

# Vi: ts=4 sw=4 ht=4 et textwidth=76 :


    Associativity     Precedence
    left              terms and list operators (leftward)
    left              ->
    nonassoc          ++ --
    right             **
    right             ! ~ \ and unary + and -
    left              =~ !~
    left              * / % x
    left              + - .
    left              << >>
    nonassoc          named unary operators, filetest operators
    nonassoc          < > <= >= lt gt le ge
    nonassoc          == != <=> eq ne cmp ~~
    left              &
    left              | ^
    left              &&
    left              || //
    nonassoc          ..  ...
    right             ?:
    right             = += -= *= etc.
    left              , =>
    nonassoc          list operators (rightward)
    right             not
    left              and
    left              or xor


=head2 "X"

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)> and
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the double quote operator (AKA the interpolating string operator).
It creates a string literal out of X.  If a scalar, array, or an index into
an array or hash is in X, then the value of that variable is inserted into
the string in place of the variable.  Arrays are formatted using C<$">:

    my $interpolated_value = join $", @array;

To place a C<"> character inside the string, you must escape it with C<\>:

    my $quote = "He said \"I like quotes.\"";

There are many special escapes such as C<\t> for tab and C<\n> for newline,
as well as a generalized form of escape that uses Unicode ordinal numbers:

    my $string = "Please provide references with your r\x{e9}sum\x{e9}.";

Here C<\x{e9}> creates the character associated with the ordinal number 233
(0xe9 in hexadecimal) in Unicode: LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE.

For a full discussion of how strings work, see
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Example

    my $name   = "World";
    my $string = "Hello, $name!\n"; # $string is now "Hello World!\n";

=head3 See also

L</qq(X)>, L</'X'>, L</q(X)>, L<perlvar/$">,
and L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>

=head2 qq(X)

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)> and
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the generalized double quote operator (AKA the generalized
interpolating string operator).  It creates a string literal out of X.  If a
scalar, array, or an index into an array or hash is in X, then the value of
that variable is inserted into the string in place of the variable.  Arrays
are formated using C<$"> (which is a space by default):

    my $interpolated_value = join $", @array;

The delimiters C<()> are chosen by the user and may consist of either
bracketing characters (C<< qq<> >>, C<qq()>, C<qq{}>, and C<qq[]>) or
matching characters (C<qq##>, C<qqaa>, etc.).  It is generally used to allow
the user to avoid having to escape characters:

     my $quote = qq/He said "I like quotes."/;

If the delimiter is not a bracketing pair, or if the brackets are
unbalanced, you will need to escape the delimiter with C<\> if you wish to
have that character in the string:

    my $quote = qq{I have too many \} characters};

But it is often better to just choose a delimiter that does not conflict
with the string:

    my $better = qq/I have too many } characters/;

There are many special escapes such as C<\t> for tab and C<\n> for newline,
as well as a generalized form of escape that uses Unicode ordinal numbers:

    my $string = qq{provide references with your r\x{e9}sum\x{e9}.};

Here C<\x{e9}> creates the character associated with the ordinal number 233
(0xe9 in hexadecimal) in Unicode: LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE.

For a full discussion of how strings work, see
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Example

    my $name   = "World";
    my $string = qq/Hello, $name!\n/; # $string is now "Hello World!\n";

=head3 See also

L</q(X)>, L</'X'> L<E<quot>XE<quot>>, L<perlvar/$">,
and L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>

=head2 'X'

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)> and
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the single quote operator (AKA the non-interpolating string operator).
It creates a string literal out of X.

To place a C<'> character inside the string, you must escape it with C<\>:

    my $quote = 'He said \'I like quotes.\'';

To place a C<\> character inside the string, you may escape it with another

    my $quote = 'This is a backslash: \\';

but this is only necessary when the C<\> is followed by the closing single
quote.  Unlike double quoted strings, single quoted strings only recognize
those two escape sequences

For a full discussion of how strings work, see
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Example

    my $name   = 'World';
    my $string = 'Hello, $name!\n'; # $string is now "Hello \$name!\\n";

=head3 See also

L<E<quot>XE<quot>>, L</qq(X)>, L</q(X)>, L<perlvar/$">,
and L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>

=head2 q(X)

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)> and
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the generalized single quote operator (AKA the generalized
non-interpolating string operator).  It creates a string literal out of X

The delimiters C<()> are chosen by the user and may consist of either
bracketing characters (C<< q<> >>, C<q()>, C<q{}>, and C<q[]>) or matching
characters (C<q##>, C<qaa>, etc.).  It is generally used to allow the user
to avoid having to escape characters:

     my $quote = q/He said 'I like quotes.'/;

If the delimiter is not a bracketing pair, or if the brackets are
unbalanced, you will need to escape the delimiter with C<\> if you wish to
have that character in the string:

    my $okay = q{I have too many \} characters};

But it is often better to just choose a delimiter that does not conflict
with the string:

    my $better = q/I have too many } characters/;

To place a C<\> character inside the string, you may escape it with another

    my $quote = q/This, \\, is a backslash./;

but this is only necessary when the C<\> is followed by the closing delimiter:

    my $fine     = q/This, \, is a backslash./;
    my $required = q/This is a backslash:\\/;

Unlike double quoted strings, the escaping of the delimiter and C<\> are the
only escapes.

For a full discussion of how strings work, see
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Example

    my $name   = "World";
    my $string = q/Hello, $name!\n/; # $string is now "Hello \$name!\\n";

=head3 See also

L<E<quot>XE<quot>>, L</'X'>, L</qq(X)>, L<perlvar/$">,
and L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>

=head2 qw(X)

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)> and
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the quote word operator.  It creates a list of strings.  The
individual strings are whitespace separated.  It does not interpolate.

The delimiters C<()> are chosen by the user and may consist of either
bracketing characters (C<< qw<> >>, C<qw()>, C<qw{}>, and C<qw[]>) or
matching characters (C<qw##>, C<qwaa>, etc.).  It is generally used to allow
the user to avoid having to escape characters:

     my @list = qw/'a' 'b' 'c'/; # @list is now ("'a'", "'b'", "'c'")

If the delimiter is not a bracketing pair, or if the brackets are
unbalanced, you will need to escape the delimiter with C<\> if you wish to
have that character in the string:

    my @broken   = qw{I have too many } characters};        # broken
    my @works    = qw{I have too many \} characters};       # works
    my @balanced = qw{this works {} because it is balanced} # works

But it is often better to just choose a delimiter that does not conflict
with the string:

    my $better = qw/I have too many } characters/;

Unlike double quoted strings, the escaping of the delimiter is the only

=head3 Example

    my @a = qw/ a b c /;     # @a is now ("a", "b", "c")
    my @b = qw/ $foo $bar /; # @b is now ('$foo', '$bar')

=head3 See Also

L</'X'>, L</q(X)>, and L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>

=head2 X[Y]

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)> and
L<perlop/Quote and Quote-like Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the array index operator.  Indexes are C<0> based (unless C<$[> has
been set to a non-zero value).  Negative indexes count backwards from the
end of the list or array.

If X's sigil is C<$>, then the expression Y is placed in scalar context when
it is evaluated and then treated as a number; hence it is converted to a
number before it is used.  If it cannot be converted then it is turned
into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<warnings> are turned on).  It
returns the Yth item from X.

If X's sigil is C<@> instead, then an C<array slice> is created.  The
expression Y is placed in list context when it is evaluated and each item in
the resulting list is then treated as a number; hence they are converted to a
number before the list is used.  Each item will be turned into C<0> if it
cannot be converted (and a warning is thrown if L<warnings> are turned on).
The operator returns a list of items from the array X at the indexes in the
list generated by Y.
Note: The string contents of elements of Y are not modified by the internal
conversion to numerical values.

=head3 Example

    my @a = ("a", "b", "c", "d");
    my $x = $a[2];    # $x is now equal to "c"
    my $y = $a[-3];   # $y is now equal to "b"
    my @b = @a[1, 2]; # @b is now ("b", "c")

    $a[2]    = 'e';      # @a is now ('a', 'b', 'e', 'd')
    @b[0, 1] = @b[1, 0]; # swap values @b is now ('c', 'b')

=head3 See also

L</(X)[Y]> and L</X-E<gt>[Y]>

=head2 (X)[Y]

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>.

=head3 Description

This is the list index operator.  The expression Y is placed in list context
when it is evaluated and each item in the resulting list is then treated as
a number; hence they are converted to a number before it is used.  Each one
will be turned into C<0> if it cannot be converted (and a warning is thrown
if L<warnings> are turned on).  It returns a list of items from the list X
at the indexes in the list generated by Y.

=head3 Example

     my $i = 4;
     my $x = ("a" .. "z")[$i];      # $x is now "e"
     my $y = ("a" .. "z")[-$i];     # $y is now "w"
     my @a = ("a" .. "z")[0 .. $i]; # @a is now ("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")
     my @b = ("a" .. "z")[1, 0, 3]; # @b is now ("b", "a", "d")

=head3 See also


=head2 X{Y}

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>.

=head3 Description

This is the hash index operator.  It retrieves the value associated with the
key Y from a hash X.  If Y is a list of keys then a slice is returned (see
L<perldata> for information about slices).

=head3 Example

    my %h = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
    my $x = $h{c};        # $x is now 3
    my @a = @h{"a", "b"}; # @a is now (1, 2)

    $h{d}       = 4;      # %h is now (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4)
    @h{qw/a d/} = (0, 1); # %h is now (a => 0, b => 2, c => 3, d => 1)

=head3 See also

L</(X){Y}> and L</X-E<gt>{Y}>

=head2 X->[Y]

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/The Arrow Operator>.

=head3 Description

This is the infix array dereferencing operator (AKA the Arrow Operator).  It
fetches the value at position Y in the array referenced by X.  X is a simple
scalar variable, an expression (an array element or a hash value), or a
function returning a reference to an array.  When dealing with multiple
levels of dereferencing (such as with a reference to an array of arrays)
only the first level requires the arrow operator.

