package Test::Smoke::Policy;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.004';
use File::Spec;
use Test::Smoke::LogMixin;
=head1 NAME
Test::Smoke::Policy - OO interface to handle the Policy.sh stuff.
use Test::Smoke::Policy;
my $srcpath = File::Spec->updir;
my $policy = Test::Smoke::Policy->new( $srcpath );
$policy->substitute( [] );
I wish I understood what Merijn is doeing in the original code.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Test::Smoke::Policy->new( $srcpath )
Create a new instance of the Policy object.
Read the file or take data from the DATA section.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto || $proto;
my $self = bless { }, $class;
$self->_read_Policy( @_ );
=head2 $policy->verbose
Get verbosity.
sub verbose { $_[0]->{v} }
=head2 $policy->set_rules( $rules )
Set the rules for substitutions.
sub set_rules {
my( $self, $rules ) = @_;
push @{ $self->{_rules} }, $rules;
=head2 $policy->reset_rules( )
Reset the C<_rules> property.
sub reset_rules {
$_[0]->{_rules} = [ ];
$_[0]->{_new_policy} = undef;
=head2 $policy->_do_subst( )
C<_do_subst()> does the substitutions and stores the substituted version
as the B<_new_policy> attribute.
sub _do_subst {
my $self = shift;
my %substs;
foreach my $rule ( @{ $self->{_rules} } ) {
push @{ $substs{ $rule->[0] } }, $rule->[1];
my $policy = $self->{_policy};
while ( my( $target, $values ) = each %substs ) {
unless ( $policy =~ s{^(\s*ccflags=.*?)$target}
{$1 . join " ",
grep $_ && length $_ => @$values}meg ) {
require Carp;
Carp::carp( "Policy target '$target' failed to match" );
$self->{_new_policy} = $policy;
=head2 $policy->write( )
sub write {
my $self = shift;
defined $self->{_new_policy} or $self->_do_subst;
local *POL;
my $p_name = shift || 'Policy.sh';
unlink $p_name; # or carp "Can't unlink '$p_name': $!";
if ( open POL, "> $p_name" ) {
print POL $self->{_new_policy};
close POL or do {
require Carp;
Carp::carp( "Error rewriting '$p_name': $!" );
} else {
require Carp;
Carp::carp( "Unable to rewrite '$p_name': $!" );
=head2 $policy->_read_Policy( $srcpath[, $verbose[, @ccflags]] )
C<_read_Policy()> checks the C<< $srcpath >> for these conditions:
=over 4
=item B<Reference to a SCALAR> Policy is in C<$$srcpath>
=item B<Reference to an ARRAY> Policy is in C<@$srcpath>
=item B<Reference to a GLOB> Policy is read from the filehandle
=item B<Other values> are taken as the base path for F<Policy.sh>
The C<@ccflags> are passed to C<< $self->default_Policy() >>
sub _read_Policy {
my( $self, $srcpath, $verbose, @ccflags ) = @_;
$srcpath = '' unless defined $srcpath;
$self->{v} ||= defined $verbose ? $verbose : 0;
my $vmsg = "";
local *POLICY;
if ( ref $srcpath eq 'SCALAR' ) {
$self->{_policy} = $$srcpath;
$vmsg = "internal content";
} elsif ( ref $srcpath eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$self->{_poliy} = join "", @$srcpath;
$vmsg = "internal content";
} elsif ( ref $srcpath eq 'GLOB' ) {
*POLICY = *$srcpath;
$self->{_policy} = do { local $/; <POLICY> };
$vmsg = "anonymous filehandle";
} else {
$srcpath = File::Spec->curdir
unless defined $srcpath && length $srcpath;
my $p_name = File::Spec->catfile( $srcpath, 'Policy.sh' );
unless ( open POLICY, $p_name ) {
$self->{_policy} = $self->default_Policy( @ccflags );
$vmsg = "default content";
} else {
$self->{_policy} = do { local $/; <POLICY> };
close POLICY;
$vmsg = $p_name;
$self->log_info("Reading 'Policy.sh' from %s (v=%d)", $vmsg, $self->verbose);
=head2 $policy->default_Policy( [@ccflags] )
Generate the default F<Policy.sh> from a set of ccflags, but be
backward compatible.
sub default_Policy {
my $self = shift;
my @ccflags = @_ ? @_ : qw( -DDEBUGGING );
local $" = " ";
return <<__EOPOLICY__;
# Default Policy.sh from Test::Smoke
# Be sure to define -DDEBUGGING by default, it's easier to remove
# it from Policy.sh than it is to add it in on the correct places
(c) 2001-2015, All rights reserved.
* H.Merijn Brand <hmbrand@hccnet.nl>
* Nicholas Clark <nick@unfortu.net>
* Abe Timmerman <abeltje@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
* <http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>,
* <http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html>
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of