package Test::Smoke::Reporter;
use warnings;
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.054';
require File::Path;
require Test::Smoke;
use Cwd;
use Encode qw( decode encode );
use File::Spec::Functions;
use Test::Smoke::Util::LoadAJSON;
use POSIX qw( strftime );
use System::Info;
use Test::Smoke::Util qw(
grepccmsg grepnonfatal get_smoked_Config read_logfile
time_in_hhmm get_local_patches
use Text::ParseWords;
use Test::Smoke::LogMixin;
use constant USERNOTE_ON_TOP => 'top';
my %CONFIG = (
df_ddir => curdir(),
df_outfile => 'mktest.out',
df_rptfile => 'mktest.rpt',
df_jsnfile => 'mktest.jsn',
df_cfg => undef,
df_lfile => undef,
df_showcfg => 0,
df_locale => undef,
df_defaultenv => undef,
df_perlio_only => undef,
df_is56x => undef,
df_skip_tests => undef,
df_harnessonly => undef,
df_harness3opts => undef,
df_v => 0,
df_hostname => undef,
df_from => '',
df_send_log => 'on_fail',
df_send_out => 'never',
df_user_note => '',
df_un_file => undef,
df_un_position => 'bottom', # != USERNOTE_ON_TOP for bottom
=head1 NAME
Test::Smoke::Reporter - OO interface for handling the testresults (mktest.out)
use Test::Smoke;
use Test::Smoke::Reporter;
my $reporter = Test::Smoke::Reporter->new( %args );
$reporter->transport( $url );
Handle the parsing of the F<mktest.out> file.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 Test::Smoke::Reporter->new( %args )
[ Constructor | Public ]
Initialise a new object.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref $proto ? ref $proto : $proto;
my %args_raw = @_ ? UNIVERSAL::isa( $_[0], 'HASH' ) ? %{ $_[0] } : @_ : ();
my %args = map {
( my $key = $_ ) =~ s/^-?(.+)$/lc $1/e;
( $key => $args_raw{ $_ } );
} keys %args_raw;
my %fields = map {
my $value = exists $args{$_} ? $args{ $_ } : $CONFIG{ "df_$_" };
( $_ => $value )
} keys %{ $class->config( 'all_defaults' ) };
$fields{_conf_args} = { %args_raw };
my $self = bless \%fields, $class;
$self->read_parse( );
=head2 $reporter->verbose()
Accessor to the C<v> attribute.
sub verbose {
my $self = shift;
$self->{v} = shift if @_;
=head2 Test::Smoke::Reporter->config( $key[, $value] )
[ Accessor | Public ]
C<config()> is an interface to the package lexical C<%CONFIG>,
which holds all the default values for the C<new()> arguments.
With the special key B<all_defaults> this returns a reference
to a hash holding all the default values.
sub config {
my $dummy = shift;
my $key = lc shift;
if ( $key eq 'all_defaults' ) {
my %default = map {
my( $pass_key ) = $_ =~ /^df_(.+)/;
( $pass_key => $CONFIG{ $_ } );
} grep /^df_/ => keys %CONFIG;
return \%default;
return undef unless exists $CONFIG{ "df_$key" };
$CONFIG{ "df_$key" } = shift if @_;
return $CONFIG{ "df_$key" };
=head2 $self->read_parse( [$result_file] )
C<read_parse()> reads the smokeresults file and parses it.
sub read_parse {
my $self = shift;
my $result_file = @_ ? $_[0] : $self->{outfile}
? catfile( $self->{ddir}, $self->{outfile} )
: "";
$self->log_debug("[%s::read_parse] found '%s'", ref($self), $result_file);
if ( $result_file ) {
$self->_read( $result_file );
return $self;
=head2 $self->_read( $nameorref )
C<_read()> is a private method that handles the reading.
=over 8
=item B<Reference to a SCALAR> smokeresults are in C<$$nameorref>
=item B<Reference to an ARRAY> smokeresults are in C<@$nameorref>
=item B<Reference to a GLOB> smokeresults are read from the filehandle
=item B<Other values> are taken as the filename for the smokeresults
sub _read {
my $self = shift;
my( $nameorref ) = @_;
$nameorref = '' unless defined $nameorref;
my $vmsg = "";
if ( ref $nameorref eq 'SCALAR' ) {
$self->{_outfile} = $$nameorref;
$vmsg = "from internal content";
} elsif ( ref $nameorref eq 'ARRAY' ) {
$self->{_outfile} = join "", @$nameorref;
$vmsg = "from internal content";
} elsif ( ref $nameorref eq 'GLOB' ) {
*SMOKERSLT = *$nameorref;
$self->{_outfile} = do { local $/; <SMOKERSLT> };
$vmsg = "from anonymous filehandle";
} else {
if ( $nameorref ) {
$vmsg = "from $nameorref";
$self->{_outfile} = read_logfile($nameorref, $self->{v});
defined($self->{_outfile}) or do {
require Carp;
Carp::carp( "Cannot read smokeresults ($nameorref): $!" );
$vmsg = "did fail";
} else { # Allow intentional default_buildcfg()
$self->{_outfile} = undef;
$vmsg = "did fail";
$self->log_info("Reading smokeresult %s", $vmsg);
=head2 $self->_parse( )
Interpret the contents of the outfile and prepare them for processing,
so report can be made.