If X does not evaluate to an array reference, then a runtime error occurs.

=head3 Example

    my @a         = ("a", "b", "c");
    my $aref      = \@a;

    my $x         = $aref->[1]; # $x is now "b"
    $aref->[3]    = "d";        # @a is now ("a", "b", "c", "d")

    my $aoa = [
        [0,   1,   2  ],
        ["a", "b", "c"],

    my $y = $aoa->[1][1];       # $y is now "b"

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L</@{X}>, L</${X}[Y]>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 X->{Y}

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/The Arrow Operator>.

=head3 Description

This is the infix hash dereferencing operator (AKA the Arrow Operator).  It
fetches the value associated with the key Y in a hash referenced by X.  
X may be a scalar variable, an expression(an array element or a hash
value the resolves to a hash-reference), or a subroutine that returns a 

When dealing with multiple levels of dereferencing (such as with a reference 
to a hash of hashes) only the first level requires the arrow operator.

If X does not evaluate to a hash reference, then a runtime error occurs.

=head3 Example

    my %h      = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
    my $href   = \%h;
    my $x      = $href->{b}; # $x is now 2
    $href->{d} = 4;          # %h is now (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4)

    my $hoh    = {
        a => { a => 1, b => 2, c => 3 },
        b => { a => 4, b => 5, c => 6 }

    my $y = $hoh->{a}{b};    # $y is now 2
    my $z = $hoh->{b}{b};    # $z is now 5

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L</%{X}>, L</${X}{Y}>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 X->(Y)

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/The Arrow Operator>.

=head3 Description

This is the infix dereferencing function call operator (AKA the Arrow
Operator).  It calls the function referred to by X with the arguments Y.
When dealing with multiple levels of dereferencing (such as with a reference
to a hash of functions) only the first level requires the arrow operator;
however, it is recommended you do not use this feature as it tends to cause

If X does not evaluate to a code reference, then a runtime error occurs.

=head3 Example

    my $sub = sub {
        my ($arg1, $arg2, $arg3) = @_;
        print "$arg1 = $arg2 + $arg3\n";
    my $href = {
        func => $sub,

    $sub->("a", "b", "c");  # prints "a = b + c\n"
    $href->{func}(1, 2, 3); # prints "1 = 2 + 3\n"

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L<perlsub>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 ${X}

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>.

=head3 Description

If X is the name of a scalar variable, then this is just another way of
saying C<$X>.  This form is handy during interpolation when the name of a
variable would be ambiguous:

    my $base = "foo";
    my $s    = "${base}bar"; # $s is now "foobar"

When X is an expression, this is the scalar dereferencing operator.  If X
evaluates to a scalar reference then the value of the referenced item is
returned.  If X does not evaluate to a scalar reference a runtime error
occurs.  If X is a simple scalar variable the braces are unnecessary.

If strict is turned off, and it shouldn't be, and X evaluates to a string
then C<${X}> returns a scalar variable whose name is the same as the string.

=head3 Example

    my $x    = 5;
    my $sref = \$x;
    my @a    = ($sref);

    $$sref   = 6; # $x is now 6
    ${$a[0]} = 7; # $x is now 7

    no strict "refs";
    our $y = $x;  #$y is now 7

    my $bad = "y";
    $$bad = 8;    # $y is now 8

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 ${X}[Y]

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>.

=head3 Description

If X is the name of an array variable, then this is just another way of
saying C<$X[Y]>.

When X is an expression, this is the indexing array dereferencing operator.
If X evaluates to an array reference then it returns the value of the Yth item
of the referenced array.  If X does not evaluate to an array reference a
runtime error occurs.  If X is a simple scalar variable the braces are
unnecessary.  The use of this operator is discouraged, see the
L</X-E<gt>[Y]> operator for a better solution.

If strict is turned off, and it shouldn't be, and X evaluates to a string
then C<${X}[Y]> returns the Yth item from the array whose name is the same
as the string.

=head3 Example

    my @a    = qw(a b c);
    my $aref = \@a;
    ${$aref}[0] = 1;  # @a is now (1, "b", "c")

    no strict "refs";
    our @b = @a;      # @b is now (1, "b", "c")

    my $bad    = "b";
    ${$bad}[5] = "d"; # @b is now (1, "b", "c", undef, undef, "d")

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L</X-E<gt>[Y]>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 ${X}{Y}

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>.

=head3 Description

If X is the name of a hash variable, then this is just another way of saying

When X is an expression, this is the indexing hash dereferencing operator.
If X evaluates to an hash reference then it returns the value associated with
the key Y of the referenced hash.  If X does not evaluate to an hash
reference a runtime error occurs.  If X is a simple scalar variable the
braces are unnecessary.  The use of this operator is discouraged, see the
L</X-E<gt>{Y}> operator for a better solution.

If strict is turned off, and it shouldn't be, and X evaluates to a string
then C<${X}{Y}> returns the value associated with the key Y from the hash
whose name is the same as the string.

=head3 Example

    my %h    = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
    my $href = \%h;
    ${$href}{a} = 4; # %h is now (a => 4, b => 2, c => 3)

    no strict "refs";
    our %newh = %h;  # %newh is now (a => 4, b => 2, c => 3)

    my $bad = "newh";
    ${$bad}{d} = 4;  # %newh is now (a => 4, b => 2, c => 3, d => 4)

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L</X-E<gt>{Y}>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 @{X}

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>.

=head3 Description

If X is the name of an array variable then this is just another way of
saying @X.  This form is handy during interpolation when the name of a
variable would be ambiguous:

    my @a = (1 .. 3);
    my $x = "@{a}bar"; # $x is now "1 2 3bar"

When X is an expression, this is the array dereferencing operator.  If X
evaluates to an array reference then the value of the referenced item is
returned.  If X does not evaluate to an array reference a runtime error
occurs.  If X is a simple scalar variable the braces are unnecessary.

If strict is turned off, and it shouldn't be, and X evaluates to a string
then @{X} returns an array variable whose name is the same as the string.

=head3 Example

    my @a;
    my $aref = \@a;
    my @b    = ($aref);

    @$aref      = (1, 2, 3); # @a is now (1, 2, 3)
    @{$b[0]}    = (4, 5, 6); # @a is now (4, 5, 6)

    no strict "refs";
    our @c = @a;             # @c is now (4, 5, 6)

    my $bad    = "c";
    @{$bad}[0] = 8;          # @c is now (8, 5, 6)

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>
=head2 %{X}

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Terms and List Operators (Leftward)>.

=head3 Description

If X is the name of a hash variable then this is just another way of
saying %X.

When X is an expression, this is the hash dereferencing operator.  If X
evaluates to a hash reference then the value of the referenced item is
returned.  If X does not evaluate to a hash reference a runtime error
occurs.  If X is a simple scalar variable the braces are unnecessary.

If strict is turned off, and it shouldn't be, and X evaluates to a string
then @{X} returns an array variable whose name is the same as the string.

=head3 Example

    my %h;
    my $href = \%h;
    my @a    = ($href);

    %$href   = (a => 1); # %h is now (a => 1)

    no strict "refs";
    our %newh         = %h;     # %newh is now (a => 1)
    my $bad           = "newh";
    @{$bad}{"c", "d"} = (3, 4); #%newh is now (a => 1, c => 3, d => 4)

=head3 See also

L</\X>, L<perlreftut>, and L<perlref>

=head2 ++X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Auto-increment and Auto-decrement>.

=head3 Description

This is the prefix auto-increment operator.  It is roughly equivalent to C<X
= X + 1>, but there is a bit of extra magic to it.  If you increment a
variable that is numeric, or that has ever been used in a numeric context,
you get a normal increment.  If, however, the variable has been used in only
string contexts since it was set, and has a value that is not the empty
string and matches the pattern C</^[a-zA-Z]*[0-9]*\z/>, the increment is
done as a string, preserving each character within its range, with carry:

    print ++($foo = "99");      # prints "100"
    print ++($foo = "a0");      # prints "a1"
    print ++($foo = "Az");      # prints "Ba"
    print ++($foo = "zz");      # prints "aaa"

C<undef> is always treated as numeric, and in particular is changed to C<0>
before incrementing (so that a pre-increment of an undef value will return
C<1> rather than C<undef>).

The incrementing occurs before the use of the value.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 4;
    my $y = ++$x; # $x and $y are now 5

    my $q = "200 Quatloos for the newcomer";
    my $r = ++$q;  # $q and $r are both now 201

    my $s = "a";
    my $t = ++$s; # $s and $t are now "b"

    my $m;
    my $n = ++$m; # $n is now 1

=head3 See also


=head2 X++

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Auto-increment and Auto-decrement>.

=head3 Description

This is the postfix auto-increment operator.  It behaves the same way as the
prefix auto-increment operator C<++X>, including the magic, but the value is
taken before the incrementing is done.  So, the after the following code
C<$x> will be C<5> and C<$y> will be 4.  Whereas with the prefix
auto-increment operator, both values would be C<5>.

C<undef> is always treated as numeric, and in particular is changed to C<0>
before incrementing (so that a post-increment of an undef value will return
C<0> rather than C<undef>).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 4;
    my $y = $x++; # $x is now 5 and $y is now 4

    my $q = "200 Quatloos for the newcomer";
    my $r = $q++;  # $q is now 201 and $r is "200 Quatloos for the newcomer"

    my $s = "a";
    my $t = $s++; # $s is now "b" and $t is now "a"

    my $m;
    my $n = $m++; # $n is now 0

=head3 See also


=head2 --X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Auto-increment and Auto-decrement>.

=head3 Description

This is the prefix auto-decrement operator.  It is equivalent to
C<X = X - 1>.  The value returned is reflects the decrementing, so after the
following code runs, C<$x> and C<$y> will be C<4>.

