATTERN, ++$count);

#--- pretty XML output option ------------------------------------------------

our     $XML_PRETTY_PRINT_MODE = 'indented';

        my $pp = shift // "";
        $pp = shift if ($pp eq lpod);
        $XML_PRETTY_PRINT_MODE = $pp if $pp;
        return $XML_PRETTY_PRINT_MODE;


sub     not_implemented
        alert("NOT IMPLEMENTED");
        return FALSE;


Powered by Groonga
Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.