

# Verifies Notepad object messages / methods work
#   subgroup: those necessary for GUI manipulation
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Win32;

use FindBin;
BEGIN { my $f = $FindBin::Bin . '/'; require $f if -f $f; }

use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use myTestHelpers;

use Path::Tiny 0.018 qw/path tempfile/;

use Win32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus qw/:main :vars/;

use version;
my $ver = version->parse( notepad->getNppVersion() );

# setStatusBar / getStatusBar
    my $ret = notepad()->setStatusBar( $STATUSBAR{STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE}, "I have ruined the status bar: sorry!" );
    ok $ret, 'setStatusBar(STATUSBAR{STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE}): retval';
    note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $ret // '<undef>';

    my $gsb = notepad()->getStatusBar( $STATUSBAR{STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE} );
    like $gsb, qr/^\QI have ruined the status bar: sorry!\E/, 'getStatusBar(STATUSBAR{STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE}): text is what I just set';
    note sprintf qq(\tgetStatusBar(DOC TYPE): '%s'\n), $gsb//'<undef>';

    # need the current language type and language description to be able to revert the section
    my $langType = notepad()->getLangType();    # get language-type index for the current buffer
    ok defined($langType), 'getLangType(): retval';
    note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $langType // '<undef>';
    my $langDesc = notepad()->getLanguageDesc($langType);
    ok $langDesc, 'getLanguageDesc()';
    note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $langDesc;
    my $langName = notepad()->getLanguageName($langType);
    ok $langName, 'getLanguageName()';
    note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $langName;

    $ret = notepad()->setStatusBar( 'STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE', $langDesc );
    ok $ret, sprintf 'setStatusBar(STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE): reset to languageDesc';
    note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $ret // '<undef>';

    $gsb = notepad()->getStatusBar( $STATUSBAR{STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE} );
    is $gsb, $langDesc, 'getStatusBar(STATUSBAR{STATUSBAR_DOC_TYPE}): text reset to languageDesc';
    note sprintf qq(\tgetStatusBar(DOC TYPE): '%s' (reset to '%s')\n), $gsb//'<undef>', $langDesc//'<undef>';

# isTabBarHidden, hideTabBar, showTabBar
#   they return previous state; because I cannot be _certain_ of tabbar state originally,
    # condition unknown; check isTabBarHidden vs 0 or 1
    my $hiddenState = notepad()->isTabBarHidden();
    like $hiddenState, qr/^[01]$/, 'isTabBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (unknown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    my $keepHidden = $hiddenState;

    # force HIDE; retval (prev) should match hiddenState
    my $beforeHide = notepad()->hideTabBar();
    is $beforeHide, $hiddenState, 'hideTabBar(): retval indicates previous state (from isTabBarHidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->hideToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';

    # verify hiddenState is now HIDDEN (true)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isTabBarHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 1, 'isTabBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # force SHOW; retval (prev) should match hiddenState (true)
    my $beforeShow = notepad()->showTabBar();
    is $beforeShow, $hiddenState, 'showTabBar(): retval indicates previous state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeShow // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->showToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';

    # verify hiddenState is now SHOWN (false)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isTabBarHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 0, 'isTabBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (shown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # return to previous state if necessary
    notepad()->hideTabBar() if $keepHidden;

# isToolBarHidden, hideToolBar, showToolBar
    # condition unknown; check isToolBarHidden vs 0 or 1
    my $hiddenState = notepad()->isToolBarHidden();
    like $hiddenState, qr/^[01]$/, 'isToolBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (unknown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    my $keepHidden = $hiddenState;

    # force HIDE; retval (prev) should match hiddenState
local $TODO = 'bug in MESSAGE result?';
    my $beforeHide = notepad()->hideToolBar();
    is $beforeHide, $hiddenState, 'hideToolBar(): retval indicates previous state (from isToolBarHidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->hideToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
local $TODO = undef;

    # verify hiddenState is now HIDDEN (true)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isToolBarHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 1, 'isToolBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # force SHOW; retval (prev) should match hiddenState (true)
local $TODO = 'bug in MESSAGE result?';
    my $beforeShow = notepad()->showToolBar();
    is $beforeShow, $hiddenState, 'showToolBar(): retval indicates previous state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeShow // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->showToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
local $TODO = undef;

