

use Test::Lib;
use My::Test;
use Capture::Tiny qw( capture );
use Statocles;
my $SHARE_DIR = path( __DIR__, '..', 'share' );

subtest 'get the app list' => sub {
    my ( $tmp, $config_fn, $config ) = build_temp_site( $SHARE_DIR );

    my @args = (
        '--config' => "$config_fn",
    my ( $out, $err, $exit ) = capture { eval { Statocles->run( @args ) } };
    ok !$err, 'nothing on stderr' or diag "STDERR: $err";
    is $exit, 0;
    like $out, qr{blog \(/blog -- Statocles::App::Blog\)\n},
        'contains app name, url root, and app class';

subtest 'delegate to app command' => sub {
    my ( $tmp, $config_fn, $config ) = build_temp_site( $SHARE_DIR );

    local $ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} = undef;
    local $ENV{EDITOR} = '';
    no warnings qw( redefine once );
    # must redefine the imported version
    local *Statocles::App::Blog::read_stdin = sub { "hello" };
    my @args = (
        '--config' => "$config_fn",
        'blog' => 'post',
        '--date' => '2014-01-01',
        'New post',
    my ( $out, $err, $exit ) = capture { Statocles->run( @args ) };
    ok !$err, 'nothing on stderr' or diag "STDERR: $err";
    is $exit, 0;
    like $out, qr{\QNew post at:}, 'contains new post';
    my $post = $tmp->child( qw( blog 2014 01 01 new-post index.markdown ) );
    ok $post->exists, 'correct post file exists';

subtest 'errors' => sub {
    subtest 'app without command' => sub {
        my ( $tmp, $config_fn, $config ) = build_temp_site( $SHARE_DIR );

        # Add an app without a command sub
        $config->{site}{args}{apps}{test} = {
            '$class' => 'TestApp',
            '$args' => {
                url_root => '/test',
        YAML::DumpFile( $config_fn, $config );

        local $ENV{MOJO_LOG_LEVEL} = '';
        local $ENV{EDITOR} = '';
        my @args = (
            '--config' => "$config_fn",
            'test' => 'help',
        my ( $out, $err, $exit ) = capture { Statocles->run( @args ) };
        like $err, qr{^ERROR: Application "test" has no commands}, 'good error message'
            or diag "STDERR: $err";
        ok !$out, 'nothing on stdout' or diag "STDOUT: $out";
        isnt $exit, 0, 'nonzero exit';


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