

## --------------------------------------------------------------- -*- perl -*-
#  t/db-sqlite.t
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mastering programmed by YAMASHINA Hio
# Copyright YMIRLINK, Inc.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# $Id: db-sqlite.t 4304 2007-09-19 07:52:33Z pho $
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;

our %DBINFO;
	%DBINFO = (
		dbname   => $ENV{SQLITE_DBNAME}  || 'test.sqlite',
		user     => $ENV{SQLITE_USER}    || '',
		password => $ENV{SQLITE_PASS}    || '',
		host     => $ENV{SQLITE_HOST}    || '',

use lib '.';
use t::make_ini {
	ini => {
		TL => {
			trap => 'none',
		DB => {
			type       => 'sqlite',
			defaultset => 'DBSET_test',
			DBSET_test => [qw(DBCONN_test)]
		DBCONN_test => \%DBINFO,
	clean => [ 'test.sqlite' ],
use Tripletail $t::make_ini::INI_FILE;

my $has_DBD_SQLite = eval 'use DBD::SQLite;1';
if( !$has_DBD_SQLite )
	plan skip_all => "no DBD::SQLite";
if( !$DBINFO{dbname} )
	plan skip_all => "no MSSQL_DBNAME";
eval {
		-DB   => 'DB',
		-main => sub {},
if ($@) {
	plan skip_all => "Failed to connect to database: $@";

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test spec.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
plan tests => 1+3+26+25+15+4;

&test_setup; #1.
&test_getdb; #3.
&test_misc;  #26.
&test_tx_transaction; #25.
&test_old_transaction;  #15.
&test_locks;  #4.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test setup.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub test_setup
	lives_ok {
			-DB   => 'DB',
			-main => sub{},
	} '[setup] connect ok';

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test getdb.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub test_getdb
	dies_ok {
	} '[getdb] getDB without startCgi/trapError';
		-DB => 'DB',
		-main => sub{
			isa_ok($TL->getDB(), 'Tripletail::DB', '[getdb] getDB in trapError');
		-DB => 'DB',
		-main => sub{
			isa_ok($TL->getDB(), 'Tripletail::DB', '[getdb] getDB in startCgi');
			$TL->print("test"); # avoid no contents error.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test misc.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub test_misc
		-DB => 'DB',
		-main => sub{
			my $DB = $TL->getDB();
			isa_ok($TL->getDB(), 'Tripletail::DB', '[misc] getDB');
			$DB->execute( q{
				CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tripletail_test
					sval TEXT    NOT NULL
			pass("[misc] create table");
			$DB->execute(q{SELECT * FROM tripletail_test});
			pass("[misc] SELECT");
			# insert values.
			$DB->execute( q{
				  INTO tripletail_test (sval)
				VALUES ('apple')
			pass("[misc] insert 'apple' (embeded in sql).");
			foreach my $sval (qw(orange cherry strowberry))
				$DB->execute( q{
					  INTO tripletail_test (sval)
					VALUES (?)
				}, $sval);
				pass("[misc] insert '$sval' (bindvar).");
			# check last_insert_id.
				my $sth = $DB->execute( q{
					SELECT last_insert_rowid()
				ok($sth, '[misc] select lastid');
				my $row1 = $sth->fetchArray();
				is_deeply($row1, [4], '[misc] record is [4]');
				my $row2 = $sth->fetchArray();
				is($row2, undef, '[misc] no second record');
				is($DB->getLastInsertId(), 4, '[misc] getLastInsertId()');
				is($DB->getLastInsertId(\'DBSET_test'), 4, '[misc] getLastInsertId() with dbname');
					is($DB->getDbh()->func('last_insert_rowid'), 4, '[misc] lastid via dbh func');
					if( !$DB->getDbh()->can('last_insert_id') )
						skip "[misc] no last_insert_id method", 1;
					is($DB->getDbh()->last_insert_id(undef,undef,undef,undef), 4, '[misc] lastid via dbh last_insert_id');
			foreach my $vals ([20, 'plum'],[33, 'melon'],[57,'lychee'] )
				my ($nval, $sval) = @$vals;
				$DB->execute( q{
						INTO tripletail_test (nval, sval)
					VALUES (?, ?)
				}, $nval, $sval);
				pass("[misc] insert ($nval,'$sval').");
			# check valus
				my $sth = $DB->execute( q{
					SELECT nval, sval
					  FROM tripletail_test
					 ORDER BY nval
				ok($sth, '[misc] iterate all');
				foreach my $row (
					[  1, 'apple'      ],
					[  2, 'orange'     ],
					[  3, 'cherry'     ],
					[  4, 'strowberry' ],
					[ 20, 'plum' ],
					[ 33, 'melon' ],
					[ 57, 'lychee' ],
					my ($nval, $sval) = @$row;
					is_deeply($sth->fetchArray(), $row, "[misc] fetch ($nval, $sval)");
				is($sth->fetchArray(), undef, "[misc] fetch undef (terminator)");

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# CREATE TABLE test_colors
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub _create_table_colors
	my $DB = shift;
	$DB->execute( q{
			sval TEXT    NOT NULL
	foreach my $sval (qw(blue red yellow green aqua cyan))
		$DB->execute( q{
			  INTO test_colors (sval)
			VALUES (?)
		}, $sval);

