

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;

{ package Local::Dummy1; use Test::Requires 'Mouse' };

use Mouse::Util::TypeConstraints;

type 'MyArrayRefOfInt', as 'ArrayRef[Int]';
coerce 'MyArrayRefOfInt',
	from 'ArrayRef[Num]', via { [ map int($_), @$_ ] };

note 'Local::Bleh';
	package Local::Bleh;
	use Mouse;
	use Sub::HandlesVia;

	has nums => (
		is           => 'ro',
		lazy         => 1,
		isa          => 'MyArrayRefOfInt',
		coerce       => 1,
		builder      => sub { [1..2] },
		handles_via  => 'Array',
		handles      => {
			splice_nums     => 'splice',
			splice_nums_tap => 'splice...',
			first_num       => [ 'get', 0 ],

my $bleh = Local::Bleh->new;
my @r = $bleh->splice_nums(0, 2, 3..5);
is_deeply($bleh->nums, [3..5], 'delegated method worked');
is_deeply(\@r, [1..2], '... and returned correct value');
is($bleh->first_num, 3, 'curried delegated method worked');

my $e = exception {
	$bleh->splice_nums(1, 0, "foo");

like($e, qr/does not pass the type constraint/, 'delegated method checked incoming types');
is_deeply($bleh->nums, [3..5], '... and kept the value safe');

my $ref = $bleh->nums;
$bleh->splice_nums(1, 0, '3.111');
is_deeply($bleh->nums, [3, 3, 4, 5], 'delegated coerced value');
my $ref2 = $bleh->nums;
isnt("$ref", "$ref2", '... but sadly needed to build a new arrayref')
	or do {
		require B::Deparse;
		diag( B::Deparse->new->coderef2text(\&Local::Bleh::splice_nums) );

$bleh = Local::Bleh->new;
@r = $bleh->splice_nums_tap(0, 2, 3..5);
is_deeply($bleh->nums, [3..5], 'delegated method with chaining worked');
is_deeply(\@r, [$bleh], '... and returned correct value');


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