

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use PDL::LiteF;
use PDL::Types;
use lib 't/lib';
use My::Test::Primitive;

my $p = pdl([]); $p->setdims([1,0]); $p->qsortvec; # shouldn't segfault!
my $p2d  = pdl([[1,2],[3,4],[1,3],[1,2],[3,3]]);
is $p2d->dice_axis(1,$p2d->qsortveci).'', $p2d->qsortvec.'', "qsortveci";

my $ind_double = zeroes($p2d->dim(1));
$p2d->qsortveci($ind_double); # shouldn't segfault!
is $ind_double.'', '[3 0 2 4 1]';

eval { empty()->medover }; # shouldn't segfault
isnt $@, '', 'exception for percentile on empty ndarray';

# set up test arrays
my $x = pdl(0,0,6,3,5,0,7,14,94,5,5,8,7,7,1,6,7,13,10,2,101,19,7,7,5);  # bug #2019651
my $a_sort = $x->qsort;
my $y = pdl(55);
my $b_sort = $y->qsort;
my $c = cat($x,$x);
my $c_sort = $c->qsort;
my $d = sequence(10)->rotate(1);
my $d_sort = $d->qsort;
my $e = pdl([[1,2],[0,500],[2,3],[4,2],[3,4],[3,5]]);
my $e_sort = $e->qsortvec;

eval { sequence(3, 3)->medover(my $o = null, my $t = null); };
isnt $@, '', 'a [t] Par cannot be passed';

my $med_dim = 1000;
ok tapprox(sequence(10,$med_dim,$med_dim)->medover, sequence($med_dim,$med_dim)*10+4.5), 'medover';

# Test a range of values
ok( tapprox($x->pctover(-0.5), $a_sort->at(0)), "pct below 0 for 25-elem pdl" );
ok( tapprox($x->pctover( 0.0), $a_sort->at(0)), "pct equal 0 for 25-elem pdl" );
ok( tapprox($x->pctover( 0.9),             17), "pct equal 0.9 for 25-elem pdl [SF bug 2019651]" );
ok( tapprox($x->pctover( 1.0), $a_sort->at($x->dim(0)-1)), "pct equal 1 for 25-elem pdl" );
ok( tapprox($x->pctover( 2.0), $a_sort->at($x->dim(0)-1)), "pct above 1 for 25-elem pdl" );

# test for bug report 2753869
$x = sequence(10);
ok( tapprox($x->pctover(0.2 ), 1.8 ), "20th percentile of 10-elem ndarray [SF bug 2753869]");
ok( tapprox($x->pctover(0.23), 2.07), "23rd percentile of 10-elem ndarray [SF bug 2753869]");

# test for bug report 2110074
ok( ( eval { pdl([])->qsorti }, $@ eq '' ), "qsorti coredump,[SF bug 2110074]");

ok(all($d == $d_sort), "inplace sorting");

$d_sort = $d->qsort;
ok(all($d == $d_sort), "inplace sorting with bad values");

ok(all($e == $e_sort), "inplace lexicographical sorting");

my $ei = $e->copy;
my $ei_sort = $ei->qsortveci;
is $ei_sort."", '[0 1 2 4 5 3]', "qsortveci with bad values"
  or diag "got:$ei_sort";

$e_sort = $e->qsortvec;
ok(all($e == $e_sort), "inplace lexicographical sorting with bad values") or diag "inplace=$e\nnormal=$e_sort";

# Test bug 379 "Passing qsort an extra argument causes a segfault"
# (also qsorti, qsortvec, qsortveci)
eval { random(15)->qsort(5); };
isnt($@, '', "qsort extra argument");
eval { random(15)->qsorti(5); };
isnt($@, '', "qsorti extra argument");
eval {random(10,4)->qsortvec(5); };
isnt($@, '', "qsortvec extra argument");
eval {random(10,4)->qsortveci(2); };
isnt($@, '', "qsortveci extra argument");
#but the dimension size checks for those cases shouldn't derail trivial qsorts:
is(pdl(5)->qsort,pdl(5),'trivial qsort');
is(pdl(8)->qsorti,pdl(0),'trivial qsorti');
ok(all(pdl(42,41)->qsortvec == pdl(42,41)->dummy(1)),'trivial qsortvec');
is(pdl(53,35)->qsortveci,pdl(0),'trivial qsortveci');