sub _parse {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_rpt} = \my %rpt;
$self->{_cache} = {};
$self->{_mani} = [];
$self->{configs} = \my @new;
return $self unless defined $self->{_outfile};
my ($cfgarg, $debug, $tstenv, $start, $statarg, $fcnt);
$rpt{count} = 0;
# reverse and use pop() instead of using unshift()
my @lines = reverse split m/\n+/, $self->{_outfile};
my $previous = "";
my $previous_failed = "";
while (defined (local $_ = pop @lines)) {
m/^\s*$/ and next;
m/^-+$/ and next;
if (my ($status, $time) = /(Started|Stopped) smoke at (\d+)/) {
if ($status eq "Started") {
$start = $time;
$rpt{started} ||= $time;
elsif (defined $start) {
my $elapsed = $time - $start;
$rpt{secs} += $elapsed;
@new and $new[-1]{duration} = $elapsed;
if (my ($patch) = m/^ \s*
Smoking\ patch\s*
/x )
my ($pl, $descr) = split ' ', $patch;
$rpt{patchlevel} = $patch;
$rpt{patch} = $pl || $patch;
$rpt{patchdescr} = $descr || $pl;
if (/^Smoking branch (\S+)/) {
$rpt{smokebranch} = $1;
if (/^MANIFEST /) {
push @{$self->{_mani}}, $_;
if (s/^\s*Configuration:\s*//) {
# You might need to do something here with
# the previous Configuration: $cfgarg
$rpt{statcfg}{$statarg} = $fcnt if defined $statarg;
$fcnt = 0;
$statarg = $_;
$debug = s/-D(DEBUGGING|usevmsdebug)\s*// ? "D" : "N";
$debug eq 'D' and $rpt{dbughow} = "-D$1";
$cfgarg = $_ || "";
arguments => $_,
debugging => $debug,
started => __posixdate($start),
results => [],
push @{$rpt{cfglist}}, $_ unless $rpt{config}->{$cfgarg}++;
$tstenv = "";
$previous_failed = "";
if (my ($cinfo) = /^Compiler info: (.+)$/) {
$rpt{$cfgarg}->{cinfo} = $cinfo;
$rpt{cinfo} ||= $cinfo;
@{$new[-1]}{qw( cc ccversion )} = split m/ version / => $cinfo, 2;
if (m/(?:PERLIO|TSTENV)\s*=\s*([-\w:.]+)/
# skip this if it's from a build failure, since the
# Unable to build... pushed an M
&& (!@{$new[-1]{results}}
|| $new[-1]{results}[0]{summary} ne "M")) {
$tstenv = $1;
$previous_failed = "";
$rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv} ||= "?";
my ($io_env, $locale) = split m/:/ => $tstenv,
io_env => $io_env,
locale => $locale,
summary => "?",
statistics => undef,
stat_tests => undef,
stat_cpu_time => undef,
failures => [],
# Deal with harness output
s/^(?:PERLIO|TSTENV)\s*=\s+[-\w:.]+(?: :crlf)?\s*//;
if (m/\b(Files=[0-9]+,\s*Tests=([0-9]+),.*?=\s*([0-9.]+)\s*CPU)/) {
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{statistics} = $1;
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{stat_tests} = $2;
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{stat_cpu_time} = $3;
elsif (
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{statistics} = $1;
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{stat_tests} = $6;
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{stat_cpu_time} = $2 + $3 + $4 + $5;
if (m/^\s*All tests successful/) {
$rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv} = "O";
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{summary} = "O";
if (m/Inconsistent test ?results/) {
ref $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed}
or $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed} = [];
if (not $rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv}
or $rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv} ne "F")
$rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv} = "X";
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{summary} = "X";
push @{$rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed}}, $_;
while (m/^ \s* (\S+?) \s* \.+(?:\s+\.+)* \s* (\w.*?) \s*$/xgm) {
my ($_test, $_info) = ($1, $2);
$_info =~ m/^ \w+ $/x
? {
test => $_test,
status => $_info,
extra => []
: # TEST output from minitest
$_info =~ m/^ (\w+) \s+at\ test\s+ (\d+) \s* $/x
|| $_info =~ m/^ (\w+)--(\S.*\S) \s* $/x
? {
