

use v6-alpha;

use Test;


_ should be allowed in numbers

But according to L<S02/Literals>, only between two digits.


plan 67;

is 1_0, 10, "Single embedded underscore works";

isnt eval('1__0'), 10, "Multiple embedded underscores fail";

isnt eval('10_'), 10, "Trailing underscore fails";

isnt eval('10_.0'), 10, "Underscore before . fails";

is 3.1_41, 3.141, "Underscores work with floating point after decimal";

is 10_0.8, 100.8, "Underscores work with floating point before decimal";

is 0xdead_beef, 0xdeadbeef, "Underscores work with hex";

is 0b1101_1110_1010_1101_1011_1110_1110_1111, 0xdeadbeef, "Underscores work with binary";

is 2e0_1, 20, "Underscores work in the argument for e";

# Ambiguity tests, see thread "Ambiguity of parsing numbers with
# underscores/methods" on p6l started by Ingo Blechschmidt:
# L<"">
# Answer from Luke:
#   I think we should go with the method call semantics in all of the ambiguous
#   forms, mostly because "no such method: Int::e5" is clearer than silently
#   succeeding and the error coming up somewhere else.
dies_ok { 2.e123 },    "2.e123 parses as method call";
dies_ok { 2._foo },    "2._foo parses as method call";
dies_ok { 2._123 },    "2._123 parses as method call";
is      2.1_23, 2.123, "2.1_23 parses as number";
dies_ok { 2._e23 },    "2._23  parses as method call";
dies_ok {  },    "  parses as method call";

is  +'00123', 123, "Leading zeroes stringify correctly";

is :16("ff"), 255, "Adverbial function form of hex number works";
is :10("99"), 99, "Adverbial function form of dec number works";
is :8("77"), 63, "Adverbial function form of oct number works";
is :2("11"), 3, "Adverbial function form of dec number works";

is :16<ff>, 255, "Adverbial string form of hex number works";
is :10<99>, 99, "Adverbial string form of dec number works";
is :8<77>, 63, "Adverbial string form of oct number works";
is :2<11>, 3, "Adverbial string form of dec number works";
is :2<1_0.1>, 2.5, "Adverbial string form can include . and _";

is :10<99*10**2>, 99e2, "Adverbial form of exponentiation works", :todo<feature>;
is :2<11*10**2>, 300, "Adverbial exponent defaults to decimal", :todo<feature>;
is :2«1.1*:2<10>**:2<10>», 6, "Adverbial form in french quotes", :todo<feature>;

for 2..36 {
    is eval(":{$_}<11>"), $_ + 1, "Adverbial form of base $_ works";

is :100[10,10], 1010, "Adverbial form of base 100 integer works";
is :100[10,'.',10], 10.10, "Adverbial form of base 100 fraction works";

is eval(":2<2>"), undef, ":2<2> recognized as illegal", :todo<bug>;
is eval(":10<3a>"), undef, ":10<3a> recognized as illegal", :todo<bug>;

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