

# Verifies Notepad object messages / methods work
#   subgroup: those necessary for bufferID-based functionality
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;

use FindBin;
BEGIN { my $f = $FindBin::Bin . '/'; require $f if -f $f; }

use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use myTestHelpers qw/:all/;

use Path::Tiny 0.018;

use Win32 ();
use Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus qw/:main :vars/;

BEGIN { select STDERR; $|=1; select STDOUT; $|=1; } # make STDOUT and STDERR both autoflush (hopefully then interleave better)

#   if any unsaved buffers, HALT test and prompt user to save any critical
#       files, then re-run test suite.
my $EmergencySessionHash;
BEGIN { $EmergencySessionHash = saveUserSession(); }
END { restoreUserSession( $EmergencySessionHash ); }

my $npp = notepad();

# while looking at some of the bufferID related methods, I think the sequence I am going
#   to need:
#   0. activate the primary view, index 0 ->activateIndex(0,0)
#   1. open three files
#   2. move one of those three to the second view
#   3. use activateIndex() to cycle through the two in the first view and the one in the second view; probably have to cycle through them all, and use getCurrentDocIndex or something to determine which are the files under test (so that I don't interfere with other files that the user already had open)
#   As I go through those, I'll probably see more of the messages that I'll need for that test sequence.

# activate primary view, index 0, so that I'm sure of active view
my $ret = $npp->activateIndex(0,0); # activate view 0, index 0
ok $ret, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_ACTIVATEDOC} ->activateIndex(view,index): %d', $ret;

# 2020-Feb-06: instead of doing closeAll in a BEGIN block, do it _after_ I've switched
#   to view0,index0; otherwise, sometimes after closeAll, the view==1 is active, rather than view==0!

# open this file as zeroeth file
    my $oFile = path($0)->absolute->canonpath;
    note "oFile = ", $oFile, "\n";
    $ret = $npp->open($oFile);
    ok $ret, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_DOOPEN} ->open("%s"): %d', $oFile, $ret;

# ####### <debug>
# diag sprintf "file list: '%s'\n", path($_)->absolute()->canonpath() for ($0, 'src/Scintilla.h', 'src/', Path::Tiny->tempfile() );
# diag sprintf "long path: '%s'\n", wrapGetLongPathName(path($_)->absolute()->canonpath()) for ($0, 'src/Scintilla.h', 'src/', Path::Tiny->tempfile() );
# done_testing(); exit;
# ####### </debug>

my @opened;
foreach ( 'src/Scintilla.h', 'src/' ) {
    # open the file
    my $oFile = path($_)->absolute->canonpath;
    note "oFile = ", $oFile, "\n";
    $ret = $npp->open($oFile);
    ok $ret, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_DOOPEN} ->open("%s"): %d', $oFile, $ret;

    # getCurrentBufferID
    my $bufferid = $npp->getCurrentBufferID();
    ok $bufferid, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTBUFFERID} ->getCurrentBufferID() = 0x%08x', $bufferid;

    # getCurrentDocIndex
    my $docindex = $npp->getCurrentDocIndex(0);
    ok $docindex, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTDOCINDEX} ->getCurrentDocIndex() = %d', $docindex;

    # getCurrentView
    my $myview = $npp->getCurrentView();
    is $myview, 0, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTVIEW} ->getCurrentView() = %d', $myview;

    # getCurrentScintilla
    my $myscint = $npp->getCurrentScintilla();
    is $myscint, 0, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTSCINTILLA} ->getCurrentScintilla() = %d', $myscint;

    # moveCurrentToOtherView    => need to do this to verify getCurrentView/getCurrentScintilla can properly recognize either view
    $ret = $npp->moveCurrentToOtherView();
    is $ret, 1, sprintf 'menucmd{IDM_VIEW_GOTO_ANOTHER_VIEW} ->moveCurrentToOtherView() = %d', $ret;

    # getCurrentView
    $myview = $npp->getCurrentView();
    is $myview, 1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTVIEW} ->getCurrentView() = %d (should be in other)', $myview;