X will be converted to a number before decrementing, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<warnings>
are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 5;
    my $y = --$x;  # $x and $y are now 4

    my $q = "200 Quatloos for the newcomer";
    my $r = --$q;  # $q and $r are both now 199

    my $s = "foo";
    my $t = --$s;  # $s and $t are now -1

    my $m;
    my $n = --$m;  # $n is now -1

=head3 See also


=head2 X--

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Auto-increment and Auto-decrement>.

=head3 Description

This is the postfix auto-decrement operator.  It is equivalent to
C<X = X - 1>.  The value returned is the value before decrementing, so after
the following code runs, C<$x> will be 4 and C<$y> will be C<5>.

X will be converted to a number before the operation, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<warnings>
are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 5;
    my $y = $x--;  # $x is now 4 and $y is now 5

    my $q = "200 Quatloos for the newcomer";
    my $r = $q--;  # $q is now 199 and $r is "200 Quatloos for the newcomer"

    my $s = "foo";
    my $t = $s--;  # $s is now -1 and $t is "foo"

    my $m;
    my $n = $m--;  # $n is now 0

=head3 See also


=head2 X ** Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Exponentiation>

=head3 Description

This is the exponentiation operator.  It raises X to the Yth power.
Warning: it binds more tightly than unary minus, so C<-2**4> is C<-(2**4)>,
not C<(-2)**4>.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2 ** 8;             # $x is now 256
    my $y = log(2 ** 8)/log(2); # $y is now 8;

    my $s = 2 ** "foo";         # $s is now 1 (2 ** 0 is 1)
    my $t = 2 ** "4ever";       # $t is now 16

=head3 See also

L</X **= Y> and L<perlfunc/log>

=head2 !X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Symbolic Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the high-precedence logical negation operator.  It performs logical
negation, i.e., "not".  If X is a true value it returns the L</Canonical
False Value> otherwise it returns L</Canonical True Value>.  There is a
low-precedence version: C<not>.

It is occasionally used in pairs (C<!!>) to convert any false value to the
L</Canonical False Value> and any true value to the L</Canonical True Value>.

=head3 Example

    my $m = !5;      # $m is now the canonical false value
    my $n = !0;      # $n is now the canonical true value
    my $o = !"";     # $o is now the canonical true value
    my $p = !undef;  # $p is now the canonical true value

    my $q = !!5;     # $q is now the canonical true value
    my $r = !!0;     # $r is now the canonical false value
    my $s = !!"";    # $s is now the canonical false value
    my $t = !!undef; # $t is now the canonical false value

=head3 See also

L</not X>

=head2 ~X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Symbolic Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise negation operator (AKA C<1>'s complement operator).  The
width of the result is platform-dependent: C<~0> is C<32> bits wide on a
C<32>-bit platform, but C<64> bits wide on a C<64>-bit platform, so if you
are expecting a certain bit width, remember to use the C<&> operator to mask
off the excess bits.

X will be converted to a number before the operation, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<warnings>
are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = ~0x00_00_00_00; # $x is now 0xFF_FF_FF_FF on 32-bit machines

=head3 See also

L<perlop/Bitwise String Operators> and L<perlop/Integer Arithmetic>

=head2 \X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Symbolic Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the backslash operator (AKA the Reference Operator).  If X is a
variable, function, or a scalar literal, then it creates a reference to X.
If X is a list, then it creates a list of references to the items in the

=head3 Example

    my $c       = \1024;     # $c is now a reference to the literal 1024

    my $s       = 5;
    my $sref    = \$s;       # $sref is now a reference to $s
    $$sref      = 6;         # $s is now 6

    my @a       = (1, 2, 3);
    my $aref    = \@a;       # $aref is now a reference to @a
    $aref->[0]  = 5;         # @a is now (5, 2, 3)
    push @$aref, 6;          # @a is now (5, 2, 3, 6)

    my %h       = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);
    my $href    = \%h;              # $href is now a reference to %h
    $href->{b}  = 5;                # %h is now (a => 1, b => 5, c => 3)
    my @keys    = sort keys %$href; # @keys is now ("a", "b", "c")

    sub foo {
        return join "|", @_;
    my $coderef = \&foo;
    my $x       = $coderef->(1, 2, 3); # $x is now "1|2|3";
    my $y       = &$coderef(4, 5, 6);  # $y is now "4|5|6";

    # @refs now holds references to $s, @a, and %h
    my @refs    = \($s, @a, %h);

=head3 See also

L</X-E<gt>[Y]>, L</X-E<gt>{Y}>, L<X-E<gt>(Y)>, L<perlreftut>, and

=head2 +X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Symbolic Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the unary plus operator.  It has no effect whatsoever, even on
strings.  It is useful syntactically for separating a function name from a
parenthesized expression that would otherwise be interpreted as the complete
list of function arguments.

=head3 Example

    print (split ",", "a,b,c,d")[2], "\n";  # syntax error
    print +(split ",", "a,b,c,d")[2], "\n"; # prints "c\n"

=head3 See also


=head2 -X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Symbolic Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

The unary minus operator performs arithmetic negation if X is numeric.

If X is a bareword it returns a string consisting of C<-> and the bareword.

If X is a string that starts with a character that matches /[_a-zA-Z]/ it
returns a string consisting of C<-> followed by the original string.

If X begins with C<-> or C<+> then the first character is converted to the
opposite sign.

In all other cases, X will be converted to a number before the operation,
and if it cannot be converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is
thrown if L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 10;
    $x    = -$x;     # $x is now -10
    $x    = -$x;     # $x is now 10 again
    my $y = -option; # $y is now "-option"
    my $z = -"foo":  # $z is now "-foo"
    $z = -$z;        # $z is now "+foo"
    $z = -$z;        # $z is now "-foo"
    $z = -"*foo";    # $z is now -0

    $x = "\x{e9}";   # $x is now e acute
    $x = -$x;        # $x is now -0 because e acute is not in [_a-zA-Z]

=head3 See also



=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Binding Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the binding operator.  It applies a regex match (C<m//>),
substitution (C<s///>), or transliteration (C<tr///> or C<y///>) 
PATTERN against a string variable.  

When used in scalar context, the return value generally indicates
the success of the operation.  Behavior in list context depends on the
particular operator.  See L<perlop/"Regexp Quote-Like Operators"> for
details and L<perlretut> for examples using these operators.

If PATTERN is an expression rather than a search pattern, substitution, or
transliteration, it is interpreted as a search pattern at run time. Note
that this means that its contents will be interpolated twice, so

  "\\" =~ "\\";

is not ok, as the regex engine will end up trying to compile the pattern
C<\>, which it will consider a syntax error.

=head3 Example

    my $x = "foo bar baz";

    # This will print "matched\n"
    if ($x =~ /foo/) {
        print "matched\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlop>, L<perlretut>, and L<prelre>

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Binding Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the negative binding operator.  It applies a regex match (C<m//>),
substitution (C<s///>), or transliteration (C<tr///> or C<y///>) 
PATTERN against a string variable.  

When used in scalar context, the return value is the opposite of what the
return value would have been if the C<=~> had been used.  Behavior in list
context depends on the particular operator.  See 
L<perlop/"Regexp Quote-Like Operators"> for details and L<perlretut> for
examples using these operators.

If PATTERN is an expression rather than a search pattern, substitution, or
transliteration, it is interpreted as a search pattern at run time. Note
that this means that its contents will be interpolated twice, so

  "\\" =~ "\\";

is not ok, as the regex engine will end up trying to compile the pattern
C<\>, which it will consider a syntax error.

=head3 Example

    # This will print "matched\n"
    if ("foo bar baz" !~ /foo/) {
        print "didn't match\n";
    } else {
        print "matched\n";

=head3 See also


=head2 X * Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Multiplicative Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the multiplication operator; it returns the product of X multiplied
by Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2 * 21;      # $x is now 42
    my $y = 2 * "five";  # $y is now 0 (2 * 0)
    my $z = 2 * "80s";   # $z is now 160

=head3 See also

L</X *= Y>

=head2 X / Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Multiplicative Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the division operator; it returns the quotient of X divided by Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

Warning: If Y is 0 or evaluates to 0 the program will die with a message
like C<Illegal division by zero>.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 84/2;     # $x is now 42
    my $y = 84/"2";   # $y is now 42
    my $z = "five"/2; # $z is now 0 (0/2)
    my $d = 2/"five"; # dies (2/0)

=head3 See Also

L</X E<sol>= Y>

=head2 X % Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Multiplicative Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the modulo operator.  It computes the remainder of X divided by Y.
The remainder is determined differently depending on the whether the numbers
are integers or floating point and whether they are positive or negative.

Given integer operands X and Y: If Y is positive, then "X % Y" is X minus
the largest multiple of Y less than or equal to X.  If Y is negative, then
"X % Y" is X minus the smallest multiple of Y that is not less than X (i.e.
the result will be less than or equal to zero).  To illustrate this, here
are the results of modding C<-9> through C<9> with C<4>:

    when X is  -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    result is   3  0  1  2  3  0  1  2  3  0  1  2  3  0  1  2  3  0  1

And here is C<-9> through C<9> modded with C<-4>:

    when X is  -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1  0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
    result is  -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3 -2 -1  0 -3

From this we can see a positive Y constrains X to a range from C<0> to
C<(Y - 1)> that wraps around and a negative Y constrains X to a range from
C<(Y + 1)> to C<0>.

When Y is a floating point number whose absolute value is in the range of
C<0> to C<(UV_MAX + 1)> (where UV_MAX is the maximum of the unsigned
integer type) X and Y are truncated to integers.  If the absolute value of
Y is larger than C<(UV_MAX + 1)> then the formula C<(X - I * Y)> (where I
is a certain integer that makes the result have the same sign as Y).  For
example, on 32-bit systems C<4.5 % (2 ** 32 - 1)> is C<4>, but
C<4.5 % 2 ** 32> is C<4.5>.

