

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use PDL::LiteF;
use PDL::Math;
use PDL::Types qw(types);
use Test::Warn;

# although approx() caches the tolerance value, we
# use it in every call just to document things
use constant ABSTOL => 1.0e-4;

  my $a_bad = pdl double, '[1 BAD 3]';
  my $b_double = zeroes double, 3;
  ok $b_double->badflag, 'b_double badflag set';
  is $b_double.'', '[1 BAD 3]', 'b_double got badval';
  my $b_float = zeroes float, 3;
  ok $b_float->badflag, 'b_float badflag set';
  is $b_float.'', '[1 BAD 3]', 'b_float got badval';

# check default behaviour (ie no bad data)
# - probably overkill
my $x = pdl(1,2,3);
is( $x->badflag(), 0, "no badflag" );

my $y = pdl(4,5,6);
my $c = $x + $y;
is( $c->badflag(), 0, "badflag not set in a copy" );
is( $c->sum(), 21, "sum() works on non bad-flag ndarrays" );

# is the flag propagated?
ok( $x->badflag(), "bad flag is now set" );

$c = $x + $y;
ok( $c->badflag(), "bad flag is propagated" );
is( $c->sum(), 21, "sum is still 21 with badflag set" );

$c = $x + $y;
ok( $c->badflag(), "badflag propagates on rhs of 'x+y'" );

# how about copies/vaffines/whatever
$x = rvals( long, 7, 7, {Centre=>[2,2]} );
$y = $x;
is( $y->badflag, 0, "badflag not set in a copy" );

$y = $x;
ok( $y->badflag, "badflag is now set in a copy" );

$y = $x->slice('2:5,3:4');
$c = $y->slice('0:1,(0)');
is( $y->badflag, 0, "slice handling okay with no badflag" );


# let's check that it gets through to a child of a child
ok( $c->badflag, "badflag propagated through to a child" );

# can we change bad values
is( byte->badvalue, byte->orig_badvalue, "byte bad value is set to the default value" );
is( byte->badvalue, 23, "changed bad value for byte" );
byte->badvalue( byte->orig_badvalue );

# check setbadat()
$x = pdl(1,2,3,4,5);
is( PDL::Core::string($x), "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "setbadat worked" );

$y = $x->copy;
is $y."", "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "y correct bad before set_datatype";
is $y."", "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "y correct bad after set_datatype";

$y = $x->copy;
is $y."", "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "y correct bad before set_datatype with badval=nan";
my $z = $y->convert(ushort);
is( PDL::Core::string($z), "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "non-inplace converting NaN-badvalued pdl preserves badvals" );
is $y."", "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "y correct bad after set_datatype with badval=nan";

# now check that badvalue() changes the ndarray
# (only for integer types)
$x = convert($x,ushort);
is( PDL::Core::string($x), "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "before change badvalue" );
my $badval = $x->badvalue;
is( PDL::Core::string($x), "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "changed badvalue" );
is( PDL::Core::string($x), "[1 2 44 4 5]", "can remove the badflag setting" );
# restore the bad value
is( PDL::Core::string($x), "[1 2 BAD 4 5]", "still 'bad' w/changed badvalue" );

$x = byte(1,2,3);
$y = byte(1,byte->badvalue,3);

# does string work?
# (this has implicitly been tested just above)
is( PDL::Core::string($y), "[1 BAD 3]", "can convert bad values to a string" );

# does addition work
$c = $x + $y;
is( sum($c), 8, "addition propagates the bad value" );

# does conversion of bad types work
$c = float($y);
ok( $c->badflag, "type conversion retains bad flag" );
is( PDL::Core::string($c), "[1 BAD 3]", "  and the value" );
is( sum($c), 4, "  and the sum" );

$x = byte(1,2,byte->badvalue,byte->badvalue,5,6,byte->badvalue,8,9);

is( PDL::Core::string($x->isbad),  "[0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0]", "isbad() works" );
is( PDL::Core::string($x->isgood), "[1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1]", "isgood() works" );

is( $x->nbad, 3, "nbad() works" );
is( $x->ngood, 6, "ngood() works" );

