


# @author Bodo (Hugo) Barwich
# @version 2020-09-20
# @package Test for the Process::SubProcess Module
# @subpackage test_performance.t

# This Module runs tests on the Process::SubProcess Module
# Requirements:
# - The Perl Module "Process::SubProcess" must be installed

use warnings;
use strict;

use Cwd qw(abs_path);

use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);

use Capture::Tiny qw(capture);

use Test::More;

  use lib "lib";
  use lib "../lib";


use Process::SubProcess qw(runSubProcess);

my $smodule = "";
my $spath = abs_path($0);

($smodule = $spath) =~ s/.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
$spath =~ s/^(.*\/)$smodule$/$1/;

my $stestscript = "";
my $itestpause = 3;
my $iteststatus = 4;

my $proctest = undef;

my $rscriptlog = undef;
my $rscripterror = undef;
my $iscriptstatus = -1;

#Test: 'Read Timeout'

my $itm = -1;
my $itmstrt = -1;
my $itmend = -1;
my $itmtst = -1;
my $itmexe = -1;

subtest 'Process Read Timeout Settings' => sub {

  subtest 'Read Timeout' => sub {

		$itestpause = 3;

		$proctest = Process::SubProcess::->new(('command' => $spath . $stestscript . ' ' . $itestpause
		  , 'check' => 2, 'profiling' => 1));

		isnt($proctest->getReadTimeout, 0, 'Read Timeout activated');
		is($proctest->isProfiling, 1, 'Profiling activated');

		$itmstrt = gettimeofday();

		print "script '$stestscript' Start - Time Now: '$itmstrt' s\n";

		is($proctest->Run, 1, "script '$stestscript': Execution correct");

		$itmend = gettimeofday();

		$itm = ($itmend - $itmstrt) * 1000;

		print "script '$stestscript' End - Time Now: '$itmend' s\n";

		print "script '$stestscript' run in '$itm' ms\n";

		$rscriptlog = $proctest->getReportString;
		$rscripterror = $proctest->getErrorString;
		$iscriptstatus = $proctest->getProcessStatus;

		isnt($proctest->getExecutionTime, -1 , "Execution Time was measured");

		print("Read Timeout: '", $proctest->getReadTimeout, "'\n");
		print("Execution Time: '", $proctest->getExecutionTime, "'\n");

		print("EXIT CODE: '$iscriptstatus'\n");

		if(defined $rscriptlog)
		  print("STDOUT: '$$rscriptlog'\n");
		  isnt($$rscriptlog, undef, "STDOUT was captured");
		} #if(defined $rscriptlog)

		if(defined $rscripterror)
		  print("STDERR: '$$rscripterror'\n");
		  isnt($$rscripterror, undef, "STDERR was captured");
		} #if(defined $rscripterror)
  subtest 'Read Timeout Quiet' => sub {

		$proctest = undef;

		$stestscript = '';
		$itestpause = 3;

		$itm = -1;
		$itmstrt = -1;
		$itmend = -1;
		$itmtst = -1;
		$itmexe = -1;

		$proctest = Process::SubProcess::->new(('command' => $spath . $stestscript . ' ' . $itestpause));

		#Reenable Profiling

		is($proctest->getReadTimeout, 2, 'Read Timeout activated');
		is($proctest->isProfiling, 1, 'Profiling enabled');

		$itmstrt = gettimeofday();

		print "script '$stestscript' Start - Time Now: '$itmstrt' s\n";

		is($proctest->Run, 1, "script '$stestscript': Execution finished correctly");

		$itmend = gettimeofday();

		$itm = ($itmend - $itmstrt) * 1000;

		print "script '$stestscript' End - Time Now: '$itmend' s\n";

		print "script '$stestscript' run in '$itm' ms\n";

		$rscriptlog = $proctest->getReportString;
		$rscripterror = $proctest->getErrorString;
		$iscriptstatus = $proctest->getProcessStatus;