Note: when the L<integer> pragma is in scope C<%> gives you direct access to
the modulo operator as implemented by your C compiler.  This operator is not
as well defined for negative operands, but it will execute faster.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

Warning: If Y is 0 or evaluates to 0 the program will die with a message
like C<Illegal modulus zero>.

=head3 Example

    my $odd = $x % 2; # $odd is 1 when $x is odd and 0 when $x is even

    my $hour = ($hour + 1) % 24; # 23 (11pm) plus 1 hour is 0 (12am).

    my $x = "foo" % 3;           # $x is now 0 (0 % 3)
    my $y = "5" % 4;             # $y is now 1

=head3 See also

L</X E<sol> Y> and L</X %= Y>

=head2 X x Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Multiplicative Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the repetition operator.  When X is a scalar value it returns
a string made up of X repeated Y times.  When X is a list it returns
a list made up of X repeated Y times.  If Y is less than 1 an empty string
is returned.

Y will be converted to a number before the operation, and if it cannot be
converted it will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if L<warnings>
are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = "abc" x 3;    # $x is now the string "abcabcabc"
    my @a = ("abc") x 3;  # @a is now ("abc", "abc", "abc")

    my $s = "abcd" x "a"; # $s is now "" ("abcd" x 0)
    my $t = "abcd" x "2"; # $t is now "abcdabcd"

=head2 X + Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Additive Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the addition operator.  It returns the result of X plus Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 40 + 2;   # $x is now 42
    my $y = 40 + "a"; # $y is now 40 (40 + 0)
    my $y = 40 + "2"; # $y is now 42

=head3 See also

L</X += Y>

=head2 X - Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Additive Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the subtraction operator.  It returns the result of X minus Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 100 - 58;     # $x is now 42
    my $y = 100 - "five"; # $y is now 100 (100 - 0)
    my $z = 100 - "58";   # $z is now 42

=head3 See also

L</X -= Y>

=head2 X . Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Additive Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the concatenation operator.  It coerces its arguments to strings,
then returns a new string that begins with X and ends with Y.  It forces
scalar context on X and Y.

=head3 Example

    my $x = "foo" . "bar"; #$x is now "foobar"

    my @a = (1 .. 10);
    my $y = "the number of elements in \@a is " . @a;

=head3 See also

L</X .= Y>

=head2 X << Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Shift Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the left bit-shift operator.  It shift bits that make up the integer
X Y places to the left.  If X is not an integer it will be converted into
one before the operation begins.

New bits added to the right side are all C<0>.  Overflowing the integer type
on you platform (i.e. creating a number too large to store in your
platform's integer type) results in behavior that is not well defined (i.e.
it is platform specific).  When Y is negative the results are also not well
defined.  This is because the left bit-shift operator is implemented by the
native C compiler's left bit-shift operator (and those operations are not
defined by ISO C).

Shifting 1 bit to the left is the same as multiplying the number by 2.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).
=head3 Example

    # On 32-bit machines
    my $x = 0xFF_00_FF_00 << 8; # $x is now not well defined

    # On 64-bit machines
    my $y = 0xFF_00_FF_00 << 8; # $y is now 0xFF_00_FF_00_00

    my $z = 6 << 1; # $z is now 12

=head3 See also

L</X E<lt>E<lt>= Y>

=head2 X >> Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Shift Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the right-bit shift operator.  It shift bits that make up the
integer X Y places to the right.  If X is not an integer it will be
converted into one before the operation begins.  Bits shifted past the
rightmost edge are lost.  New bits added to the left side are all 0.
Shifting to the right one bit is the same as an integer division by 2.

When Y is negative the results are not well defined (i.e. platform
specific).  This is because the right bit-shift operator is implemented by
the native C compiler's right bit-shift operator  (and that is not defined
by ISO C).

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 0x00_FF_00_FF >> 8; # $x is now 0x00_00_FF_00
    my $y = 12 >> 1;            # $y is now 6

=head3 See also

L</X E<gt>E<gt>= Y>

=head2 -r FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the effective uid/gid readable filetest operator.  FILE must be a
filename, filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the
preceding values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is
readable by the effective uid/gid, C<""> if it exists but if it not
readable, or C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -r "/etc/passwd") {
        if (-r _) {
            print "/etc/passwd is readable\n";
        } else {
            print "/etc/passwd is not readable\n";
    } else {
        print "/etc/passwd doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<gt>>, L<perlvar/$)>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -w FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the effective uid/gid writable filetest operator.  FILE must be a
filename, filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the
preceding values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is
writable by the effective uid/gid, C<""> if it exists but if it not
writable, or C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -w "/etc/passwd") {
        if (-w _) {
            print "/etc/passwd is writable\n";
        } else {
            print "/etc/passwd is not writable\n";
    } else {
        print "/etc/passwd doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<gt>>, L<perlvar/$)>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -x FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the effective uid/gid executable filetest operator.  FILE must be a
filename, filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the
preceding values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is
executable by the effective uid/gid, C<""> if it exists but if it not
executable, or C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -x $0) {
        if (-x _) {
            print "this script is executable\n";
        } else {
            print "this script is not executable\n";
    } else {
        print "this script doesn't exist on the filesystem\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<gt>>, L<perlvar/$)>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -o FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the effective owner filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename,
filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding
values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is owned by the
effective uid, C<""> if it exists but if it not owned by the effective uid,
or C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -o $0) {
        if (-o _) {
            print "this script is owned by $>\n";
        } else {
            print "this script is not owned by $>\n";
    } else {
        print "this script doesn't exist on the filesystem\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<gt>>, L<perlvar/$)>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -R FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the real uid/gid readable filetest operator.  FILE must be a
filename, filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the
preceding values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is
readable by the real uid/gid, C<""> if it exists but if it not readable, or
C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -R "/etc/passwd") {
        if (-R _) {
            print "/etc/passwd is readable\n";
        } else {
            print "/etc/passwd is not readable\n";
    } else {
        print "/etc/passwd doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<lt>>, L<perlvar/$(>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -W FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the real uid/gid writable filetest operator.  FILE must be a
filename, filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the
preceding values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is
writable by the real uid/gid, C<""> if it exists but if it not writable, or
C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -W "/etc/passwd") {
        if (-W _) {
            print "/etc/passwd is writable\n";
        } else {
            print "/etc/passwd is not writable\n";
    } else {
        print "/etc/passwd doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<lt>>, L<perlvar/$(>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -X FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the real uid/gid executable filetest operator.  FILE must be a
filename, filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the
preceding values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is
executable by the real uid/gid, C<""> if it exists but if it not executable,
or C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -X $0) {
        if (-X _) {
            print "this script is executable\n";
        } else {
            print "this script is not executable\n";
    } else {
        print "this script doesn't exist on the filesystem\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<lt>>, L<perlvar/$(>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -O FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the real owner filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename,
filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding
values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and is owned by the
real uid, C<""> if it exists but if it not owned by the effective uid, or
C<undef> if the file does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -O $0) {
        if (-O _) {
            print "this script is owned by $>\n";
        } else {
            print "this script is not owned by $>\n";
    } else {
        print "this script doesn't exist on the filesystem\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$E<lt>>, L<perlvar/$(>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -e FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the existence filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename,
filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding
values.  It returns C<1> if the file or directory exists or
C<undef> if the file or directory does not exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (-e $0) {
        print "this script exists\n";
    } else {
        print "this script doesn't exist on the filesystem\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -z FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the empty filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns C<1> if the file or directory exists and has zero size, C<""> if the
file or directory exists, but has zero size, or C<undef> if the file or
directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -z "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-z _) {
            print "somefile is empty\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile has data in it\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -s FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the size filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the size of the file in bytes if the file or directory exists or
C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -s "/tmp/somefile") {
        print "somefile is ", -s _, " byte(s) long\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -f FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the regular file filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename,
filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding
values.  It returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and is a
regular file, the L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but
isn't a regular file, or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -f "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-f _) {
            print "somefile is a regular file\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile is not a regular file\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -d FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the directory filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the directory exists , the L</Canonical
False Value> if the file exists, but isn't a directory file, or C<undef> if the
file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -d "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-d _) {
            print "somefile is a directory\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile is not a directory\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -l FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the symbolic link filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename,
filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding
values.  It returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file or directory exists
and is a symbolic link, the L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory
exists, but isn't a symbolic link, or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -l "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-l _) {
            print "somefile is a symbolic link\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile is not a symbolic link\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -p FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the pipe filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and is a pipe, the
L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but isn't a pipe, or
C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -p "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-p _) {
            print "somefile is a pipe\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile is not a pipe\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

    if (-p STDOUT) {
        print "we are piping to another program\n";
    } else {
        print "we are not piping to another program\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -S FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the socket filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and is a socket, the
L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but isn't a socket,
or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -S "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-S _) {
            print "somefile is a socket\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile is not a socket\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -b FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the block special filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename,
filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding
values.  It returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and is a
block special file, the L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory
exists, but isn't a block special file, or C<undef> if the file or directory
doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -b "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-b _) {
            print "somefile is a block special file\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile is not a block special file\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -c FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the character special filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename,
filehandle, dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding
values.  It returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and is a
character special file, the L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory
exists, but isn't a character special file, or C<undef> if the file or
directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -c "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-c _) {
            print "somefile is a character special file\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile is not a character special file\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -t FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the socket filetest operator.  FILE must be a filehandle or an
expression that returns one.  It returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the
filehandle is opened to a tty or C<undef> if it is not.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

=head3 Example

    if (-t STDOUT) {
        print "output is going to a console\n";
    } else {
        print "output is being redirected\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -u FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the setuid filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and has its setuid set,
the L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but its setuid
isn't set, or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -u "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-u _) {
            print "somefile has setuid set\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile dosn't have setuid set\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -g FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the setgid filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and has its setgid set,
the L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but its setgid
isn't set, or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -g "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-g _) {
            print "somefile has setgid set\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile dosn't have setgid set\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -k FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the sticky bit filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and has its sticky bit
set, the L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but its
sticky bit isn't set, or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -k "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-k _) {
            print "somefile has sticky bit set\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile dosn't have sticky bit set\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -T FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the ASCII text filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It returns the
L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and appears to be a text file, the
L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but doesn't appear to
be a text file, or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If X is a filename, it guesses the type of the file by reading the first
block from the file.  If the first block doesn't contain any nul characters
(i.e. C<\0>) and it contains fewer than thirty percent control characters or
characters that have their high bits set, then it is considered an ASCII
text file.