$x = byte( [255,255], [0,255], [0,0] );

is( PDL::Core::string($x->nbadover),  "[2 1 0]", "nbadover() works" );
is( PDL::Core::string($x->ngoodover), "[0 1 2]", "ngoodover() works" );

# check dataflow (or vaffine or whatever it's called)
$x = byte( [1,2,byte->badvalue,4,5], [byte->badvalue,0,1,2,byte->badvalue] );
$y = $x->slice(',(1)');
is( sum($y), 3, "sum of slice works" );
is( PDL::Core::string($x),
    "\n[\n [  1   2 BAD   4   5]\n [BAD   1   2   3 BAD]\n]\n",
    "inplace addition of slice flows back to parent"

$x = byte->badvalue * ones(byte,3,2);
is( $x->get_datatype, byte->enum, "datatype remains a byte" );
is( PDL::Core::string( PDL::zcover($x) ), "[BAD BAD]", "zcover() okay" );
is( PDL::Core::string( PDL::zcover($x) ), "[BAD 0]", "  and still okay" );

# 255 is the default bad value for a byte array
$x = byte(1,2,255,4,5);
is( $x->median, 4, "median() works on good ndarray" );
is( $x->median, 3, "median() works on bad biddle" );

# as random() creates numbers between 0 and 1 it won't
# accidentally create a bad value by chance (the default
# bad value for a double is either a very negative
# number or NaN).
$x = random(20);
is( $x->check_badflag, 0, "check_badflag did not find a bad value" );

# check out stats, since it uses several routines
# and setbadif
$x = pdl( qw(42 47 98 13 22 96 74 41 79 76 96 3 32 76 25 59 5 96 32 6) );
$y = $x->setbadif( $x < 20 );
my @s = $y->stats();
ok( approx( $s[0], 61.9375, ABSTOL ), "setbadif/stats test 1" );
ok( approx( $s[1], 27.6079, ABSTOL ), "setbadif/stats test 2" );
is( $s[2], 66.5, "setbadif/stats test 3" );
is( $s[3], 22, "setbadif/stats test 4" );
is( $s[4], 98, "setbadif/stats test 5" );
ok( approx( $s[6], 26.7312, ABSTOL ), "setbadif/stats test 6" );

# how about setbadtoval
empty()->setbadtoval(20); # shouldn't segfault
$x = $y->setbadtoval(20) - pdl(qw(42 47 98 20 22 96 74 41 79 76 96 20 32 76 25 59 20 96 32 20));
ok( all($x == 0), "setbadtoval() worked" );

# and inplace?
$x = pdl( qw(42 47 98 13 22 96 74 41 79 76 96 3 32 76 25 59 5 96 32 6) );
$y = $x->setbadif( $x < 20 );
$x = $y - pdl(qw(42 47 98 20 22 96 74 41 79 76 96 20 32 76 25 59 20 96 32 20));
ok( all($x == 0), "   and inplace" );

# ditto for copybad
$x = pdl( qw(42 47 98 13 22 96 74 41 79 76 96 3 32 76 25 59 5 96 32 6) );
$y = $x->setbadif( $x < 20 );
$c = copybad( $x, $y );
is( PDL::Core::string( $c->isbad ),
    "[0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1]",
  "isbad() worked" );

$x = pdl( qw(42 47 98 13 22 96 74 41 79 76 96 3 32 76 25 59 5 96 32 6) );
$y = $x->setbadif( $x < 20 );
$x->inplace->copybad( $y );
is( PDL::Core::string( $x->isbad ),
    "[0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1]",
  "  and inplace" );

$x = zeroes(20,30);
$y = $x->slice('0:10,0:10');
$c = $y->slice(',(2)');
ok !$c->badflag, 'no badflag on slice-child of good';
ok $c->badflag, 'badflag on same slice-child of good set to bad';
ok !$x->badflag, 'badflag now off for slice-parent of bad slice-child set to good';

$x = pdl '1 BAD';
ok any($x > 0), 'any with some badvals just omits them';
ok all($x > 0), 'all with some badvals just omits them';

## $x->inplace->setbadif( $x % 2 ) does NOT work because
## ($x % 2) is performed inplace - ie the flag is set for
## that function
##$x = sequence(3,3);
##$x->inplace->setbadif( $x % 2 );
###$x = $x->setbadif( $x % 2 );              # for when not bothered about inplace
##ok( PDL::Core::string( $x->clump(-1) ),
##    "[0 BAD 2 BAD 4 BAD 6 BAD 8]" );   #