test => $_test,
status => $1,
extra => [ $2 ]
: {
test => "?",
status => "?",
extra => []
if (/^Finished smoking [\dA-Fa-f]+/) {
$rpt{statcfg}{$statarg} = $fcnt;
$rpt{finished} = "Finished";
if (my ($status, $mini) =
m/^ \s* Unable\ to
\ (?=([cbmt]))(?:build|configure|make|test)
\ (anything\ but\ mini)?perl/x
$mini and $status = uc $status; # M for no perl but miniperl
# $tstenv is only set *after* this
$tstenv ||= $mini ? "minitest" : "stdio";
$rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv} = $status;
io_env => $tstenv,
locale => undef,
summary => $status,
statistics => undef,
stat_tests => undef,
stat_cpu_time => undef,
failures => [],
if (m/FAILED/ || m/DIED/ || m/dubious$/ || m/\?\?\?\?\?\?$/) {
ref $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed}
or $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed} = [];
if ($previous_failed ne $_) {
if (not $rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv}
or $rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv} !~ m/[XM]/)
$rpt{$cfgarg}->{summary}{$debug}{$tstenv} = "F";
$new[-1]{results}[-1]{summary} = "F";
push @{$rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed}}, $_;
m{^ \s* # leading space
((?:\S+[/\\])? # Optional leading path to
\S(?:[^.]+|\.t)+) # test file name
[. ]+ # ....... ......
(\w.*?) # result
\s* $}x
? {
test => $1,
status => $2,
extra => []
: {
test => "?",
status => "?",
extra => []
$previous_failed = $_;
$previous = "failed";
if (m/PASSED/) {
ref $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{passed}
or $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{passed} = [];
push @{$rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{passed}}, $_;
m/^ \s* (\S+?) \.+(?:\s+\.+)* (\w+) \s* $/x
? {
test => $1,
status => $2,
extra => []
: {
test => "?",
status => "?",
extra => []
$previous = "passed";
my @captures = ();
if (@captures = $_ =~ m/
/gx) {
if (ref $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{$previous}) {
push @{$rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{$previous}}, $_;
push @{$new[-1]{results}[-1]{failures}[-1]{extra}}, @captures;
if (/^\s+(?:Bad plan)|(?:No plan found)|^\s+(?:Non-zero exit status)/) {
if (ref $rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed}) {
push @{$rpt{$cfgarg}->{$debug}{$tstenv}{failed}}, $_;
push @{$new[-1]{results}[-1]{failures}[-1]{extra}}, $_;
$rpt{last_cfg} = $statarg;
exists $rpt{statcfg}{$statarg} or $rpt{running} = $fcnt;
$rpt{avg} = $rpt{count} ? $rpt{secs} / $rpt{count} : 0;
$self->{_rpt} = \%rpt;
=head2 $self->_post_process( )
C<_post_process()> sets up the report for easy printing. It needs to
sort the buildenvironments, statusletters and test failures.
sub _post_process {
my $self = shift;
unless (defined $self->{is56x}) {
$self->{is56x} = 0;
# Overly defensive, as .out files might be analyzed outside of the
# original smoke environment
if ($self->{ddir} && -d $self->{ddir}) {
my %cfg = get_smoked_Config($self->{ddir}, "version");
if ($cfg{version} =~ m/^\s* ([0-9]+) \. ([0-9]+) \. ([0-9]+) \s*$/x) {
my $p_version = sprintf "%d.%03d%03d", $1, $2, $3;
$self->{is56x} = $p_version < 5.007;
$self->{defaultenv} ||= $self->{is56x};
my (%bldenv, %cfgargs);
my $rpt = $self->{_rpt};
foreach my $config (@{$rpt->{cfglist}}) {
foreach my $buildenv (keys %{$rpt->{$config}{summary}{N}}) {
foreach my $buildenv (keys %{$rpt->{$config}{summary}{D}}) {
foreach my $ca (grep defined $_ => quotewords('\s+', 1, $config)) {
my %common_args =
map { ($_ => 1) }
grep $cfgargs{$_} == @{$rpt->{cfglist}}
&& !/^-[DU]use/ => keys %cfgargs;
$rpt->{_common_args} = \%common_args;
$rpt->{common_args} = join " ", sort keys %common_args;
$rpt->{common_args} ||= 'none';
$self->{_tstenv} = [reverse sort keys %bldenv];
my %count = (
O => 0,
F => 0,
X => 0,