If X is a filehandle it guess the type the same way, but uses the current IO
buffer instead of the first block.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -T "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-T _) {
            print "somefile looks like a text file\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile looks like a data file\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L</-B>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -B FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the binary filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle, or
an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It returns the
L</Canonical True Value> if the file exists and appears to be a binary file, the
L</Canonical False Value> if the file or directory exists, but doesn't appear to
be a binary file, or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If X is a filename, it guesses the type of the file by reading the first
block from the file.  If the first block contains any nul characters (i.e.
C<\0>) or it contains more than thirty percent control characters or
characters that have their high bits set, then it is considered a binary

If X is a filehandle it guess the type the same way, but uses the current IO
buffer instead of the first block.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

=head3 Example

    if (defined -B "/tmp/somefile") {
        if (-B _) {
            print "somefile looks like a data file\n";
        } else {
            print "somefile looks like a text file\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L</-T>, L<perlfunc/-X> and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -M FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the mtime filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the script start time minus file modification time, in days, if the
file or directory exists or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

The script start time is stored in C<$^T>, so modifying this variable will
have an affect on the results of calling C<-M> on a file.

=head3 Example

    if (-M "somefile") {
        print "it has been ", -M _, " days since somefile was modified\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$^T>, L<perlfunc/-X>, and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -A FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the atime filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the script start time minus file access time, in days, if the file
or directory exists or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

The script start time is stored in C<$^T>, so modifying this variable will
have an affect on the results of calling C<-A> on a file.

Warning: many filesystems now turn off atime updating.

=head3 Example

    if (-A "somefile") {
        print "it has been ", -A _, " days since somefile was accessed\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$^T>, L<perlfunc/-X>, and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 -C FILE

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Named Unary Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the ctime filetest operator.  FILE must be a filename, filehandle,
dirhandle, or an expression that returns one of the preceding values.  It
returns the script start time minus the ctime of the file, in days, if the
file or directory exists or C<undef> if the file or directory doesn't exist.

If given no arguments, it will operate on C<$_>.

If given the C<_> special filehandle as an argument, it will use cached
information from the previous call to C<stat> or a filetest operator.

The script start time is stored in C<$^T>, so modifying this variable will
have an affect on the results of calling C<-A> on a file.

Warning, different filesystems have different ideas about what the ctime is.
In Unix, the ctime is the inode change time.  The ctime is updated when a
change occurs to the file's inode (permissions change, ownership change,

=head3 Example

    if (-C "somefile") {
        print "it has been ", -C _, " days since somefile was accessed\n";
    } else {
        print "somefile doesn't exist\n";

=head3 See also

L<perlvar/$^T>, L<perlfunc/-X>, and L<perlfunc/stat>

=head2 X < Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the numeric less than operator.  It returns the L</Canonical True Value>
if X is numerically less than Y or the L</Canonical False Value> if X is greater
than or equal to Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (4 < 5) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (5 < 4) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<lt>= Y>, L</X lt Y>, and L</X le Y>

=head2 X > Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the numeric greater than operator.  It returns the 
L</Canonical True Value> if X is numerically greater than Y or the 
L</Canonical False Value> if X is less than or equal to Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (5 > 4) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (4 > 5) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<gt>= Y> L</X gt Y>, and L</X ge Y>

=head2 X <= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the numeric less than or equal to operator.  It returns the 
L</Canonical True Value> if X is numerically less than or equal to Y or the
L</Canonical False Value> if X is greater than to Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (4 <= 4) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (5 <= 4) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<lt> Y>, L</X lt Y>, and L</X le Y>

=head2 X >= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the numeric greater than or equal to operator.  It returns 
the L</Canonical True Value> if X is numerically greater than or equal to Y or
the L</Canonical False Value> if X is less than Y.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    if (4 >= 4) {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if (4 >= 5) {
        print "this should never be true\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<gt> Y>, L</X gt Y>, and L</X ge Y>

=head2 X lt Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the lexical less than operator (also known as the string less than
operator or the stringwise less than operator).  It returns the 
L</Canonical True Value> if X is less than Y and the L</Canonical False Value> if
X is greater than or equal to Y.  The order of various characters is locale
dependent.  The default order is determined by the Unicode ordinal value (since
Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first C<127> characters, this order is
the same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("a" lt "b") {
        print "this is true unless the locale is really weird\n";

    if ("z" lt "a") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the locale is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the locale is weird)\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<lt> Y>, L</X E<lt>= Y>, and L</X le Y>
L</X cmp Y>

=head2 X gt Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the lexical greater than operator (also known as the string greater
than operator or the stringwise greater than operator).  It returns the
L</Canonical True Value> if X is greater than Y and the L</Canonical False Value>
if X is less than or equal to Y.  The order of various characters is locale
dependent.  The default order is determined by the Unicode ordinal value (since
Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first C<127> characters, this order is
the same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("b" gt "a") {
        print "this is true unless the locale is really weird\n";

    if ("a" gt "z") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the locale is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the locale is weird)\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<gt> Y>, L</X E<gt>= Y>, and L</X ge Y>

=head2 X le Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the lexical less than or equal to operator (also known as the string
less than or equal to operator or the stringwise less than or equal to
operator).  It returns the L</Canonical True Value> if X is less than or equal
to Y and the L</Canonical False Value> if X is greater than Y.  The order of
various characters is locale dependent.  The default order is determined by the
Unicode ordinal value (since Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first C<127>
characters, this order is the same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("a" le "a") {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("z" le "a") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the locale is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the locale is weird)\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<lt> Y>, L</X E<lt>= Y>, and L</X lt Y>

=head2 X ge Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Relational Operators>

=head3 Description

This is the lexical greater than or equal to operator (also known as the string
greater than or equal to operator or the stringwise greater than or equal to
operator).  It returns the L</Canonical True Value> if X is greater than Y and
the L</Canonical False Value> if X is less than or equal to Y.  The order of
various characters is locale dependent.  The default order is determined by the
Unicode ordinal value (since Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first C<127>
characters, this order is the same as the ASCII order).

=head3 Example

    if ("a" ge "a") {
        print "this is true unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("a" ge "z") {
        print "this should never be true (unless the locale is weird)\n";
    } else {
        print "it should always be false (unless the locale is weird)\n";

=head3 See also

L</X E<gt> Y>, L</X E<gt>= Y>, L</X gt Y>, and L</X cmp Y>

=head2 X == Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Equality Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the numeric equality operator.  It returns the L</Canonical True Value>
if X and Y evaluate as the same number and the L</Canonical False Value> if they

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

Important note: the numeric equality operator should not be used with
floating point numbers as the error introduced by rounding may cause the
number to not be exactly what you are comparing against.  Always use the
less than and greater than operators with a small delta:

    my $x = 0;

    for (1 .. 10) {
        $x += .1;

    if ($x == 1) {
        print "$x is one\n";
    } else {
        print "oops, darn floating point numbers\n";

    my $delta = 1e-15; # 0.000000000000001
    if (
        $x < 1 + $delta and
        $x > 1 - $delta
    ) {
        print "this time it worked\n";

=head3 Example

    if (5 == 5) {
        print "this will be true unless Perl is broken\n"

=head3 See also

L</X != Y>, L</X eq Y>, and L</X ne Y>

=head2 X != Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Equality Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the numeric not equals operator.  It returns the 
L</Canonical True Value> if X does not evaluate to the same numeric value as Y,
and the L</Canonical False Value> if it doesn't.

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

Important note: the numeric equality operator should not be used with
floating point numbers as the error introduced by rounding may cause the
number to not be exactly what you are comparing against.  Always use the
less than and greater than operators with a small delta:

    my $x = 0;

    for (1 .. 10) {
        $x += .1;

    if ($x != 1) {
        print "oops, darn floating point numbers\n";

    my $delta = 1e-15; # 0.000000000000001
    if (
        $x > 1 + $delta and
        $x < 1 - $delta
    ) {
        print "wow, your floating point representation is really good\n";
    } else {
        print "this time it worked\n";

=head3 Example

    if (5 != 4) {
        print "this will be true unless Perl is broken\n"

=head3 See also

L</X == Y>, L</X eq Y>, and L</X ne Y>

=head2 X <=> Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Equality Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the numeric comparison operator.  It returns less than C<0>  if X is
numerically less than Y, C<0> is if X and Y are the same numerically, or
more than C<0> if X is numerically greater than Y.  It is most often seen
combined with the C<sort> function:

    my @sorted = sort { $a <=> $b } @unsorted;

Both X and Y will be converted to numbers before the operation; if they
cannot be converted they will turned into C<0> (and a warning is thrown if
L<warnings> are turned on).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 4 <=> 5; # x is now negative
    my $y = 5 <=> 5; # y is now 0
    my $z = 6 <=> 5; # z is now positive

=head3 See also

L</X cmp Y>

=head2 X eq Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Equality Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the lexical equality operator (AKA the string equality operator or
the stringwise equality operator).  It returns true if X and Y evaluate as
the same string.

=head3 Example

    if ("foo" eq "foo") {
        print "this is true, unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("foo" eq "bar") {
        print "this is should always be false, unless Perl is broken\n";
    } else {
        print "this is false, unless Perl is broken\n";

=head3 See also

L</X == Y>, L</X != Y>, and L</X ne Y>

=head2 X ne Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Equality Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the lexical not equals operator (AKA the string not equals operator
or the stringwise not equals operator).  It returns the 
L</Canonical False Value> if X and Y evaluate as the same string, and the
L</Canonical True Value> if they don't.