## look at propagation of bad flag using inplace routines...
$x = sequence( byte, 2, 3 );
$x = $x->setbadif( $x == 3 );
$y = $x->slice("(1),:");
is( $x->badflag, 0, "direct pdl badflag cleared using inplace setbadtoval()" );
is( $y->badflag, 0, "child pdl badflag cleared using inplace setbadtoval()" );

$x = sequence( byte, 2, 3 );
$y = $x->slice("(1),:");
my $mask = sequence( byte, 2, 3 );
$mask = $mask->setbadif( ($mask % 3) == 2 );
$x->inplace->copybad( $mask );
is( $y->badflag, 1, "badflag propagated using inplace copybad()" );

# test some of the qsort functions
$x = pdl( qw(42 47 98 13 22 96 74 41 79 76 96 3 32 76 25 59 5 96 32 6) );
$y = $x->setbadif( $x < 20 );
my $ix = qsorti( $y );
is( PDL::Core::string( $y->index($ix) ),
    "[22 25 32 32 41 42 47 59 74 76 76 79 96 96 96 98 BAD BAD BAD BAD]",
    "qsorti() okay"
    );                                   #

# check comparison/bit operators in ops.pd

$x = pdl( 2, 4, double->badvalue );
$y = abs( $x - pdl(2.001,3.9999,234e23) ) > 0.01;
is( PDL::Core::string( $y ), "[0 0 BAD]", "abs() and >" );

$y = byte(1,2,byte->badvalue,4);
is( PDL::Core::string( $y << 2 ), "[4 8 BAD 16]", "<<" );

$x = pdl([1,2,3]);
$y = $x->assgn;
is( $y->badflag, 1, "assgn propagated badflag");
is( $y->badflag, 1, "assgn is not a deep copy for the badflag");

$x = pdl q[BAD];
is( PDL::Core::string($x), 'BAD', 'can convert PDL to string' );
is( $x->at, 'BAD', 'at() returns BAD for a bad value' );
isnt( $x->sclr, 'BAD', 'sclr() ignores bad value' );

$x = pdl 4;
is( $x->at, 'BAD', 'at() returns BAD for a bad value with non-default badvalue' );
is( $x->sclr, 4, 'sclr() ignores bad value' );

$x = pdl(0.5,double->badvalue,0);
$y = bessj0($x);
is( PDL::Core::string( isbad($y) ), "[0 1 0]", "bessj0()" );

$x = pdl(double->badvalue,0.8);
$y = bessjn($x,3);  # broadcast over n()
is( PDL::Core::string( isbad($y) ), "[1 0]", "broadcast over bessjn()" );
ok( abs($y->at(1)-0.010) < 0.001 );

$x = pdl( 0.01, 0.0 );
ok( all( abs(erfi($x)-pdl(0.00886,0)) < 0.001 ), "erfi()" );

# I haven't changed rotate, but it should work anyway
$x = byte( 0, 1, 2, 4, 5 );
is( PDL::Core::string( $x->rotate(2) ), "[4 5 0 1 BAD]", "rotate()" );

# check norm
$x = float( 2, 0, 2, 2 )->setvaltobad(0.0);
$y = $x->norm;
$c = $x/sqrt(sum($x*$x));
ok( all( approx( $y, $c, ABSTOL ) ), "norm()" ) or diag "got=$y\nexpected=$c";

# propagation of badflag using inplace ops (ops.pd)

# test biop fns
$x = sequence(3,3);
$c = $x->slice(',(1)');
$y = $x->setbadif( $x % 2 );
is( PDL::Core::string($c), "[BAD 8 BAD]", "inplace biop - plus()" );

# test bifunc fns
$x = sequence(3,3);
$c = $x->slice(',(1)');
$y = $x->setbadif( $x % 3 != 0 );
is( PDL::Core::string($c), "[27 BAD BAD]", "inplace bifunc - power()" );

# test histogram (using hist)
$x = pdl( qw/1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 2 1/ );
$y = hist $x, 0, 6, 1;
is( PDL::Core::string($y), "[0 2 2 2 2 1]", "hist()" );

is( PDL::Core::string($x), "[1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]", "isfinite()" );

