

use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal    qw(dies_ok);
use Test::Warnings qw(warning);
use lib 't/local';
use LocalServer ();

    delete @ENV{qw( IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV )};

my $server = LocalServer->spawn;
isa_ok( $server, 'LocalServer' );

my $agent = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 0 );
isa_ok( $agent, 'WWW::Mechanize', 'Created object' );

my $response;

$agent->get( $server->url );
ok( $agent->success, 'Got some page' );
is( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Got local server page' );

$response = $agent->follow_link( n => 99999 );
ok( !$response, q{Can't follow too-high-numbered link} );

$response = $agent->follow_link( n => 1 );
isa_ok( $response, 'HTTP::Response', 'Gives a response' );
isnt( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Need to be on a separate page' );

ok( $agent->back(), 'Can go back' );
is( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Back at the first page' );

    !$agent->follow_link( text_regex => qr/asdfghjksdfghj/ ),
    "Can't follow unlikely named link"

    $agent->follow_link( text => 'Link /foo' ),
    'Can follow obvious named link'
isnt( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Need to be on a separate page' );

ok( $agent->back(), 'Can still go back' );
    $agent->follow_link( text_regex => qr/L\x{f6}schen/ ),
    'Can follow link with o-umlaut'
isnt( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Need to be on a separate page' );

ok( $agent->back(), 'Can still go back' );
    $agent->follow_link( text_regex => qr/St\x{f6}sberg/ ),
    q{Can follow link with o-umlaut, when it's encoded in the HTML, but not in "follow"}
isnt( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Need to be on a separate page' );

ok( $agent->back(), 'Can still go back' );
is( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Back at the start page again' );

$response = $agent->follow_link( text_regex => qr/Snargle/ );
ok( !$response, q{Couldn't find it} );

ok( $agent->follow_link( url => '/foo' ), 'can follow url' );
isnt( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Need to be on a separate page' );
ok( $agent->back(), 'Can still go back' );

like warning { $agent->follow_link( n => 'all' ) },
    qr/^follow_link\(.*?\) is not valid/, "Can we follow all links?";
ok( $agent->back(), 'Can still go back' );

ok( !$agent->follow_link( url => '/notfoo' ), "can't follow wrong url" );
is( $agent->uri, $server->url, 'Needs to be on the same page' );
eval { $agent->follow_link('/foo') };
    $@, qr/Needs to get key-value pairs of parameters.*follow\.t/,
    "Invalid parameter passing gets better error message"

dies_ok { WWW::Mechanize->new->follow_link( url => '/404' ) }
"dies when link does not exist with autocheck";


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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.