M => 0,
m => 0,
c => 0,
o => 0,
t => 0
my (%failures, %order);
my $ord = 1;
my (%todo_passed, %order2);
my $ord2 = 1;
my $debugging = $rpt->{dbughow} || '-DDEBUGGING';
foreach my $config (@{$rpt->{cfglist}}) {
foreach my $dbinfo (qw( N D )) {
my $cfg = $config;
($cfg = $cfg ? "$debugging $cfg" : $debugging)
if $dbinfo eq "D";
$self->log_info("Processing [%s]", $cfg);
my $status = $self->{_rpt}{$config}{summary}{$dbinfo};
foreach my $tstenv (reverse sort keys %bldenv) {
next if $tstenv eq 'minitest' && !exists $status->{$tstenv};
(my $showenv = $tstenv) =~ s/^locale://;
if ($tstenv =~ /^locale:/) {
or push @{$self->{_locale}}, $showenv;
$showenv = 'default'
if $self->{defaultenv} && $showenv eq 'stdio';
$status->{$tstenv} ||= '-';
my $status2 = $self->{_rpt}{$config}{$dbinfo};
if (exists $status2->{$tstenv}{failed}) {
my $failed = join "\n", @{$status2->{$tstenv}{failed}};
if ( exists $failures{$failed}
&& @{$failures{$failed}}
&& $failures{$failed}->[-1]{cfg} eq $cfg)
push @{$failures{$failed}->[-1]{env}}, $showenv;
else {
push @{$failures{$failed}},
cfg => $cfg,
env => [$showenv]
$order{$failed} ||= $ord++;
if (exists $status2->{$tstenv}{passed}) {
my $passed = join "\n", @{$status2->{$tstenv}{passed}};
if ( exists $todo_passed{$passed}
&& @{$todo_passed{$passed}}
&& $todo_passed{$passed}->[-1]{cfg} eq $cfg)
push @{$todo_passed{$passed}->[-1]{env}}, $showenv;
else {
cfg => $cfg,
env => [$showenv]
$order2{$passed} ||= $ord2++;
$self->log_debug("\t[%s]: %s", $showenv, $status->{$tstenv});
if ($tstenv eq 'minitest') {
$status->{stdio} = "M";
delete $status->{minitest};
unless ($self->{defaultenv}) {
exists $status->{perlio} or $status->{perlio} = '-';
my @locales = split ' ', ($self->{locale} || '');
for my $locale (@locales) {
exists $status->{"locale:$locale"}
or $status->{"locale:$locale"} = '-';
for map { m/[cmMtFXO]/ ? $_ : m/-/ ? 'O' : 'o' }
map $status->{$_} => keys %$status;
defined $self->{_locale} or $self->{_locale} = [];
my @failures = map {
tests => $_,
cfgs => [
map {
my $cfg_clean = __rm_common_args($_->{cfg}, \%common_args);
my $env = join "/", @{$_->{env}};
"[$env] $cfg_clean";
} @{$failures{$_}}
} sort { $order{$a} <=> $order{$b} } keys %failures;
$self->{_failures} = \@failures;
my @todo_passed = map {
tests => $_,
cfgs => [
map {
my $cfg_clean = __rm_common_args($_->{cfg}, \%common_args);
my $env = join "/", @{$_->{env}};
"[$env] $cfg_clean";
} @{$todo_passed{$_}}
} sort { $order2{$a} <=> $order2{$b} } keys %todo_passed;
$self->{_todo_passed} = \@todo_passed;
$self->{_counters} = \%count;
# Need to rebuild the test-environments as minitest changes into stdio
my %bldenv2;
foreach my $config (@{$rpt->{cfglist}}) {
foreach my $buildenv (keys %{$rpt->{$config}{summary}{N}}) {
foreach my $buildenv (keys %{$rpt->{$config}{summary}{D}}) {
$self->{_tstenvraw} = $self->{_tstenv};
$self->{_tstenv} = [reverse sort keys %bldenv2];
=head2 __posixdate($time)
Returns C<strftime("%F %T %z")>.
sub __posixdate {
# Note that the format "%F %T %z" returns:
# Linux: 2012-04-02 10:57:58 +0200
# HP-UX: April 08:53:32 METDST
# ENOTPORTABLE! %F is C99 only!
my $stamp = shift || time;
return $^O eq 'MSWin32'
? POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S Z", gmtime $stamp)
: POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z", localtime $stamp);
=head2 __rm_common_args( $cfg, \%common )
Removes the the arguments stored as keys in C<%common> from C<$cfg>.
sub __rm_common_args {
my( $cfg, $common ) = @_;
require Test::Smoke::BuildCFG;
my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG::new_configuration( $cfg );
return $bcfg->rm_arg( keys %$common );
=head2 $reporter->get_logfile()
Return the contents of C<< $self->{lfile} >> either by reading the file or
returning the cached version.
