

# -*- mode: perl; -*-

# Test "no bignum;" and overloading of hex()/oct() for newer Perls

use strict;
use warnings;

use Test::More tests => 10;

# no :hex and :oct means these do not get overloaded for older Perls:
use bignum;

isnt(ref(1),    '', 'is in effect');
isnt(ref(2.0),  '', 'is in effect');
isnt(ref(0x20), '', 'is in effect');

    # Quote numbers due to "use bignum;"
    skip('Need at least Perl v5.9.4', "2") if $] < "5.009004";

    is(ref(hex(9)),  'Math::BigInt', 'hex is overloaded');
    is(ref(oct(07)), 'Math::BigInt', 'oct is overloaded');

    no bignum;

    is(ref(1),    '', 'is not in effect');
    is(ref(2.0),  '', 'is not in effect');
    is(ref(0x20), '', 'is not in effect');

    is(ref(hex(9)),  '', 'hex is not overloaded');
    is(ref(oct(07)), '', 'oct is not overloaded');

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