#!/usr/bin/env perl
package WebService::MyJSONs;
use 5.024000;
use warnings;
use experimental qw< signatures >;
no warnings qw< experimental::signatures >;
{ our $VERSION = '0.002' }
use Carp qw< croak >;
use HTTP::Tiny;
use Scalar::Util 'blessed';
use Exporter 'import';
our @EXPORT_OK = map { +"myjsons_$_" }
qw< cmdline get get_json put put_json >;
our %EXPORT_TAGS = (all => [@EXPORT_OK]);
our $DEFAULT_ENDPOINT = 'https://www.myjsons.com';
sub code ($self, @new) {
$self->{code} = $new[0] if @new > 0;
return $self->{code};
sub __dump ($d) {
require Data::Dumper;
no warnings 'once';
local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1;
print {*STDERR} Dumper($d);
} ## end sub __dump
sub get ($self, $code = undef) {
require JSON::PP;
return JSON::PP::decode_data($self->get_json($code));
sub get_json ($self, $code = undef) {
$self = $self->new unless blessed $self;
$code //= $self->code;
croak "no code set for retrieval" unless defined $code;
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->get($self->_url(v => $code));
$self->{response_callback}->($response) if $self->{response_callback};
__dump($response) if $ENV{MYJSONS_DUMP_RESPONSE};
croak "Failed: $response->{status} $response->{reason}"
unless $response->{success};
return $response->{content};
} ## end sub get_json
sub myjsons_cmdline ($op = 'help', $code = undef) {
my $p2u = sub ($message = undef) {
require Pod::Usage;
-input => __FILE__,
-verbose => 99,
-sections => 'NAME|SYNOPSIS',
(defined $message ? (-message => $message) : ()),
$p2u->() if $op =~ m{\A(?: -h | --help | help )\z}imxs;
if ($op eq 'get') {
$p2u->('undefined code for operation') unless defined $code;
print {*STDOUT} __new($code)->get_json;
elsif ($op eq 'put') {
my $json = do { local $/; <STDIN> };
print {*STDOUT} __new($code)->put_json($json)->code;
else {
$p2u->('invalid operation');
return 0;
} ## end if (!caller)
sub myjsons_get ($code) { __new($code)->get }
sub myjsons_get_json ($code) { __new($code)->get_json }
sub myjsons_put (@args) {
my ($code, $data) = @args == 1 ? (undef, $args[0]) : @args[0, 1];
return __new($code)->put($data)->code;
sub myjsons_put_json (@args) {
my ($code, $json) = @args == 1 ? (undef, $args[0]) : @args[0, 1];
return __new($code)->put_json($json)->code;
sub new ($package, %args) {
my $self = bless {
code => $args{code},
endpoint => ($args{endpoint} // $DEFAULT_ENDPOINT),
response_callback => $args{response_callback},
}, $package;
return $self;
} ## end sub new
sub __new ($code) { __PACKAGE__->new(code => $code) }
sub put ($self, @args) {
require JSON::PP;
my ($code, $data) = @args == 1 ? (undef, $args[0]) : @args[0, 1];
return $self->put_json($code, JSON::PP::encode_json($data));
sub put_json ($self, @args) {
$self = __PACKAGE__->new unless blessed $self;
my ($code, $json) = @args == 1 ? (undef, $args[0]) : @args[0, 1];
$code //= $self->{code};
my $url = $self->_url(defined($code) ? (e => $code) : ());
my $response = HTTP::Tiny->new->post_form($url, {json => $json});
$self->{response_callback}->($response) if $self->{response_callback};
__dump($response) if $ENV{MYJSONS_DUMP_RESPONSE};
croak "Failed: $response->{status} $response->{reason}"
unless $response->{status} == 302;
$self->code($response->{headers}{location} =~ m{/([^/]+)\s*\z}mxs)
unless defined $code;
return $self;
} ## end sub put_json
sub _url ($s, @pts) { join '/', ($s->{endpoint} =~ s{/+\z}{}rmxs), @pts }
exit myjsons_cmdline(@ARGV) unless caller;
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
myjsons - interact with https://www.myjsons.com/ from the command line
# print a help message
# create a new remote item, save code in env variable
code=$(myjsons put </path/to/stuff.json)
# update a remote item
myjsons put $code </path/to/stuff.json
# retrieve JSON stuff, printed on STDOUT
myjsons get $code | jq .