    # verify hiddenState is now SHOWN (false)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isToolBarHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 0, 'isToolBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (shown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # return to previous state if necessary
    notepad()->hideToolBar() if $keepHidden;

# isStatusBarHidden, hideStatusBar, showStatusBar
    # condition unknown; check isStatusBarHidden vs 0 or 1
    my $hiddenState = notepad()->isStatusBarHidden();
    like $hiddenState, qr/^[01]$/, 'isStatusBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (unknown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    my $keepHidden = $hiddenState;

    # force HIDE; retval (prev) should match hiddenState
local $TODO = 'bug in MESSAGE result?';
    my $beforeHide = notepad()->hideStatusBar();
    is $beforeHide, $hiddenState, 'hideStatusBar(): retval indicates previous state (from isStatusBarHidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->hideToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
local $TODO = undef;

    # verify hiddenState is now HIDDEN (true)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isStatusBarHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 1, 'isStatusBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # force SHOW; retval (prev) should match hiddenState (true)
local $TODO = 'bug in MESSAGE result?';
    my $beforeShow = notepad()->showStatusBar();
    is $beforeShow, $hiddenState, 'showStatusBar(): retval indicates previous state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeShow // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->showToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
local $TODO = undef;

    # verify hiddenState is now SHOWN (false)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isStatusBarHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 0, 'isStatusBarHidden(): retval indicates current state (shown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # return to previous state if necessary
    notepad()->hideStatusBar() if $keepHidden;

# isMenuHidden, hideMenu, showMenu
    # condition unknown; check isMenuHidden vs 0 or 1
    my $hiddenState = notepad()->isMenuHidden();
    like $hiddenState, qr/^[01]$/, 'isMenuHidden(): retval indicates current state (unknown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    my $keepHidden = $hiddenState;

    # force HIDE; retval (prev) should match hiddenState
    my $beforeHide = notepad()->hideMenu();
    is $beforeHide, $hiddenState, 'hideMenu(): retval indicates previous state (from isMenuHidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->hideToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';

    # verify hiddenState is now HIDDEN (true)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isMenuHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 1, 'isMenuHidden(): retval indicates current state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # force SHOW; retval (prev) should match hiddenState (true)
    my $beforeShow = notepad()->showMenu();
    is $beforeShow, $hiddenState, 'showMenu(): retval indicates previous state (hidden)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $beforeShow // '<undef>';
    $beforeHide = notepad()->showToolBar(); note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s" (second)\n), $beforeHide // '<undef>';

    # verify hiddenState is now SHOWN (false)
    $hiddenState = notepad()->isMenuHidden();
    is $hiddenState, 0, 'isMenuHidden(): retval indicates current state (shown)'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $hiddenState // '<undef>';

    # return to previous state if necessary
    notepad()->hideMenu() if $keepHidden;

# isDocListShown, showDocList, docListDisableExtColumn, docListDisablePathColumn
    my $initialState = notepad->isDocListShown();
    like $initialState, qr/^[01]$/, 'isDocListShown(): starts as 0 or 1';
    note "\tinitial state = ", $initialState||'0';

    my $setState = 0;
    my $getState = notepad->isDocListShown();
    is $getState, $setState, 'showDocList(0) -> isDocListShown(): set state correctly';
    note "\tget state = ", $getState||'0';

    $setState = 1;
    $getState = notepad->isDocListShown();
    is $getState, $setState, 'showDocList(1) -> isDocListShown(): set state correctly';
    note "\tget state = ", $getState||'0';

    my $retval = notepad->docListDisableColumn(1);    # disable extension column (old naming)
    ok $retval, 'docListDisableColumn(1): hides extension column';

    $retval = notepad->docListDisableExtColumn(0);    # undoes disable extension column (using new naming)
    ok $retval, 'docListDisableExtColumn(0): shows extension column';

    SKIP: {
        skip "getLineNumberWidthMode() not implemented in $ver", 2 if $ver < version->parse(v8.1.5);
        my $retval = notepad->docListDisablePathColumn(1);    # disable path column
        ok $retval, 'docListDisablePathColumn(1): hides path column';

        $retval = notepad->docListDisablePathColumn(0);    # !disable path column
        ok $retval, 'docListDisablePathColumn(0): shows path column';

    $getState = notepad->isDocListShown();
    is $getState, $initialState, 'showDocList(init) -> isDocListShown(): set state back to initial state';
    note "\tget state = ", $getState||'0';

