package Test::Smoke::BuildCFG;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.011';
use Cwd;
use File::Basename qw( dirname );
use File::Spec;
require File::Path;
use Test::Smoke::LogMixin;
use Test::Smoke::Util qw( skip_config );
my %CONFIG = (
df_v => 0,
df_dfopts => '-Dusedevel',
=head1 NAME
Test::Smoke::BuildCFG - OO interface for handling build configurations
use Test::Smoke::BuildCFG;
my $name = 'perlcurrent.cfg';
my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->new( $name );
foreach my $config ( $bcfg->configurations ) {
# do somthing with $config
Handle the build configurations
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->new( [$cfgname] )
[ Constructor | Public ]
Initialise a new object.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto ? ref $proto : $proto;
my $config = shift;
my %args_raw = @_ ? UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'HASH' ) ? %{ $_[0] } : @_ : ();
my %args = map {
( my $key = $_ ) =~ s/^-?(.+)$/lc $1/e;
( $key => $args_raw{ $_ } );
} keys %args_raw;
my %fields = map {
my $value = exists $args{$_} ? $args{ $_ } : $CONFIG{ "df_$_" };
( $_ => $value )
} qw( v dfopts );
my $self = bless \%fields, $class;
$self->read_parse( $config );
=head2 Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->continue( $logfile[, $cfgname, %options] )
[Constructor | public]
Initialize a new object without the configurations that have already
been fully processed. If *all* configurations have been processed,
just pass the equivalent of the C<new()> method.
sub continue {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto ? ref $proto : $proto;
my $logfile = shift;
my $self = $class->new( @_ );
$self->{_continue} = 1;
return $self unless $logfile && -f $logfile;
my %seen = __get_smoked_configs( $logfile );
my @not_seen = ();
foreach my $config ( $self->configurations ) {
push @not_seen, $config unless exists $seen{ "$config" } ||
skip_config( $config );
return $self unless @not_seen;
$self->{_list} = \@not_seen;
return $self;
=head2 $bldcfg->verbose
[ Getter | Public]
Get verbosity.
sub verbose { $_[0]->{v} }
=head2 Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->config( $key[, $value] )
[ ClassAccessor | Public ]
C<config()> is an interface to the package lexical C<%CONFIG>,
which holds all the default values for the C<new()> arguments.
With the special key B<all_defaults> this returns a reference
to a hash holding all the default values.
sub config {
my $dummy = shift;
my $key = lc shift;
if ( $key eq 'all_defaults' ) {
my %default = map {
my( $pass_key ) = $_ =~ /^df_(.+)/;
( $pass_key => $CONFIG{ $_ } );
} grep /^df_/ => keys %CONFIG;
return \%default;
return undef unless exists $CONFIG{ "df_$key" };
$CONFIG{ "df_$key" } = shift if @_;
return $CONFIG{ "df_$key" };
=head2 $self->read_parse( $cfgname )
C<read_parse()> reads the build configurations file and parses it.
sub read_parse {
my $self = shift;
$self->_read( @_ );
return $self;
=head2 $self->_read( $nameorref )
C<_read()> is a private method that handles the reading.