=head3 Example

    if ("foo" ne "bar") {
        print "this is true, unless Perl is broken\n";

    if ("foo" ne "foo") {
        print "this is should always be false, unless Perl is broken\n";
    } else {
        print "this is false, unless Perl is broken\n";

=head3 See also

L</X == Y>, L</X != Y>, and L</X eq Y>

=head2 X cmp Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Equality Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the lexical comparison operator (also known as the string comparison
operator or the stringwise comparison operator).  It returns a negative
value if X is lexically less than Y, C<0> is X and Y are lexically the same,
or a positive value if X is lexically larger than Y.  This comparison is
affected by the current locale and the default order is determined by the
Unicode ordinal value (since Unicode contains the ASCII set as its first
C<127> characters, this order is the same as the ASCII order).  It is most
commonly seen used with the C<sort> function:

    my @sorted = sort { $a cmp $b } @unsorted;

=head3 Example

    my $x = "a" cmp "b"; #$x is now negative
    my $y = "b" cmp "b"; #$x is now 0
    my $z = "c" cmp "b"; #$x is now positive

=head3 See also

L</X E<lt>=E<gt> Y>

=head2 X ~~ Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Equality Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the smartmatch operator.  In 5.10 and 5.10.1 it has different
behavior.  See L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail"> for more detail.

Prior to 5.10, it was sometimes used to mean C<~(~X)> which has the affect
of forcing scalar context on X.  You should use the C<scalar> function for
that purpose instead.

=head3 Example

See L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail"> for examples.

=head3 See also

L</~~X>, L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail">, and L<perlfunc/scalar>

=head2 X & Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Bitwise And>.

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise and operator.  It ands together the individual bits of X
and Y.  The truth table for and is:

     X Y   R
     0 0 | 0
     0 1 | 0
     1 0 | 0
     1 1 | 1

That is, it sets the result bit to 1 if both the X and Y bits are 1,
otherwise it sets the result bit to 0.  This operation is done for every bit
in X and Y.

If both operands are strings, they are considered character by character.
The result is determined by anding the ordinal value of the characters, so
C<"a" & "b"> is equivalent to C<chr(ord("a") & ord("b"))>.  If X and Y are
different sizes, then the longer string is truncated to the length of the
shorter string.

=head3 Example

    # 0x4545          is 0b0000_0100_0000_0101_0000_0100_0000_0101
    # 0x00FF          is 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
    # 0x4545 & 0x00FF is 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_0000_0100_0000_0101 or 0x0045
    my $z = 0x4545 & 0x00FF; # $z is now 0x0045

    # In ASCII (and UTF-8)
    # "a"       is 0b0110_0001
    # "b"       is 0b0110_0010
    # "a" & "b" is 0b0110_0000 or "`"
    my $x = "a" & "b"; # $x is now "`"

=head3 See also

L</X and Y>, L</X && Y>, L<perlop/Integer Arithmetic> and
L<perlop/Bitwise String Operators>.

=head2 X | Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Bitwise Or and Exclusive Or>.

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise or operator.  It ors together the individual bits of X
and Y.  The truth table for or is:

     X Y   R
     0 0 | 0
     0 1 | 1
     1 0 | 1
     1 1 | 1

That is, it sets the result bit to 0 if both the X and Y bits are 0,
otherwise it sets the result bit to 1.  This operation is done for every bit
in X and Y.

If both operands are strings, they are considered character by character.
The result is determined by oring the ordinal value of the characters, so
C<"a" | "b"> is equivalent to C<chr(ord("a") | ord("b"))>.  If X and Y are
different sizes, then the shorter item is treated as if it had additional
bits that are set to 0.

=head3 Example

    # 0x4545          is 0b0000_0100_0000_0101_0000_0100_0000_0101
    # 0x00FF          is 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
    # 0x4545 | 0x00FF is 0b0000_0100_0000_0101_1111_1111_1111_1111 or 0x45FF
    my $y = 0x4545 | 0x00FF; # $y is now 0x45FF

    # In ASCII (and UTF-8)
    # "a"       is 0b0110_0001
    # "b"       is 0b0110_0010
    # "a" | "b" is 0b0110_0011 or "c"
    my $x = "a" | "b"; # $x is now "c"

=head3 See also

L</X or Y>, L</X xor Y>, L</X E<verbar>E<verbar> Y>, L</X E<sol>E<sol> Y>,
L</X ^ Y>, L<perlop/Integer Arithmetic>, and
L<perlop/Bitwise String Operators>.

=head2 X ^ Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Bitwise Or and Exclusive Or>.

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise exclusive-or operator.  It exclusive-ors together the
individual bits of X and Y.  The truth table for exclusive-or is:

     X Y   R
     0 0 | 0
     0 1 | 1
     1 0 | 1
     1 1 | 0

That is, it sets the result bit to 1 if X or Y is set, or 0 if both or
neither is set.  This operation is done for every bit in X and Y.

If both operands are strings, they are considered character by character.
The result is determined by exclusive-oring the ordinal value of the
characters, so C<"a" ^ "b"> is equivalent to C<chr(ord("a") ^ ord("b"))>.
If X and Y are different sizes, then the shorter item is treated as if it
had additional bits that are set to 0.

=head3 Example

    # 0x4545          is 0b0000_0100_0000_0101_0000_0100_0000_0101
    # 0x00FF          is 0b0000_0000_0000_0000_1111_1111_1111_1111
    # 0x4545 ^ 0x00FF is 0b0000_0100_0000_0101_1111_1111_1111_1010 or 0x45BA
    my $y = 0x4545 ^ 0x00FF; # $y is now 0x45BA

    # In ASCII (and UTF-8)
    # "a"       is 0b0110_0001
    # "b"       is 0b0110_0010
    # "a" ^ "b" is 0b0000_0011 or "\x{03}"
    my $x = "a" ^ "b"; # $x is now "\x{03}"

=head3 See also

L</X or Y>, L</X xor Y>, L</X E<verbar>E<verbar> Y>, L</X E<sol>E<sol> Y>,
L</X E<verbar> Y>, L<perlop/Integer Arithmetic> and
L<perlop/Bitwise String Operators>.

=head2 X && Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/C-style Logical And>.

=head3 Description

This is the high-precedence logical and operator.  It returns X if X
evaluates to false, otherwise it returns Y.

It binds more tightly than the low-precedence logical and operator:

    my $x = 5 && 4; # is equivalent to my $x = (5 && 4);


    my $y = 5 and 4; # is equivalent to (my $y = 5) and 4;

It is most commonly used in conditional statements such as C<if>, C<unless>,

=head3 Example

    my $w = "";
    my $x = 0;
    my $y = 1;
    my $z = "foo";

    print $w && $y, "\n"; # prints "\n"
    print $x && $y, "\n"; # prints "0\n"
    print $y && $z, "\n"; # prints "foo\n"
    print $z && $y, "\n"; # prints "1\n"

=head3 See also

L</X and Y>, L</X & Y>

=head2 X || Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/C-style Logical Or>.

=head3 Description

This is the high-precedence logical or operator.  It returns the X if X
evaluates to true, otherwise it returns Y.

It binds more tightly than the low-precedence logical or operator:

    my $x = 5 || 4; # is equivalent to my $x = (5 || 4);


    my $y = 5 or 4; # is equivalent to (my $y = 5) or 4;

It is most commonly used in conditional statements such as C<if>, C<unless>,
C<while>.  It was used in the recent past to create default values:

    my %config = get_config();
    # Set $x to $config{x} unless it is false, in which case set it to 5
    my $x = $config{x} || 5;

but this use has the drawback of not respecting a value of 0 or 0.0, since
they both evaluate to false.  The // operator is now recommend for this
purpose since it tests if X is defined, not if it is true.

=head3 Example

    my $w = "";
    my $x = 0;
    my $y = 1;
    my $z = "foo";

    print $w || $x, "\n"; # prints "0\n";
    print $x || $w, "\n"; # prints "\n";
    print $w || $y, "\n"; # prints "1\n"
    print $x || $y, "\n"; # prints "1\n"
    print $y || $z, "\n"; # prints "1\n"
    print $z || $y, "\n"; # prints "foo\n"

=head3 See also

L</X or Y>, L</X xor Y>, L</X E<verbar> Y>, L</X E<sol>E<sol> Y>, and
L</X ^ Y>

=head2 X // Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/C-style Logical Defined-Or>.

=head3 Description

This is the high-precedence logical defined-or.  It returns X if X is
defined, otherwise it returns Y.  This operator is only available if you
have enabled 5.10 features (using the L<feature> pragma or C<use 5.010>).

It is most commonly used to create default values:

    my %config = get_config();
    # Set $x to $config{x} if it is defined, otherwise set it to 5
    my $x = $config{x} // 5;

=head3 Example

    my $x;
    my $y = 0;
    my $z = 5;

    print $x // $y, "\n"; # prints 0
    print $y // $z, "\n"; # prints 0
    print $z // $y, "\n"; # prints 5

=head3 See also

L</X or Y>, L</X xor Y>, L</X E<verbar>E<verbar> Y>, L</X E<verbar> Y>,
and L</X ^ Y>

=head2 X .. Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Range Operators>.

=head3 Description

Depending on context, this is either the range operator (if it is list
context) or the flip-flop operator (if it is in scalar context).

The range operator creates a list starting with X and ending with Y (i.e. it
is inclusive).  If Y is less than X then an empty list is returned.  If both
X and Y are strings, then the auto-magical behavior of L</X++> is used to
generate the list.

The flip-flop operator returns false as long as X is false, once X returns
true the flip-flop returns true until I<after> Y is true, at which time it returns
false.  Each flip-flop operator keeps track of its own state separately from
the other flip-flop operators.