# getPluginMenuHandle, getMainMenuHandle
    my $mPlugin = notepad()->getPluginMenuHandle();
    ok $mPlugin, 'getPluginMenuHandle(): retval'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "0x%08x"\n), $mPlugin // '<undef>';

    my $mMain = notepad()->getMainMenuHandle();
    ok $mMain, 'getMainMenuHandle(): retval'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "0x%08x"\n), $mMain // '<undef>';
    is $mMain, notepad()->{_menuID}, 'getMainMenuHandle(): retval == _menuID'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "0x%08x": menuID\n), notepad()->{_menuID} // '<undef>';

    isnt $mPlugin, $mMain, 'getPluginMenuHandle() different than getMainMenuHandle()';

# msgBox, prompt
    # 1:OK, 2:CANCEL, 3:ABORT, 4:RETRY, 5:IGNORE, 6:YES, 7:NO, 10:AGAIN, 11:CONTINUE
    my $ret;
    runCodeAndClickPopup( sub { $ret = notepad()->messageBox('message', 'title', 3); }, qr/^\Qtitle\E$/, 1 );   # YES, NO, CANCEL
    is $ret, 7, 'messageBox(): retval = YES'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $ret // '<undef>';        # 6 means YES, 7 NO, 2 CANCEL

    # and with defaults
    runCodeAndClickPopup( sub { $ret = notepad()->messageBox(); }, qr/^\QWin32::Mechanize::NotepadPlusPlus\E$/, 0 );
    is $ret, 1, 'messageBox(): retval = OK'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $ret // '<undef>';

    # prompt
    runCodeAndClickPopup( sub { $ret = notepad()->prompt('prompt', 'title', 'default'); }, qr/^\Qtitle\E$/, 0 );
    is $ret, 'default', 'prompt(): retval = "default"'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $ret // '<undef>';

    # prompt: cancel
    runCodeAndClickPopup( sub { $ret = notepad()->prompt('prompt', 'title', 'default'); }, qr/^\Qtitle\E$/, 1 );
    is $ret, undef, 'prompt(): cancel: retval is undef'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $ret // '<undef>';

    # prompt: new test case to make sure that without title and default, it will use "PerlScript notepad->prompt()" and ""
    runCodeAndClickPopup( sub { $ret = notepad()->prompt('prompt'); }, qr/^\QPerlScript notepad->prompt()\E$/, 0 );
    is $ret, '', 'prompt("prompt",undef,undef): search for title="PerlScript notepad->prompt()" -> retval = ""'; note sprintf qq(\t=> "%s"\n), $ret // '<undef>';


# moved to npp-menucmd.t:
#   menuCommand
#   runMenuCommand
#   runPluginCommand

# *etLineNumberWidthMode:
    note sprintf "get/setLineNumberWidthMode optional test using NPP $ver\n";
    skip "getLineNumberWidthMode() not implemented in $ver", 2 if $ver < version->parse(v7.9.2);
    local $TODO = "notepad++.exe v7.9.2 has known implementation bug #9338" if $ver == version->parse(v7.9.2); # fixed in v7.9.4
    my $orig = notepad->getLineNumberWidthMode();
        note sprintf "\torig => \"%s\"", defined $orig ? explain $orig : '<undef>';
        note sprintf "\tkeys => (%s)", join ',', keys %LINENUMWIDTH;
    for my $key ( sort keys %LINENUMWIDTH ) {
        my $set = $LINENUMWIDTH{$key};
            note sprintf "\tLINENUMWIDTH{%s} => \"%s\"", explain($key//'<undef>'), explain($set//'<undef>');
        my $ret = notepad->setLineNumberWidthMode($set);
            note sprintf "\t=> setLineNumberWidthMode(%s) => \"%s\"", explain($key//'<undef>'), explain($ret//'<undef>');
        my $get = notepad->getLineNumberWidthMode();
            note sprintf "\t=> getLineNumberWidthMode() => \"%s\"", explain($get//'<undef>');
        is $get, $set, sprintf "setLineNumberWidthMode($key) reads back \"%d\"", explain($get//'<undef>');

    # return to original setting

# auto indent -- v8.3.3
    skip "isAutoIndentOn() not implemented in $ver", 1 if $ver < version->parse(v8.3.3);
    my $got = notepad->isAutoIndentOn();
    like $got, qr/^[01]$/, "isAutoIndentOn() says $got";


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