# histogram2d
$x = long(1,1,1,2,2);
$y = long(2,1,1,1,1);
my @c = ( 1,0,3 );
$c = histogram2d($x,$y,@c,@c);
is( PDL::Core::string($c->clump(-1)),
    "[0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0]",
  "histogram2d()" );

# weird propagation of bad values
# - or is it?
#$x = sequence( byte, 2, 3 );
#$x = $x->setbadif( $x == 3 );
#$y = $x->slice("(1),:");
#$x .= $x->setbadtoval(3);
#ok( $x->badflag, 0 );                  # this fails
#ok( $y->badflag, 0 );                  # as does this

# badmask: inplace
$x = sequence(5);
is( PDL::Core::string($x), "[0 1 0 3 4]", "inplace badmask()" );

# setvaltobad
$x = sequence(10) % 4;
$x->inplace->setvaltobad( 1 );
like( PDL::Core::string( $x->clump(-1) ),
    qr{^\[-?0 BAD 2 3 -?0 BAD 2 3 -?0 BAD]$}, "inplace setvaltobad()" );

like PDL::Core::string( $x->clump(-1) ),
    qr/^\[-?0 \S*nan 2 3 -?0 \S*nan 2 3 -?0 \S*nan]$/i, "inplace setbadtonan()";

# check setvaltobad for non-double ndarrays
my $fa = pdl( float,  1..4) / 3;
my $da = pdl( double, 1..4) / 3;
ok( all($fa->setvaltobad(2/3)->isbad == $da->setvaltobad(2/3)->isbad), "setvaltobad for float ndarray");

my $inf2b = sequence(3);
$inf2b->set(1, 'Inf');
$inf2b->set(2, 'NaN');
like( PDL::Core::string( $inf2b->clump(-1) ),
    qr{^\[-?0 BAD \S*nan]$}i, "inplace setinftobad()" );

my $x_copy = $x->copy;
$x_copy->set(1, 'Inf');
like( PDL::Core::string( $x_copy->clump(-1) ),
    qr{^\[-?0 BAD 2 3 -?0 BAD 2 3 -?0 BAD]$}, "inplace setnonfinitetobad()" );

# simple test for setnantobad
# - could have a 1D FITS image containing
#   NaN's and then a simple version of rfits
#   (can't use rfits as does conversion!)
like( PDL::Core::string( $x->clump(-1) ),
    qr{^\[-?0 BAD 2 3 -?0 BAD 2 3 -?0 BAD]$}, "inplace setnantobad()" );

# check that we can change the value used to represent
# missing elements for floating points (earlier tests only did integer types)
is( float->badvalue, float->orig_badvalue, "default bad value for floats matches" );
is( float->badvalue(23), 23, "changed floating-point bad value" );
float->badvalue( float->orig_badvalue );

$x = sequence(4);
$y = $x->slice('2:3');
is( $y->badvalue, 3, "can propagate per-ndarray bad value");
is( $y->sum, 2, "and the propagated value is recognised as bad");
is "$x", '[0 1 BAD 3]', 'change badvalue, badness right in orig';
is( $y->badvalue, 2, "per-ndarray bad value propagated after change");
$x = sequence(4);
is ($x->badvalue, double->orig_badvalue, "no long-term effects of per-ndarray changes [1]");

for my $t (map +([$_, undef], [$_, 'nan']), grep !$_->integer, types()) {
  my $p = sequence $t->[0], 2;
  $p->badvalue($t->[1]) if defined $t->[1];
  my $msg = "badvalue works right $t->[0], bv=".join '', grep $_, explain($t->[1]);
  eval {is $p.'', '[0 BAD]', $msg};
  is $@, '', $msg;