Note: it is possible for both the X and Y tests to be true at the same time,
in which case it will return true and then false on the next test.

=head3 Example

    my @list = 0 .. 5;     # @list is now (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    my @az   = "a" .. "z"; # @az is now the lowercase ASCII alphabet

    #prints "4\n", "5\n", "6\n", "7\n", and "8\n"
    for my $i (0 .. 10) {
        # Start printing when $i is 4 and stop after $i is 8
        if ($i == 4 .. $i == 8) {
            print "$i\n";

    # Prints "4\n"
    for my $i (0 .. 10) {
        # Start printing when $i is 4 and stop after $i is 4
        if ($i == 4 .. $i == 4) {
            print "$i\n";

=head3 See also

L</X ... Y>

=head2 X ... Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Range Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is another form of the range/flip flop operator (L</X .. Y>).  Its
meaning is context dependent.

In list context it creates a list starting with X and ending with Y (i.e. it
is inclusive).  If Y is less than X then an empty list is returned.  If both
X and Y are strings, then the auto-magical behavior of L</X++> is used to
generate the list.

In scalar context it returns false as long as X is false, once X becomes
true it returns true until I<after> Y is true, at which time it returns
false.  Each flip-flop operator keeps track of its own state separately from
the other flip-flop operators.  It only evaluates X or Y each time it
called, unlike L</X .. Y> which evaluates both X and Y each time it is

=head3 Example

    my @list = 0 ... 5;     # @list is now (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
    my @az   = "a" ... "z"; # @az is now the lowercase ASCII alphabet

    #prints "4\n", "5\n", "6\n", "7\n", and "8\n"
    for my $i (0 ... 10) {
        # Start printing when $i is 4 and stop after $i is 8
        if ($i == 4 ... $i == 8) {
            print "$i\n";

    # Prints "4\n", "5\n", "6\n", "7\n", "8\n", "9\n", and "10\n"
    for my $i (0 ... 10) {
        # Start printing when $i is 4 and stop after $i is 4 a second time
        if ($i == 4 ... $i == 4) {
            print "$i\n";

=head3 See also

L</X .. Y>

=head2 X ? Y : Z

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Conditional Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the conditional operator.  It works much like an if-then-else.  If
the X is true then Y is evaluated and returned otherwise Z is evaluated and

The context it is called in propagates to Y and Z, so if the operator is
called in scalar context and X is true then Y will be evaluated in scalar

The result of the operator is a valid lvalue (i.e. it can be assigned to).
Note, normal rules about lvalues (e.g. you can't assign to constants) still

=head3 Example

    # Simple implementation of max
    sub max {
        my ($m, $n) = @_;
        return $m >= $n ? $m : $n;

    my $x = max 5, 4; # $x is now 5
    my $y = max 4, 5; # $y is now 5

    my @a = $x == $y ? (1, 2, 3) : (4, 5, 6); # @a is now (1, 2, 3)
    my @b = $x != $y ? (1, 2, 3) : (4, 5, 6); # @b is now (4, 5, 6)

    ($x == $y ? $x : $y) = 15; # $x is now 15
    ($x == $y ? $x : $y) = 15; # $y is now 15

=head3 See also


=head2 X = Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

If X is a scalar, then this is the assignment operator.  It assigns Y to X.
The act of assigning creates an lvalue, that is the result of an assignment
can be used in places where you would normally use a plain variable:

    my $str = "foobar";
    (my $modified = $str) =~ s/foo/bar/; # $modified is now "barbar"
                                         # $str is still "foobar"

If X is a list, then this is the list assignment operator and it provides
list context to Y.  The first item in the list Y is assigned to the first
item in list X, the second to the second, and so on.  If placed in scalar
context, the return value of list assignment is the number of items in the
second list.  If placed in list context it returns the list X (after the
assignment has taken place).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 5; # $x is now 5
    my $y = 6; # $y is now 6

    ($x, $y) = ($y, $x); # $x is now 6 and $y is now 5

    my $i = my $j = my $k = 10; # $i, $j, and $k are now all 10

    my $m = my ($n, $o) = ("a", "b", "c"); # $m is now 3

=head2 X **= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the exponentiation assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X ** Y

That is it raises the value X to the Yth power and then assigns the result
to X.  This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something
that can be assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x **= $y; # $x is now 2 ** 8 or 256

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X ** Y>

=head2 X += Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the addition assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X + Y

That is it adds X and Y together and then assigns the result to X.  This
means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be
assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x += $y; # $x is now 2 + 8 or 10

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X + Y>

=head2 X -= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the subtraction assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X - Y

That is it subtracts Y from X and then assigns the result to X.  This means
that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be
assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x -= $y; # $x is now 2 - 8 or -6

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X - Y>

=head2 X .= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the concatenation assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X . Y

That is it joins the strings X and Y and then assigns the result
to X.  This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something
that can be assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = "foo";
    my $y = "bar";

    $x .= $y; #$x is now "foobar"

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x .= $y; # $x is now 2 . 8 or "28"

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X . Y>

=head2 X *= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the multiplication assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X * Y

That is it multiplies X by Y and then assigns the result to X.  This means
that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be
assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x *= $y; # $x is now 2 * 8 or 16

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X * Y>

=head2 X /= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the division assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X / Y

That is it divides X by Y and then assigns the result to X.  This means that
X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be assigned

Warning: If Y is 0 or evaluates to 0 the program will die with a message
like C<Illegal division by zero>.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x /= $y; # $x is now 2 / 8 or 0.25

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X / Y>

=head2 X %= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the modulo assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X % Y

That is it computes the remainder of X divided by Y and then assigns the
result to X.  This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be
something that can be assigned to).

Warning: If Y is 0 or evaluates to 0 the program will die with a message
like C<Illegal modulus zero>.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x %= $y; # $x is now 2 % 8 or 2

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X % Y>

=head2 X x= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the scalar repetition assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X x Y

That is it creates a string made up of X repeated Y times and assigns the
result to X.  This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be
something that can be assigned to).

Note: this only works for the scalar repetition operator; the list
repetition operator (L</(X) x Y>) will not work in this context.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x x= $y; # $x is now 2 x 8 or "22222222"

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X x Y>

=head2 X &= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise and assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X & Y

That is it ands together X and Y and then assigns the result to X.  This
means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be
assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x &= $y; # $x is now 2 & 8 or 0

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X & Y>

=head2 X |= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise or assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X | Y

That is it ors together X and Y and then assigns the result to X.  This
means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be
assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x |= $y; #$x is now 2 | 8 or 10

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X E<verbar> Y>

=head2 X ^= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the bitwise xor assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X ^ Y

That is it xors together X and Y and then assigns the result to X.  This
means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be
assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;
    my $z = 7;

    $x ^= $y; # $x is now 0b0010 ^ 0b1000 or 0b1010 or 10
    $x ^= $z; # $x is now 0b1010 ^ 0b0111 or 0b1101 or 13

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X ^ Y>

=head2 X <<= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the left bit-shift assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X << Y

That is it bit-shifts X Y places to the left and then assigns the result to
X.  This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that
can be assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x <<= $y; # $x is now 2 << 8 or 512

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X E<lt>E<lt> Y>

=head2 X >>= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the right bit-shift assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X >> Y

That is it bit-shifts X Y places to the right and then assigns the result to
X.  This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that
can be assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 8;
    my $y = 2;

    $x >>= $y; # $x is now 8 >> 2 or 2

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X E<gt>E<gt> Y>

=head2 X &&= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the logical and assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X && Y

That is it assigns X to itself if X evaluates to false, otherwise it assigns
Y to X.  This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something
that can be assigned to).

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;

    $x &&= $y; # $x is now 2 && 8 or 8
    $x &&= 0;  # $x is now 8 && 0 or 0
    $x &&= 8;  # $x is now 0 && 8 or 0

=head3 See also

L</X = Y> and L</X && Y>

=head2 X ||= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the logical or assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X || Y

That is it logically ors together X and Y and then assigns the result to X.
This means that X must be a valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can
be assigned to).  It was often used in the past to assign a value if the
variable did not already have a value:

    my $x;

    # Intervening code that might set $x or might leave it undefined

    $x ||= 10; # make sure $x gets set to a default value

This has a problem though: if C<$x> is C<0> or C<""> then it will get
overwritten with C<10>.  The defined-or assignment operator (L</X //= Y>)
does not have this problem and should, generally, be used for this purpose
instead.  Of course, if you desire any false value be overwritten, then this
is the right operator to use.

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;
    my $z;

    $x ||= $y;      # $x is now 2 || 8 or 2
    $y ||= $x;      # $y is now 8 || 2 or 8
    $z ||= $x + $y; # $z is now undef || (2 + 8) or 10

=head3 See also

L</X = Y>, L</X E<verbar>E<verbar> Y>, and L</X E<sol>E<sol>= Y>

=head2 X //= Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Assignment Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the defined-or assignment operator.  It is equivalent to

    X = X // Y

It assigns Y to X if X is not already defined.  This means that X must be a
valid lvalue (i.e. it must be something that can be assigned to).

It is commonly used to ensure that a variable has a value:

    my $x;

    # Intervening code that might set $x or might leave it undefined

    $x //= 10; # make sure $x gets set to a default value

=head3 Example

    my $x = 2;
    my $y = 8;
    my $z;

    $x //= $y; # $x is now 2 // 8 or 2
    $z //= $x; # $z is now undef // 2 or 2

=head3 See also

L</X = Y>, L</X E<sol>E<sol> Y>, L</X E<verbar>E<verbar> Y>

=head2 X, Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Comma Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the comma operator.  In list context it builds a list.  In scalar
context it evaluates each item but the last in void context, and then
evaluates the last in scalar context and returns it.

