

use v6-alpha;

use Test;


Basic "if" tests.

L<S04/"Conditional statements">


plan 19;

my $x = 'test';
if ($x eq $x) { pass("if ($x eq $x) {} works"); } else { flunk("if ($x eq $x) {} failed"); }
if ($x ne $x) { flunk("if ($x ne $x) {} failed"); } else { pass("if ($x ne $x) {} works"); }
if (1) { pass("if (1) {} works"); } else { flunk("if (1) {} failed"); }
if (0) { flunk("if (0) {} failed"); } else { pass("if (0) {} works"); }
if (undef) { flunk("if (undef) {} failed"); } else { pass("if (undef) {} works"); }

# die called in the condition part of an if statement should die immediately
# rather than being evaluated as true
my $foo = 1;
try { if (die "should die") { $foo = 3 } else { $foo = 2; } };
#say '# $foo = ' ~ $foo;
is $foo, 1, "die should stop execution immediately.";

    my $foo = 1; # just in case
    if 1 > 2 { $foo = 2 } else { $foo = 3 };
    is $foo, 3, 'if with no parens';

# if...elsif
    my $foo = 1;
    if (1) { $foo = 2 } elsif (1) { $foo = 3 };
    is $foo, 2, 'if (1) {} elsif (1) {}';

    my $foo = 1;
    if (1) { $foo = 2 } elsif (0) { $foo = 3 };
    is $foo, 2, 'if (1) {} elsif (0) {}';

    my $foo = 1;
    if (0) { $foo = 2 } elsif (1) { $foo = 3 };
    is $foo, 3, 'if (0) {} elsif (1) {}';

    my $foo = 1;
    if (0) { $foo = 2 } elsif (0) { $foo = 3 };
    is $foo, 1, 'if (0) {} elsif (0) {}';

# if...elsif...else

    my $foo = 1;
    if (0) { $foo = 2 } elsif (0) { $foo = 3 } else { $foo = 4 };
    is $foo, 4;

    my $foo = 1;
    if (1) { $foo = 2 } elsif (0) { $foo = 3 } else { $foo = 4 };
    is $foo, 2;

    my $foo = 1;
    if (1) { $foo = 2 } elsif (1) { $foo = 3 } else { $foo = 4 };
    is $foo, 2;

    my $foo = 1;
    if (0) { $foo = 2 } elsif (1) { $foo = 3 } else { $foo = 4 };
    is $foo, 3;

    my $foo = 1;
    if ({ 1 > 0 }) { $foo = 2 } else { $foo = 3 };
    is $foo, 2, 'if with no parens, and closure as cond';

    my $var = 9;
    my sub func( $a, $b, $c ) { $var };
    if func 1, 2, 3 { $var = 4 } else { $var = 5 };
    is $var, 4, 'if with no parens, and call a function without parenthesis';

# I'm not sure where this should go

        eval('if ( my $x = 2 ) == 2 { $x; }'),
        "'my' variable within 'if' conditional");

    isnt(eval('if 1; 2'), 2, 'test "if 1"');

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