## Name: "isn't numeric in null operation" warning could be more helpful
## <>
## <>
# The following code calls the PDL::Ops::eq() function via the operator
# overload for the eq operator. Because the Perl eq operator is usually used
# for strings, the default warning of "isn't numeric in null operation" is
# confusing. Comparing a PDL against a string should give a more useful
# warning.
my $numeric_warning = qr/not numeric nor a PDL/;
my $no_warning = undef;
sub check_eq_warnings {
	my ($string, $warning) = @_;
        $warning ||= qr/^\s*$/;
        my @w;
        local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @w, @_ };
	my $dummy = pdl() eq $string;
        like "@w", $warning; @w = ();
	$dummy = $string eq pdl();
        like "@w", $warning; @w = ();

subtest "String 'x' is not numeric and should warn" => sub {
	check_eq_warnings('x', $numeric_warning);
subtest "String 'nancy' is not numeric and should warn" => sub {
	check_eq_warnings('nancy', $numeric_warning);
subtest "String 'inf' is numeric" => sub {
	check_eq_warnings('inf', $no_warning);
subtest "String 'nan' is numeric" => sub {
	check_eq_warnings('nan', $no_warning);
	# implementing this might require checking for strings that can be made into PDLs
	local $TODO = "Using the eq operator with the string 'bad' might be a good feature";
	subtest "String 'bad' is numeric (in PDL)" => sub {
		check_eq_warnings('bad', $no_warning);

## Issue information
## Name: scalar PDL with badvalue always compares BAD with perl scalars
## <>
## <>
subtest "Issue example code" => sub {
	my $x = pdl(1, 2, 3, 0);
	# bad value for $x is now set to 0

	is( "$x", "[1 2 3 BAD]", "PDL with bad-value stringifies correctly" );

	my ($m, $s) = stats($x);

	is( "$m", 2, "Mean of [1 2 3] is 2" );
	is( "$s", 1, "And std. dev is 1" );

	my @warnings;
	local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @warnings, @_ };
	is( "".($s >  0), "1", "is 1 >  0? -> true" );
	is( "".($s <  0), "0", "is 1 <  0? -> false");
	is( "".($s == 0), "0", "is 1 == 0? -> false");
	ok scalar(@warnings), 'bad gave warnings';

subtest "Badvalue set on 0-dim PDL + comparison operators" => sub {
	my $val = 2;
	my $badval_sclr = 5;
	my $p_val = pdl($val);

	# set the bad flag to 0

	note "\$p_val = $p_val";
	is( "$p_val", "$val", "Sanity test" );

	my @values_to_compare = ( $badval_sclr, $badval_sclr + 1, $badval_sclr - 1  );
	subtest "Comparing a 0-dim PDL w/ a scalar should be the same as comparing a scalar w/ a scalar" => sub {
		for my $cmpval_sclr (@values_to_compare) {
			subtest "Bad value for PDL $p_val is $badval_sclr and we are comparing with a scalar of value $cmpval_sclr" => sub {
					"".($p_val <  $cmpval_sclr),
					(0+(  $val <  $cmpval_sclr)),
					     "$val <  $cmpval_sclr";

					"".($p_val == $cmpval_sclr),
					(0+(  $val == $cmpval_sclr)),
					     "$val == $cmpval_sclr";

					"".($p_val >  $cmpval_sclr),
					(0+(  $val >  $cmpval_sclr)),
					     "$val >  $cmpval_sclr";

	subtest "Comparing a 0-dim PDL w/ bad value with a 0-dim PDL without bad value set should not set BAD" => sub {
		for my $not_bad_sclr (@values_to_compare) {
			subtest "Bad value for PDL $p_val is $badval_sclr and we are comparing with a PDL of value $not_bad_sclr, but with no badflag" => sub {
				my $p_not_bad = pdl($not_bad_sclr);
				$p_not_bad->badflag(0); # should not have bad flag

				my $lt_p = $p_val <  $p_not_bad;
					"".       $lt_p,
					0+(   $val <  $not_bad_sclr),
					     "$val <  $not_bad_sclr";
				ok $lt_p->badflag, "cmp for < does set badflag";

				my $eq_p = $p_val ==  $p_not_bad;
					"".      $eq_p,
					0+(  $val == $not_bad_sclr),
					    "$val == $not_bad_sclr";
				ok $eq_p->badflag, "cmp for == does set badflag";

				my $gt_p = $p_val >  $p_not_bad;
					"".      $gt_p,
					0+(  $val >  $not_bad_sclr),
					    "$val >  $not_bad_sclr";
				ok $gt_p->badflag, "cmp for > does set badflag";