sub get_logfile {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{log_file} if $self->{log_file};
return $self->{log_file} = read_logfile($self->{lfile}, $self->{v});
=head2 $reporter->get_outfile()
Return the contents of C<< $self->{outfile} >> either by reading the file or
returning the cached version.
sub get_outfile {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{_outfile} if $self->{_outfile};
my $fq_outfile = catfile($self->{ddir}, $self->{outfile});
return $self->{_outfile} = read_logfile($fq_outfile, $self->{v});
=head2 $reporter->write_to_file( [$name] )
Write the C<< $self->report >> to file. If name is omitted it will
use C<< catfile( $self->{ddir}, $self->{rptfile} ) >>.
sub write_to_file {
my $self = shift;
return unless defined $self->{_outfile};
my( $name ) = shift || ( catfile $self->{ddir}, $self->{rptfile} );
$self->log_info("Writing report to '%s'", $name);
local *RPT;
open RPT, "> $name" or do {
require Carp;
Carp::carp( "Error creating '$name': $!" );
print RPT $self->report;
close RPT or do {
require Carp;
Carp::carp( "Error writing to '$name': $!" );
$self->log_info("'%s' written OK", $name);
return 1;
=head2 $reporter->smokedb_data()
Transport the report to the gateway. The transported data will also be stored
locally in the file mktest.jsn
sub smokedb_data {
my $self = shift;
$self->log_info("Gathering CoreSmokeDB information...");
my %rpt = map { $_ => $self->{$_} } keys %$self;
$rpt{manifest_msgs} = delete $rpt{_mani};
$rpt{applied_patches} = [$self->registered_patches];
$rpt{sysinfo} = do {
my %Conf = get_smoked_Config($self->{ddir} => qw( version lfile ));
my $si = System::Info->new;
my ($osname, $osversion) = split m/ - / => $si->os, 2;
(my $ncpu = $si->ncpu || "?") =~ s/^\s*(\d+)\s*/$1/;
(my $user_note = $self->{user_note} || "") =~ s/(\S)[\s\r\n]*\z/$1\n/;
architecture => lc $si->cpu_type,
config_count => $self->{_rpt}{count},
cpu_count => $ncpu,
cpu_description => $si->cpu,
duration => $self->{_rpt}{secs},
git_describe => $self->{_rpt}{patchdescr},
git_id => $self->{_rpt}{patch},
smoke_branch => $self->{_rpt}{smokebranch},
hostname => $self->{hostname} || $si->host,
lang => $ENV{LANG},
lc_all => $ENV{LC_ALL},
osname => $osname,
osversion => $osversion,
perl_id => $Conf{version},
reporter => $self->{from},
reporter_version => $VERSION,
smoke_date => __posixdate($self->{_rpt}{started}),
smoke_revision => $Test::Smoke::VERSION,
smoker_version => $Test::Smoke::Smoker::VERSION,
smoke_version => $Test::Smoke::VERSION,
test_jobs => $ENV{TEST_JOBS},
username => $ENV{LOGNAME} || getlogin || getpwuid($<) || "?",
user_note => $user_note,
smoke_perl => ($^V ? sprintf("%vd", $^V) : $]),
$rpt{compiler_msgs} = [$self->ccmessages];
$rpt{nonfatal_msgs} = [$self->nonfatalmessages];
$rpt{skipped_tests} = [$self->user_skipped_tests];
$rpt{harness_only} = delete $rpt{harnessonly};
$rpt{summary} = $self->summary;
$rpt{log_file} = undef;
my $rpt_fail = $rpt{summary} eq "PASS" ? 0 : 1;
if (my $send_log = $self->{send_log}) {
if ( ($send_log eq "always")
or ($send_log eq "on_fail" && $rpt_fail))
$rpt{log_file} = $self->get_logfile();
$rpt{out_file} = undef;
if (my $send_out = $self->{send_out}) {
if ( ($send_out eq "always")
or ($send_out eq "on_fail" && $rpt_fail))
$rpt{out_file} = $self->get_outfile();
delete $rpt{$_} for qw/from send_log send_out user_note/, grep m/^_/ => keys %rpt;
my $json = JSON->new->utf8(1)->pretty(1)->encode(\%rpt);
# write the json to file:
my $jsn_file = catfile($self->{ddir}, $self->{jsnfile});
if (open my $jsn, ">", $jsn_file) {
print {$jsn} $json;
close $jsn;
$self->log_info("Write to '%s': ok", $jsn_file);
else {
$self->log_warn("Error creating '%s': %s", $jsn_file, $!);
return $self->{_json} = $json;
=head2 $reporter->report( )
Return a string with the full report
sub report {
my $self = shift;
return unless defined $self->{_outfile};
my $report = $self->preamble;
$report .= "Summary: ".$self->summary."\n\n";
$report .= $self->letter_legend . "\n";
$report .= $self->smoke_matrix . $self->bldenv_legend;
$report .= $self->registered_patches;
$report .= $self->harness3_options;
$report .= $self->user_skipped_tests;
$report .= "\nFailures: (common-args) $self->{_rpt}{common_args}\n"
. $self->failures if $self->has_test_failures;
$report .= "\n" . $self->mani_fail if $self->has_mani_failures;
$report .= "\nPassed Todo tests: (common-args) $self->{_rpt}{common_args}\n"
. $self->todo_passed if $self->has_todo_passed;
$report .= $self->ccmessages;
$report .= $self->nonfatalmessages;
if ( $self->{showcfg} && $self->{cfg} && $self->has_test_failures ) {
require Test::Smoke::BuildCFG;
my $bcfg = Test::Smoke::BuildCFG->new( $self->{cfg} );
$report .= "\nBuild configurations:\n" . $bcfg->as_string ."=\n";
$report .= $self->signature;
return $report;
=head2 $reporter->_get_usernote()
Return $self->{user_note} if exists.