		$itmtst = sprintf('%d', ($itm / 1000));
		$itmexe = sprintf('%d', $proctest->getExecutionTime);

		is($itmexe, $itmtst, "Execution Time = Test Time");

		isnt($itmexe % $proctest->getReadTimeout, 0, "Execution Time does not depend on Read Timeout");

		print("Read Timeout: '", $proctest->getReadTimeout, "'\n");
		print("Execution Time: '", $proctest->getExecutionTime, "'\n");

		print("EXIT CODE: '$iscriptstatus'\n");

		if(defined $rscriptlog)
		  print("STDOUT: '$$rscriptlog'\n");
		  isnt($$rscriptlog, undef, "STDOUT was captured");
		} #if(defined $rscriptlog)

		if(defined $rscripterror)
		  print("STDERR: '$$rscripterror'\n");
		  isnt($$rscripterror, undef, "STDERR was captured");
		} #if(defined $rscripterror)
subtest 'Profiling' => sub {

  subtest 'Capture::Tiny Profiling' => sub {

    $itm = -1;
    $itmstrt = -1;
    $itmend = -1;
    $itmexe = -1;

		$stestscript = '';
    $iteststatus = 4;

		$itmstrt = gettimeofday();

		print "script '$stestscript' Start - Time Now: '$itmstrt' s\n";

		($$rscriptlog, $$rscripterror, $iscriptstatus)
		  = capture { system($spath . $stestscript . ' 0 ' . $iteststatus ); };

		$itmend = gettimeofday();

		$itm = ($itmend - $itmstrt) * 1000;

		print "script '$stestscript' End - Time Now: '$itmend' s\n";

		print "script '$stestscript' run in '$itm' ms\n";

    isnt($itm, -1 , "Execution Time was measured");

		print("EXIT CODE: '$iscriptstatus'\n");

    isnt($iscriptstatus, undef, "EXIT CODE was captured");

    ok($iscriptstatus =~ qr/^-?\d+$/, "EXIT CODE is numeric");

    # Convert the Exit Code manually
    $iscriptstatus = $iscriptstatus >> 8;

    is($iscriptstatus, $iteststatus, 'EXIT CODE is correct');

		print("STDOUT: '$$rscriptlog'\n") if(defined $rscriptlog);

		isnt($$rscriptlog, undef, "STDOUT was captured");

		print("STDERR: '$$rscripterror'\n") if(defined $rscripterror);

	  isnt($$rscripterror, undef, "STDERR was captured");
  subtest 'SubProcess Profiling' => sub {

		$proctest = undef;

		$itm = -1;
		$itmstrt = -1;
		$itmend = -1;
		$itmexe = -1;

		$proctest = Process::SubProcess::->new(('command' => $spath . $stestscript
		  , 'profiling' => 1));

		is($proctest->isProfiling, 1, 'Profiling activated');

		$itmstrt = gettimeofday();

		print "script '$stestscript' Start - Time Now: '$itmstrt' s\n";

		is($proctest->Run, 1, "script '$stestscript': Execution correct");

		$itmend = gettimeofday();

		$itm = ($itmend - $itmstrt) * 1000;

		print "script '$stestscript' End - Time Now: '$itmend' s\n";

		print "script '$stestscript' run in '$itm' ms\n";

		$rscriptlog = $proctest->getReportString;
		$rscripterror = $proctest->getErrorString;
		$iscriptstatus = $proctest->getProcessStatus;

		isnt($proctest->getExecutionTime, -1 , "Execution Time was measured");

		print("Execution Time: '", $proctest->getExecutionTime, "'\n");

		print("EXIT CODE: '$iscriptstatus'\n");

	  print("STDOUT: '$$rscriptlog'\n") if(defined $rscriptlog);

	  isnt($$rscriptlog, undef, "STDOUT was captured");

	  print("STDERR: '$$rscripterror'\n") if(defined $rscripterror);

	  isnt($$rscripterror, undef, "STDERR was captured");


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