

use v6-alpha;
use Test;

plan 60;


This file /exhaustivily/ tests the Test module. 

I try every variant of each Test function here
because we are using this module to test Pugs itself, 
so I want to be sure that the error is not coming from 
within this module.

We need to test that these functions produce 'not ok' at the
right times, too.  Here, we do that by abusing :todo to mean
"supposed to fail."  Thus, no ":todo" failure indicates
a missing feature.

If there is a bug in the implementation, you will see
a (non-TODO) failure or an unexpected success.


## ok

ok(2 + 2 == 4, '2 and 2 make 4');
ok(2 + 2 == 4, desc => '2 and 2 make 4');
ok(2 + 2 == 4, :desc('2 and 2 make 4'));

ok(2 + 2 == 5, desc => '2 and 2 doesnt make 5', todo => <bug>);
ok(2 + 2 == 5, :desc('2 and 2 doesnt make 5'), :todo(1));

## is

is(2 + 2, 4, '2 and 2 make 4');
is(2 + 2, 4, desc => '2 and 2 make 4');
is(2 + 2, 4, :desc('2 and 2 make 4'));

is(2 + 2, 5, todo => 1, desc => '2 and 2 doesnt make 5');
is(2 + 2, 5, :todo<feature>, :desc('2 and 2 doesnt make 5'));

## isnt

isnt(2 + 2, 5, '2 and 2 does not make 5');
isnt(2 + 2, 5, desc => '2 and 2 does not make 5');
isnt(2 + 2, 5, :desc('2 and 2 does not make 5'));

isnt(2 + 2, 4, '2 and 2 does make 4', :todo(1));
isnt(2 + 2, 4, desc => '2 and 2 does make 4', todo => 1);
isnt(2 + 2, 4, :desc('2 and 2 does make 4'), todo => 1);

## is_deeply

is_deeply([ 1..4 ], [ 1..4 ],
          "is_deeply (simple)");

is_deeply({ a => "b", c => "d", nums => [<1 2 3 4 5 6>] },
          { nums => ['1'..'6'], <a b c d> },
          "is_deeply (more complex)");

my @a = "a" .. "z";
my @b = @a.reverse;
@b =$a, $b) { $b, $a });
my %a = @a;
my %b = @b;
is_deeply(%a, %b, "is_deeply (test hash key ordering)");

## isa_ok

my @list = ( 1, 2, 3 );

isa_ok(@list, 'List');
isa_ok({ 'one' => 1 }, 'Hash');

isa_ok(@list, 'Hash', 'this is a description', todo => 1);
isa_ok(@list, 'Hash', desc => 'this is a description', :todo<bug>);
isa_ok(@list, 'Array', :desc('this is a description'));

class Foo {};
my $foo =;
isa_ok($foo, 'Foo');
isa_ok(, 'Foo');

## like

like("Hello World", rx:P5/\s/, '... testing like()');
like("Hello World", rx:P5/\s/, desc => '... testing like()');
like("Hello World", rx:P5/\s/, :desc('... testing like()'));

like("HelloWorld", rx:P5/\s/, desc => '... testing like()', todo => 1);
like("HelloWorld", rx:P5/\s/, :todo(1), :desc('... testing like()'));

## unlike

unlike("HelloWorld", rx:P5/\s/, '... testing unlike()');
unlike("HelloWorld", rx:P5/\s/, desc => '... testing unlike()');
unlike("HelloWorld", rx:P5/\s/, :desc('... testing unlike()'));

unlike("Hello World", rx:P5/\s/, todo => 1, desc => '... testing unlike()');
unlike("Hello World", rx:P5/\s/, :desc('... testing unlike()'), :todo(1));

## cmp_ok

cmp_ok('test', sub ($a, $b) { ?($a gt $b) }, 'me', '... testing gt on two strings');
cmp_ok('test', sub ($a, $b) { ?($a gt $b) }, 'me', desc => '... testing gt on two strings');
cmp_ok('test', sub ($a, $b) { ?($a gt $b) }, 'me', :desc('... testing gt on two strings'));

cmp_ok('test', sub ($a, $b) { ?($a gt $b) }, 'you', :todo(1), desc => '... testing gt on two strings');
cmp_ok('test', sub ($a, $b) { ?($a gt $b) }, 'you', :desc('... testing gt on two strings'), todo => 1);

## use_ok

use lib <ext/Test>; # Hack if we're run from make smoke

# Need to do a test loading a package that is not there,
# and see that the load fails. Gracefully. :)
#use_ok('Non::Existent::Package', :todo(1));

## dies_ok

dies_ok -> { die "Testing dies_ok" }, '... it dies_ok';
dies_ok -> { die "Testing dies_ok" }, desc => '... it dies_ok';
dies_ok -> { die "Testing dies_ok" }, :desc('... it dies_ok');

dies_ok -> { "Testing dies_ok" }, desc => '... it dies_ok', todo => 1;
dies_ok -> { "Testing dies_ok" }, :desc('... it dies_ok'), :todo(1);

## lives_ok

lives_ok -> { return "test" }, '... it lives_ok';
lives_ok -> { return "test" }, desc => '... it lives_ok';
lives_ok -> { return "test" }, :desc('... it lives_ok');

lives_ok -> { die "test" }, desc => '... it lives_ok', todo => 1;
lives_ok -> { die "test" }, :desc('... it lives_ok'), :todo(1);

## throws_ok

#throws_ok -> { die "Testing throws_ok" }, 'Testing throws_ok', '... it throws_ok with a Str';
#throws_ok -> { die "Testing throws_ok" }, rx:P5:i/testing throws_ok/, '... it throws_ok with a Rule';

## diag

diag('some misc comments and documentation');

## pass

pass('This test passed');

## flunk

flunk('This test failed', todo => 1);
flunk('This test failed', :todo(1));

## skip

skip('skip this test for now');
skip(3, 'skip 3 more tests for now');
skip_rest('skipping the rest');


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