    # getCurrentScintilla
    $myscint = $npp->getCurrentScintilla();
    is $myscint, 1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTSCINTILLA} ->getCurrentScintilla() = %d (should be in other)', $myscint;

    # return to first view
    $ret = $npp->moveCurrentToOtherView();
    is $ret, 1, sprintf 'menucmd{IDM_VIEW_GOTO_ANOTHER_VIEW} ->moveCurrentToOtherView() = %d (return to first)', $ret;

    # clone to other view
    $ret = $npp->cloneCurrentToOtherView();
    is $ret, 1, sprintf 'menucmd{IDM_VIEW_CLONE_TO_ANOTHER_VIEW} ->cloneCurrentToOtherView() = %d (clone)', $ret;

    # getCurrentView
    $myview = $npp->getCurrentView();
    is $myview, 1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTVIEW} ->getCurrentView() = %d (should be in other after clone)', $myview;

	# 2021-Jan-31 coverage addition: make sure editor() wrapper will return editor2 object
	is editor(), editor2(), 'coverage: editor() returns editor2() when second view is active';

    # close the clone
    $ret = $npp->close() if($ret);
    is $ret, 1, sprintf '->close() = %d (close the clone)', $ret;

    # getCurrentView
    $myview = $npp->getCurrentView();
    is $myview, 0, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTVIEW} ->getCurrentView() = %d (should be in main after closing clone)', $myview;

	# 2021-Jan-31 coverage addition: make sure editor() wrapper will return editor2 object
	is editor(), editor1(), 'coverage: editor() returns editor1() when second view is active';

    # getCurrentFilename
    my $rfile = $npp->getCurrentFilename();
    is path($rfile)->basename, path($oFile)->basename, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETFULLPATHFROMBUFFERID} ->getCurrentFilename() = "%s"', $rfile;

    # also getBufferFilename
    my $bfile = $npp->getBufferFilename();
    is path($bfile)->basename, path($oFile)->basename, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETFULLPATHFROMBUFFERID} ->getBufferFilename(0x%08x) = "%s"', $bufferid, $bfile;

    # getCurrentLang
    my $mylang = $npp->getCurrentLang();
    ok $mylang, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETCURRENTLANGTYPE} ->getCurrentLang() = %d', $mylang;

    push @opened, {oFile => $oFile, bufferID => $bufferid, docIndex => $docindex, view=>0, rFile => $rfile, myLang => $mylang };

# getNumberOpenFiles()
    my $nb0 = $npp->getNumberOpenFiles($VIEW{PRIMARY_VIEW});
    my $nb1 = $npp->getNumberOpenFiles($VIEW{SECOND_VIEW});
    my $nbA = $npp->getNumberOpenFiles($VIEW{ALL_OPEN_FILES});
    my $nbU = $npp->getNumberOpenFiles();
    ok $nb0, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES}(PRIMARY_VIEW) = %d', $nb0;
    ok $nb1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES}(SECOND_VIEW) = %d', $nb1;
    is $nbA, $nb0+$nb1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES}(ALL_OPEN_FILES)  = %d + %d = %d', $nb0, $nb1, $nbA;
    is $nbU, $nb0+$nb1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETNBOPENFILES}()  = %d + %d = %d', $nb0, $nb1, $nbU;

# activateBufferID
    my $ret = $npp->activateBufferID( $opened[1]{bufferID} );
    ok $ret, sprintf '->activateBufferID(0x%08x) = %d', $opened[1]{bufferID}, $ret;
    my $rFile = $npp->getCurrentFilename();
    my $oFile = $opened[1]{oFile};
    is path($rFile)->basename, path($oFile)->basename, sprintf '->activateBufferID() verify correct file active';