Due to the fact that the assignment operator has higher precedence, you must
surround the list with parentheses.  For example,

    my @list = 1, 2, 3;

says the same thing as

    (my @list = 1), 2, 3

To get the desired behaviour you must say

    my @list = (1, 2, 3);

Function calls, on the other hand, have a lower precedence, so you can say

    print 1, 2, 3, "\n";

A trailing comma does not add a new element to a list, to the lists
C<(1,2,3)> and C<(1,2,3,)>) are identical.

=head3 Example

    my @a = (1, 2, 3);          # @a is now (1, 2, 3)
    my $x = ("a", "b", "c");    # $x is now "c"
    my $y = (++$x, ++$x, ++$x); # $y is now "f"

=head3 See also

L</X =E<gt> Y>

=head2 X => Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Comma Operators>.

=head3 Description

This is the fat comma operator.  It behaves much in the same way as the
comma operator (creates lists in list context, returns the last value in
scalar context), but it has a special property: it stringifies X if X is a
bareword (i.e. it matches C</^[a-zA-Z_]\w+$/>).  It is most often used when
creating hashes because the arrow like appearance makes it easy to identify
the key versus the value and the auto-stringifing property makes the keys
look cleaner:

    my %hash = (
        key1 => "value1",
        key2 => "value2",
        key3 => "value3",

That statement is functionally identical to

    my %hash = (
        "key1", "value1",
        "key2", "value2",
        "key3", "value3",

=head3 Example

    # %x will contain the list ("a", 1, "b", 2, "c", 3)
    my %x = (
        a => 1,
        b => 2,
        c => 3,

    # %y will contain the list ("key with spaces", 1, "b", 1, "c", 1)
    my %y = (
        "key with spaces" => 1,
        b                 => 1,
        c                 => 1,

=head3 See also

L</X, Y>

=head2 not X

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Logical Not>.

=head3 Description

This is the low-precedence logical negation operator.  It performs logical
negation, i.e., "not".  It returns the L</Canonical False Value> if X is
true, otherwise it returns the L</Canonical True Value>.  There is a
high-precedence version: C<!>.

=head3 Example

    my $m = not 5;      # $m is now the empty string ("")
    my $n = not 0;      # $n is now 1
    my $o = not "";     # $o is now 1
    my $p = not undef;  # $p is now 1

=head3 See also


=head2 X and Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Logical And>.

=head3 Description

This is the low-precedence logical and operator.  It evaluates X, and if it
is false it returns the value of X.  If X evaluates to true it evaluates Y
and returns its value.

It binds less tightly than the high-precedence logical and operator:

    my $x = 5 and 4; # is equivalent to (my $x = 5) and 4;


    my $y = 5 && 4;  # is equivalent to my $y = (5 && 4);

It is most commonly used in conditional statements such as C<if>, C<unless>,
C<while>.  But it is also occasionally used for its short-circuiting affect:

    do_this() and do_that() and do_last();

is functionally the same as

    if (do_this()) {
        if (do_that()) {

=head3 Example

    my $w = "";
    my $x = 0;
    my $y = 1;
    my $z = "foo";

    # Not the use of parentheses vs this example in &&
    print(($w and $y), "\n"); # prints "\n"
    print(($x and $y), "\n"); # prints "0\n"
    print(($y and $z), "\n"); # prints "foo\n"
    print(($z and $y), "\n"); # prints "1\n"

=head3 See also

L</X && Y> and L</X & Y>

=head2 X or Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Logical or, Defined or, and Exclusive Or>.

=head3 Description

This is the low-precedence logical or operator.  It evaluates X, and if it
is true it returns the value of X.  If X evaluates to false it evaluates Y
and returns its value.

It binds less tightly than the high-precedence logical or operator:

    my $x = 5 or 4; # is equivalent to (my $x = 5) or 4;


    my $y = 5 || 4; # is equivalent to my $y = (5 || 4);

It is most commonly used in conditional statements such as C<if>, C<unless>,
C<while>.  It is also often used for its short-circuiting behavior:

    open my $fh, "<", $filename
        or die "could not open $filename: $!";

That code will not run the C<die> unless the C<open> fails (returns a false

=head3 Example

    my $w = "";
    my $x = 0;
    my $y = 1;
    my $z = "foo";

    # Note the use of parentheses vs this example in ||
    print(($w or $x), "\n"); #prints "0\n";
    print(($x or $w), "\n"); #prints "\n";
    print(($w or $y), "\n"); #prints "1\n"
    print(($x or $y), "\n"); #prints "1\n"
    print(($y or $z), "\n"); #prints "1\n"
    print(($z or $y), "\n"); #prints "foo\n"

=head3 See also

L</X xor Y>, L</X E<verbar>E<verbar> Y>, L</X E<sol>E<sol> Y>,
L</X E<verbar> Y>, and L</X ^ Y>

=head2 X xor Y

=head3 Class

This belongs to L<perlop/Logical or, Defined or, and Exclusive Or>.

=head3 Description

This is the low-precedence logical exclusive-or operator (there is no
high-precedence exclusive-or operator).  It returns X if only X is true, It
returns Y is only Y is true, otherwise (both true or both false) it returns
an empty string.

=head3 Example

    my $m = (0 xor 0); # $m is now ""
    my $n = (1 xor 0); # $n is now 1
    my $o = (0 xor 1); # $o is now 1
    my $p = (1 xor 1); # $p is now ""

=head3 See also

L</X or Y>, L</X E<verbar>E<verbar> Y>, L</X E<sol>E<sol> Y>,
L</X E<verbar> Y>, and L</X ^ Y>

=head1 Secret Operators

There are idioms in Perl 5 that appear to be operators, but are really a
combination of several operators or pieces of syntax.  These Secret
Operators have the precedence of the constituent parts.

N.B. There are often better ways of doing all of these things and those ways
will be easier to understand for the people who will maintain your code
after you.

=head2 !!X

=head3 Description

This secret operator is the boolean conversion operator.  It is made up of
two logical negation operators.  It returns C<1> if X evaluates to a true
value or C<""> if X evaluates to a false value.  It is useful when you want
to convert a value to specific true or false values rather than one of the
numerous true and false values in Perl.

=head3 Example

    my $x = !!"this is a true value"; # $x is now true
    my $y = !!0;                      # $y is now ""

=head3 See also


=head2 ()= X

=head3 Description

This secret operator is the list assignment operator (AKA the countof
operator).  It is made up of two items C<()>, and C<=>.  In scalar context
it returns the number of items in the list X.  In list context it returns an
empty list.  It is useful when you have something that returns a list and
you want to know the number of items in that list and don't care about the
list's contents.  It is needed because the comma operator returns the last
item in the sequence rather than the number of items in the sequence when it
is placed in scalar context.

It works because the assignment operator returns the number of items
available to be assigned when its left hand side has list context.  In the
following example there are five values in the list being assigned to the
list C<($x, $y, $z)>, so C<$count> is assigned C<5>.

    my $count = my ($x, $y, $z) = qw/a b c d e/;

The empty list (the C<()> part of the secret operator) triggers this

=head3 Example

    sub f { return qw/a b c d e/ }

    my $count = ()= f();              # $count is now 5

    my $string = "cat cat dog cat";

    my $cats = ()= $string =~ /cat/g; # $cats is now 3

    print scalar( ()= f() ), "\n";    # prints "5\n"

=head3 See also

L</X = Y>

=head2 ~~X

=head3 Description

This secret operator is named the scalar context operator.  It is made up of
two bitwise negation operators.  It provides scalar context to the
expression X.  It works because the first bitwise negation operator provides
scalar context to X and performs a bitwise negation of the result; since the
result of two bitwise negations is the original item, the value of the
original expression is preserved.

With the addition of the Smart match operator, this secret operator is even
more confusing.  The C<scalar> function is much easier to understand and you
are encouraged to use it instead.

=head3 Example

    my @a = qw/a b c d/;

    print ~~@a, "\n"; # prints 4

=head3 See also

L</~X>, L</X ~~ Y>, and L<perlfunc/scalar>

=head2 X }{ Y

=head3 Description

This secret operator is called the Eskimo-kiss operator because it looks
like two faces touching noses.  It is made up of an closing brace and an
opening brace.  It is used when using C<perl> as a command-line program with
the C<-n> or C<-p> options.  It has the effect of running X inside of the
loop created by C<-n> or C<-p> and running Y at the end of the program.  It
works because the closing brace closes the loop created by C<-n> or C<-p>
and the opening brace creates a new bare block that is closed by the loop's
original ending.  You can see this behavior by using the L<B::Deparse>
module.  Here is the command C<perl -ne 'print $_;'> deparsed:

    LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
        print $_;

Notice how the original code was wrapped with the C<while> loop.  Here is
the deparsing of C<perl -ne '$count++ if /foo/; }{ print "$count\n"'>:

    LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
        ++$count if /foo/;
        print "$count\n";

Notice how the C<while> loop is closed by the closing brace we added and the
opening brace starts a new bare block that is closed by the closing brace
that was originally intended to close the C<while> loop.

=head3 Example

    # Count unique lines in the file FOO
    perl -nle '$seen{$_}++ }{ print "$_ => $seen{$_}" for keys %seen' FOO

    # Sum all of the lines until the user types control-d
    perl -nle '$sum += $_ }{ print $sum'

=head3 See also

L<perlrun> and L<perlsyn>

=head1 NOTES

=head2 Canonical True Value

The canonical true value is a tri-value, that is it contains a floating
point number (C<1.0>), integer (C<1>), and string (C<"1">).  It is possible,
but inadvisable, to change its value.  Which of the three value gets used in
an expression depends on how the value is used (e.g. if the expression
expects a string then the string value will be used).

=head2 Canonical False Value

The canonical false value is a tri-value, that is it contains a floating
point number (C<0.0>), integer (C<0>), and string (C<"">).  It is possible,
but inadvisable, to change its value.  Which of the three value gets used in
an expression depends on how the value is used (e.g. if the expression
expects a string then the string value will be used).


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