=over 4
=item B<Reference to a SCALAR> build configurations are in C<$$nameorref>
=item B<Reference to an ARRAY> build configurations are in C<@$nameorref>
=item B<Reference to a GLOB> build configurations are read from the filehandle
=item B<Other values> are taken as the filename for the build configurations
sub _read {
my $self = shift;
my( $nameorref ) = @_;
$nameorref = '' unless defined $nameorref;
my $vmsg = "";
local *BUILDCFG;
if ( ref $nameorref eq 'SCALAR' ) {
$self->{_buildcfg} = $$nameorref;
$vmsg = "internal content";
} elsif ( ref $nameorref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$self->{_buildcfg} = join "", @$nameorref;
$vmsg = "internal content";
} elsif ( ref $nameorref eq 'HASH' ) {
$self->{_buildcfg} = undef;
$self->{_list} = $nameorref->{_list};
$vmsg = "continuing smoke";
} elsif ( ref $nameorref eq 'GLOB' ) {
*BUILDCFG = *$nameorref;
$self->{_buildcfg} = do { local $/; <BUILDCFG> };
$vmsg = "anonymous filehandle";
} else {
if ( $nameorref ) {
if ( open BUILDCFG, "< $nameorref" ) {
$self->{_buildcfg} = do { local $/; <BUILDCFG> };
$vmsg = $nameorref;
} else {
require Carp;
Carp::carp("Cannot read buildconfigurations ($nameorref): $!");
$self->{_buildcfg} = $self->default_buildcfg();
$vmsg = "internal content";
} else { # Allow intentional default_buildcfg()
$self->{_buildcfg} = $self->default_buildcfg();
$vmsg = "internal content";
$vmsg .= "[continue]" if $self->{_continue};
$self->log_info("Reading build configurations from %s", $vmsg);
=head2 $self->_parse( )
C<_parse()> will split the build configurations file in sections.
Sections are ended with a line that begins with an equals-sign ('=').
There are two types of section
=item B<buildopt-section>
=item B<policy-section>
A B<policy-section> contains a "target-option". This is a build option
that should be in the ccflags variable in the F<Policy.sh> file
(see also L<Test::Smoke::Policy>) and starts with a (forward) slash ('/').
A B<policy-section> can have only one (1) target-option.
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
return unless defined $self->{_buildcfg}; # || $self->{_list};
$self->{_sections} = [ ];
my @sections = split m/^=.*\n/m, $self->{_buildcfg};
$self->log_debug("Found %d raw-sections", scalar @sections);
foreach my $section ( @sections ) {
chomp $section;
my $index = 0;
my %opts = map { s/^\s+$//; $_ => $index++ }
grep !/^#/ => split /\n/, $section, -1;
# Skip empty sections
next if (keys %opts == 0) or (exists $opts{ "" } and keys %opts == 1);
if ( grep m|^/.+/?$| => keys %opts ) { # Policy section
my @targets;
my @lines = keys %opts;
foreach my $line ( @lines ) {
next unless $line =~ m|^/(.+?)/?$|;
push @targets, $1;
delete $opts{ $line };
if ( @targets > 1 ) {
require Carp;
Carp::carp( "Multiple policy lines in one section:\n\t",
join( "\n\t", @targets ),
"\nWill use /$targets[0]/\n" );
push @{ $self->{_sections} },
{ policy_target => $targets[0],
args => [ sort {$opts{ $a } <=> $opts{ $b }} keys %opts ] };
} else { # Buildopt section
push @{ $self->{_sections} },
[ sort {$opts{ $a } <=> $opts{ $b }} keys %opts ];
# Make sure we have at least *one* section
push @{ $self->{_sections} }, [ "" ] unless @{ $self->{_sections} };
$self->log_debug("Left with %d parsed sections", scalar @{$self->{_sections}});
$self->log_debug("Found %d (unfiltered) configurations", scalar @{$self->{_list}});
=head2 $self->_serialize( )
C<_serialize()> creates a list of B<Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config>
objects from the parsed sections.
