

use constant TESTS => 6;

use Test::More;
use HTTP::Response;
use HTTP::Request;

use RDF::Server::Constants qw( :ns );
eval "use Carp::Always"; # for those who don't have it

my $has_xml_xpath;

    if(not eval "require RDF::Core") {
        plan skip_all => 'RDF::Core required';

    $has_xml_xpath = not not eval { require XML::XPath; };

    %path_tests = (
        '/atom:entry/atom:title' => 'Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok',
        '/atom:entry/atom:content/x:title' => 'Foo',
        '/atom:entry/atom:content/x:foo' => 'Bar',
    %path_counts = (
        '/atom:entry' => 1,
        '/atom:entry/atom:content' => 1,
        '/atom:entry/atom:updated' => 1,
        '/atom:entry/atom:id' => 1,
        '/atom:entry/atom:title' => 1,
        '/atom:entry/atom:content/x:title' => 1,
        '/atom:entry/atom:content/x:foo' => 1,

    eval {
        use RDF::Server;
        use RDF::Server::Semantic::Atom;
        use RDF::Server::Types qw( Protocol Interface Semantic Container );
    if($@) {
        plan skip_all => "Required modules don't compile";
    else {
        plan tests => TESTS + 
            ( $has_xml_xpath ? ( keys(%path_tests) + keys(%path_counts) ) : 0 )

my $e;

eval {
    package My::Server;

    use RDF::Server;

    protocol 'Embedded';
    interface 'REST';
    semantic 'Atom';

    render xml => 'Atom';

$e = $@;
is( $e, '', 'No error creating test package' );

my $server;

eval {
    $server = My::Server -> new(
        default_renderer => 'Atom',
        handler => { 
            type => 'service',
            path_prefix => '/',
            workspaces => [
                title => 'Workspace',
                collections => [
                      title => 'All of Foo',
                      path_prefix => 'foo/',
                      categories => [
                              term => 'digital',
                              scheme => ''
                              term => 'humanities',
                              scheme => ''
                      model => {
                          namespace => '',
                          class => 'RDFCore'

$e = $@;

is( $e, '', 'No error creating server instance' ); 

# now we want to handle some requests

$request = HTTP::Request -> new( POST => '/foo/' );
$request -> content(<<eoATOM);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns="@{[ ATOM_NS ]}"
       xmlns:rdf="@{[ RDF_NS ]}"
  <title>Atom-Powered Robots Run Amok</title>
  <content type="application/rdf+xml"><!-- becomes rdf:Description -->

$response = new HTTP::Response;

eval {
    $server -> handle_request( $request, $response );

$e = $@;

is( $e, '', 'Request made');

isa_ok( $response, 'HTTP::Response' );

my $returned_content;
unless( $response -> is_success ) {
    diag $response -> content;

   skip 'request not successful', 1 unless $response -> is_success;

   is( $response -> code, 201, 'HTTP CREATED status' );

   isnt( $response -> header('Location'), '', 'Location returned' );

$returned_content = $server -> update($response -> header('Location'), <<eoATOM);
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry xmlns="@{[ ATOM_NS ]}"
       xmlns:rdf="@{[ RDF_NS ]}"
  <content type="application/rdf+xml">

    skip 'request not successful', ($has_xml_xpath ? (keys(%path_tests) + keys(%path_counts)) : 0) unless $returned_content; #$response -> is_success;
    if( $has_xml_xpath ) {
            $returned_content, #$response -> content,


sub do_xpath_tests {
    my( $xml, $paths, $counts ) = @_;
    my $doc = XML::XPath -> new( xml => $xml );
    $doc -> set_namespace( app => APP_NS );
    $doc -> set_namespace( atom => ATOM_NS );
    $doc -> set_namespace( dc => DC_NS );
    $doc -> set_namespace( rdf => RDF_NS );
    $doc -> set_namespace( x => "" );
    foreach my $path ( sort keys %$counts ) {
        is( scalar(@{ [ $doc -> findnodes($path) ] }), $counts -> {$path}, "count($path) == $counts->{$path}");
    foreach my $path ( sort keys %$paths ) {
        is( $doc -> getNodeText($path), $paths -> {$path}, "$path eq $paths->{$path}" );

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