# test qsort moves vectors with BAD components to end
is pdl("0 -100 BAD 100")->qsort."", '[-100 0 100 BAD]', 'qsort moves BAD elts to end';

# test qsortvec moves vectors with BAD components to end - GH#252
is pdl("[0 0] [-100 0] [BAD 0] [100 0]")->qsortvec."", <<'EOF', 'qsortvec moves vectors with BAD components to end';

 [-100    0]
 [   0    0]
 [ 100    0]
 [ BAD    0]

# test for bug report 3234141 "max() fails on nan"
#   NaN values are handled inconsistently by min, minimum, max, maximum...
 my $inf = inf();
 my $nan = nan();
 my $x = pdl($nan, 0, 1, 2);
 my $y = pdl(0, 1, 2, $nan);

 ok($x->min == $y->min, "min with NaNs");
 ok($x->max == $y->max, "max with NaNs");
my $empty = empty();
$x = $empty->maximum;
ok( $x->nelem==1, "maximum over an empty dim yields 1 value");
is $x.'', 'BAD', "max of empty nonbad float gives BAD";

# test bad value handling with max
$x = $empty->maximum;
ok( $x->isbad, "bad flag gets set on max over an empty dim");

#Test subroutines directly.

#set up ndarrays
my $f=pdl(1,2,3,4,5);
my $g=pdl (0,1);
my $h=pdl(1, 0,-1);
my $i=pdl (1,0);
my $j=pdl(-3, 3, -5, 10);

#Test percentile routines
#Test PDL::pct
ok (tapprox(PDL::pct($f, .5),     3), 'PDL::pct 50th percentile');
ok (tapprox(PDL::pct($g, .76), 0.76), 'PDL::pct interpolation test');
ok (tapprox(PDL::pct($i, .76), 0.76), 'PDL::pct interpolation not in order test');

#Test PDL::oddpct
ok (tapprox(PDL::oddpct($f, .5),  3), 'PDL::oddpct 50th percentile');
ok (tapprox(PDL::oddpct($f, .79), 4), 'PDL::oddpct intermediate value test');
ok (tapprox(PDL::oddpct($h, .5),  0), 'PDL::oddpct 3-member 50th percentile with negative value');
ok (tapprox(PDL::oddpct($j, .1), -5), 'PDL::oddpct negative values in-between test');

#Test oddmedian
ok (PDL::oddmedian($g) ==  0, 'Oddmedian 2-value ndarray test');
ok (PDL::oddmedian($h) ==  0, 'Oddmedian 3-value not in order test');
ok (PDL::oddmedian($j) == -3, 'Oddmedian negative values even cardinality test');

#Test mode and modeover
$x = pdl([1,2,3,3,4,3,2],1);
ok( $x->mode == 0, "mode test" );
ok( all($x->modeover == pdl(3,0)), "modeover test");

#the next 4 tests address GitHub issue #248.

#   .... 0000 1010
#   .... 1111 1100
#OR:.... 1111 1110 = -2
is( pdl([10,0,-4])->borover(), -2, "borover with no BAD values");

#     .... 1111 1111
#     .... 1111 1010
#     .... 1111 1100
#AND: .... 1111 1000 = -8

is( pdl([-6,~0,-4])->bandover(), -8, "bandover with no BAD values");

#   0000 1010
#   1111 1100
#OR:1111 1110 = 254 if the accumulator in BadCode is an unsigned char
is( pdl([10,0,-4])->setvaltobad(0)->borover(), -2, "borover with BAD values");
#     1111 1010
#     1111 1100
#AND: 1111 1000 = 248 if the accumulator in BadCode is an unsigned char
is( pdl([-6,~0,-4])->setvaltobad(~0)->bandover(), -8, "bandover with BAD values");

  # all calls to functions that handle finding minimum and maximum should return
  # the same values (i.e., BAD).  NOTE: The problem is that perl scalar values
  # have no 'BAD' values while pdls do.  We need to sort out and document the
  # differences between routines that return perl scalars and those that return
  # pdls.
  my $bad_0dim = pdl(q|BAD|);
  is( "". $bad_0dim->min, 'BAD', "does min returns 'BAD'" );
  isnt( "". ($bad_0dim->minmax)[0], "". $bad_0dim->min, "does minmax return same as min" );
  is( "". ($bad_0dim->minmaximum)[0],  "". $bad_0dim->min, "does minmaximum return same as min" );

is ushort(65535)->max, 65535, 'max(highest ushort value) should not be BAD';