# activateFile
    my $f = wrapGetLongPathName($opened[0]{oFile});
    my $ret = $npp->activateFile( wrapGetLongPathName( $f ) );
    ok $ret, sprintf '->activateFile(%s) = %d', $f, $ret;
    my $rFile = $npp->getCurrentFilename();
    my $oFile = $f;
    is path($rFile)->basename, path($oFile)->basename, sprintf '->activateFile() verify correct file active';

# getFiles
    my $tuples = $npp->getFiles();
    my $found = '';
    $found .= join("\x00", '', @{$_}[3,2,0])    for @$tuples;
    foreach my $h ( @opened ) {
        my $match = join("\x00", '', @{$h}{qw/view docIndex/}, wrapGetLongPathName($h->{oFile}) );
        like $found, qr/\Q$match\E/, sprintf "->getFiles(): look for %s", explain($match);

# getLangType: similar to getCurrentLang, but needs bufferID
# also verifies getLanguageName
    my @langNames = ('C++', 'Perl');
    for my $h (@opened) {
        my $lang = $npp->getLangType($h->{bufferID});
        is $lang, $h->{myLang}, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETBUFFERLANGTYPE} ->getLangType(0x%08x) = %d', $h->{bufferID}, $lang;
        my $langName = $npp->getLanguageName($lang);
        is $langName, shift(@langNames), sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETLANGUAGENAME} ->getLanguageName(%d) = "%s"', $lang, $langName // '<undef>';

# setCurrentLang, setLangType
    my $keep = $npp->getLangType();
    my $ret = $npp->setCurrentLang(7);
    my $rdbk = $npp->getCurrentLang();
    is $rdbk, 7, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_SETCURRENTLANGTYPE} ->setCurrentLang(%d): %d', 7, $rdbk;

    $ret = $npp->setLangType(5);
    $rdbk = $npp->getCurrentLang();
    is $rdbk, 5, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_SETCURRENTLANGTYPE} ->setLangType(%d, nobuffer): %d', 5, $rdbk;

    $ret = $npp->setLangType(3, $npp->getCurrentBufferID);
    $rdbk = $npp->getCurrentLang();
    is $rdbk, 3, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_SETBUFFERLANGTYPE} ->setLangType(%d, 0x%08x): %d', 3, $npp->getCurrentBufferID, $rdbk;

    $ret = $npp->setCurrentLang($keep);
    $rdbk = $npp->getCurrentLang();
    is $rdbk, $keep, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_SETCURRENTLANGTYPE} ->setCurrentLang(keep=%d): %d', $keep, $rdbk;


# getEncoding / setEncoding
    ok scalar(keys %BUFFERENCODING), sprintf 'Number of encoding keys in %%BUFFERENCODING: %d', scalar keys %BUFFERENCODING;

    my $buff_enc;

    # issue#51: missing setEncoding()
    my $bufid = $npp->getCurrentBufferID();
    for my $set_encoding ( 0 .. 7 ) {
        $npp->setEncoding($bufid, $set_encoding);
        $buff_enc = $npp->getEncoding($bufid);
        is $buff_enc, $set_encoding, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_SETENCODING} ->setEncoding(%d)/getEncoding() reads back %d', $set_encoding, $buff_enc;
    $npp->setEncoding(0);   # set encoding to 0
    $buff_enc = $npp->getEncoding();
    is $buff_enc, 0, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_SETENCODING} ->setEncoding(%d) without bufid, vs %d', 0, $buff_enc;

    # issue#50: compare IDM_FORMAT_* to getEncoding values, and confirm BUFFERENCODING hash
    my @pairs = (
        # IDM_FORMAT_...                   expected enc , canonical string
        ['IDM_FORMAT_ANSI'              => 0            , 'ANSI'        ],  # uni8Bit
        ['IDM_FORMAT_UTF_8'             => 1            , 'UTF8_BOM'    ],  # uniUTF8
        ['IDM_FORMAT_UCS_2BE'           => 2            , 'UTF16_BE_BOM' ], # uni16BE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_UCS_2LE'           => 3            , 'UTF16_LE_BOM' ], # uni16LE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_UTF_16BE'          => 2            , 'UTF16_BE_BOM' ], # uni16BE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_UTF_16LE'          => 3            , 'UTF16_LE_BOM' ], # uni16LE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_AS_UTF_8'          => 4            , 'UTF8'        ],  # uniCookie = UTF-8 (no BOM)