Check if C<< $self->{un_file} >> exists, and read contents into C<<
$self->{user_note} >>.
sub _get_usernote {
my $self = shift;
if (!$self->{user_note} && $self->{un_file}) {
if (open my $unf, '<', $self->{un_file}) {
$self->{user_note} = join('', <$unf>);
else {
$self->log_warn("Cannot read '%s': %s", $self->{un_file}, $!);
elsif (!defined $self->{user_note}) {
$self->{user_note} = '';
$self->{user_note} =~ s/(?<=\S)\s*\z/\n/;
=head2 $reporter->ccinfo( )
Return the string containing the C-compiler info.
sub ccinfo {
my $self = shift;
my $cinfo = $self->{_rpt}{cinfo};
unless ( $cinfo ) { # Old .out file?
my %Config = get_smoked_Config( $self->{ddir} => qw(
cc ccversion gccversion
$cinfo = "? ";
my $ccvers = $Config{gccversion} || $Config{ccversion} || '';
$cinfo .= ( $Config{cc} || 'unknown cc' ) . " version $ccvers";
$self->{_ccinfo} = ($Config{cc} || 'cc') . " version $ccvers";
return $cinfo;
=head2 $reporter->registered_patches()
Return a section with the locally applied patches (from patchlevel.h).
sub registered_patches {
my $self = shift;
my @lpatches = get_local_patches($self->{ddir}, $self->{v});
@lpatches && $lpatches[0] eq "uncommitted-changes" and shift @lpatches;
wantarray and return @lpatches;
@lpatches or return "";
my $list = join "\n", map " $_" => @lpatches;
return "\nLocally applied patches:\n$list\n";
=head2 $reporter->harness3_options
Show indication of the options used for C<HARNESS_OPTIONS>.
sub harness3_options {
my $self = shift;
$self->{harnessonly} or return "";
my $msg = "\nTestsuite was run only with 'harness'";
$self->{harness3opts} or return $msg . "\n";
return $msg . " and HARNESS_OPTIONS=$self->{harness3opts}\n";
=head2 $reporter->user_skipped_tests( )
Show indication for the fact that the user requested to skip some tests.
sub user_skipped_tests {
my $self = shift;
my @skipped;
if ($self->{skip_tests} && -f $self->{skip_tests} and open my $fh,
"<", $self->{skip_tests})
while (my $raw = <$fh>) {
next, if $raw =~ m/^# One test name on a line/;
push @skipped, " $raw";
close $fh;
wantarray and return @skipped;
my $skipped = join "\n", @skipped or return "";
return "\nTests skipped on user request:\n$skipped";
=head2 $reporter->ccmessages( )
Use a port of Jarkko's F<grepccerr> script to report the compiler messages.