# provide indepdent copies of test data.
sub X { PDL->pdl( [ [ 5, 4, 3 ], [ 2, 3, 1.5 ] ] ) }

ok( tapprox( X->average(),  PDL->pdl( [ 4,  2.16666 ] ) ), "average" );
ok( tapprox( X->sumover(),  PDL->pdl( [ 12, 6.5 ] ) ),     "sumover" );
ok( tapprox( X->prodover(), PDL->pdl( [ 60, 9 ] ) ),       "prodover" );

# provide indepdent copies of test data.
sub IM {
            [ 1,  2,  3,  3,  5 ],
            [ 2,  3,  4,  5,  6 ],
            [ 13, 13, 13, 13, 13 ],
            [ 1,  3,  1,  3,  1 ],
            [ 10, 10, 2,  2,  2, ]

subtest 'minmax' => sub {
    my @minMax = IM->minmax;
    ok( $minMax[0] == 1,  "minmax min" );
    ok( $minMax[1] == 13, "minmax max" );

subtest dsumover => sub {
    my $x = ones( byte, 3000 );
    my $y;
    dsumover( $x, ( $y = null ) );
    is( $y->get_datatype, $PDL_D, "get_datatype" );
    is( $y->at,           3000,   "at" );

subtest 'minimum_n_ind' => sub {

    subtest 'usage' => sub {
        my $p = pdl [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 1, 1, 6, 2, 5 ];
        my $q = zeroes 5;
        minimum_n_ind $p, $q;
        ok( tapprox( $q, pdl( 0, 6, 7, 1, 9 ) ), "usage 1" );
        $q = minimum_n_ind( $p, 5 );
        ok( tapprox( $q, pdl( 0, 6, 7, 1, 9 ) ), "usage 2" );
        minimum_n_ind( $p, $q = null, 5 );
        ok( tapprox( $q, pdl( 0, 6, 7, 1, 9 ) ), "usage 3" );

    subtest 'BAD' => sub {
        my $p = pdl '[1 BAD 3 4 7 9 1 1 6 2 5]';
        my $q = zeroes 5;
        minimum_n_ind $p, $q;
        is $q. '', '[0 6 7 9 2]', "BAD";

    subtest 'insufficient good' => sub {
        my $p = pdl '[1 BAD 3 4 BAD BAD]';
        my $q = zeroes 5;
        minimum_n_ind $p, $q;
        is $q. '', '[0 2 3 BAD BAD]', "insufficient good";

    subtest 'bad & good' => sub {
        my $p = pdl '[1 BAD 3 4 BAD BAD 3 1 5 8 9]';
        my $q = zeroes 5;
        minimum_n_ind $p, $q;
        is $q. '', '[0 7 2 6 3]', "some bad, sufficient good";

subtest diff2 => sub {
  my $got = pdl('[BAD 2 3 4]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[2 1 1]", 'first bad';
  $got = pdl('[BAD BAD 3 4]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[BAD 3 1]", 'first 2 bad';
  $got = pdl('[2 BAD 3 4]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[BAD 1 1]", 'second bad';
  $got = pdl('[2 3 BAD 4]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[1 BAD 1]", 'third bad';
  $got = pdl('[2 BAD BAD 4]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[BAD BAD 2]", 'middle 2 bad';
  $got = pdl('[2 3 4 BAD]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[1 1 BAD]", 'last bad';
  $got = pdl('[BAD BAD 4]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[BAD 4]", 'only 1 good';
  $got = pdl('[BAD BAD]')->diff2;
  is "$got", "[BAD]", 'none good';
  eval {empty()->diff2};
  like $@, qr/Tried to allocdata with -1 values/, 'empty';
  $got = pdl(1)->diff2;
  is "$got", "Empty[0]", 'single-element gives empty';

subtest intover => sub {
  for ([1,0], [2,0.5], [3,2], [4,4.5], [5,8], [6,12.5], [7,18]) {
    my ($size, $exp, $got) = @$_;
    ok approx($got=sequence($size)->intover, $exp), "intover $size"
      or diag "got=$got\nexp=$exp";


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