        ['IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_ANSI'        => 0            ],  # uni8Bit
        ['IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_UTF_8'       => 1            ],  # uniUTF8
        ['IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_UCS_2BE'     => 2            ],  # uni16BE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_UCS_2LE'     => 3            ],  # uni16LE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_UTF_16BE'    => 2            ],  # uni16BE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_UTF_16LE'    => 3            ],  # uni16LE
        ['IDM_FORMAT_CONV2_AS_UTF_8'    => 4            ],  # uniCookie = UTF-8 (no BOM)
    for ( @pairs ) {
        my ($key, $enc, $str) = @$_;
        my $idm = $NPPIDM{$key};
        editor->setSavePoint(); # lie to Notepad++, don't want it complaining of changes while I'm testing encoding commands
        $npp->menuCommand( $idm );
        $buff_enc = $npp->getEncoding();
        is $buff_enc, $enc, sprintf '->menuCommand($NPPIDM{%-40s}) expects ->getEncoding() = %d', $key, $enc;
        if(defined $str) {
            is $BUFFERENCODING{$enc}, $str, sprintf '$BUFFERENCODING{%d} vs "%s" (map integer to string)', $enc, $str;
            is $BUFFERENCODING{$str}, $enc, sprintf '$BUFFERENCODING{%s} vs %d (map string to integer)', $str, $enc;

    # cleanup
    editor->setSavePoint(); # lie to Notepad++, saying that the file doesn't need to be saved before closing

# getFormatType setFormatType
    my $keep = $npp->getFormatType();
    my $rdbk = $npp->getFormatType();
    cmp_ok $rdbk, '>', -1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETBUFFERFORMAT} ->getFormatType()=%d (DEFAULT)',  $rdbk;

    my $ret = $npp->setFormatType(1);   # skip optional bufferid
    $rdbk = $npp->getFormatType();
    is $rdbk, 1, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETBUFFERFORMAT} ->setFormatType(%d): getFormatType()=%d', 1, $rdbk;

    $ret = $npp->setFormatType(2);   # skip optional bufferid
    $rdbk = $npp->getFormatType();
    is $rdbk, 2, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETBUFFERFORMAT} ->setFormatType(%d): getFormatType()=%d', 2, $rdbk;

    $ret = $npp->setFormatType($keep, $npp->getCurrentBufferID);   # include optional bufferid
    $rdbk = $npp->getFormatType();
    is $rdbk, $keep, sprintf 'msg{NPPM_GETBUFFERFORMAT} ->setFormatType(%d, 0x%08x): %d', $keep, $npp->getCurrentBufferID, $rdbk;


# reloadBuffer, reloadCurrentDocument, and reloadFile: I will need to modify the file, then reload,
# and make sure that it's back to original content
    use Win32::GuiTest qw/:FUNC/;

    my $partial_length = 99;

    # reloadCurrentDocument
    # grab the original content for future reference
    my $edwin = $npp->editor()->{_hwobj};
    my $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    my $orig_len = length $txt;
    is $orig_len , $partial_length , sprintf 'reloadCurrentDocument: before clearing, verify buffer has reasonable length: %d', $orig_len;
    # clear the content, so I will know it is reloaded
    $edwin->SendMessage( $SCIMSG{SCI_CLEARALL});
    $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    $txt =~ s/\0+$//;   # I've told it to grab more characters than there are, so strip out any NULLs that are returned
    is $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadCurrentDocument: verify buffer cleared before reloading';
    is length($txt), 0, sprintf 'reloadBuffer: verify buffer cleared before reloading: length=%d', length($txt);

