

use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Which qw/which/;
use Selenium::Chrome;
use Selenium::Firefox;
use Selenium::Firefox::Binary;
use Selenium::PhantomJS;
use Sub::Install;
use Test::Fatal;
use Test::More;

unless ( $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ) {
    plan skip_all => "Author tests not required for installation.";

  SKIP: {
        my $has_phantomjs = which('phantomjs');
        skip 'Phantomjs binary not found in path', 3
          unless $has_phantomjs;

        skip 'PhantomJS binary not found in path', 3
          unless is_proper_phantomjs_available();

        my $phantom = Selenium::PhantomJS->new;
        is( $phantom->browser_name, 'phantomjs', 'binary phantomjs is okay');
        isnt( $phantom->port, 4444, 'phantomjs can start up its own binary');

        ok( Selenium::CanStartBinary::probe_port( $phantom->port ), 'the phantomjs binary is listening on its port');

    ok( exception { PhantomJS->new( binary => '/bad/executable') },
        'we throw if the user specified binary is not executable');

  SKIP: {
        my $phantom_binary = which('phantomjs');
        skip 'PhantomJS needed for manual binary path tests', 2
          unless $phantom_binary;

        my $manual_phantom = Selenium::PhantomJS->new(
            binary => $phantom_binary
        isnt( $manual_phantom->port, 4444, 'manual phantom can start up user specified binary');
        ok( Selenium::CanStartBinary::probe_port( $manual_phantom->port ), 'the manual chrome binary is listening on its port');

  SKIP: {
        my $has_chromedriver = which('chromedriver');
        skip 'Chrome binary not found in path', 3
          unless $has_chromedriver;

        my $chrome = Selenium::Chrome->new(
            custom_args => ' --fake-arg'

        like( $chrome->_construct_command, qr/--fake-arg/, 'can pass custom args');
        ok( $chrome->browser_name eq 'chrome', 'convenience chrome is okay' );
        isnt( $chrome->port, 4444, 'chrome can start up its own binary' );
        like( $chrome->_binary_args, qr/--url-base=wd\/hub/, 'chrome has correct webdriver context' );

        ok( Selenium::CanStartBinary::probe_port( $chrome->port ), 'the chrome binary is listening on its port');

  SKIP: {
        skip 'Firefox will not start up on UNIX without a display', 6
          if ($^O ne 'MSWin32' && ! $ENV{DISPLAY});

      SKIP: {
            my $has_geckodriver = which('geckodriver');
            skip 'Firefox geckodriver not found in path', 3
              unless $has_geckodriver;

            my $firefox = Selenium::Firefox->new;
            isnt( $firefox->port, 4444, 'firefox can start up its own binary');
               'the firefox binary is listening on its port');

               'the firefox binary is listening on its marionette port');

          EXECUTE_SCRIPT: {

                my $elem = $firefox->find_element('div', 'css');
                my $script_elem = $firefox->execute_script('return arguments[0]', $elem);
                isa_ok($script_elem, 'Selenium::Remote::WebElement', 'execute_script element return');
                is($elem->id, $script_elem->id, 'Sync script returns identical WebElement id');

                my $async = q{
var callback = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
                my $async_elem = $firefox->execute_async_script($async, $elem);
                isa_ok($async_elem, 'Selenium::Remote::WebElement', 'execute_async_script element return');
                is($elem->id, $async_elem->id, 'Async script returns identical WebElement id');


      SKIP: {
            # These are admittedly a very brittle test, so it's getting
            # skipped almost all the time.
            my $ff47_binary = '/Applications/';
            skip 'Firefox 47 compatibility tests require FF47 to be installed', 3
              unless -x $ff47_binary;

            my $ff47 = Selenium::Firefox->new(
                marionette_enabled => 0,
                firefox_binary => $ff47_binary
            isnt( $ff47->port, 4444, 'older Firefox47 can start up its own binary');
            ok( Selenium::CanStartBinary::probe_port( $ff47->port ),
                'the older Firefox47 is listening on its port');

          PROFILE: {
                my $encoded = 0;
                    package FFProfile;
                    use Moo;
                    extends 'Selenium::Firefox::Profile';

                    sub _encode { $encoded++ };

                my $p = FFProfile->new;

                # we don't need to keep this browser object around at all,
                # we just want to run through the construction and confirm
                # that nothing gets encoded
                    marionette_enabled => 0,
                    firefox_binary => $ff47_binary,
                    firefox_profile => $p
                is($encoded, 0, 'older Firefox47 does not encode profile unnecessarily');


  SKIP: {
        my $has_geckodriver = which('geckodriver');
        skip 'Firefox geckodriver not found in path', 1
          unless $has_geckodriver;

        my $binary = Selenium::Firefox::Binary::firefox_path();
        skip 'Firefox browser not found in path', 1
          unless $binary;

        # Override the binary command construction so that no web driver
        # will start up.
            code => sub { return '' },
            into => 'Selenium::CanStartBinary',
            as => '_construct_command'

        my $start = time;
        eval { Selenium::Firefox->new( startup_timeout => 1 ) };
        # The test leaves a bit of a cushion to handle any unexpected
        # latency issues when starting up the browser - the important part
        # is that our timeout duration is _not_ the default 10 seconds.
        ok( time - $start < 10, 'We can specify how long to wait for a binary to be available'  );

  SKIP: {
        my $has_geckodriver = which('geckodriver');
        skip 'Firefox geckodriver not found in path', 1
          unless $has_geckodriver;

        my $port = 50000;

        my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
            LocalHost => '',
            LocalPort => $port,
            Proto => 'tcp',
            Listen => 5,
        ) or BAIL_OUT("Can't bind tcp port $port: $!");

            exception { Selenium::Firefox->new(binary_port => $port, fixed_ports => 1) },
            qr/port $port is not free and have requested fixed ports/,
            "Driver failed to be created because input port $port is already occupied and flag fixed_ports is true"

        # successful startup with skipping taken port
        my $firefox = Selenium::Firefox->new(binary_port => $port);
        my $non_fixed_port = $firefox->port;
        cmp_ok($non_fixed_port, '>=', $port, "Driver could not acquire already occupied $port and a higer port $non_fixed_port was acquired");


sub is_proper_phantomjs_available {
    my $ver = `phantomjs --version` // '';
    chomp $ver;

    $ver =~ s/^(\d\.\d).*/$1/;
    return $ver >= 1.9;


Powered by Groonga
Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.