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test tx transaction.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub test_tx_transaction
		-DB => 'DB',
		-main => sub{
			my $DB = $TL->getDB();
			# tx.
			my $tx_works;
				$tx_works = 1;
			ok($tx_works, "[tx_tran] tx works");
			my $in_tx;
			is do{
				my $in_tx;
				$DB->tx(sub{ $in_tx = $DB->inTx(); });
			}, 1, "[tx_tran] inTx in tx";
			isnt 1, $DB->inTx(), "[tx_tran] inTx out of tx";
			# create test data (blue red yellow green aqua cyan)
			is $DB->getLastInsertId(), 6, "[tx_tran] lastid";
			is $DB->getLastInsertId(\'DBSET_test'), 6, "[tx_tran] lastid with dbname";
				my $s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
				is(@$s, 6, '[tx_tran] implicit commit, 6 records in tx');
					$DB->execute("DELETE FROM test_colors WHERE sval = ?", 'yellow');
					$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
					is(@$s, 5, '[tx_tran] implicit commit, 5 records at end of tx');
				$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
				is(@$s, 5, '[tx_tran] implicit commit, 5 records after tx');
					$DB->execute("DELETE FROM test_colors WHERE sval = ?", 'red');
					$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
					is(@$s, 4, '[tx_tran] explicit rollback, 4 records in tx');
				$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
				is(@$s, 5, '[tx_tran] explicit rollback, 5 records after tx (rollbacked)');
					$DB->execute("DELETE FROM test_colors WHERE sval = ?", 'red');
					$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
				$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
				is(@$s, 4, '[tx_tran] explicit commit');
				eval{ $DB->tx(sub{
					$DB->execute("DELETE FROM test_colors WHERE sval = ?", 'cyan');
					$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
					is(@$s, 3, '[tx_tran] die implicits rollback, 3 records in tx');
					die "test\n";
				}) };
				is($@, "test\n", "[tx_tran] die in tx");
				$s = $DB->selectAllHash("SELECT * FROM test_colors");
				is(@$s, 4, '[tx_tran] die implicits rollback, 4 records after tx');
			# close-wait.
			my $pkg = "Tripletail::DB";
			my $msg = "you can't do anything related to DB after doing rollback or commit in tx";
			foreach my $meth (qw(
				selectAllHash selectAllArray
				selectRowHash selectRowArray
				throws_ok {
					$DB->tx(sub{ $DB->commit(); $DB->$meth("SELECT 1"); })
				} qr/^$pkg#$meth: $msg\b/, "[tx_tran] execute on commit close-wait tx";
				throws_ok {
					$DB->tx(sub{ $DB->rollback(); $DB->$meth("SELECT 1"); })
				} qr/^$pkg#$meth: $msg\b/, "[tx_tran] $meth on rollback close-wait tx";
	is($@, '', '[tx_tran] success');

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test old transaction.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub test_old_transaction
		-DB => 'DB',
		-main => sub{
			my $DB = $TL->getDB();
			# begin and commit.
			lives_ok { $DB->begin; }    "[old_tran] begin ok";
			lives_ok { $DB->commit; }   "[old_tran] commit ok";
			# begin and rollback.
			lives_ok { $DB->begin; }    "[old_tran] begin ok";
			lives_ok { $DB->rollback; } "[old_tran] rollback ok";
			# begin tran within transaction;
			lives_ok { $DB->begin; }    "[old_tran] begin ok";
			dies_ok  { $DB->begin; }    "[old_tran] begin in tran dies";
			lives_ok { $DB->rollback; } "[old_tran] rollback ok";
			# begin/rollback w/o transaction.
			dies_ok { $DB->commit; }   "[old_tran] commit w/o transaction dies";
			dies_ok { $DB->rollback; } "[old_tran] rollback w/o transaction dies";
			# create test data.
			# check whether rollback works.
			is($DB->selectRowHash(q{SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM test_colors})->{cnt}, 6, "[old_tran] test table contains 6 records");
			lives_ok { $DB->begin; } "[old_tran] begin";
			lives_ok { $DB->execute("DELETE FROM test_colors"); } "[old_tran] delete all";
			is($DB->selectRowHash(q{SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM test_colors})->{cnt}, 0, "[old_tran] test table contains no records");
			lives_ok { $DB->rollback; } "[old_tran] rollback";
			is($DB->selectRowHash(q{SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM test_colors})->{cnt}, 6, "[old_tran] test table contains 6 records");

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# test locks.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub test_locks
		-DB => 'DB',
		-main => sub{
			my $DB = $TL->getDB();
			lives_ok { $DB->execute(q{SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test_colors}) } "[locks] table test_colors exists";
			dies_ok { $DB->lock(read=>'test_colors') } "[locks] lock test_colors failed";
			throws_ok { $DB->lock } qr/Tripletail::DB#lock: no tables are being locked. Specify at least one table./, "[locks] lock no tables";
			throws_ok { $DB->unlock } qr/Tripletail::DB#unlock: no tables are locked/, "[locks] unlock w/o lock";

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