

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More; # tests => 9;
eval "use Carp::Always"; # for those who don't have it

use RDF::Server::Types qw( Exception );

if( not not eval 'require RDF::Server::Exception' ) {
    plan tests => 9;
else {
    plan skip_all => 'Unable to load RDF::Server::Exception';

eval {
   RDF::Server::Exception -> throw( 
       status => 401,
       content => 'Access forbidden!'

my $e = $@;

isnt( $e, undef, 'we have an exception');

isa_ok( $e, 'RDF::Server::Exception' );

is( $e -> status, 401 );

is( $e -> content, 'Access forbidden!' );

eval {
   throw RDF::Server::Exception::Forbidden;

$e = $@;

isnt( $e, undef, 'we have an exception');

isa_ok( $e, 'RDF::Server::Exception::Forbidden' );

is( $e -> status, 403 );

is( $e -> content, 'Forbidden!' );

ok( is_Exception( $e ), "is exception" );

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