subtest "stats() badvalue behavior" => sub {
	my $stats_data = [
			name => "stats() should not set the badflag for output with only one badvalue",
			func => \&stats,
			input => do { pdl [1, 2, 3] },
			badvalue => 2,
			string => "[1 BAD 3]",
			mean => "2",
			badflag => 1,
			name => "stats() should set the badflag for output with all badvalues and mean should be BAD" ,
			func => \&stats,
			input => do { pdl [1, 1, 1] },
			badvalue => 1,
			string => "[BAD BAD BAD]",
			mean => "BAD",
			badflag => 1,
			name => "and statsover() on a row of BAD values",
			func => \&statsover,
			input => do { zeroes(3,3)->yvals+1 },
			badvalue => 1,
			string => do {
my $p_str = <<'EOF';

 [  2   2   2]
 [  3   3   3]
			mean => "[BAD 2 3]",
			badflag => 1,
			name => "and statsover() on a diagonal of BAD values",
			func => \&statsover,
			input => do { my $p = ones(3,3)*2; $p->diagonal(0,1) .= 1; $p },
			string => do {
my $p_str = <<'EOF';

 [BAD   2   2]
 [  2 BAD   2]
 [  2   2 BAD]
			badvalue => 1,
			mean => "[2 2 2]",
			badflag => 1,

	for my $case (@$stats_data) {
		subtest $case->{name} => sub {
			my $p = $case->{input};

			note "\$p = $p";
			is( "$p", $case->{string}, "stringifies properly");

			my $m = $case->{func}->($p);

			note "\$m = $m";
			is( "$m", $case->{mean}, "Mean of \$p" );
			is( $m->badflag, $case->{badflag}, "Mean does @{[ ('not ')x!!( ! $case->{badflag} ) ]}have badflag set");


subtest "Comparison between a vector and scalar" => sub {
	my $p = pdl [1, 2, 3, 4];

	note "\$p = $p";
	is( "$p", "[1 BAD 3 4]", "PDL vector (with bv = 2)");

	is( "" . ( $p > 1 ), '[0 BAD 1 1]', "compare PDL against (scalar = 1)");
	is( "" . ( $p > 2 ), '[0 BAD 1 1]', "compare PDL against (scalar = 2)" );
	is( "" . ( $p > 3 ), '[0 BAD 0 1]', "compare PDL against (scalar = 3)");
	is( "" . ( $p > 4 ), '[0 BAD 0 0]', "compare PDL against (scalar = 4)");

subtest "Throw a warning when badvalue is set to 0 or 1 and a comparison operator is used" => sub {
	my $warn_msg_re = qr/badvalue is set to 0 or 1/;

	# We do not need to change the contents of this PDL.
	# Only the value of badvalue changes.
	my $p = pdl([0, 1, 2]);
	subtest "Badvalue set to 0" => sub {
		warning_like { $p == 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 0 and == operator";

	subtest "Badvalue set to 1" => sub {
		warning_like { $p == 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 1 and == operator";

	subtest "Badvalue set to 2" => sub {
		warning_like { $p == 1 } undef, "No warning thrown for badval == 2 and == operator";

	subtest "Badvalue set to 0 and other operators" => sub {

		warning_like { $p > 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 0 and > operator";
		warning_like { $p >= 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 0 and >= operator";
		warning_like { $p < 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 0 and < operator";
		warning_like { $p <= 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 0 and <= operator";

		warning_like { $p == 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 0 and == operator";
		warning_like { $p != 1 } $warn_msg_re, "A warning thrown for badval == 0 and != operator";

		warning_like { $p + 1 } undef, "No warning thrown for badval == 0 and + operator";

subtest "locf" => sub {
  my $withbad = pdl '[BAD 1 BAD 3 BAD 5]';
  my $locf = $withbad->locf;
  is $locf."", '[0 1 1 3 3 5]', 'locf worked';

subtest "badvalues for native complex" => sub {
  my $pdl = pdl '1+i';
  is "$pdl", "BAD", 'set badvalue with complex ndarray';
  is "$pdl", "BAD", 'set badvalue with complex Perl scalar'
    or diag "badvalue:", $pdl->badvalue->info, "=", $pdl->badvalue;


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