sub _serialize {
my $self = shift;
my $list = [ ];
__build_list( $list, $self->{dfopts}, [ ], @{ $self->{_sections} } );
$self->{_list} = $list;
=head2 __build_list( $list, $previous_args, $policy_subst, $this_cfg, @cfgs )
Recursive sub, mainly taken from the old C<run_tests()> in F<mktest.pl>
sub __build_list {
my( $list, $previous_args, $policy_subst, $this_cfg, @cfgs ) = @_;
my $policy_target;
if ( ref $this_cfg eq "HASH" ) {
$policy_target = $this_cfg->{policy_target};
$this_cfg = $this_cfg->{args};
foreach my $conf ( @$this_cfg ) {
my $config_args = $previous_args;
$config_args .= " $conf" if length $conf;
my @substitutions = @$policy_subst;
push @substitutions, [ $policy_target, $conf ]
if defined $policy_target;
if ( @cfgs ) {
__build_list( $list, $config_args, \@substitutions, @cfgs );
push @$list, Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new(
$config_args, @substitutions
=head2 $buildcfg->configurations( )
Returns the list of configurations (Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config objects)
sub configurations {
my $self = shift;
@{ $self->{_list} };
=head2 $buildcfg->policy_targets( )
Returns a list of policytargets from the policy substitution sections
sub policy_targets {
my $self = shift;
return unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $self->{_sections}, "ARRAY" );
my @targets;
for my $section ( @{ $self->{_sections} } ) {
next unless UNIVERSAL::isa( $section, "HASH" ) &&
push @targets, $section->{policy_target};
return @targets;
=head2 as_string
Return the parsed configuration as a string.
sub as_string {
my $self = shift;
my @sections;
for my $section ( @{ $self->{_sections} } ) {
if ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $section, 'ARRAY' ) ) {
push @sections, $section;
} elsif ( UNIVERSAL::isa( $section, 'HASH' ) ) {
push @sections, [
@{ $section->{args} },
return join "=\n", map join( "\n", @$_, "" ) => @sections;
=head2 source
returns the text-source of this instance.
sub source {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_buildcfg};
=head2 sections
returns an ARRAYREF of the sections in this instance.
sub sections {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_sections};
=head2 __get_smoked_configs( $logfile )
Parse the logfile and return a hash(ref) of already processed
sub __get_smoked_configs {
my( $logfile ) = @_;
my %conf_done = ( );
local *LOG;
if ( open LOG, "< $logfile" ) {
my $conf;
# A Configuration is done when we detect a new Configuration:
# or the phrase "Finished smoking $patch"
while ( <LOG> ) {
s/^Configuration:\s*// || /^Finished smoking/ or next;
$conf and $conf_done{ $conf }++;
chomp; $conf = $_;
close LOG;
return wantarray ? %conf_done : \%conf_done;
=head2 Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->default_buildcfg()
This is a constant that returns a textversion of the default
sub default_buildcfg() {
return <<__EOCONFIG__;
# Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->default_buildcfg
# Check the documentation for more information
== Build all configurations with and without ithreads
== Build with and without 64bitall
== All configurations with and without -DDEBUGGING
=head2 Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->os_default_buildcfg($os)
Check for C<MSWin32> or C<VMS> and return one of the three prepared configs.
sub os_default_buildcfg {
my $self = shift;
my ($os) = @_;
(my $inc_name = __PACKAGE__ . ".pm") =~ s{::}{/}g;
my $base_dir = dirname($INC{$inc_name});
my $bcfg_file = 'perlcurrent.cfg';
local $_ = $os;
/^MSWin32$/ && do { $bcfg_file = 'w32current.cfg'; last GIVEN; };
/^VMS$/ && do { $bcfg_file = 'vmsperl.cfg'; last GIVEN; };
my $fullname = File::Spec->catfile($base_dir, $bcfg_file);
my $content;
if (open(my $fh, '<', $fullname)) {
$content = do { local $/; <$fh> };
else {
warn("Cannot open($fullname): $!");
$content = $self->default_buildcfg();
return $content;
=head2 new_configuration( $config )
A wrapper around C<< Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new() >> so the
object is accessible from outside this package.