sub ccmessages {
my $self = shift;
my $ccinfo = $self->{_rpt}{cinfo} || $self->{_ccinfo} || "cc";
$ccinfo =~ s/^(.+)\s+version\s+.+/$1/;
$^O =~ /^(?:linux|.*bsd.*|darwin)/ and $ccinfo = 'gcc';
my $cc = $ccinfo =~ /(gcc|bcc32)/ ? $1 : $^O;
if (!$self->{_ccmessages_}) {
$self->log_info("Looking for cc messages: '%s'", $cc);
$self->{_ccmessages_} = grepccmsg(
) || [];
$self->log_debug("Finished grepping for %s", $cc);
return @{$self->{_ccmessages_}} if wantarray;
return "" if !$self->{_ccmessages_};
local $" = "\n";
return <<" EOERRORS";
Compiler messages($cc):
=head2 $reporter->nonfatalmessages( )
Find failures worth reporting that won't cause tests to fail
sub nonfatalmessages {
my $self = shift;
my $ccinfo = $self->{_rpt}{cinfo} || $self->{_ccinfo} || "cc";
$ccinfo =~ s/^(.+)\s+version\s+.+/$1/;
$^O =~ /^(?:linux|.*bsd.*|darwin)/ and $ccinfo = 'gcc';
my $cc = $ccinfo =~ /(gcc|bcc32)/ ? $1 : $^O;
if (!$self->{_nonfatal_}) {
$self->log_info("Looking for non-fatal messages: '%s'", $cc);
$self->{_nonfatal_} = grepnonfatal(
) || [];
return @{$self->{_nonfatal_}} if wantarray;
return "" if !$self->{_nonfatal_};
local $" = "\n";
return <<" EOERRORS";
Non-Fatal messages($cc):
=head2 $reporter->preamble( )
Returns the header of the report.
sub preamble {
my $self = shift;
my %Config = get_smoked_Config( $self->{ddir} => qw(
version libc gnulibc_version
my $si = System::Info->new;
my $archname = lc $si->cpu_type;
(my $ncpu = $si->ncpu || "") =~ s/^(\d+)\s*/$1 cpu/;
$archname .= "/$ncpu";
my $cpu = $si->cpu;
my $this_host = $self->{hostname} || $si->host;
my $time_msg = time_in_hhmm( $self->{_rpt}{secs} );
my $savg_msg = time_in_hhmm( $self->{_rpt}{avg} );
my $cinfo = $self->ccinfo;
my $os = $si->os;
my $branch = '';
if ($self->{_rpt}{smokebranch}) {
$branch = " branch $self->{_rpt}{smokebranch}";
my $preamble = <<__EOH__;
Automated smoke report for$branch $Config{version} patch $self->{_rpt}{patchlevel}
$this_host: $cpu ($archname)
on $os
using $cinfo
smoketime $time_msg (average $savg_msg)
if ($self->{un_position} eq USERNOTE_ON_TOP) {
(my $user_note = $self->{user_note}) =~ s/(?<=\S)\s*\z/\n/;
$preamble = "$user_note\n$preamble";
return $preamble;
=head2 $reporter->smoke_matrix( )
C<smoke_matrix()> returns a string with the result-letters and their
sub smoke_matrix {
my $self = shift;
my $rpt = $self->{_rpt};
# Maximum of 6 letters => 11 positions
my $rptl = length $rpt->{patchdescr};
my $pad = $rptl >= 11 ? "" : " " x int( (11 - $rptl)/2 );
my $patch = $pad . $rpt->{patchdescr};
my $report = sprintf "%-11s Configuration (common) %s\n",
$patch, $rpt->{common_args};
$report .= ("-" x 11) . " " . ("-" x 57) . "\n";
foreach my $config ( @{ $rpt->{cfglist} } ) {
my $letters = "";
foreach my $dbinfo (qw( N D )) {
foreach my $tstenv ( @{ $self->{_tstenv} } ) {
$letters .= "$rpt->{$config}{summary}{$dbinfo}{$tstenv} ";
my $cfg = join " ", grep ! exists $rpt->{_common_args}{ $_ }
=> quotewords( '\s+', 1, $config );
$report .= sprintf "%-12s%s\n", $letters, $cfg;
return $report;
=head2 $reporter->summary( )
Return the B<PASS> or B<FAIL(x)> string.
sub summary {
my $self = shift;
my $count = $self->{_counters};
my @rpt_sum_stat = grep $count->{$_} > 0 => qw( X F M m c t );
my $rpt_summary = "";
if (@rpt_sum_stat) {
$rpt_summary = "FAIL(" . join("", @rpt_sum_stat) . ")";
else {
$rpt_summary = $count->{o} == 0 ? "PASS" : "PASS-so-far";
return $rpt_summary;
=head2 $reporter->has_test_failures( )
Returns true if C<< @{ $reporter->{_failures} >>.
sub has_test_failures { exists $_[0]->{_failures} && @{ $_[0]->{_failures} } }
=head2 $reporter->failures( )
report the failures (grouped by configurations).
sub failures {
my $self = shift;
return join "\n", map {
join "\n", @{ $_->{cfgs} }, $_->{tests}, ""
} @{ $self->{_failures} };
=head2 $reporter->has_todo_passed( )
Returns true if C<< @{ $reporter->{_todo_pasesd} >>.