    # now reload the content
        runCodeAndClickPopup( sub { $npp->reloadCurrentDocument() }, qr/^Reload$/, 0);
        eval {
            $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length,  { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
        } or do {
            diag "eval(getRawString) = '$@'";
            $txt = '';
        $txt =~ s/\0+$//;   # in case it reads back nothing, I need to remove the trailing NULLs
        isnt $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadCurrentDocument: verify buffer no longer empty';
        is length($txt), $orig_len , sprintf 'reloadCurrentDocument: verify buffer matches original length: %d vs %d', length($txt), $orig_len;

    # reloadBuffer
    my $b = $opened[1]{bufferID};
    $npp->activateBufferID( $b );

    $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    $orig_len = length $txt;
    ok $orig_len , sprintf 'reloadBuffer: before clearing, verify buffer has reasonable length: %d', $orig_len;

    # clear the content, so I will know it is reloaded
    $edwin->SendMessage( $SCIMSG{SCI_CLEARALL});
    $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    $txt =~ s/\0+$//;   # I've told it to grab more characters than there are, so strip out any NULLs that are returned
    is $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadBuffer: verify buffer cleared before reloading';
    is length($txt), 0, sprintf 'reloadBuffer: verify buffer cleared before reloading: length=%d', length($txt);

    # now reload the content
    $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    isnt $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadBuffer: verify buffer no longer empty';
    is length($txt), $orig_len , sprintf 'reloadBuffer: verify buffer matches original length: %d vs %d', length($txt), $orig_len;

    # reloadFile
    my $f = wrapGetLongPathName($opened[0]{oFile});

    $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    $orig_len = length $txt;
    ok $orig_len , sprintf 'reloadFile: before clearing, verify buffer has reasonable length: %d', $orig_len;

    # clear the content, so I will know it is reloaded
    $edwin->SendMessage( $SCIMSG{SCI_CLEARALL});
    $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    $txt =~ s/\0+$//;   # I've told it to grab more characters than there are, so strip out any NULLs that are returned
    is $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadFile: verify buffer cleared before reloading';
    is length($txt), 0, sprintf 'reloadFile: verify buffer cleared before reloading: length=%d', length($txt);

    # now reload the content
    $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
    isnt $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadFile: verify buffer no longer empty';
    is length($txt), $orig_len , sprintf 'reloadFile: verify buffer matches original length: %d vs %d', length($txt), $orig_len;

      # clear the content, so I will know it is reloaded
      $edwin->SendMessage( $SCIMSG{SCI_CLEARALL});
      $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
      $txt =~ s/\0+$//;   # I've told it to grab more characters than there are, so strip out any NULLs that are returned
      is $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadFile with prompt: verify buffer cleared again before reloading';
      is length($txt), 0, sprintf 'reloadFile with prompt: verify buffer cleared again before reloading: length=%d', length($txt);

      # now reload the content with prompt
        runCodeAndClickPopup( sub { $npp->reloadFile($f,1); }, qr/^Reload$/, 0);
        eval {
            $txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'wparam', wlength=>1 } );
            #$txt = $edwin->SendMessage_getRawString( $SCIMSG{SCI_GETTEXT}, 1+$partial_length, { trim => 'retval' } ); # or 'retval+1' for v848
            # hmm, still failing; I wonder if the runCodeAndClickPopup() with its exit is killing some
            # part of the process (or destroying a shared object) that's required for the buffer allocations
        } or do {
            diag "eval(getRawString) = '$@'";
            $txt = '';
        $txt =~ s/\0+$//;   # in case it reads back nothing, I need to remove the trailing NULLs
        isnt $txt, "", sprintf 'reloadFile with prompt: verify buffer no longer empty'
or BAIL_OUT 'isnt empty'
        is length($txt), $orig_len , sprintf 'reloadFile with prompt: verify buffer matches original length: %d vs %d', length($txt), $orig_len;

# loop through and close the opened files
while(my $h = pop @opened) {

$npp->activateIndex(0,0); # activate view 0, index 0


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Maintained by Kenichi Ishigaki <>. If you find anything, submit it on GitHub.