sub new_configuration {
return Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new( @_ );
package Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config;
use overload
'""' => sub { $_[0]->[0] || "" },
fallback => 1;
use Text::ParseWords qw( quotewords );
=head1 PACKAGE
Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config - OO interface for a build confiuration
my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new( $args, $policy );
my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new;
$bcfg->args( $args );
$bcfg->policy( [ -DDEBUGGING => '-DDEBUGGING' ],
[ -DPERL_COPY_ON_WRITE => '' ] );
if ( $bcfg->has_arg( '-Duseithreads' ) ) {
# do stuff for -Duseithreads
This is a simple object that holds both the build arguments and the
policy substitutions. The build arguments are stored as a string and
the policy subtitutions are stored as a list of lists. Each substitution is
represented as a list with the two elements: the target and its substitute.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::Config->new( [ $args[, \@policy_substs ]] )
Create the new object as an anonymous list.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
my $self = bless [ undef, [ ], { } ], $class;
@_ >= 1 and $self->args( shift );
@_ > 0 and $self->policy( @_ );
=head2 $buildcfg->args( [$args] )
Accessor for the build arguments field.
sub args {
my $self = shift;
if ( defined $_[0] ) {
$self->[0] = shift;
=head2 $buildcfg->policy( [@substitutes] )
Accessor for the policy substitutions.
sub policy {
my $self = shift;
if ( @_ ) {
my @substitutions = @_ == 1 && ref $_[0][0] eq 'ARRAY'
? @{ $_[0] } : @_;
$self->[1] = \@substitutions;
@{ $self->[1] };
=head2 $self->_split_args( )
Create a hash with all the build arguments as keys.
sub _split_args {
my $self = shift;
my $i = 0;
$self->[2] = {
map { ( $_ => $i++ ) } quotewords( '\s+', 1, $self->[0] )
$self->[0] = join( " ", sort {
$self->[2]{ $a } <=> $self->[2]{ $b }
} keys %{ $self->[2] } ) || "";
=head2 $buildcfg->has_arg( $arg[,...] )
Check the build arguments hash for C<$arg>. If you specify more then one
the results will be logically ANDed!
sub has_arg {
my $self = shift;
my $ok = 1;
$ok &&= exists $self->[2]{ $_ } foreach @_;
return $ok;
=head2 $buildcfg->any_arg( $arg[,...] )
Check the build arguments hash for C<$arg>. If you specify more then one
the results will be logically ORed!
sub any_arg {
my $self = shift;
my $ok = 0;
$ok ||= exists $self->[2]{ $_ } foreach @_;
return $ok;
=head2 $buildcfg->args_eq( $args )
C<args_eq()> takes a string of config arguments and returns true if
C<$self> has exactly the same args as the C<$args> has.
There is the small matter of default_args (dfopts) kept as a Class
variable in L<Test::Smoke::BuildCFG>!
sub args_eq {
my $self = shift;
my $args = shift;
my $default_args = join "|", sort {
length($b) <=> length($a)
} quotewords( '\s+', 1, Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->config( 'dfopts' ) );
my %copy = map { ( $_ => undef ) }
grep !/$default_args/ => keys %{ $self->[2] };
my @s_args = grep !/$default_args/ => quotewords( '\s+', 1, $args );
my @left;
while ( my $option = pop @s_args ) {
if ( exists $copy{ $option } ) {
delete $copy{ $option };
} else {
push @left, $option;
return (@left || keys %copy) ? 0 : 1;
=head2 $config->rm_arg( $arg[,..] )
Simply remove the argument(s) from the list and recreate the arguments
sub rm_arg {
my $self = shift;
foreach my $arg ( @_ ) {
exists $self->[2]{ $arg } and delete $self->[2]{ $arg };
$self->[0] = join( " ", sort {
$self->[2]{ $a } <=> $self->[2]{ $b }
} keys %{ $self->[2] } ) || "";
=head2 $config->vms
Redo the the commandline switches in a VMSish way.
sub vms {
my $self = shift;
return join( " ", map {
} sort {
$self->[2]{ $a } <=> $self->[2]{ $b }
} keys %{ $self->[2] } ) || "";
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Test::Smoke::Smoker>, L<Test::Smoke::Syncer::Policy>
(c) 2002-2003, All rights reserved.
* Abe Timmerman <abeltje@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item * http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
=item * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of