sub has_todo_passed { exists $_[0]->{_todo_passed} && @{ $_[0]->{_todo_passed} } }
=head2 $reporter->todo_passed( )
report the todo that passed (grouped by configurations).
sub todo_passed {
my $self = shift;
return join "\n", map {
join "\n", @{ $_->{cfgs} }, $_->{tests}, ""
} @{ $self->{_todo_passed} };
=head2 $reporter->has_mani_failures( )
Returns true if C<< @{ $reporter->{_mani} >>.
sub has_mani_failures { exists $_[0]->{_mani} && @{ $_[0]->{_mani} } }
=head2 $reporter->mani_fail( )
report the MANIFEST failures.
sub mani_fail {
my $self = shift;
return join "\n", @{ $self->{_mani} }, "";
=head2 $reporter->bldenv_legend( )
Returns a string with the legend for build-environments
sub bldenv_legend {
my $self = shift;
$self->{defaultenv} = ( @{ $self->{_tstenv} } == 1 )
unless defined $self->{defaultenv};
my $debugging = $self->{_rpt}{dbughow} || '-DDEBUGGING';
if ( $self->{_locale} && @{ $self->{_locale} } ) {
my @locale = ( @{ $self->{_locale} }, @{ $self->{_locale} } );
my $lcnt = @locale;
my $half = int(( 4 + $lcnt ) / 2 );
my $cnt = 2 * $half;
my $line = '';
for my $i ( 0 .. $cnt-1 ) {
$line .= '| ' x ( $cnt - 1 - $i );
$line .= '+';
$line .= '-' x (2 * $i);
$line .= '- ';
if ( ($i % $half) < ($lcnt / 2) ) {
my $locale = shift @locale; # XXX: perhaps pop()
$line .= "LC_ALL = $locale"
} else {
if ( $self->{perlio_only} ) {
$line .= "PERLIO = perlio"
else {
$line .= ( (($i - @{$self->{_locale}}) % $half) % 2 == 0 )
? "PERLIO = perlio"
: "PERLIO = stdio ";
$i < $half and $line .= " $debugging";
$line .= "\n";
return $line;
my $locale = ''; # XXX
my %l;
@l{qw( EOS EOaL EOpL EOaE EOpE )} = (<<"EOS", <<"EOaL", <<"EOpL", <<"EOaE", <<"EOpE");
| +--------- $debugging
+----------- no debugging
| | | | | +- LC_ALL = $locale $debugging
| | | | +--- PERLIO = perlio $debugging
| | | +----- PERLIO = stdio $debugging
| | +------- LC_ALL = $locale
| +--------- PERLIO = perlio
+----------- PERLIO = stdio
| | | +----- LC_ALL = $locale $debugging
| | +------- PERLIO = perlio $debugging
| +--------- LC_ALL = $locale
+----------- PERLIO = perlio
| | | +----- PERLIO = perlio $debugging
| | +------- PERLIO = stdio $debugging
| +--------- PERLIO = perlio
+----------- PERLIO = stdio
| +--------- PERLIO = perlio $debugging
+----------- PERLIO = perlio
return $self->{perlio_only}
? $locale ? $l{EOaL} : $self->{defaultenv} ? $l{EOS} : $l{EOaE}
: $locale ? $l{EOpL} : $self->{defaultenv} ? $l{EOS} : $l{EOpE};
=head2 $reporter->letter_legend( )
Returns a string with the legend for the letters in the matrix.
sub letter_legend {
require Test::Smoke::Smoker;
return <<__EOL__
O = OK F = Failure(s), extended report at the bottom
X = Failure(s) under TEST but not under harness
? = still running or test results not (yet) available
Build failures during: - = unknown or N/A
c = Configure, m = make, M = make (after miniperl), t = make test-prep
=head2 $reporter->signature()
Returns the signature for the e-mail message (starting with dash dash space
newline) and some version numbers.
sub signature {
my $self = shift;
my $this_pver = $^V ? sprintf "%vd", $^V : $];
my $build_info = "$Test::Smoke::VERSION";
my $signature = <<" __EOS__";
Report by Test::Smoke v$build_info running on perl $this_pver
(Reporter v$VERSION / Smoker v$Test::Smoke::Smoker::VERSION)
if ($self->{un_position} ne USERNOTE_ON_TOP) {
(my $user_note = $self->{user_note}) =~ s/(?<=\S)\s*\z/\n/;
$signature = "\n$user_note\n$signature";
return $signature;
=head1 SEE ALSO
(c) 2002-2012, All rights reserved.
* Abe Timmerman <abeltje@cpan.org>
* H.Merijn Brand <hmbrand@cpan.org>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=over 4
=item * http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html
=item * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of